Analysis and Enhancement of Self-sovereign Identity System Properties
Compiling Standards and Regulations
Charnon Pattiyanon and Toshiaki Aoki
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology,
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Ishikawa, Japan
Self-sovereign Identity, Software Security, Legal and Regulatory Issues, Comparative Analysis.
A self-sovereign identity (SSI) system represents a paradigm shift in identity management by leveraging the
decentralization inherent in blockchain technology. The fundamental characteristics of the SSI system are
constrained by a set of guiding principles and system properties. While knowledgeable scholars and practi-
tioners have proposed such principles and properties, they have not yet been standardized. The SSI community
has agreed upon and adheres to the existing proposals when implementing the SSI system. Additionally, the
SSI system is used to manage personally identifiable information (PII), and compliance with certain standards
and regulations is required. We discovered that while the current proposals do correspond to some extent to
those documents, they cannot be characterized as explicitly compliant. We evaluate several well-known stan-
dards and regulations as credible sources in this work and compare them to the definitions in current proposals
in order to identify inconsistencies. Then, we propose a list of SSI system properties that could be used to
improve the security and privacy of the SSI system by addressing the inconsistencies discovered. We assess
its applicability in real-world scenarios and its appropriateness from an expert’s perspective. The proposed
properties yield meaningful results that may resolve the inconsistencies.
A self-sovereign identity (SSI) system is a type of
service that utilizes blockchain technology to em-
power users with complete control over their person-
ally identifiable information (PII), which is securely
stored on a user-owned storage device. The funda-
mental concept is defined by users’ ability to disclose
as little PII as necessary for service authentication and
authorization (Allen, 2016).
Due to the SSI system’s cutting-edge and so-
phisticated nature, deployment requires some effort
to familiarize oneself with its functions and con-
straints. Allen (2016) presented ten principles that
succinctly encapsulate the SSI system’s constraints,
regardless of the technology or method of implemen-
tation. Allen’s principles were regularly cited in the
majority of writings devoted to the SSI system. A
principle is a collection of succinct statements indi-
cating which expectations are critical and unique to
the SSI system. For instance, the existence princi-
ple (Allen, 2016) states that:
“Users must have an independent existence.
Any self-sovereign identity is ultimately
based on the ineffable ‘I’ that’s at the heart of
identity. It can never exist wholly in digital
form. This must be the kernel of self that is
upheld and supported. A self-sovereign iden-
tity simply makes public and accessible some
limited aspects of the ‘I’ that already exists.
Principles serve as a starting point for discussions and
help to shorten the SSI system’s learning curve. Allen
did, however, acknowledge that the principles are still
subject to refinement.
Naik and Jenkins (2020) was an attempt to refine
Allen’s principles for compliance with the European’s
general data protection regulation (GDPR), with the
goal of preserving privacy in the SSI system. They
presented a set of 20 governing principles as an ex-
tension of Allen’s. Regrettably, their work did not
adequately identify links to the GDPR’s compliance
explicitly. Another attempt was published by Ferdous
et al. (2019). They aimed to do a thorough analy-
sis of the SSI system and extracted 17 system prop-
erties based on multiple sources, e.g., Allen’s article
and Sovrin
s white paper (Tobin and Reed, 2017). A
An industry level solution to the SSI system.
Pattiyanon, C. and Aoki, T.
Analysis and Enhancement of Self-sovereign Identity System Properties Compiling Standards and Regulations.
DOI: 10.5220/0010877300003120
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2022), pages 133-144
ISBN: 978-989-758-553-1; ISSN: 2184-4356
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
property is identical to a principle, except that the sys-
tem and its components are the subjects. In Ferdous
et al. (2019) proposal, they used fundamental notions
and make no reference to standards or regulations.
Existing research identifies gaps that motivate us
to enhance the security and privacy of the SSI system
through compliance with well-established standards
and regulations. A standard is a published document
that was developed collaboratively by members of a
community with the intent of assessing, controlling,
and measuring a target (i.e., an organization, factory,
system, or software). Through a series of principles,
policies, practices, and measures, the standard estab-
lished a benchmark for the target. On the other hand,
a regulation is a legal document created by national
governments. Quantifiable controls, endorsed tasks,
or mandatory principles for assessing or evaluating
the target were specified in the regulation. Regula-
tions are stringent, and violations will result in severe
legal consequences. For conciseness, we will refer to
standards and regulations as credible sources.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 discusses a motivating problem; Sec-
tion 3 discusses current property proposals and the
controls imposed by credible sources; and Section 4
discusses our analysis method and results. Section 5
contains an evaluation of the enhanced properties;
Section 6 contains a discussion; and Sections 7 and 8
contain a comparison of related works and a conclu-
sion to this work.
As mentioned in Section 1, three recent proposals for
principles and properties have been made. Their pro-
posal, on the other hand, is neither clearly consistent
with credible sources nor does it include a reference
to credible sources. As such, we will illustrate a le-
gal and regulatory compliance issue that highlights
the need for property enhancement.
Assume we have a properly implemented SSI sys-
tem capable of validating and issuing claims in ac-
cordance with the fundamental notion. A user may
submit a claim, which is a brief statement attesting
to the accuracy of their personal information, and re-
quest validation from the relevant issuer. Following
the claim’s validation, the issuer creates a verifiable
version of it using a cryptographic schema published
on the blockchain and returns it to the user. We de-
pict the aforementioned scenario using a sequence di-
agram, as illustrated in Fig. 1. As developers, we may
intend to implement this scenario to possess the con-
sent property (Ferdous et al., 2019), that defined as:
Figure 1: An illustration of the claim validation and is-
suance scenario as a sequence diagram.
“Users must agree to the use of their identity.
Any identity system is built around sharing
that identity and its claims, and an interoper-
able system increases the amount of sharing
that occurs. However, sharing of data must
only occur with the consent of the user.
Since the user consents to the claim being read, the is-
suer has the right to read it. Once. we would want to
evaluate this system against the GDPR (2016)’s Arti-
cle 5.1.(b) purpose limitation, stated as follows:
“Personal data shall be collected for specified,
explicit and legitimate purposes and not fur-
ther processed in a manner that is incompati-
ble with those purposes;. . .
According to the GDPR article’s definition, the con-
sent property lacked safeguards against subsequent
processes that were incompatible with the original
purpose. For example, a dishonest issuer may retain
the claim after it has been validated. The claim is re-
tained in excess of the specified purpose.
A common solution or workaround for this issue is
for developers to verify the system’s compliance with
any credible source they choose. Then, they must
increase their effort by modifying the implemented
system in order to complete all endorsed tasks. This
method is complex and time-consuming, depending
on the number of credible sources compiled.
The aforementioned issue with a common solution
presents us with two research questions:
1. Could the SSI system properties be easily recon-
ciled with well-known credible sources?
2. Are the properties still valid for the SSI system’s
fundamental notion after the SSI system’s prop-
erties have been enhanced by the addition of en-
dorsed tasks from credible sources?
To address those research questions, we present a re-
vised list of SSI system properties in this work, which
has been enhanced to ensure consistency with well-
known credible sources. We begin by identifying in-
consistencies between the tasks endorsed by credible
sources and the proposed properties. Then we deter-
mine which tasks are pertinent to the SSI system and
ICISSP 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
should be included on the list. The following are the
work’s major contributions:
- We find inconsistencies between current property
proposals and the selected well-known, credible
sources. It is advantageous for system implemen-
tors to be aware of these inconsistencies and to
have a starting point for addressing them through-
out their property implementation.
- We enhance the SSI system properties to be in
consistent with credible sources. These enhanced
properties will guarantee implementors of the SSI
system that their implementation adheres to the
credible sources from the ground up and they can
focus their efforts only on property verification.
3.1 Self-sovereign Identity System and
Its Property Proposals
This section will provide an overview of the SSI sys-
tem, its terminology, and its proposed properties. To
aid in comprehension of the SSI system, the following
terms are frequently used throughout articles (Allen,
2016; Ferdous et al., 2019; Tobin and Reed, 2017;
Stokkink et al., 2020; Lee et al., 2020):
A holder is an individual who owns their identity
or a system user who has complete control over their
PII. They have the option of disclosing their PII for
the purpose of service authentication.
An issuer is an individual, an organization, or a
system that is responsible for validating the correct-
ness of users’ claim.
A verifier is an individual, an organization, or a
system that provides users a service and requires cre-
dentials for service authentication and authorization.
An identity attribute is a key-value pair that is
used to store PIIs. Attributes should be stored locally
in a user-owned device.
A decentralized identifier is a unique identifier
that uses public-private key infrastructure as a key ex-
change mechanism using the blockchain.
A claim is a collection of succinct statements at-
testing to the user’s PII. At times, it may make use
of a privacy-preserving mechanism, such as zero-
knowledge proofs.
A claim schema is a cryptographic schema
(which contains keys or hash strings) used to define
a verification scheme. It will serve as an input for
the creation of verifiable claims and will be publicly
available on the blockchain for anyone wishing to ver-
ify the claim.
Figure 2: An overview of the SSI system model.
Utilizing those terms, it can form a model of the
SSI system, which adheres to the requirement for ver-
ifiable credential data model (W3C, 2019). We illus-
trate an overview of the SSI system model in Fig. 2.
Indeed, the technical specification for the SSI sys-
tem has further information, but for the sake of this
work, we will utilize only this abstraction to construct
the analysis criteria.
The SSI system is implemented differently de-
pending on the technology used. To ensure that the
implementation captures the essence of the SSI sys-
tem, however, principles and properties act as con-
straints on the implementation. To establish a clear
distinction between principles and properties, the fol-
lowing definition of a principle is used.
Definition 1 (Principle) A principle is represented as
an ordered set PR = {e
: S × A × O, i N}, where
is the i-th constraint that is utilized to determine if
a principle has been realized; S denotes a set of con-
strained subjects, e.g., a system component, an infras-
tructure, or policies; A is a set of constrained activi-
ties; O denotes a set of relevant information objects.
We discovered that principles in two current pro-
posals (Allen, 2016; Naik and Jenkins, 2020) provide
with a list of constraints, such as “user must agree to
the use of their identity”. These constraints serve as a
check list for ensuring the principle is followed. Each
constraint has three pieces of important information:
constrained subjects, activities, and related informa-
tion objects. This information was used to define the
principle. On the other hand, a property is a subset of
principles that are applicable to just system compo-
nents, such as the one that was proposed by Ferdous
et al. (2019). We define a system property as below.
Definition 2 (Property) A property is represented as
an ordered set P = {e
: S
× A × O, i N} where
S is a subset of constrained subjects that
scoped only system components.
We will base on these definition in our consistency
analysis and enhancement.
3.2 Standards and Regulations
Given our goal of establishing standards and regula-
tions as credible sources, we should make a clear dis-
Analysis and Enhancement of Self-sovereign Identity System Properties Compiling Standards and Regulations
tinction between how they will be compiled and how
they will be used.
Both standards and regulations share a common
characteristic in that they define controls that are used
to determine or assess whether a target complies with
a specified standard or does not violate a regulation. A
control is a collection of tasks that have been endorsed
and serve as a checklist for assessing its compliance.
This means that if the target system performs the en-
dorsed tasks, it will be in compliance with the applica-
ble standard or regulation. For instance, the ISO/IEC
29100:2011 control entitled “openness, transparency,
and notice” has an endorsed task stated as follows:
“PII collector should identify the purposes for
which personal information is collected, used,
retained, and disclosed.
Control may be referred to in a variety of ways in
credible sources, including as obligations or princi-
ples. As a result of their simplicity, we will refer to
all terms as controls and define them as follows.
Definition 3 (Control) A control is represented as an
ordered set C = {t
: CT ×CF × CI, j N} where
is the j-th endorsed task; CT is a set of controlled
targets; CF is a set of corresponding functions or pro-
cesses that are controlled; and CI is a set of informa-
tion objects that subject to be controlled.
For instance, the “openness, transparency, and no-
tice” control consisted of ‘PII collector’ as a control
target, ‘identify purposes to collect’ and ‘identify pur-
poses to use’ are examples of corresponding func-
tions, and ‘personal information’ is the controlled in-
formation object. As it is obviously shown that the
definition of principle (Def. 1), property (Def. 2), and
control (Def. 3) are similar in structure, we will be
able to analyze for inconsistencies and enhance the
existing system properties based on these definitions.
This section will describe our methodology for iden-
tifying inconsistencies between existing property pro-
posals and credible sources. While we demonstrate
an inconsistent case in Section 2, it also shows that
the properties are not completely inconsistent and
somewhat align with credible sources’ controls. This
section expands on this key concept in order to im-
prove existing proposals and provide more secure and
privacy-preserving properties.
Our methodology is qualitative and comparative
in nature and is comprised of four steps, as depicted in
Figure 3: An overview of the research methodology.
Fig.3. To begin, we discovered that the principles and
properties of existing proposals are identical or share
a portion of their definition. We compare and consol-
idate the overlapping definitions in step 4.1 to arrive
at a single coherent definition. We identified twenty
properties that could be consolidated as a result of the
three proposals. Then, in step 4.2, we conduct a sur-
vey of standards and regulations in order to identify a
set of credible sources capable of enhancing the prop-
erties through the establishment of selection criteria.
Five credible sources met our criteria. In step 4.3, we
compare property definitions to control from credible
sources to identify inconsistencies. This step docu-
ments three instances of consistency: Fully implies
that all tasks endorsed by credible sources are consis-
tent with some properties; Partially implies that only a
subset of tasks is consistent; and Discontent indicates
that the control is dissatisfied with some property. In
step 4.4, the three groups of results will be used to
enhance the existing properties.
4.1 Consolidating Overlapping
As discussed in Section 3.1, three recent proposals
for the SSI system’s principles and properties were
made (Allen, 2016; Ferdous et al., 2019; Naik and
Jenkins, 2020). Certain principles and properties
were discovered to be identical, while others shared
only a portion of their definition. It will be exhaust-
ICISSP 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
ing if we continue to improve each proposal individu-
ally. Consolidating the overlapping definitions into a
single coherent definition will make this paper more
concise and understandable.
Because Ferdous et al. (2019) and Naik and Jenk-
ins (2020) were based on Allen (2016)’s article, those
works incorporate fundamental principles. As can
be seen, each of Allen’s ten principles was incorpo-
rated into the others. As a result, there is no reason
to include Allen’s principles in order to increase ef-
fort. We will consider only those two proposals (X
for Ferdous et al. (2019), Y for Naik and Jenkins
(2020)) in this step. We compare two distinct prop-
erties (P
, P
X , P
Y ) by validating each pair
of constraints (e
, e
, e
) against the fol-
lowing conditions:
1. P
and P
share the same title.
2. P
and P
share the same high-level purposes.
3. (e
, e
) such that (S
), m, n.
When at least one of the conditions is met, the pair of
properties is said to be overlapped. Then, two over-
lapping properties’ definitions will be consolidated
into a single property. Table 1 contains an exhaustive
list of twenty coherent definitions derived from the
two proposals. We use alphabetical superscriptions
to indicate the source of the constraint. Table 1 will
suffice and will be used as an input for Section 4.3’s
consistency identification.
4.2 Choosing Credible Sources
To accomplish our goal of enhancing the SSI system’s
security and privacy preservation through enhance-
ment of its properties, we need a collection of credible
sources that is sufficient and appropriate for that pur-
pose. Hundreds of standards and regulations, on the
other hand, are enforced in numerous segments of the
IT industry. Some are directed at the organization, its
human resources, or its paperwork, while others are
directed at the operation of the system. This work fo-
cuses exclusively on the second category. Documents
pertaining to an organization, human resources, and
paperwork are not within our purview.
This step is for determining which standards and
regulations are appropriate for enhancing the proper-
ties of the SSI system. We outline the following crite-
ria for choosing credible sources:
1. The source must be, at least, targeted toward a
software product and its features.
2. The source must provide a set of controls that can
evaluate the software product’s features.
3. The source must be universally applicable regard-
less of any specific domain.
The first criterion is to attempt to eliminate sources
Table 1: A complete list of coherent definitions - See a com-
plete comparison table in Appendix A. of (Pattiyanon and
Aoki, 2021).
Coherent Definition
P1. Existence: (1) SSIs must represent real-world user’s characteristic
(2) utilizing selective information that is necessary for use in the digital
P2. Sovereignty: (1) An identity owner must have full control of their
identity to decide when they wish to release identity data and to which
entity for whatever purpose
. (2) Other person, organization, or gov-
ernment should not own or control their identity in any way
P3. Access Control: (1) An identity owner should have unrestricted
access and control over all access to their identity
P4. Transparency: (2) All systems, protocols, and algorithms employed
in an identity infrastructure should be free, open-source, as independent
as possible of any particular architecture or proprietorship
, and (1) trans-
parent for every involved entity
P5. Persistence: (1) SSIs must be persistent as long as required by their
. (2) However, it must be revoked or abandoned by its owner at
any time
P6. Portability: (1) SSIs and related data can be transferred from a
medium or platform to another when the previous one disappears due to
any reason
P7. Interoperability: (1) All involved systems must be capable of
communicating with each other at any scale to maximize level of
P8. Consent: (1) Every single piece of identity data must be released to
a third party only after the corresponding user has consented to do so
P9. Minimization: (2) When releasing SSIs to a third party, an iden-
tity owner should be requested to selectively provide or disclose
(1) the
minimum information of identity maintaining as much anonymity as
P10. Protection: (2) SSIs and their communication channels should be
and (1) well-protected with the latest cryptographic mechanism
satisfying the CIA (Confidentiality, Integrity, and Authenticity) and non-
repudiation properties
P11. Autonomy: (1) SSIs must support full autonomy on the manage-
ment and administration of identity
P12. Single Source: (1) An identity owner should be the single source of
truth regarding their identity
that (2) maintained on the owner-controlled
P13. Availability: (1) All infrastructures and services of the SSI system
must be readily available to all participants (including an identity owner)
without any discrimination to access from different platforms
P14. Sustainability: (2) An infrastructure and services of the SSI sys-
tem should be environmentally, economically, technically, and socially
by (1) using open standards
P15. Cost Free: (1) SSIs should be offered to everyone free of cost or
negligible cost
, (2) without incurring any hidden cost, licensing fees,
or other financial charges for creating, managing, and adopting them
P16. Flexibility: (1) An infrastructure and services should accommodate
the changing demand by facilitating diverse, decomposable, and extensi-
ble at any scale
P17. Safeguard: (1) The freedom and rights of every owners should be
safeguarded in any conditions
P18. Verifiability: (1) SSIs should be verifiable in the digital domain,
similar to a physical credential representing the real-world identity
P19. Recovery: (1) An infrastructure and services of the SSI system
should be sufficiently resilient to successfully recover any SSI in the case
of a key, wallet, or device lost
P20. Accessibility: (1) An infrastructure and services of the SSI system
should be user-friendly and accessible by as many people as possible
Analysis and Enhancement of Self-sovereign Identity System Properties Compiling Standards and Regulations
Table 2: An evaluation result of ten well-known sources
against the predefined criteria.
Source Name #Page #Control
1. 2. 3.
Security Source
ISO/IEC 15408:2009 (2009) 64 - × ×
ISO/IEC 27001:2013 (2013b) 23 114 × ×
ISO/IEC 27002:2013 (2013a) 80 14 × × ×
NIST SP800-12 (2017) 101 20 × ×
ASVS 4.0.2 (2020) 69 14 × × ×
Privacy Source
ISO/IEC 29100:2011 (2011) 21 11 × × ×
GDPR (2016) 88 7 × × ×
PDPA (2012) 44 9 × × ×
HIPAA (1996) 169 5 × ×
ISTPA RMRM (2009) 37 16 ×
that are irrelevant to our work. The second criterion
is used to eliminate sources that do not have evaluable
controls or that have controls that only evaluate non-
feature constraints. For example, several articles of
the GDPR (2016) regulate the privacy policies of the
target system, which are distinct from the system’s
features. The final criterion is chosen to eliminate
domain-specific sources in order to increase the gen-
erality of the SSI system’s properties, as the SSI sys-
tem’s nature is self-contained and applicable to any
domain. If all of the criteria listed above are met, the
source is considered credible.
We limited our survey to five well-known security
sources and ve well-known privacy sources in this
work. Then, we compare each source to our prede-
fined criteria and present the results in Table 2. It con-
tains summary information about each source, such
as the number of pages (#Page) and controls that fol-
low Definition 3 (#Control). Following that, the re-
maining three columns indicate with a cross mark (×)
which criterion a source adheres to. It also reports that
two security sources and three privacy sources hold
all criteria. We will take those sources as another in-
put of consistency analysis. We explain each credible
source in the following sub-section.
A) ISO/IEC 27002:2013. defines security control
codes of practice, which supplement 114 security
controls (divided into 14 control sets) from Annex
A. of ISO/IEC 27001:2013b. However, those secu-
rity controls are aligned with the endorsed tasks in
Def. 3. Therefore, we utilize its 14 control sets as con-
trols and arrange corresponding security controls as
endorsed tasks. A control in this source will be iden-
tified by A.{Set No.}.({Control No.}), e.g., A.9.(3)
means the third controls in Annex A.9.
B) ASVS 4.0.2 (2020). is a standard that defines
hundreds of security verification requirements for ap-
plications. This source provides 14 controls along
with objectives, high-level requirements, and detailed
requirements. The detailed requirements is too spe-
cific for the development, e.g., “Passwords are one
way hashed with a salt”. It is in a different abstraction
with the system properties. As a result, we summa-
rize the endorsed tasks from the high-level require-
ments only. A control in this source will be iden-
tified by V{Control No.}.({Requirement No.}), e.g.,
V1.(1) means the first requirement of the first control.
C) ISO/IEC 29100:2011. is a standard that intro-
duces a privacy framework for IT systems. This
source provide seven privacy principles, which are ex-
pressed in concise, evaluable statements. We refer to
those principles as controls and arrange those state-
ments as endorsed tasks. A control in this source is
identified by PR{Principle No.}.({Statement No.}),
e.g., PR2.(1) means the first statements of the second
privacy principle.
D) GDPR (2016). is a well-known data protection
regulation for systems and organizations running their
business in European countries. This source provides
seven core principles in Chapter II Article 5.1 and 5.2,
which we refer to it as controls. However, other ar-
ticles were defined in different aspects, from an or-
ganization to a system aspect. We add up articles
from Article 7 to 34, which the controlled targets (CT )
and data (CI) could be implied to the system compo-
nents. For example, Article 12.1 indicates that the
data controller must provide information on data pro-
cessing to the data subject, which relates to the Ar-
ticle 5.1.(a). A control in this source is identified
by Art.{Article No.}.{Paragraph No.}.({Point}), e.g.,
Art.5.1.(b) means point B in the first paragraph of the
article 5.
E) PDPA (2012). is a legislation for systems and or-
ganization running their business in Singapore. This
source provides eleven controls in a form of obli-
gations. We take those obligations as controls and
arrange their definitions as endorsed tasks. A con-
trol in this source is identified by O{Obligation
No.}.({Statement No.}), e.g., O4.(1) means the first
statement of the fourth obligation.
However, not all endorsed tasks of every control
are applicable for the SSI system. The task must ei-
ther endorse system components and actors, or con-
trol on data objects that are comparable to which
are in the SSI system. Therefore, at the end of this
step, we will collect controls and determine which
ICISSP 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 3: An example of a control with applicable endorsed
tasks - See a complete list of controls in Appendix B of (Pat-
tiyanon and Aoki, 2021).
PR10. Accountability: (1) PII collector should ensure the compliance
with privacy and data protection requirements is able to demonstrate;
(2) Responsibilities, internal and external auditing and controlling of all
data processing should be specified;
Table 4: Pre-defined system components S
that are compa-
rable to controlled targets CT .
System Component S
Controlled Target CT
Identity Owner Data Subject, Individuals
Application, System, Process, PII
Collector, Data Controller, Collector
endorsed tasks are applicable. Table 3 shows an ex-
ample of a control with an applicable endorsed task
4.3 Identifying Consistencies
We can determine which control’s endorsed task is
consistent with the existing properties because we
received two comparable inputs from Sections 4.1
and 4.2 based on Definitions 2 and 3. Indeed, we con-
trast e
P with t
C, assuming that the SSI sys-
tem’s property can achieve a higher level of security
and privacy if it is more consistent with controls from
credible sources. Inconsistencies discovered during
the comparative analysis will be a valuable source of
property enhancement in Section 4.4.
In this step, we compare e
= (sc, a, o) such that
(sc, a, o) S
×A ×O, and e
P with t
= (ct, c f , ci)
such that (ct, c f , ci) C T ×CF × CI and t
C . A
constraint e
is comparable to an endorsed task t
if at
least two of the following conditions hold.
x sc, x is comparable to y ct, y according to
Table 4.
x d, x is comparable to y ci, y according to
Table 5.
x p, x is explicitly equivalent to y c f , y.
As stated in the preceding conditions, we conduct a
domain analysis to discover a relationship between
terms in standards and regulations and terms in the
SSI system. Tables 4 and 5 were created to represent
those relationships. Unfortunately, some pairs are in-
comparable and necessitate the services of a profes-
sional consultant. We use our domain knowledge to
justify which pairs satisfy the criteria.
All pairs that demonstrate consistency will be col-
lected and classified into three categories: FC is a
collection of controls that satisfy all of their endorsed
Table 5: Pre-defined pairs of data objects O that are compa-
rable to corresponding information objects CI.
Data Object O Corresponding Information CI
SSI, Personal Data, Partial
Identity, Claim
Personally Identifiable Information
Personal Data
Assertion, Profile Credential
Table 6: Results from the consistency analysis.
Control C Class Consistent Pair (e, t) Missing
Task t
ISO/IEC 27002:2013a
A.8 DC - (6),(7)
A.9 IC (P3.(1), (4)), (P3.(1), (5)), (P10.(2), (6)) (3)
A.10 FC (P10.(1), (2)) -
A.12 DC - (6)-(10)
A.13 DC - (1), (3)
A.14 IC (P10.(2), (3)) (2)
A.17 FC (P13.(1), (4)) -
A.18 FC (P10.(1), (4)) -
OWASP ASVS 4.0.2 (2020)
V2. IC (P10.(2), (4)), (P19.(1), (5)), (P10.(2), (7)) (1)-(3),
V3. DC - (1)-(3)
V4. IC (P3.(1), (1)) (2)-(4)
V5. DC - (1)-(3)
V6. IC (P10.(1), (1)), (P10.(2), (3)) (2)
V7. DC - (1)-(4)
V8. FC (P10.(1), (1)), (P10.(1), (2)), (P10.(1), (3)) -
V9. FC (P10.(2), (1)), (P10.(1), (2)), (P10.(1), (3)) -
V10. DC - (1)-(4)
V11. DC - (1)-(3)
V12. DC - (1),(2)
V13. DC - (1)-(3)
V14. DC - (1)-(3)
ISO/IEC 29100:2011
PR1. FC (P2.(1), (1)), (P8.(1), (2)) -
PR2. DC - (1),(2)
PR3. IC (P5.(1), (1)) (2)
PR4. FC (P9.(1), (1)) -
PR5. FC (P2.(1), (1)), (P5.(2), (2)) -
PR6. DC - (1),(2)
PR7. IC (P2.(1), (2)), (P4.(1), (3)) (1),(4)
PR8. FC (P2.(1), (1)), (P5.(2), (2)) -
PR9. IC (P10.(1), (1)), (P17.(1), (1)) (2)
PR10. DC - (1)
GDPR (2016)
Art.5.1.(a) IC (P8.(1), (1)) (2)-(5)
Art.5.1.(b) DC - (1),(2)
Art.5.1.(c) FC (P9.(1), (1)) -
Art.5.1.(d) IC (P5.(2), (2)), (P5.(2), (3)) (1),(4)
Art.5.1.(e) FC (P5.(1), (1)) -
Art.5.1.(f) FC (P10.(1), (1)) -
Art.5.2 DC - (1),(2)
PDPA (2012)
O2. DC - (1)
O3. IC (P8.(1), (1)) (2),(3)
O4. IC (P5.(1), (1)) (2)
O5. DC - (1)
O6. FC (P10.(2), (1)) -
O7. FC (P5.(1), (1)) -
O8. DC - (1)
O9. IC (P3.(1), (1)) (2)
O11. FC (P6.(1), (1)) -
tasks (t) by any property; IC is a collection of con-
trols that satisfy some of their endorsed tasks (t) by
any property; and DC is a collection of controls that
satisfy none of the endorsed tasks.
The results of the consistency analysis between
a list of properties’ coherent definitions and credible
sources’ controls are shown in Table 6 . Each control
is identified by its category, pairs that demonstrate its
Analysis and Enhancement of Self-sovereign Identity System Properties Compiling Standards and Regulations
consistency, and missing endorsed tasks that were not
met by any property. Regrettably, the absence of en-
dorsed tasks indicates inconsistencies that may con-
tribute to improvement. In the following section, we
will examine the feasibility of adding the missing en-
dorsed tasks to the properties of the SSI system.
4.4 Revising the Properties
The inconsistencies discovered in the previous step
provide insights into areas where current proposals
for the properties of the SSI system fall short. In this
step, we either add the missing endorsed tasks from
Table 6 to existing properties or develop new prop-
erties to cover the gaps in compliance with credible
sources. Our improvement is based on three criteria,
which are listed below.
1. For a control C that is classified as IC:
(a) We enhance a property EP that relates to a con-
sistent pair (e, t) by adding missing endorsed
task t if there are fit to the property context.
(b) We introduce an additional property AP, which
includes missing endorsed tasks t C that are
not fit to the related property context P that con-
tains e from the consistent pair.
2. For a control C that is classified as DC, we intro-
duce an additional property AP that includes miss-
ing endorsed tasks t C.
3. For all properties, including current, enhanced,
and additional properties, we revise their elements
to subject to the SSI system.
We obtain a list of the SSI system’s properties using
the preceding criteria, as shown in Tables 7 and 8. As
can be seen from the list, we also specify three types
of properties: Ps are current properties that are only
revised based on the third criteria; EPs are enhanced
properties that include corresponding endorsed tasks
from controls from credible sources; APs are addi-
tional properties that are developed from discontent
controls or endorsed tasks from controls that are not
suitable for any property context.
The critical outcome of this paper will be a list
of the SSI system’s properties, which will aid in the
analysis, design, and development of the SSI system
This section will discuss how the proposed list of SSI
system properties was evaluated. They are evaluated
using two methods: use cases and a questionnaire for
experts. The subsequent sub-sections will detail the
evaluation procedure and results.
Table 7: A complete list of the enhanced SSI system prop-
erties with their definition.
Property Name P and Its Definition (Property Elements e)
P1. Existence: (1) An SSI system must allow its users to represent their real-world
characteristics in the digital domain; (2) An SSI system requires to utilize selective
information that is only necessary for use in the digital domain;
EP2. Sovereignty: (1) An SSI system must provide full control to an identity owner to
decide when they wish to release identity data and to which entity for whatever purpose;
(2) An SSI system must not allow other person, organization, or government to own or
control user’s identity in any way; (3) PR.7.(4) An SSI system should inform relevant
stakeholders to understand possible risks and actions they can take to control their iden-
P3. Access Control*: (1) An SSI system must allow identity owners to have unre-
stricted access and control over all access to their identity;
EP4. Transparency: All systems, protocols, and algorithms in the SSI domain should
be transparent for every involved entity; (2) All systems, protocols, and algorithms in the
SSI domain should be free, open-source, and as independent as possible; (3) PR7.(1) An
SSI system should provide notice about its policies and procedures to the identity owner;
EP5. Persistence: (1) An SSI system must persist SSIs as long as it is required by an
owner; (2) An SSI system must revoke or abandon SSIs as requested by an owner at any
time; (3) PR3.(2) An SSI system must observe the type and amount of SSI suitable for
its purpose; (4) Art.5.1.(d).(4) An SSI system must communicate any rectification or
erasure of SSIs to every participant;
P6. Portability: (1) An SSI system must allow SSIs and related data to transfer to
another medium or platform when it disappears due to any reason;
P7. Interoperability: (1) All involved systems in the SSI domain must be capable of
communicating with each other at any scale to maximize level of interoperability;
EP8. Consent: (1) An SSI system release SSIs to a third party after an owner has con-
sented to do so; (2) Art.5.1.(b).(2) An SSI system should demonstrate the processing of
SSIs regarding the owner consent; (3) Art.5.1.(b).(3) If the consent is given as a written
declaration, an SSI system should represent the consent in an intelligible and easily ac-
cessible form, using clear and plain language; (4) Art.5.1.(c) & O3.(2) An SSI system
must provide a right of an identity owner to withdraw their consent at any time with
noticing of the likely consequences; (5) Art.5.1.(d) An SSI system must provide any
information relating to the processing to the identity owner in a concise, transparent,
intelligible and easily accessible form, using clear and plain language; (6) O3.(3) Once
the consent is withdrawn, an SSI system must cease to collect, use or disclose the cor-
responding SSIs;
P9. Minimization: (1) When releasing SSIs to a third part, an SSI system must allow
an identity owner to release the minimum information of identity maintaining as much
anonymity as possible; (2) An SSI system must allow an identity owner to selectively
provide or disclose them;
EP10. Protection: (1) An SSI system protects SSIs and their communication channels
with the latest cryptographic mechanism satisfying the CIA (Confidentiality, Integrity,
and Authenticity) and non-repudiation properties; (2) An SSI system must use a secure
storage and communication channels for SSIs and related data; (3) A.14.(2) All services
of an SSI system must be protected from public networks; (4) V6.(2) When an SSI
system generates a randomized numerical data, a suitable random generator is used;
(5) PR9.(2) An SSI system must identify and protect both physical and logical against
privacy risks;
P11. Autonomy: (1) An SSI system must support full autonomy on the management
and administration of identity;
P12. Single Source: (1) An SSI system accepts SSIs from an owner who is a single
source; (2) An SSI system must maintain SSIs in the owner-controlled storage;
P13. Availability: (1) An infrastructure and services of an SSI system must be readily
available to all participants (including an identity owner) without any discrimination to
access from different platform;
P14. Sustainability: (1) An infrastructure and services of an SSI system should use
open standards; (2) An infrastructure and services of an SSI system should be environ-
mentally, economically, technically, and socially sustainable;
P15. Cost Free: (1) An SSI system should offer its services to anyone free of cost or
negligible cost; (2) An SSI system should not incur any hidden cost, license fees, or
other financial charges for creating, managing, and adopting SSIs;
P16. Flexibility: (1) An infrastructure and services of an SSI system should accommo-
date the changing demand by facilitating diverse, decomposable, and extensible at any
P17. Safeguard*: (1) The freedom and rights of every owners should be safeguarded
in any conditions;
P18. Verifiability: (1) An SSI system should allow the identity verification in the digital
domain, similar to a physical credential representing the real-world identity;
P19. Recovery*: (1) An infrastructure and services of an SSI system should be resilient
to successfully recover any SSI when a key, wallet, or device lost;
P20. Accessibility: (1) An infrastructure and services of an SSI system should be user-
friendly and accessible by as many people as possible;
AP21. Information Handling: (1) A.8.(6) An SSI system should label user per-
sonal information based on privacy and sensitivity; (2) A.8.(7) An SSI system should
handle user personal information properly according to its privacy and sensitivity;
(3) A.12.(6) Information should be backed up regularly;
AP22. Authentication: (1) A.9.(3) An SSI system must implement a formal user reg-
istration and de-registration; (2) V2.(8) & V4.(2) & V13.(1) An SSI system must au-
thenticate users with valid credentials to services before use; (3) V2.(2) & V2.(6) An
SSI system must use strong authenticator with single or multi-factor one time verifier;
(4) V2.(1) & V2.(3) An SSI system employs password security mechanisms and ver-
ifies valid lifecycle of password and credentials; (5) V3.(1) & V3.(2) & V13.(1) An
SSI system employs session management mechanisms using session tokens that bind to
the user authentication; (6) V3.(3) An SSI system must control session and enforce to
terminate due to timeout;
ICISSP 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 8: A complete list of the enhanced SSI system prop-
erties with their definition (Cont’).
Property Name P and Its Definition (Property Elements e)
AP23. Accountability: (1) A.12.(7) & A.12.(9) & Art.5.2.(2) An SSI system should
keep administrative, operative, and system event logs and review them regularly;
(2) A.12.8 & V7.(2) An SSI system must protect log information against tampering
or unauthorized access; (3) V7.(1) An SSI system does not log sensitive information
unless required; (4) V7.(3) An SSI system does not store logs forever; (5) PR10.(1)
& Art.5.2.(1) An SSI system should ensure the compliance with privacy and data
protection requirements is able to demonstrate;
AP24. Communication Security: (1) A.13.(1) Networks in the SSI domain are
managed and controlled; (2) A.13.(3) Groups of users, services, and systems are
segregated; (3) O8.(1) An SSI system transfers SSIs to any system in another country
if the country stated requirements prescribed to the comparable level of regulations;
AP25. Secure Configurability: (1) A.12.(10) The clocks of every component in
the SSI domain are synchronized; (2) V14.(1) An SSI system has a secure, repeat-
able build environment; (3) V14.(2) An SSI system has hardened third-party library,
dependency and configuration management; (4) V14.(3) An SSI system has a secure-
by-default configuration;
AP26. Role Manageability: (1) V4.(3) An SSI system defines roles and privileges to
every users; (2) V4.(4) An SSI system protect role and responsibility metadata from
replay and tampering;
AP27. I/O and Error Handling: (1) V5.(1) & V13.(2)-(3) An SSI system should
use input validation, output encoding architecture, and effective secure controls for
system and web services; (2) V5.(2) An SSI system should validate, check length
or range, sanitize or filter input data; (3) V5.(3) An SSI system encode or escape
output data per the data context; (4) V7.(4) & V10.(1) An SSI system must handle
malicious activities securely and properly; (5) V10.(2)-(4) An SSI system should
protect application-based vulnerabilities including time-based attacks, phone home
code, or unauthorized code; (6) V11.(1)-(3) An SSI system must verify that both
normal and high value business flows are sequential, processed in order, and cannot
be bypassed, as well as are protected against automated attacks; (7) V12.(1)-(2) An
SSI system should handle and store untrusted files in a secure manner with limited
AP28. Purpose Limitation: (1) PR2.(1) & Art.5.1.(b).(1) An SSI system
collects SSIs or personal data for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes;
(2) Art.5.1.(b).(2) & O2.(2) An SSI system must not process SSIs beyond its pur-
poses; (3) PR2.(2) & O2.(1) An SSI system must communicate the purposes of SSI
processing to an owner;
AP29. Accuracy: (1) PR6.(1)-(2) & Art.5.1.(d).(1) & O5.(1) & O9.(2) An SSI
system must check periodically that SSIs are accurate, complete, correct and up-to-
* Properties that are classified into IC, but they are not suitable for adding missing
endorsed tasks t.
5.1 Use Cases
To generate use cases that incorporate the proposed
list of SSI system properties, we must first identify a
domain that will use the SSI system for user authen-
tication. We assume that the use cases were created
using the unified modeling language (UML) with the
intent of attestation some properties. Authors with
experience in both system design and the SSI system
will create the system design.
Case 1: HR Application - Assume a business in-
tends to construct a human resources (HR) application
that would authenticate organizational software ser-
vices and gather personnel background information.
In the component of service authentication where
the employee’s name, postal address, and educational
background are required, the HR application will im-
plement the SSI idea. Assume that each employee is
required to install the business’s employee wallet ap-
plication on their own mobile phone in order for the
corporation to obtain their personal data. The wal-
let application requires a link to a service provided
by the institution from which an employee graduated,
which verifies the employee’s claim of receiving a
degree. The aforementioned use case is designed as
Figure 4: A use case for the HR application’s service au-
thentication scenario.
a sequence diagram in Fig. 4. Three properties are
specified for the application: P3, EP5, and EP8. For
instance, the EP5 Persistence property defines a con-
straint as follows:
A SSI system must communicate any rectifi-
cation or erasure of SSIs to every participant.
Using this constraint, we may be concerned about
a claim’s rectification after it has been validated by
the institution. As a result, we add two additional
messages to the sequence diagram (i.e., messages 8
and 9), which satisfy this constraint.
Case 2: Traffic Police Application - Assume that
a city’s police department wishes to construct a traffic
police application. This program is intended to en-
able a traffic police officer to conduct driver’s license
checks while on patrol. Drivers must carry a wallet
application containing their personal information re-
lated to their driver’s license. A police officer would
do the checks by asking a driver to share their verifi-
able claim on their driver’s license on the police appli-
cation. The police application will validate it against
a relevant blockchain schema. The above scenario is
depicted in Fig. 5 as a sequence diagram. Assume that
this application is developed with the goal of achiev-
ing two properties: AP28 and AP29. For example,
the AP28 Purpose Limitation property defines a con-
straint as follows:
A SSI system must communicate the pur-
poses of SSI processing to an owner.
This property may be held in this circumstance if the
application is required to process a verified claim on
the driver’s license, which goes beyond the applica-
tion’s initial purposes. It necessitates informing the
owner of the additional purposes, which results in the
insertion of message 7.
These two use cases indicate how the proposed list
of properties can be used to real-world applications in
a variety of different disciplines.
Analysis and Enhancement of Self-sovereign Identity System Properties Compiling Standards and Regulations
Figure 5: A use case for the traffic police application’s li-
cense checking scenario.
Table 9: A summary of the questionnaire’s responses - See
the raw data attached in (Pattiyanon and Aoki, 2021).
Property Name Agreed Responses (%)
EP2. Sovereignty 100.0%
EP4. Transparency 100.0%
EP5. Persistence 100.0%
EP8. Consent 100.0%
EP10. Protection 100.0%
AP21. Information Handling 100.0%
AP22. Authentication 100.0%
AP23. Accountability 85.71%
AP24. Communications Security 85.71%
AP25. Secure Configuration 100.0%
AP26. Role Management 100.0%
AP27. I/O and Error Handling 100.0%
AP28. Purpose Limitation 100.0%
AP29. Accuracy 100.0%
5.2 Expert Opinion
The preceding section discussed the applicability of
the proposed set of properties in terms of their ease of
adoption in specific use scenarios. Through an online
questionnaire (Google Forms), we seek expert opin-
ion on the proposed list of properties in this section.
We created a questionnaire with two sections. The
first section discusses the SSI system in general, its
functions, and the proposed set of properties. The
second section includes a set of fourteen questions
that assess if the limits imposed by each added and
upgraded property contradict with the SSI system’s
fundamental concept. If a conflict arises, we will seek
justification from a relevant expert.
We contacted 21 participants with a minimum of
one year of expertise in the identity management sec-
tor. We believe that the qualification will help demon-
strate that professionals can grasp the notion of the
SSI system even if they have no prior experience with
it. We had eight responses, but one was from a devel-
oper with fewer than a year of experience. We omit
that response from the conclusion in favor of a sum-
mary in Table 9.
The result that most of the properties are compat-
ible with the notion of the SSI system. An expert,
on the other hand, disputes two additional properties:
AP23 and AP24. An expert argues that the AP23 Ac-
countability property’s definition should contain an
audit log and that the AP24 Communication Secu-
rity property’s definition should reflect the consent
obtained when data is communicated. Because audit
logging is optional in the system aspect and consent
is defined by another property (the EP8 Consent prop-
erty), we infer that those inputs are suggestions.
The evaluation findings in two areas demonstrate sig-
nificant benefits and limitations for SSI system imple-
menters. These advantages and limitations are worth
considering. This section discusses the findings in re-
lation to the pre-defined research questions discussed
in Section 2 as well as potential threats to validity.
“RQ1. Could the SSI system properties be
easily reconciled with well-known credible
We discovered that by examining and demonstrating
the proposed list of properties in domain use cases
(Section 5.1), the proposed properties could assist SSI
system implementors by offering insight into what
should be controlled. The sequence diagrams (Figs. 4
and 5) demonstrate that some functions may be lack-
ing in the absence of the proposed properties. The
new functionalities assist the SSI system in acquiring
fundamental concepts and requirements while also
ensuring compliance with credible sources. How-
ever, two limitations are evident in its applications:
(1) The proposed properties do not entirely recon-
cile the SSI system’s implementation with credible
sources, as some endorsed tasks are not directed at
the system (as we excluded in Section 4.2). It may
need additional effort on the part of an organization to
comply with them, but the effort will be significantly
less than the effort required to implement without the
proposed properties; and (2) the proposed properties’
definition is subjective to implementors. Due to the
fact that the proposed properties are specified in nat-
ural language, their application may result in human
errors or misconceptions.
“RQ2. Are the properties still valid for the SSI
system’s fundamental notion after the proper-
ties have been enhanced by the addition of en-
dorsed tasks from credible sources?
Due to the fact that the SSI system’s fundamental
notion are defined differently from those of credi-
ble sources, it is possible that the proposed proper-
ties with the addition of endorsed tasks will conflict
with the fundamental notion. Plus the fact that our
approach for analyzing consistency in Section 4 did
not take the fundamental notion into consideration,
we created our evaluation procedure to utilize expert
ICISSP 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
opinions to test the proposed properties against them.
The first section of the questionnaire instructs experts
to review fundamental notion that may bolster their
confidence in the experts’ comprehension. The result
in Table 9 indicates that the majority of experts feel
the proposed properties remain valid for the funda-
mental notion of the SSI system. However, the pro-
posed properties were unable to demonstrate their va-
lidity against real-world SSI system solutions. This
disadvantage is viewed as a limitation of this research.
6.1 Threat to Validity
As of our research design, we found two groups of
threats to validity: internal and external threats. We
will discuss on each group, respectively.
Internal Validity. This research identifies three in-
ternal threats to validity. First, this work relies on
only five credible sources to bolster the SSI system’s
properties. It validates our work for certain sources
but may invalidate it for others. This is, neverthe-
less, a starting point for individuals interested in im-
proving the properties further. Additionally, credi-
ble sources are drawn from well-known and widely-
applicable standards and regulations. At the very
least, such sources were embraced globally. Second,
as stated previously, this work does not include an as-
sessment of its application to real-world SSI system
solutions. The evaluation of use cases is entirely the-
oretical. However, we feel that the use cases we used
are defined by the SSI system’s fundamental notions.
If real-world SSI system solutions are derived from
those notions, the proposed properties cannot be used
in any other way. Finally, the evaluation described
in Section 5.2 was not undertaken with SSI system
experts. We were unable to gather significant input
for this work due to the scarcity of SSI system exper-
tise. However, we invite professionals in the domain
of identity management, which is closely tied to the
SSI system. As a result, they can use their skills ef-
fectively to comprehending the SSI system after it is
External Validity. We discovered only a threat to
validity externally. Apart from the use cases evalu-
ated, real-world SSI system solutions may incorporate
a variety of complex technologies. This may have an
effect on the suitability of the proposed property def-
inition, as it may be inapplicable to certain technolo-
gies. Regrettably, we were unable to verify that all
implemented versions adhere to the proposed proper-
ties. However, as illustrated in Tables 7 and 8, the
proposed properties are described at a high level of
Table 10: A comparison of this work with other property
Related Work #Property Security? Privacy? Source
Allen (2016) 10 No No N/A
Ferdous et al. (2019) 17 No No Notions
Naik and Jenkins (2020) 20 No Yes GDPR
Our work 29 Yes Yes 5 sources
abstraction. It should be able to apply them without
difficulty with the manual interpretation.
The evaluation and discussion demonstrate the in-
herent advantages and disadvantages of the proposed
properties. However, there are other proposals that
seek to strengthen the SSI system’s security and pri-
vacy as well. This section will compare the proposed
properties to existing ones and discuss how the SSI
system will be enhanced in related works.
To begin, we compare the proposed properties
to those already proposed for the SSI system. Ta-
ble 10 summarizes our comparison and emphasizes
our strengths. Our work supports the ideas made
by Allen (2016) and Ferdous et al. (2019), who made
no reference to credible sources of property. Further-
more, whereas our work considers both the security
and privacy aspects of the SSI system, Naik and Jenk-
ins (2020)’s approach focused exclusively on the pri-
vacy issue and made a reference to the GDPR only.
On the other hand, various initiatives have been
undertaken to enhance the SSI system’s security and
privacy. The majority of them, however, concen-
trated on enhancing certain technological features,
such as the process for establishing zero-knowledge
proofs (Lee et al., 2020) and the network communi-
cation protocol Stokkink et al. (2020). Additionally,
the researchers tried to build trust in the SSI system
by building a quantitative approach for assessing is-
suer reputation (Bhattacharya et al., 2020). Our work
focuses on the overall enhancement of the SSI system,
and it should be applicable in conjunction with other
related work.
The terms “principle” and “property” refer to con-
cise statements describing constraints based on the
SSI system’s fundamental concepts. While the cur-
rent principles and properties proposed were not stan-
dardized, they were widely embraced and acknowl-
edged in academic and industrial works on the SSI
system. We determined that existing proposals vio-
Analysis and Enhancement of Self-sovereign Identity System Properties Compiling Standards and Regulations
lated well-established standards and regulations. We
undertake a comparison analysis in this study to dis-
cover inconsistencies and then use them to suitably
update the property definition. We propose an ex-
panded list of 29 SSI system properties that includes
the endorsed tasks that are missing from five credible
sources. The proposed properties are demonstrated in
two use cases and are concluded the definition agreed
upon by identity management specialists.
This work is limited across some ways, including
its relevance and suitability for real-world SSI system
solutions, as well as the ambiguity of its definition.
They may serve as a guide for our future work, which
will concentrate on showing them in real-world cir-
cumstances using rigorous techniques such as model
checking. With a formal model of the SSI system and
formalized properties, it might be used successfully
and profitably to real-world solutions.
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ICISSP 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy