Figure 17: Point cloud of tufa tunnel section with four scan
In this paper, we presented a new methodological
framework for analyzing (TFD) at three levels of
research using state-of-art active and passive sensors.
The 3D models of the first (reference)
measurement are presented fot three levels of
research. Although the next measurements will be
made in a year, interesting occurrences have already
been noticed. Tufa-forming organisms of tubular
shape were observed on the PL which was placed in
complete darkness. Furthermore, tufa grew faster on
the lateral walls which are more exposed to the light
and rich with moss than in the locations within
complete darkness and on smooth surfaces of PLs.
The subject of the next paper will be the
comparison of derived 3D models at all levels of
research and the calculation of the volumetric (mm
) and linear (mm a
) tufa growth rates. Also, in
future research, we are considering implementing a
hyperspectral camera at the micro and meso level of
research in order to analyze spectral reflection and
detect the plant fragments and macroinvertebrates
accumulated on the tufa surface.
This research was performed within the project UIP-
2017-05-2694 financially supported by the Croatian
Science Foundation. Authors would like to thank
administration of the NP Krka.
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