curacy is as important as the defense against adver-
saries. The preliminary results pave the way for the
broader research that can be done in this area. The
study aimed to initially evaluate the feasibility of the
framework implementation and then understand the
scope of improvement in the performance. We have
achieved satisfactory results with the initial set of ex-
periments; however, we aim to validate this work in
future with more concrete results. Hence, we propose
some of the possible directions to extend our work:
• Train with powerful models to observe the consid-
erable improvement in accuracy
• Train with different types and variants of attacks
to understand the generalization of the method.
Also, training defense against geometric adver-
saries will be interesting as the ERAN toolbox
supports geometric certification.
• Extending the work to real-life datasets will give
better insights into this framework. Even the sim-
plest of the models already have a good perfor-
mance on simple datasets like MNIST.
• Formulate hyper-parameter tuning to get right ε
for abstract certification to achieve maximum im-
provement in accuracy
We gratefully acknowledge the support from the ad-
vanced research computing platform: Sockeye at The
University of British Columbia for the resource allo-
cation for this study.
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