All simulations start with a reference vehicle R
driving at 10m/s only, while the studied vehicle drives
at 20m/s. Different behavioral settings are compared:
A is a cautious vehicle k
= (1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0).
B takes a little more risk k
= (1.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
whereas C takes a lot more risk since its FFOVwidth
is only a quarter of its stopping-distance: k
Figure 4a shows that A does not take risks: it per-
ceives far enough and thus starts braking in advance
to progressively adapt its speed to the slower pace of
the front vehicle. B has a shorter range of perception
and starts braking later. Its speed decreases abruptly,
down to 8m/s because the inter-vehicular distance to
the front-vehicle is not large enough. Once far enough
from R, it accelerates until it matches R’s speed. C
takes a lot of risk by driving at 20m/s while suffer-
ing from a small FFOV. It starts braking too late and
collides with R.
Figure 4b reproduces the same situation except
that R is immobile on the lane. A is still able to
stop safely, and C still collides with R after taking too
much risk. However, while B was safe before, it now
collides with R even if its behavior and setting do not
change. Indeed, an accident depends on the context.
In both cases, B does not drive according to its percep-
tion, but, during the first experiment, R was moving at
a slow pace, allowing B to stop soon enough to avoid
the collision. However, during the second experiment,
B brakes as soon as it perceives R, which is immobile,
but too late, and the collision is unavoidable.
Identical behaviors can either lead to a collision or
not, depending on the context. Facing a slow-driving
vehicle, it can avoid a collision even if it takes some
risks. However, the same vehicle driving according to
the same behavior will collide when facing an obsta-
cle, e.g., a broken-down vehicle.
4.3 Impact of k
: Inter-vehicle Distance
The environment required to illustrate the impact of
the inter-vehicle distance is similar to the one used to
demonstrate the impact of the FFOV, depicted in Fig-
ure 3. In these simulations, all vehicles have sufficient
perception even to stop facing an obstacle. However,
vehicles control the desired inter-vehicular distance,
according to k
. Shortening this distance may rep-
resent reasonable behavior under the assumption that
nothing unexpected arises (like the preceding vehicle
not braking too abruptly). The simulation settings are
identical to the ones described in Subsection 4.2. In-
deed, all simulations start with a reference vehicle R
driving at 10m/s only while the studied vehicle drives
at 20m/s. Different behavioral settings are compared:
A is a cautious vehicle k
= 1.0. B is a little riskier
= 0.5), whereas C is significantly riskier because
the inter-vehicular distance it is willing to allow with
the preceding vehicle is only a quarter of its stopping-
distance: k
= 0.25.
Figure 5a shows that a cautious vehicle like A does
not collide facing a broken-down vehicle or a slow-
moving one. C, which takes a lot of risks, crashes in
both cases. Even if its perception is sufficient, such a
vehicle does not react unless the inter-vehicular dis-
tance is insufficient to its liking. B, which is taking
some risks, may or may not collide according to the
context. If the preceding vehicle brakes too abruptly
(e.g., colliding itself with its front-vehicle), B col-
lides as illustrated in Figure 5b. Such behavior is
commonly observed on a highway with dense traffic.
Usually, no vehicle strictly complies with the safety
distance imposed by regulation, but most maintain a
reasonable inter-vehicular distance, allowing them to
brake safely. However, as soon as one collides, its
braking becomes unusual, and the next vehicle may
crash if they take too much risk.
4.4 Within a Traffic Flow
To evaluate the risk-taking parameters within a flow
of vehicles, we use generators that create an aver-
age vehicle number over a predefined period of ticks.
For instance, Figure 6 represents the number of vehi-
cles generated by periods of 2000 ticks. The gener-
ator uses the same generation rules and cycles three
times. Such a generator can generate any traffic den-
sity (even real-data describing flows).
We use such generators (one per lane) in a two-
lane environment to simulate congestion. However,
since all vehicles take few risks (from neutral to a risk
profile where k
= 0.75,∀i ∈ {0..4}). They adapt their
speed in due time, and eventually, all vehicles drive at
the same speed without colliding. Even if the initial
speeds of vehicles are different, they quickly converge
towards the same value.
However, as soon as 10% of vehicles generated
are willing to take more risks (down to a risk profile
k = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)), collisions occur. A lot of
acceleration and braking (that mostly occurs when ve-
hicles change from one lane to another). Uncaring
vehicles do not consider the safety distance between
themselves and the one in the other lane. A chain of
braking interactions occurs and ends as soon as one
in the chain takes a little more risk than others and
The environment considered is a two-lane high-
way 3 kilometers long where the speed limit is at
35m/s. A vehicle generator is placed at the beginning
Risk-oriented Behavior Design for Traffic Simulation