than the highest rate with exclusively the same dataset
from other related work. In addition, we extended
our working dataset with more recent data extracted
from AndroZoo APKs, and we improved the accu-
racy by using deep learning techniques and by the ex-
traction of multiple and additional features from byte-
code and the AndroidManifest.xml file. Our method-
ology has proven to be effective with an accuracy of
nearly 97.7% in detecting recent Android malware by
binary classification. A dataset consisting of features
extracted from nearly 80,000 recent applications with
about 30,000 malware will be made available on the
Internet, as well as the script to extract these features
from a raw AndroZoo dataset.
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such as optimizing hyperparameters, exploiting a
greater mass of applications from the AndroZoo
dataset, and extending the extracted features from
bytecode to improve the model. Ongoing work on
multi-class classification to better categorize Android
malware families is actually carried out. It is also in-
teresting to study the cases of APK predicted as false
positives, to understand why they were tagged as mal-
ware. Manual reverse engineering techniques could
eventually reveal unknown attacks that were not de-
tected by classical antivirus.
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ICISSP 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy