Soft Adversarial Training Can Retain Natural Accuracy
Abhijith Sharma
and Apurva Narayan
Department of Computer Science, The University of British Columbia, BC, Canada
Adversarial Attacks, Abstract Certification, Adversarial Training, Interpretable Artificial Intelligence.
Adversarial training for neural networks has been in the limelight in recent years. The advancement in neural
network architectures over the last decade has led to significant improvement in their performance. It sparked
an interest in their deployment for real-time applications. This process initiated the need to understand the
vulnerability of these models to adversarial attacks. It is instrumental in designing models that are robust
against adversaries. Recent works have proposed novel techniques to counter the adversaries, most often
sacrificing natural accuracy. Most suggest training with an adversarial version of the inputs, constantly moving
away from the original distribution. The focus of our work is to use abstract certification to extract a subset
of inputs for (hence we call it soft’) adversarial training. We propose a training framework that can retain
natural accuracy without sacrificing robustness in a constrained setting. Our framework specifically targets
moderately critical applications which require a reasonable balance between robustness and accuracy. The
results testify to the idea of soft adversarial training for the defense against adversarial attacks. At last, we
propose the scope of future work for further improvement of this framework.
Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have been through
tremendous advancement in recent times. Unsur-
prisingly, we have also observed a simultaneous
interest among the researchers to adopt deep learning
techniques for the models in various applications.
Especially, DNNs are being extensively utilised in
designing models for computer vision (Voulodimos
et al., 2018), (Khan et al., 2018) and natural language
processing (NLP) (Otter et al., 2020) applications.
Although there are many areas where DNNs can be
adopted apart from the two stated above, we have
settled for conventional machine learning methods
due to the lack of interpretability in DNNs. Most of
these examples can be attributed to the applications
in business contexts, where feature engineering on
top of machine learning models (Dong and Liu,
2018) is adopted to achieve the goals. Even though,
the shortcoming of lack of interpretability in DNNs
is quite evident, but we cannot take away their
credit for powerful behavior. In the past decade,
researchers have been quite involved in the process
of producing more and more powerful models. It
induced an unwavering interest among researchers
for its implementation in critical real-time systems.
Interestingly, until quite recently, we were ignorant
of the robustness aspect of DNN models. It unveiled
an unexplored space of DNN’s behavior against
adversarial attacks.
Despite the powerful capabilities of DNNs, the
lack of reliability and explainability in the technique
restricts it from playing a comprehensive role in a
real-time system. Hence, it became increasingly
necessary to understand and explain the behavior
of DNNs even in vision or NLP-based applications.
Some of the famous works of (Goodfellow et al.,
2014) and (Nguyen et al., 2015) have exposed the
vulnerability of neural networks against adversaries.
Moreover, (Papernot et al., 2016) has demonstrated
that the attacks are transferable, which implies that it
is effortless to design an attack even without the ex-
act knowledge of the model. Even though producing
a secure DNN model is an active area of research, au-
thors in (Madry et al., 2017) have shown that the idea
is achievable. Another exciting approach towards in-
terpretable artificial intelligence, focusing on devel-
oping robust models against attacks, is evident in the
work of (Gehr et al., 2018). In this work, the authors
proposed an idea of abstract approximation of possi-
ble perturbation to the inputs in the setting. The the-
Sharma, A. and Narayan, A.
Soft Adversarial Training Can Retain Natural Accuracy.
DOI: 10.5220/0010871000003116
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2022) - Volume 3, pages 621-628
ISBN: 978-989-758-547-0; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ory of abstract interpretation dates back to the 1970s
(Cousot and Cousot, 1977). Although prominently
it was being used as an elegant theoretical framework
for automated analyzers, authors in (Gehr et al., 2018)
have presented a new dimension for its utilization in
analyzing neural networks. On similar lines, authors
in (Singh et al., 2019b), and (Singh et al., 2018) have
demonstrated certified verification of model with ab-
stract symbolic regions and abstract transformers for
operations in the context of neural networks.
Our work combines the idea of adversarial training as
proposed in (Madry et al., 2017) and the abstract cer-
tification. In this paper, we propose a new training
strategy by amalgamating the conventional adversar-
ial training and abstract interpretation techniques to
find a better space of inputs for the adversarial train-
ing. Typically, in the traditional adversarial training,
we perturb every input in original data space and train
the models with the new perturbed adversarial space.
Actual Space
Adversarial Space
Good adversarial and natural accuracy
Good adversarial
bad natural
Good natural and
bad adversarial
Figure 1: Illustration of Input Space.
However, in this process we tend to sacrifice our
natural accuracy as the model is trained on a space
different from the original one. The intuition behind
our reasoning is as shown in 1. In this figure, one
can see how we move away from original distribution
during adversarial attacks. Hence, in this research we
investigate the trade off between severity of adver-
sarial attack and natural accuracy. The safety critical
applications require strong adversarial training, how-
ever, there exist applications that are not overly criti-
cal, and we aim for a decent trade-off between accu-
racy and robustness (Kamilaris and Prenafeta-Bold
2018), (You et al., 2016), (Brosnan and Sun, 2004) .
In these scenarios, we do not want to perform adver-
sarial training on the complete set of inputs. In prac-
tice, we might observe data points in input space that
may not get affected by the adversaries. Hence, in our
work, we focus on understanding each of the inputs’
behavior through an abstract interpretation-based cer-
tification (Gehr et al., 2018) in a constrained setting.
Later, we perform an adversarial training over specific
subset of original distribution.
3.1 Attacks and Adversarial Training
There has been extensive work on designing adversar-
ial attacks on neural networks, each having its speci-
ficity and specialty (Akhtar and Mian, 2018). Sub-
sequently, the motivation to build robust models had
led to the design of a defense mechanism for such at-
tacks (Xu et al., 2020). Most of the popular defenses
built to date are broadly inspired by the setting as pro-
posed in (Madry et al., 2017) for training against the
adversarial attack. In the problem formulation of the
defenses, we consider a robust generalization of the
optimization problem as given in 1:
ρ(θ);ρ(θ) = E
L(θ, x + δ, y)
The above expression is a saddle point optimiza-
tion problem with an inner maximization problem
aiming for high loss with respect to adversarial ex-
ample x + δ, where δ is imperceptible perturbation to
the original input x. At the same time, outer mini-
mization problem tries to find the model parameters
to reduce the overall expected loss in classification.
Here, we incorporate adversarial attacks during the
training phase for optimizing the inner maximization
problem. One of the famous attacks is Projected Gra-
dient Descent (PGD), which is quite simple to imple-
ment and has performed exceptionally well in prac-
tice. It is derived from Fast Gradient Sign Method
(FGSM) (Goodfellow et al., 2014). It is essentially a
one-step l
bounded adversary, which finds an adver-
sarial example as given in 2:
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
x + ε.sgn(
L(θ, x, y)) (2)
Predominantly, PGD is an iterative version of FGSM
with an additional projection utility to ensure the so-
lution lies within the predefined bounds ε. This inher-
ent characteristic of PGD makes it more potent than
one-step-based attacks like FGSM. Each iteration in a
PGD attack is as given in equation 3:
= P
+ α.sgn(
L(θ, x, y))) (3)
where P
is the projection of the point on the
boundary S, and α is the step size. In recent times,
Train ModelModel
Figure 2: Traditional training procedure.
the newer upgraded versions outperformed the idea
proposed by (Madry et al., 2017), either in efficiency
(Shafahi et al., 2019) or speed (Wong et al., 2020).
However, all these settings are similar in that we dis-
turb our original distribution of inputs by generating
an adversarial substitute for each of the input space
data points. Figure 2 depicts the design flow of each
training epoch in conventional adversarial training.
3.2 Abstract Certification
The response of each input to an adversarial attack
might be different. Hence, it is quite reasonable
that some inputs might be more vulnerable than the
rest. Here, we define an input as vulnerable if it vio-
lates a property over outputs called post-condition ψ
for a pre-defined input property φ (l
bound in case
of brightening attack). The φ, also known as pre-
condition, is defined as:
= {´x | kx ´xk
< ε} (4)
where x and ´x are actual and perturbed input, respec-
tively. The ψ is defined as:
j [0, K], o
where K is the number of classes, k is the actual label
of the input being verified, and o
is the j
of the output vector. Even though authors in (Madry
et al., 2017) have shown the presence of a local max-
imum of loss value in a PGD attack, one cannot guar-
antee the absence of an adversary. In fact, it is infeasi-
ble to enumerate all possible adversaries of an input.
For example, in the MNIST data set, we have 28 × 28
= 784 total pixels for each image. Even if we consider
the binary perturbation for each pixel (0 for black,
1 for white), we will end up enumerating 2
perturbed version of a single image. Hence, abstract
interpretation of neural networks helps overcome the
shortcoming of working with a finite but significant
number of images.
In abstract certification, the output is formulated
using abstract transformation of symbolic regions, un-
like concrete transformers, where operations are per-
formed over concrete vectors. This certification is car-
ried out using state-of-the-art sound, precise and scal-
able toolbox: ETH’s Robustness ANalyzer (ERAN)
(Singh et al., 2019c), which is a robustness analyzer
based on abstract interpretation for verification of
neural network model. The elements of the abstract
certification are explained below:
Region Definition: This is the most important
decision in an abstract certification. The type of
symbolic region determines the precision of the
analysis. In practice, we aim for regions that are
scalable to large networks and, at the same time,
approximates the perturbation in the best possi-
ble way. The symbolic region in figure 3 is Box.
