
The formalism of IS provides a useful frame-
work to model MASs, and to verify various classes
of temporal and epistemic properties of MAS. The
timed interpreted system (TIS) (Wo
and Zbrzezny, 2016) formalism extends the IS formal-
ism to make possible reasoning about discrete real-
time and epistemic properties of MASs. Especially,
TIS provides computationally grounded semantics on
which it is possible to interpret discrete time-bounded
temporal modalities as well as epistemic modalities.
In this paper, we extend the TIS formalism to a new
dense timed interpreted system (DTIS) formalism that
yields computationally grounded semantics for real-
time MAS, enabling the interpretation of both the
dense time-bounded temporal modalities and tradi-
tional epistemic modalities. The resulting transition
system that models the DTIS behaviour, which we
call the dense timed model (DTM), can evolve in two
different ways: with action transitions and with time
transitions. An action transition occurs whenever an
enabled join action is taken. It takes no time and may
cause a change of agents’ location and clock resets. A
time transition affects only the clocks, which are in-
creased by a certain (real) value and correspond to the
passage of continuous time. Furthermore, due to the
real-valued clock variables, the state space of DTM is
infinite. To represent infinite paths of DTM by finite
paths, thereby making the bounded model checking
analysis feasible, we define an equivalence relation in
the set of all the valuations for the clock variables that
induce a finite number of states that preserve time and
action transitions.
To express the MASs’ requirements various exten-
sions of standard temporal logics, for example Linear
Temporal Logic (LTL) (Clarke et al., 1999) or Metric
Temporal Logic (MTL) (Koymans, 1990), with epis-
temic (Fagin et al., 1995) modalities have been pro-
posed. LTL allows for expressing properties about
each execution of a system, e.g., any occurrence of
a problem eventually triggers the alarm. LTL, how-
ever, is inadequate to express specifications for MAS
whose correct behaviour depends on quantitative tim-
ing requirements. MTL extends LTL by constrain-
ing the temporal operators by time intervals and ad-
mits the specification of quantitative time require-
ments, e.g., every problem is followed within 30 time
units by an alarm. MTLK (Wo
sniak and
Zbrzezny, 2016) is an epistemic extension of MTL
interpreted over discrete timed models generated by
TIS, and it allows for the representation of the quan-
titative, but discrete-time, the temporal evolution of
epistemic states of the agents. For example, an agent
P knows that each time a problem occurs, then is it
followed within 30 discrete-time units by an alarm.
In this paper, we consider an existential version of
MTLK (called EMTLK) with the pointwise semantics
(Bouyer, 2009) and the time domain being the non-
negative real numbers. We interpret EMTLK over
models generated by DTIS. The EMTLK allows for
the representation of the quantitative temporal evolu-
tion of epistemic states of the agents. For example,
it is not true that an agent P knows that each time
a problem occurs, then is it followed within 30 time
units by an alarm.
Contributions. We study an SMT-based BMC
method for EMTLK that is interpreted over models
generated by DTIS. We first define the DTIS and its
dense timed model. Next, we translate the existential
model checking problem for EMTLK to the existen-
tial model checking problem for a variant of an epis-
temic LTL with a new set of propositional variables
(called ELTLK
). Finally, we define an SMT-based
BMC technique for ELTLK
. We have implemented
our technique and tested it using the Timed Generic
Pipeline Paradigm scenario to illustrate new model
checking techniques.
Each interpreted systems formalism consists of a set
of agents and the environment in which the agents op-
erate. Therefore, we assume a non-empty and finite
set of agents A = {1,... ,n}, and a special agent E
that models the environment. The set of agents A to-
gether with the environment E constitute a MAS.
In order to model our agents formally, and to de-
fine the DTIS, we start by establishing the notation
used through the paper. By IR we denote the set of
non-negative real numbers, and by IR
the set of pos-
itive real numbers. We also assume the following:
• X =
∪ X
is a finite set of non-negative
real variables, called clocks, such that X
for all c,d ∈ A ∪ {E}.
• v : X 7→ IR is a total clock valuation function that
assigns to each clock x ∈ X a non-negative real
value v(x).
• The set IR
|X |
consists of all the clock valuations.
• For Y ⊆ X the valuation v
= v[Y := 0] is defined
as: ∀x ∈ Y , v
(x) = 0 and ∀x ∈ X \Y , v
(x) = v(x).
• For δ ∈ IR, the valuation v
= v + δ is defined as:
∀x ∈ X , v
(x) = v(x) + δ.
• Let x ∈ X , c ∈ IN, and ∼∈ {≤,<,=,>,≥}. The
set C (X ) of clock constraints over the set of
clocks X is defined by the following grammar:
cc := x ∼ c | cc ∧ cc.
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence