Where Does All the Data Go? A Review of Research on E-Assessment
Michael Striewe
University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany
Technology-enhanced Assessment, Data, Literature Review.
E-Assessment systems produce and store a large amount of data that can in theory be interesting and beneficial
for students, educators and researchers. While there are already several reviews that elicit commonly used
methods as well as benefits and challenges, there is less research about the various contexts and forms in
which data from e-assessment system is actually used in research and practice. This paper presents a structured
review that provides more insights into the contexts and ways data and data handling is actually included in
current research. Results indicate an emphasis on some contexts in current research and that there are two
dimensions of data usage.
Giving feedback to students and judging their pro-
gress in terms of marks or grades is an integral part of
learning processes in almost every kind of educational
setting. In recent decades, it became increasingly
common to support diagnostic, formative and sum-
mative assessments with technology-enhanced as-
sessment systems; shortly called e-assessment sys-
tems. Reasons for using such systems include but are
not limited to automation of grading, creation of op-
portunities for self-regulated learning, and the need
to conduct assessments in the time of social distance.
In any of these cases, e-assessment systems will col-
lect and store a large amount of mostly personal data,
mainly about students and the interaction with the
system. In addition, they will also produce data such
as grades.
While there is usually a clear reason why to use an
e-assessment system at all, it is sometimes less clear
why data is stored or where and when it is used. There
are some obvious cases, e. g. when data is used to
create grades and feedback. Research on educational
technology also needs empirical data that can be taken
from e-assessment systems. Data can also be used to
discover exam fraud, to predict course outcomes, or to
improve the quality of an exercise, a course or a cur-
riculum. However, the theoretical option to use data
for one of these purposes is not enough to collect large
amounts of personal data. In some cases, aggregated
or anonymous data may be sufficient, while consent
to use data is required in other contexts.
There is a large body of research in the area of
educational data mining and learning analytics that
has been published in recent years. Several literature
reviews have been published in that area, too, both for
the general case (e. g. (Aldowah et al., 2019; Peña-
Ayala, 2014; Romero and Ventura, 2010) and for spe-
cific domains of study (e. g. (Ihantola et al., 2015)).
More recently than learning analytics, also the field of
assessment analytics has been defined (Ellis, 2013),
but detailed reviews of research do not yet exist for
that area.
The focus of available reviews is primarily on
methods and approaches (and sometimes also tools)
or on the particular information gains that can be pro-
duced by these methods. These reviews thus provide
valuable answers to the question how and why to use
data from e-assessment systems in a particular con-
text. However, they do not explicitly answer the ques-
tion where and when such data is actually used at all
and thus do not tell anything about all existing con-
texts. The latter can partly be concluded from the
contexts for which the former type of reviews exist,
but that will obviously miss any research for which no
such review has been created yet. This is even more
likely, as the use of “big data” in education has also
been seen critical due to the risk of social exclusion
and digital dividedness in recent years (Timmis et al.,
2016) and thus approaches to data usage other than
Striewe, M.
Where Does All the Data Go? A Review of Research on E-Assessment Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0010879700003182
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2022) - Volume 1, pages 157-164
ISBN: 978-989-758-562-3; ISSN: 2184-5026
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
educational data mining and learning analytics may
have emerged.
This paper asks two research questions to get a
clearer picture on the use of data and measures for
data handling in current research on e-assessment
systems: (RQ 1) In what contexts is data from e-
assessment systems used? (RQ 2) In what way and
when is data from e-assessment systems used? Not-
ably, the goal of this paper is to identify contexts
and dimensions of data usage that have not yet been
covered by detailed reviews – it is not the goal to syn-
thesise learnings from all of these context. A detailed
exploration of any of the discovered contexts is sub-
ject to future research.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 presents the methodology used for the
review of current research. Section 3 presents results
and thus answers to both research questions. Section
4 discusses further consequences from the results as
well as threads to validity. Section 5 concludes the
The first step in this research was to perform a simple,
systematic search in the SCOPUS
literature database.
The search used the terms (e-assessment OR “com-
puter aided assessment“ OR “technology enhanced
assessment”) AND data. Additional terms like auto-
matic assessment have been tested as well, but pro-
duced too much irrelevant results from areas other
than educational assessment.
Search terms were applied to titles, abstracts and
keywords of the papers in the database. In addition,
the search was limited to articles, conference papers,
book chapters, and reviews. A first run of the search
was performed in March 2021, followed by a second
run in October 2021 to include more up-to-date res-
ults. Results are only reported for the total set of
search results throughout the remainder of this paper.
Since data for 2021 cannot be complete before the end
of the year, only papers published in 2020 or earlier
are considered.
2.1 Exclusion Criteria and
The second step in this research was to classify all
papers based on their content. Classifications were
recorded by assigning at most two labels to each pa-
per, denoting the primary topics of each paper. Pa-
pers that did not cover the topic of data usage in or
from technology-enhanced assessment or even were
not concerned with educational assessment at all were
labeled with label “off. These papers are excluded
from any further investigations. Five additional la-
bels were used for papers that covered technology-
enhanced assessment, but did not focus on data usage:
Label “study on e-assessment” was used for pa-
pers that discussed studies on e-assessment where
data was not taken from the e-assessment sys-
tems, but solely from other sources such as sur-
veys or interviews. A different label “data use in
study” was used for papers that discussed stud-
ies on e-assessment where data was indeed taken
from the e-assessment systems and that were thus
considered relevant for the review.
Label “system design” was used for papers that
only presented and discussed system design but
not specifically data handling. A different label
“data handling” was used for papers in which
system design was discussed with an emphasis on
data handling, which was considered relevant for
the review.
Label “review” was used for papers that presented
reviews of other publications but did not origin-
ally report on the use of data within some system.
Label “theory on e-assessment” was used for
papers that discussed general and abstract the-
ories on e-assessment or process models for e-
assessment, but did not discuss the actual use of
Label “domain-specific item handling” was used
for papers that are concerned with domain-
specific e-assessment in domains that involve the
term “data”, such as “data structures” in the con-
text of computer science.
For the remaining papers, at most two labels were
assigned the describe best the primary kind of data or
means of data handling contained in that paper. There
was no pre-defined list of possible labels before start-
ing the review, but new labels were defined as neces-
sary. To decide which label(s) can be applied to a
paper, title and abstract were read first. In most cases,
these contained sufficient information to select one or
two appropriate labels. In case of doubt, the full paper
was read to make a decision.
Figure 1 provides an overview on the classifica-
tion process.
2.2 Data Analysis
Labels have then been analysed to answer the first re-
search question. In particular, papers with the same
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Initial search
n = 314
Off-topic publications (n = 113)
Publications with different focus (n = 111)
Relevant publications
n = 90
Publications using data in studies only (n = 24)
Publications using data for feedback only (n = 15)
Publications using data primarily to counter exam fraud (n = 21)
Publications using data primarily for classification (n = 22)
Publications using data primarily for competencies measurement (n = 5)
Publications on general data handling (n = 3)
Figure 1: Overview on the classification process applied in this literature review.
or similar labels have been clustered into groups that
represent specific aspects of data usage. Papers from
these groups have then been analysed in more detail
to answer the second research question.
The search returned a total amount of 314 publica-
tions. From those, 224 publications were excluded
with the labels listed in the left-hand part of table 1.
The remaining 90 papers were assigned with labels as
listed in the right-hand part of the same table.
3.1 Bibliometric Data
Publication years (see figure 2) seem to reveal an in-
creasing interest in the topics that are considered rel-
evant for the review. The oldest publication is from
2005 and thus fairly new (at least in comparison to
the oldest excluded search result which is from 1948)
and there were not more than two relevant publica-
tions per year until 2010. Different to that, there were
at least 6 relevant publications per year since 2014 and
more than 50% of all relevant publications have been
published within the last four years.
The most frequent publication venue among the
relevant papers is the IEEE Global Engineering Edu-
cation Conference (EDUCON) with five papers. It is
followed by two journals (British Journal of Educa-
tional Technology and International Journal of Emer-
ging Technologies in Learning) and two proceedings
series (Lecture Notes in Computer Science and Lec-
ture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications
Technologies), each with four publications.
3.2 Contexts and Forms of Data Usage
The 90 relevant publications that were included in the
study can be divided into several groups. These will
be discussed in the following paragraphs in decreas-
ing order of their size.
The largest group contains 24 publications that re-
port on some research study on e-assessment, where
at least a part of the data used in the study comes dir-
ectly from an e-assessment system. In comparison to
the large body of research in the field of technology-
enhanced assessment this seems to be a small number.
It may thus not be representative, but only a random
sample that contains all search terms by chance. Nev-
ertheless, it can be concluded that using data from an
e-assessment system for research purposes is at least
a very relevant use case, if not indeed the most fre-
quent one. Common to most of the studies is that data
is usually extracted once. The focus of research is
usually not an individual person, so that anonymous
or aggregated data can be used. However, persons
must remain identifiable if data from e-assessment
systems should be combined with data from other
sources such as interviews or questionnaires.
Where Does All the Data Go? A Review of Research on E-Assessment Data
Table 1: Number of papers per label for excluded papers (left) and included papers (right). Note that papers from the right-
hand part could be labels with more than one label and thus the sum of all labels is larger than the total amount of papers.
Label Papers Label Papers
off 113 data use in study 24
study on e-assessment 46 feedback 18
system design 44 plagiarism 8
theory on e-assessment 9 authentication 8
review 6 quality 8
domain-specific item handling 6 privacy 7
improvement 6
prediction 6
dishonesty 5
competency measurement 5
adaptivity 5
classification 5
data handling 3
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Number of Publications
0 5 10 15
Figure 2: Number of papers per year that have been included in the analysis.
A major group of 21 papers is concerned with
measures to detect or prevent exam fraud. A signi-
ficant share of the publications in that category origin
from the recent “TeSLA”-project
. Both aspects are
related closely to each other, but can be distinguished
by the way they use data: One aspect is the detec-
tion of plagiarism and other forms of academic dis-
honesty. A total amount of 11 publications tackle that
topic and discuss approaches on how to detect dis-
honesty from e-assessment data. The topic is not spe-
cific to technology-enhanced assessment but also rel-
evant for paper-based exams. However, technology-
enhanced assessments make it easier to analyse solu-
tions (cf. e. g. (Opgen-Rhein et al., 2019)) and to
collect additional information like keystroke charac-
teristics (Baró et al., 2020) to reveal dishonesty. At
the same time, unproctored e-assessments may make
it easier for students to commit exam fraud (cf. e. g.
(Amigud et al., 2018)). With the respect to data usage,
anonymous data can be sufficient to check for indicat-
ors for exam fraud and personal data will only be re-
vealed in conjunction with actually suspicious cases.
Some mechanisms combine data from e-assessment
systems with other data (e. g. previous submissions
of coursework or resources from the internet (Bañeres
et al., 2019)). Moreover, checks can be run once (e. g.
after an exam) and need no constant access to data.
The other aspect is authentication and privacy,
which can be used to prevent exam fraud. It is dis-
cussed by a total amount of 14 publications. The
important trade-off here is how much personal data
must be revealed to ensure a proper authentication and
how much data can be kept anonymous (Okada et al.,
2019; Muravyeva et al., 2019). Different to the pre-
vious aspect, data is usually used continuously (e. g.
to make sure that the person who logged in for an
exam or enrolled for a course is indeed the person that
works on the exam/course) and in conjunction with
external data sources (e. g. for single sign-on mech-
An almost equally large group of 22 publications
is concerned with data classification approaches that
employ mathematical or statistical models. There
is a wide range of application areas: Adaptive e-
assessments (e. g. (Runzrat et al., 2019; Birjali et al.,
2018; Geetha et al., 2013)), prediction of exam res-
ults or completion time (e. g. (Carneiro et al., 2019;
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Usman et al., 2017; Gamulin et al., 2015)), or qual-
ity measurement and improvement (e. g. (Stack et al.,
2020; Azevedo et al., 2019; Derr et al., 2015)). Pure
classification can also be used as a means of data ag-
gregation for feedback generation (Nandakumar et al.,
2014; Sainsbury and Benton, 2011). Besides adaptive
e-assessment, these aspects are mentioned in the pa-
pers several times in conjunction with the term “learn-
ing analytics”. Different to the research studies on
e-assessment mentioned above, the focus of the pub-
lications is not on a detailed measurement that is per-
formed once in the context of academic research, but
on continuous or frequent use of data for the respect-
ive purposes.
Although the mathematical or statistical methods
might be similar for different purposes, the kind of
data is not. Adaptivity clearly requires continuous use
of individual data, since such systems adapt their con-
tents based on individual responses while learners are
working on an assessment or assignment. In contrast
to that, prediction is usually performed frequently and
can also involve data from other sources such as learn-
ing management systems. Data used for quality meas-
urement and improvement is usually aggregated and
anonymous, while data that should help students to
improve their way of learning in personalized systems
clearly needs to be related to that person (Saul and
Wuttke, 2014).
The next group contains 15 publications that are
concerned solely with giving feedback on individual
items (while there are two papers that are not only
concerned with feedback, but also with classification
and another paper that tackles feedback and plagiar-
ism). Since 15 papers is a rather low number given
the fact that most e-assessment systems are primar-
ily designed to give feedback, these papers can hardly
be considered representative for the way in which e-
assessment data is used for feedback generation. Nev-
ertheless, these papers already show that feedback
generation requires continuous usage of data. If feed-
back is solely directed towards the learners, feedback
mechanisms can use anonymous data. Feedback for
teachers that reports about a larger group of learners
can use aggregated data, but feedback in exams ob-
viously is related directly to individual, identifiable
A special aspect of feedback generation is com-
petency measurement, for which 5 publications could
be discovered that are explicitly related to that topic.
Similar to the low number of papers on general feed-
back generation, it is possible that much research on
that topic is published without direct relation to e-
assessment and has thus not been discovered by the
search terms used for this simple survey. An in-
teresting aspect with respect to data handling is the
fact, that competency measurement not only uses data
from e-assessment systems, but also produces data
(i. e. measured competency levels) that may be stored
as additional data directly associated with individual
persons in some kind of learner model (Bull et al.,
2012; Florián et al., 2010).
Finally, 3 publications discuss general topics of
data handling within e-assessment systems inde-
pendent of a particular use case. The discussions
cover meta-data management (Sarre and Foulonneau,
2010), conversion between data formats (Malik and
Ahmad, 2017) and approaches to data visualization
(Miller et al., 2012).
3.3 Dimensions of Data Usage
Besides a classification into topics, the survey also
helps to identify characteristics of data usage along
different dimensions. One dimension that was already
mentioned above is the frequency of data use. Data
can be extracted from an e-assessment system once
for single use, i. e. in the context of a research study.
It can also be extracted or used frequently. This is
the case for example when solutions are checked for
plagiarism at the end of an exam or when data is ex-
tracted at the end of a course for quality assurance.
Finally, data can also be used continuously, e. g. for
adaptivity, competency measurement, or during au-
Another dimension is the granularity and rich-
ness of data. For many studies or for quality assur-
ance it is sufficient to use anonymous or aggregated
data that does not reveal too much individual details.
Also grading and feedback generation can often be
performed without revealing personal data of the an-
swer’s author. Anonymous data is particularly bene-
ficial with respect to data privacy. Aggregated data is
more compact to handle than detailed data and thus
e. g. easier to visualize. Other scenarios like compet-
ency measurement or adaptivity nevertheless require
individual, identifiable data since they concern indi-
vidual students. Using anonymous or aggregated data
is not possible in that case, although that means to in-
volve more sophisticated algorithms to handle large
amounts of data and to ensure data privacy. In very
specific cases, particularly in conjunction with extens-
ive research studies, but also for prediction, plagi-
arism checks or some ways of authentication it may
be necessary to combine e-assessment data with data
from other sources. That can be achieved by contrib-
uting data to a general data repository. The resulting
data is very rich and detailed, but also very sensitive
with respect to data privacy.
Where Does All the Data Go? A Review of Research on E-Assessment Data
An overview on the two dimensions of data usage
and some scenarios is given in table 2.
The results show that there are various views on e-
assessment data that all get remarkable attention in
current research. While it is nearby that data from
e-assessment systems is used in research study and
can be used in the context of learning analytics or ad-
aptivity, it is interesting to see that there is also an em-
phasis of research for the complex topic of dishonesty
and privacy. This adds a new legal and ethical per-
spective to the established perspectives of educational
and technical aspects in research on e-assessment sys-
tems. As expected in the reasoning for conducting
this study, it also reveals research about data from e-
assessment systems that is not related to “classical”
perspectives of educational data mining or learning
It is probably due to the way the literature search
was performed that the classical educational perspect-
ive of feedback generation and competency measure-
ment seems to be underrepresented in the search res-
ults. At the same time, a purely technical perspective
that solely focuses on data handling appears even less
often. This allows for the interpretation that research
has an emphasis on the purpose of data usage rather
than the way of data handling.
Notably, no time constraint was used during the
literature search and most papers have been published
fairly recently. Given the fact that e-assessment sys-
tems are known for much longer, writing about data
usage or handling appears to be a relatively new topic
that currently gets increased interest. One reason for
that could be an increasing awareness for privacy is-
sues that makes it necessary to justify why and which
data is collected and stored. At the same time, math-
ematical and statistical methods seem to become more
usable and thus make it more appealing to perform
data analyses in large scale.
The latter aspect is also supported by the fact that
the results of the survey are similar to the results of
a broader survey on artificial intelligence applications
in higher education (Zawacki-Richter et al., 2019): In
that survey, profiling and prediction was identified as
a major use case (58 out of 146 studies), followed by
assessment and evaluation (36 studies), intelligent tu-
toring (29 studies), and adaptivity and personalisation
(27 studies). Hence only the aspect of authentication,
privacy and dishonesty was not covered in that survey,
which is not surprising as these topics are usually not
associated with the use of artificial intelligence. That
again stresses the point that it is not sufficient to take
the perspective of methods, but also the perspective of
4.1 Threads to Validity
The search in the SCOPUS database returned 314 pa-
pers from which more than 100 were completely off-
topic and a similar share did at least not match the
core of the review criteria. The resulting number of
papers appears to be quite low in comparison to the
large amount of research on e-assessment that has
been published in recent years. This is probably due
to the fact that the key term “data” is not always in-
cluded in the title or abstract of these papers and they
are thus not included in the search results. Thus, there
is a risk that some topic might have gained attention in
research, but has never been published in a way that it
was included in the search results. At the same time,
there is no reason to assume that this problem actu-
ally applies to a significant amount of research topics,
since the review already covers a wide range of as-
Labels have been assigned to the papers mainly
based on the titles and abstracts. There is a probab-
ility that papers might have covered more topics than
indicated in these places. Consequently, the review
does not include these topics. However, it was not the
aim of the review to present a detailed content ana-
lysis of all papers, but to identify the main contexts
in which data from e-assessment systems is used in
what way. It can be assumed that the main purpose
of a study is indeed named in the abstract of an paper
and thus only minor aspects of some research have
not been recorded.
The review of research presented in this paper
achieved to answer both research questions that were
stated in the beginning: First, the review identified
groups of related topics that have produced remark-
able amounts of research and that covered very dif-
ferent perspectives on e-assessment data. Hence, it is
now more clear that there are several distinct contexts
in which data from e-assessment systems is used for
very different purposes. Second, the review shed light
on the various forms of data that appears in the differ-
ent context. From these impressions, two dimensions
of data usage could be derived that can be used to
classify data usage.
The results from the review can be used in several
ways: First, a more detailed content analysis can be
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 2: Overview on examples for typical scenarios using e-assessment data along the two dimensions of data usage.
Type of data Cases with one-time use Cases with frequent use Cases with continuous
Anonymous or ag-
gregated data
research studies quality assurance feedback
Individual, identifi-
able data
plagiarism check feedback, adaptivity,
competency measurement
Data merged with
external sources
research studies plagiarism check, predic-
performed for the papers included in the search results
to get even more insights into the dimensions of data
usage as well as possible interconnections within and
between the different contexts of data usage. Second,
the results can be used as a starting point to make con-
nections to the usage of other data than e-assessment
data in similar context. For example, authentication,
privacy and plagiarism may also be relevant topics
in other areas of educational technology and beyond,
even if academic dishonesty may indeed only be a ma-
jor problem in the context of assessments. Third, the
results can be used to identify research gaps that re-
quire further attention. The results so far are surely
not yet detailed enough for that purpose, but the fact
that e. g. papers on data handling appear relatively
rarely in the search results may hint towards the fact
that the technical aspects on how to handle data within
e-assessment systems could possibly need further at-
tention in future research.
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Where Does All the Data Go? A Review of Research on E-Assessment Data
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CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education