waiting time associated to each transfer. He therefore
favors motion over waiting, i.e., he prefers to make
detours that lengthen his trip than to stay in one place
and wait. This phenomenon is emerging and very in-
teresting because once a situation of solution abun-
dance is reached, ReTAG riders balance their travel
time against their waiting time, i.e. the components
of profit. The Fig.5 tends to confirm this justification
with an average waiting time of ReTAG passengers
lower than that of naive passengers regardless of the
maximum flow of drivers.
In this paper, we present a recursive algorithm named
ReTAG for solving and optimizing the hitchhiking
problem. We define the characteristics of this prob-
lem and propose an individual-centered simulation
using a multi-agent architecture to study it. A com-
parative study of two rider agent behaviors is per-
formed on more or less complex problem instances.
The first one simulating the behavior of a real hitch-
hiker, namely the naive hitchhiker, and the second one
simulating a hitchhiker connected to an information
system, namely the ReTAG hitchhicker. The results
of this study imply better performance for the ReTAG
hitchhiker and this in particular when the situation is
This study was designed as a framework for ad-
dressing the hitchhiking problem, which has been
only slightly studied in the past. It would therefore
be interesting to go deeper into the model by over-
coming the abstraction of time and space. Each edge
would then have a distance and a speed limit allowing
to calculate a realistic travel time for each trip. On the
other hand, the comparison with the slugging problem
(Ma and Wolfson, 2013), i.e. hitchhiking with meet-
ing places, can be very interesting to estimate the im-
pact of the concentration of demand and supply as a
means of connection.
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Agent-based Modeling for Dynamic Hitchhiking Simulation and Optimization