Some examples of other regions are DeepZono
and DeepPoly, which are inspired by the geom-
etry of regular zonotope and polytope, respec-
tively, and are modified in the context of neural
networks. The DeepPoly is the most precise re-
gion but has expensive scalability.
Scalability: Box > DeepZono > DeepPoly
Precision: DeepPoly > DeepZono > Box
The trade-off between scalability and precision
exists, as definition complexity increase with pre-
cision leading to expensive time complexity.
Region Transformation: To work with sym-
bolic regions, we define abstract operations for
the transformations of these regions in a typical
DNN. Some examples of transformations include
Soft Adversarial Training Can Retain Natural Accuracy
Figure 3: Illustration of abstract certification to verify all possible perturbations. Initially, the input distribution is approxi-
mated by an box abstract region. It is then propagated through layers through suitable box transformations. # shows that the
transformations are abstract. At the last stage, it verify if all points in abstract region corresponds to the same output label.
affine, ReLU, Max-pool, sigmoid, etc. In Fig-
ure 3, we observe the abstract transformations of
box region. These transformations may lose pre-
cision during the operation, and hence, it is nec-
essary to design the transformations carefully. We
aim for exactness(completeness) and soundness in
this process. However, most often, the scalable
regions lose precision and hence are incomplete
methods. As we see in Figure 3, the colored re-
gions inside the boxes are the actual region of the
presence of data points; however, the box trans-
formations lead to loss of precision at each step.
Verification: The goal of the final stage is veri-
fication. In general, to have a guarantee, the out-
put shape produced after all the transformations
should satisfy the condition in 6:
i I, i φ = N (i) ψ (6)
where I is the input space, and N (i) is the output
after passing an input through neural network N
transformations. In other words, every concrete
point inside the output region should classify to
the same label, which means the entire region has
to lie inside the space represented by postcondi-
tion ψ as shown in figure 3.
The authors in (Gehr et al., 2018), (Singh et al.,
2019b), (Singh et al., 2018) and (Singh et al., 2019a)
have shown detailed analysis of box, zonotope and
polytope regions with their abstract transformations.
Designing symbolic regions is an active area of re-
search to achieve higher precision.
In this section, we describe the training strategy. As
stated earlier, the goal is to use the subset of the orig-
inal dataset for adversarial training. The following
steps are involved in the proposed methodology:
Select a model of choice and required dataset
Define a pre-condition φ bounded by ε. The larger
the value of ε, the higher the risk of an attack
Run the ERAN toolbox with the model, defined
pre-condition, required symbolic region, and the
whole training dataset
For every input in the training dataset, the tool-
box initially checks whether the input is correctly
classified or not.
Once it is correctly classified, the toolbox veri-
fies the image. Hence, the dataset is partitioned
into three subsets: incorrectly classified, correctly
classified but unverified, and correctly classified,
which are verified.
In each training epoch, the inputs that were ver-
ified and classified correctly are not touched and
are used for training using the natural method.
In the same training epoch, we perform training
with adversarial examples from the group of in-
puts that are either incorrectly classified or cor-
rectly classified but unverified.
The model is finally validated using the test data
Adopting the training methodology ensures that that
the verified samples are not attacked. Unlike con-
ventional adversarial training, we do not disturb the
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
whole input distribution. Hence, we have comparable
robust performance, i.e., adversarial accuracy, to the
conventional adversarial training using this method-
ology. However, the beauty of this methodology lies
in the lesser sacrifice of natural accuracy. Figure 4
shows the flow of the proposed training procedure.
Symbolic Abstraction
and Transformations
Train Model
Figure 4: Our training procedure.
In order to demonstrate our reasoning, we propose the
following datasets, neural network architectures, and
other conditions (attack type, symbolic region, etc.),
establishing the environment required for the exper-
iments. The proposed training method is evaluated
using the two famous datasets
MNIST: dataset for digit recognition (LeCun,
1998) . The dataset contains 60,000 grayscale
training images with 28 × 28 pixels. Each image
is labelled as one of the ten digits (0-9).
CIFAR10: dataset of tiny images (Krizhevsky
et al., 2009). The data set set contains 5 batches
of 10,000 training images. Every image consists
of RGB channels each having 32 × 32 pixels,
where each image belongs to one of the 10 dif-
ferent classes (e.g, dog, cat, truck, ship etc.)
We have considered a small, simple, and similar
convolution-based architecture for both MNIST and
CIFAR10 datasets for neural network models. The
simplicity of the data sets will ensure less time to be
spent on training and will help to focus more on the
method. However, the idea is general and can be eas-
ily implemented for other data sets of interest. In or-
der to define the convolutional layer, we use a notation
, where N is the filters present in each layer and
p and q being the dimension of the kernel. Similarly,
for a fully connected layer, we use another notation
A × B, where A is the number of layers present in the
network and B is the total neurons in each layer. We
are interested in defining our architectures in terms of
neurons present in them because the time complexity
of certification largely depends on the neuron present
in the model. The proposed architecture for our pre-
liminary study is given in table 1.
Table 1: Model Architecture.
Shape Neurons Shape Neurons
1 × 800 3,614 1 × 1152 4,862
1 × 100 1 × 100
1 × 10 1 × 10
For training, adversarial examples are generated by
attacking the inputs samples. In our case, we have
used a PyTorch based attack library named Torchat-
tacks (Kim, 2020). It consists of many options to
select an attack. However, we have settled for the
old famous PGD attack in our study. The results re-
fer to conventional adversarial training as ’Adversar-
ial Training’ and our methodology as ’Our Training.
We are limiting ourselves to DeepPoly abstractions
for symbolic regions due to their high precision com-
pared to other symbolic regions.
Additionally, the toolbox has a variant of Deep-
Poly called GPUPoly for fast verification of models
on GPU. For MNIST, we have conducted the trial
with 20 iterations of PGD attack with a step size of
0.01. The adversarial training and evaluation are car-
ried out with l
bound (ε) of 0.1 for 50 epochs. Fig-
ure 5 shows the result of the trial. We observe that
for the MNIST dataset, the improvement is not con-
siderable. Also, when we tried to increase ε beyond
0.1, the subset of verified inputs was minimal to pro-
duce considerable improvement against conventional
adversarial training. Here we observed a reasonable
Soft Adversarial Training Can Retain Natural Accuracy
Figure 5: MNIST Trial: Epochs:50 ε:0.1 Steps:20 α : 0.01.
trade-off where increasing ε lead to meager verified
samples while reducing ε led to the insignificant dif-
ference between natural and adversarial accuracy.
For CIFAR 10, we conducted the experiments
with 15 iterations of the PGD attack. The adver-
sarial training and evaluation is carried out with l
bounds (ε) of 1/255 (Figure 6a), 2/255 (Figure 6b),
4/255 (Figure 6c), 8/255 (Figure 6d) respectively for
64 epochs. We observe that the accuracy achieved
is less as we have used a primitive and small con-
volutional model. However, our experiments aim to
demonstrate the boost of natural accuracy. Although
not very significant, we have observed around 1.5% -
2% improvement in Figure 6c and Figure 6d. Since
the accuracy achieved is lower, the verified samples
being a subset tends to be lower. Hence, using power-
ful models will improve accuracy, leading to a larger
set of verified inputs. It naturally increases the pos-
sibility of achieving significant improvement in nat-
ural accuracy. However, unsurprisingly, the need for
computational resources and the training time also in-
creases, and this analysis will be a necessary compo-
nent of our future work. We also observe the similar
trade-off as observed with MNIST dataset; the num-
ber of verified samples becomes less as we increase
ε. Specifically, when ε is made to 10/255, we ob-
served no verified samples through abstract certifica-
tion leading to the comparable performance by ’Our
Training’ and ’Adversarial Training’ in terms of nat-
ural and adversarial accuracy.
In this position paper, we have demonstrated the uti-
lization of abstract certification for training neural
networks against adversarial attacks. The proposed
framework is practical and straightforward to boost
the natural accuracy in applications where natural ac-
(a) Epochs:64 ε:1/255 Steps:15 α : 0.001. (b) Epochs:64 ε:2/255 Steps:15 α : 0.001.
(c) Epochs:64 ε:4/255 Steps:15 α : 0.005. (d) Epochs:64 ε:8/255 Steps:15 α : 0.005.
Figure 6: CIFAR10 Trial.
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
curacy is as important as the defense against adver-
saries. The preliminary results pave the way for the
broader research that can be done in this area. The
study aimed to initially evaluate the feasibility of the
framework implementation and then understand the
scope of improvement in the performance. We have
achieved satisfactory results with the initial set of ex-
periments; however, we aim to validate this work in
future with more concrete results. Hence, we propose
some of the possible directions to extend our work:
Train with powerful models to observe the consid-
erable improvement in accuracy
Train with different types and variants of attacks
to understand the generalization of the method.
Also, training defense against geometric adver-
saries will be interesting as the ERAN toolbox
supports geometric certification.
Extending the work to real-life datasets will give
better insights into this framework. Even the sim-
plest of the models already have a good perfor-
mance on simple datasets like MNIST.
Formulate hyper-parameter tuning to get right ε
for abstract certification to achieve maximum im-
provement in accuracy
We gratefully acknowledge the support from the ad-
vanced research computing platform: Sockeye at The
University of British Columbia for the resource allo-
cation for this study.
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ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence