various places in the cloud. All these parts are consid-
ered multi-party, and each one cannot know the whole
graph, or a query, or its result. Moreover, all messages
between them are encrypted using the AES algorithm.
GOOSE has proven to scale via a large-scale experi-
mental study using a standard query evaluation.
While this previous work has addressed the use
of MPC in relational databases and graph databases,
multi-party queries over graph databases are novel.
Table 1 shows a comparison between all the previous
systems and our suggested system, SMPG.
In this position paper, we have proposed SMPG, a
system to secure multi-party computation on graph
databases. The concept of SMPG is to use MPC pro-
tocols to execute queries over graph databases. We
have implemented a prototype over the Conclave sys-
tem to demonstrate the effectiveness of a query over a
graph database using MPC. In future work, we will
extend this concept to allow for a broader applica-
tion. These extensions will include 1) an enhance-
ment of the backend system to support operations
over string data (where the Conclave system we have
used in the proof-of-concept is restricted to numerical
data); 2) an extension of the supported fragment of
Cypher query language; and 3) the development of a
more general system for privacy-preserving federated
queries that combine federated query facilities with
specialised MPC backends.
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ICISSP 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy