Approach to Reference Models for Building Performance Simulation
Sahil-Jai Arora
1,2, a
, Clara Ceccolini
1,3, b
and Markus Rabe
Bosch Thermotechnik GmbH, Junkersstraße 20-24, 73243 Wernau (Neckar), Germany
Department IT in Production and Logistics, TU Dortmund University, 44221 Dortmund, Germany
INATECH, Department of Sustainable Systems Engineering, Freiburg University, 79110 Freiburg, Germany
Reference Model, Conceptual Architecture, Procedure Model, Model-based Engineering, Design by Reuse,
Building Performance Simulation, Building Energy Systems.
In the fields of business process modeling, logistics, and information model development, Reference Models
(RMs) have shown to enhance standardization, support the common understanding of terminology and proce-
dures, reduce the modeling efforts and cost through the paradigm ”Design by Reuse”, and enable knowledge
transfer. The use of RMs in Building Performance Simulation (BPS) shows potential to achieve similar ben-
efits. Firstly, to clarify the terminology adopted in the different fields, this paper presents a comprehensive
overview of the diversely interpreted definitions, benefits, and attributes of RMs and related terms, including
classification into common and uncommon understanding. Secondly, the paper transfers the approach of RMs
to BPS. A definition for RMs applicable to BPS is provided, the identified RM qualities are matched with
BPS’s challenges, and finally an example of an RM for simulation-based test benches is presented.
Modeling and simulation of buildings and Heating,
Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems
have become an established practice, both in the re-
search and industry, to manage the increasing com-
plexity of Building Energy System (BES) interactions
and tackle the global targets to their decarbonization
(Hasan et al., 2015). These applications are desig-
nated with the term Building Performance Simulation
(BPS). The use of simulation and computational mod-
els can support the BES life cycle (Hensen and Lam-
berts, 2019), from the design process until the com-
missioning and maintenance phases.
In general, model-based engineering, which
adopts models instead of directly realizing a solution
(van Beek et al., 2014), leads to frontloading efforts
during the development process. Therefore, it sup-
ports an early-stage concept verification and, hence,
faster and more efficient time-to-market, improving
the chances to detect errors early.
Nevertheless, BPS and likewise model-based en-
gineering induce several challenges. The design of
These authors contributed equally to this work.
reliable and accurate mathematical models is time-
consuming and compels experts and cost; therefore,
there is a need for model re-usability (Wetter, 2011).
Moreover, besides the intrinsic multi-disciplinary ap-
proach to BES (Singaravel, 2020), the increase in sys-
tem complexity (e.g., integration of elements of the
so-called Internet of Things) has resulted in a closer
interaction of various disciplines (Wetter, 2011) ar-
chitecture, engineering, as well as IT and data sci-
ence. Consequently, the models’ transparency, their
ease of share, and common understanding among dif-
ferent experts become fundamental. Furthermore, fa-
cilitating knowledge transfer of BPS processes and
procedures would further spur its adoption across the
whole BES life-cycle (Tucker and Bleil de Souza,
2016). Eventually, a higher model abstraction and
modular approach helps reducing the comprehension
efforts as well as enhance simulation program debug-
ging and, additionally, model maintenance and porta-
bility (Wetter, 2011).
This study aims to illustrate the potential of Ref-
erence Models (RMs) in facing the BPS challenges
named. An RM is a conceptual framework ”for un-
derstanding the significant concepts, entities, and re-
lationships of some domain, and therefore a ”founda-
tion” for the considered area” (Camarinha-Matos and
Afsarmanesh, 2008, p. 1).
Arora, S., Ceccolini, C. and Rabe, M.
Approach to Reference Models for Building Performance Simulation.
DOI: 10.5220/0010888800003119
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2022), pages 271-278
ISBN: 978-989-758-550-0; ISSN: 2184-4348
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
RMs have been applied primarily in the fields
of information systems (Thomas, 2006; Becker and
Knackstedt, 2002), virtual enterprises (Camarinha-
Matos and Afsarmanesh, 2008), production and lo-
gistics simulations (Altendorfer-Kaiser, 2016; Rabe
et al., 2006), business administration, and informatics
(Bartsch, 2015). In these sectors, the most recurring
benefit is the future time and cost efforts saving dur-
ing the development phase of new models, because an
RM enables the ”Design by Reuse” paradigm (van der
Aalst et al., 2006; Altendorfer-Kaiser, 2016; Rixe
and Augustin, 2020). Moreover, by standardizing
and systematizing best practices (M
uller et al., 2019),
they have proven to increase the quality of the to-be-
realized model (Thomas, 2006; Rabe et al., 2006).
Another recognized benefit is that the use of RMs
leads to recommendations for actions to derive mea-
sures for improvements (Altendorfer-Kaiser, 2016;
Rabe et al., 2020). In addition, an RM fosters the
communication between different experts by bring-
ing together the subjective views (Bartsch, 2015); it
builds a foundation for a common terminology and
common procedures (Camarinha-Matos and Afsar-
manesh, 2008; Rabe et al., 2006). Less noted but still
relevant is that RMs guide simulation of logistic pro-
cesses allowing easier interaction with the simulation
models (M
uller et al., 2019). RMs enable knowledge
transfer (Dietzsch and Esswein, 1998) and serve edu-
cational purposes, such as employee training (Becker
and Knackstedt, 2002). Therefore, RMs for BPS have
the potential to achieve similar benefits.
The authors present a comprehensive overview of
the diversely interpreted definitions, benefits, and at-
tributes of RMs and the related terms. This inves-
tigation is necessary to clarify the terminology be-
fore transferring the term RM to BPS. As discussed
by Bartsch (2015), Thomas (2006), and Camarinha-
Matos and Afsarmanesh (2008), a generally accepted
understanding of the term RM cannot be found.
This paper is structured as follows: Section 2
presents the state of the art in understanding the term
RM. Section 3 documents the authors’ suggested def-
inition for the term RM in the field of BPS as well
as the related attributes, showing the benefits of RMs.
The understanding of RM is supported by an applica-
tion example in Section 4. In Section 5, conclusions
are drawn with an outlook for future scientific work.
The term Reference Model (RM) emerged in the lit-
erature at the end of the 1980ies for the development
of industrial enterprise models and pertains to a class
of words that are often used but seldom clearly un-
derstood (Thomas, 2006). Reference modeling is the
process of developing an RM to be used for different
applications (Becker and Knackstedt, 2002). From
a pure etymological perspective, the term reference
model consists of the words reference and model.
These have respectively the meaning of ”quoting
something” and ”remarkably good example that can
be imitated” (Cambridge Dictionary, 2021c; Cam-
bridge Dictionary, 2021b). Nonetheless, an agreed
understanding of RMs is lacking, and diverse defini-
tions are offered, depending also on the application
field. Actually, the denomination RM is sometimes
used without any well-founded qualification (Braun
and Esswein, 2006).
A model itself is an abstract formal representation
of a portion of the real world (Dietzsch and Esswein,
1998). A model can be used to understand, explain,
design, and implement a system (Becker et al., 1995;
Camarinha-Matos and Afsarmanesh, 2008).
Van der Aalst et al. (2006) report that RMs pro-
vide generic solutions for developing specific mod-
els. Bartsch (2015) adds that RMs are understood
as a specific manifestation of a general type of ab-
stract model having certain characteristics. Further-
more, Pajk et al. (2012) declare that RMs ”are generic
conceptual models that formalize recommended prac-
tices for a certain domain”. Accordingly, Rabe et
al. (2006) define an RM to be a conceptual frame-
work that includes a standard description of processes
and best-in-class practices. In Camarinha-Matos and
Afsarmanesh (2008) the authors state an RM to be
an ”abstract representation of a large number of pos-
sible systems” (Camarinha-Matos and Afsarmanesh,
2008). Eventually, Thomas (2006) offers a user-
centered definition: An RM is a user-accepted model
that can be exploited (and re-used) in supporting the
construction of another model. Based on this defini-
tion, an RM requires that at least one application of it
can be found.
It can be noted that while there is no universally
agreed definition, there are nonetheless commonal-
ities to be found regarding their characteristics and
benefits. Based on the investigated contributions, the
application of an RM is generically illustrated in Fig-
ure 1. First, the required elements of the RM are se-
lected. At the same time, also the required elements
of the model to be created are to be identified. These
two steps support each other iteratively, hence they
already represent an initial application of the RM.
Subsequently, the latter is to be applied profoundly
by substituting already developed elements from the
RM into the model to be created. Possibly, not all re-
quired elements are covered by the RM. These, there-
MODELSWARD 2022 - 10th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
Figure 1: Exemplary application of a reference model.
fore, may need to be developed afterwards, but with
an overall significantly lower effort.
Nevertheless, in order to use the full potentials of
RMs in the field of Building Performance Simulation
(BPS), a deep understanding of RMs and their con-
ception is required. To meet the need for more trans-
parency and to later guide the identification of an RM
definition applicable to the field of BPS, in the follow-
ing the authors collect the RMs’ attributes and present
the clustering process that leads to their synthesis into
2.1 RM Attributes and Qualities
By investigating seventeen relevant contributions, a
total of forty-one attributes of RMs are identified and
clustered to nine qualities (Figure 2). These qualities,
providing a profound understanding of RMs’ charac-
teristics, are reusable, flexible, reliable, designed sys-
tematically, generally valid, required, user-centered,
comprehensive, and educative.
The attributes adaptable, applicable, customiz-
able, and configurable enable the RM to its quality of
reusability (Q1). On the one hand, there is a need for a
high abstraction level – abstract from specific features
– (Bartsch, 2015; Pescholl, 2020; Becker and Knack-
stedt, 2002), as the RM should be applicable to var-
ious homogeneous fields. On the other hand, a high
level of detail is required (Becker et al., 1997) to offer
guidelines to ensure the RM’s ease of use (Pescholl,
2020; Dietzsch and Esswein, 1998). This conflict of
goals goes together with the inconsistency in litera-
ture about whether an RM should be tool-independent
– only referring to them (Rabe and Friedland, 2000) –
or tool-related (Becker et al., 1997).
A modular and hierarchical structure consisting of
a composition of submodels, allowing a wide range of
choices (van der Aalst et al., 2006), leads to flexibility
(Q2) (M
uller et al., 2019; Rixe and Augustin, 2020).
The quality of generally valid (Q3) consists of
the attributes universal, transferable, and valid in a
specific field when meeting corresponding specified
conditions (Dietzsch and Esswein, 1998; Rabe et al.,
2020; Pescholl, 2020). Therefore, there is no claim to
an absolute universal validity, but to a general validity
in a class of applications (Thomas, 2006).
Noteworthy, qualities Q1, Q2, Q3 present fuzzy
boundaries as their attributes overlap. This is the case,
e.g., for the attribute customizable, which can be en-
tirely associated neither to the quality flexible, nor
reusable, nor generally valid. Moreover, there is a
strong interrelation of the quality Q3 with Q1 as being
generally valid is necessary for the RM to be reusable.
In order for the user to be confident in applying an
RM, the quality of reliability (Q4) has to be ensured
(Dietzsch and Esswein, 1998). Accordingly, an RM
should be credible, e.g., by observing best practices
(Becker et al., 1997; Becker and Knackstedt, 2002;
Dietzsch and Esswein, 1998), as well as disclosing the
sources cited and the authorship (Camarinha-Matos
and Afsarmanesh, 2008). It should, in the best case,
already be validated or at least validateable (Pescholl,
2020; Bartsch, 2015). Finally, it is necessary that the
user accepts the model as a reference and that the RM
is applied at least in one case (Thomas, 2006).
Another identified quality is designed systemati-
cally (Q5) (Rabe et al., 2020). The RM should feature
a structured, compact (Pescholl, 2020; Rixe and Au-
gustin, 2020), and methodical design (M
uller et al.,
2019; Pescholl, 2020; Bartsch, 2015).
To justify the RM use, the quality of required (Q6)
is crucial. Attributes of this quality are the usefulness
and utility of the RM (Bartsch, 2015; Becker et al.,
1997) and, if applicable, its innovativeness (Bartsch,
Approach to Reference Models for Building Performance Simulation
Figure 2: RM’s attributes clustering. Line marks overlap-
ping qualities: Reusable , Generally valid , Flexible .
2015; Becker and Knackstedt, 2002).
Being user-centered (Q7) is a fundamental qual-
ity of RMs. This quality implies ease of use (M
et al., 2019), visualization character (Becker et al.,
1997; Bartsch, 2015), and providing a definition of
the meaning and the purpose of the RM (Dietzsch
and Esswein, 1998) together with its correct and ef-
ficient use (Rabe et al., 2006). Ultimately, there is a
need for syntactic (well defined linking and combina-
tion of elements) and semantic (well defined content)
completeness (Rabe et al., 2020; Becker et al., 1997).
This semantic completeness is often supported by a
formal description technique (Becker and Knackstedt,
2002; Schubel et al., 2015; Rixe and Augustin, 2020).
An RM should include the quality of being com-
prehensive (Q8), both in its development and applica-
tion (Becker et al., 1997). By showing relationships
between activities and entities (Becker and Knackst-
edt, 2002), an RM can provide multiple perspectives
and scenarios of application depending on the cur-
rent boundary conditions (Becker et al., 1997; van der
Aalst et al., 2006). Q8 also enables a continuous im-
provement by allowing the benchmark of the as-is and
target status (Altendorfer-Kaiser, 2016; Becker et al.,
1997; Camarinha-Matos and Afsarmanesh, 2008).
The last identified quality is educative (Q9). RMs
are knowledge carriers (Becker et al., 1997; Becker
and Knackstedt, 2002; Dietzsch and Esswein, 1998)
and, therefore, provide recommendations by pre-
senting a default solution (Altendorfer-Kaiser, 2016;
Bartsch, 2015; Pescholl, 2020; Thomas, 2006).
2.2 Prioritizing the Compiled Qualities
The occurrence of the detected qualities in the respec-
tive contributions is counted to determine their preva-
lence, hence allowing for ranking them. Table 1 re-
ports in each line all the qualities that emerge within
the investigated contributions (i.e., also in their state
of the art chapters).
In particular, each row is intended as a summary
of several referenced publications, which are not pre-
sented individually in this study because of space con-
straints. However, the inclusion of several works both
by Becker et al. and Rabe et al. is justified because of
the evolutions in the authors’ opinion over time.
Within this investigation, there seems to be a
particular consensus regarding the qualities reusable
(Q1, 94%), generally valid (Q3, 76%), user-centered
(Q7, 71%), educative (Q9, 71%), flexible (59%), and
comprehensive (53%). These qualities, which reach
prevalences above 50%, are, therefore, classified as
common perception of RMs. At this point, it should
be pointed out again that some qualities have fuzzy
boundaries (see Section 2.1). The quality flexible, for
example, shows a high attribute overlap with reusable
and generally valid.
The remaining identified qualities are not shared
by the majority and are, thus, seen as additionally
annotated qualities. Regardless, a model should
be reliable (Q4, 35%) and systematic (Q5, 24%),
thus supporting trustworthiness, reusability, and user-
centricity. Increased reliability, for example, can be
achieved by an initial application or even validation
of the developed RM. The lowest-weighted quality is
required (Q6, 18%). This result is to be questioned
critically, as the requirement itself might already be
expressed by the creation of the RM. The detection
and occurence of these qualities is intended to show
the common and uncommon perception of the inves-
tigated contributions, but by no means to exclude un-
common perceptions. Instead, the goal is to provide
the fundamentals for a viable definition and general
understanding of RMs in order to integrate them to
the field of BPS.
As stated in Section 2, a model is ”something that a
copy can be based on because it is an extremely good
example of its type” (Cambridge Dictionary, 2021b);
it is an abstract formal representation of the inves-
tigated portion of the world (Dietzsch and Esswein,
1998). Consequently, as a premise to this chapter, the
MODELSWARD 2022 - 10th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
Table 1: Perspectives on the qualities of a reference model.
Common perception Uncommon perception
Generally valid
van der Aalst et al., 2006
Altendorfer-Kaiser, 2016
Bartsch, 2015
Becker et al., 1997
Becker and Knackstedt, 2002
Camarinha-Matos and Afsar-
manesh, 2008
Dietzsch and Esswein, 1998
uller et al., 2019
Pajk et al., 2012 (Pajk et al., 2012)
Pescholl, 2010
Rabe and Friedland, 2000
Rabe et al., 2006
Rabe et al., 2009 (Rabe et al., 2009)
Rabe et al., 2020
Schubel et al., 2015
Thomas, 2006
Rixe and Augustin, 2020
Occurrence (%) 94 76 71 71 59 53 35 24 18
authors underline that it should not be misunderstood
as a building or HVAC simulation model, which rep-
resents a digital counterpart of physical phenomena
and is used for predicting and understanding their dy-
The investigation on the qualities of RMs (see Ta-
ble 1) indicates the presence of ambivalent perspec-
tives, which is partly the result of different needs of
different application fields. Consequently, Section 3.1
presents the author’s general definition of RMs (based
on the state of the art), which is applicable likewise to
BPS and is essential for transferring the RM method-
ology to the latter field.
3.1 RM Definition Proposal
An RM is a holistic collection of methodologies sys-
tematically structured in an architecture in which ev-
ery element (e.g., guidelines, methods, procedures,
and entities, ...) is made transparent and outlined as
a generic solution based on both best practices and
innovative approaches.
The main objective of such an RM in the field of
BPS is empowering flexible reuse of existing knowl-
edge and practices, spurring the adoption of model-
based engineering, in turn, leading to efficient devel-
opment of high-quality solutions.
Based on this definition, RMs require a conceptual
architecture (synonym: framework) that itself is an
organized view of the RM (Figure 3).
As reported in Camarinha-Matos and Afsar-
manesh (2008), an architecture defines a specific sys-
tem in an abstract way. This architecture is a logical
collection of elements that should be described with
the help of a modeling language, which emerges to
meta models. A meta model is a model of a model
”describing the syntax of the model and generalizing
the semantic” (Rabe et al., 2020, p. 7) with the help of
a meta language (Bartsch, 2015) (e.g., Unified Mod-
eling Language (UML), System Modeling Language
(SysML), programming languages, ...). As depicted
in Figure 3, meta models can be regarded as the ar-
chitecture’s foundation. There may be different meta
models needed for various purposes depending on the
described element.
Typical architecture’s elements are guidelines
(Camarinha-Matos and Afsarmanesh, 2008), which
suggest predetermined procedures or good practice
methods that can be adopted to ease a particular pro-
cess (Cambridge Dictionary, 2021a). Other com-
mon elements of the architecture are maturity mod-
els, which are usually linked to a process. They are
perceived as benchmark tools to evaluate weaknesses
and strengths of the as-is status that later can be used
to guide optimization or better lead to recommenda-
tions for actions. Exemplary tools can be part of the
architecture, supporting the understanding and appli-
cability of the RM as well as allowing the RM valida-
Approach to Reference Models for Building Performance Simulation
(e.g., develop the simulation
model, commissioning, ...)
(e.g., model validation,
calibration, ...)
(e.g., TRNSYS, MATLAB/Simulink,
EnergyPlus, OpenModelica, ...)
(e.g., stakeholders,
technicians, ...)
(e.g., norms, weather
databases, ...)
(e.g., benchmark reference)
Figure 3: Reference architecture overview.
tion. Noteworthy, Figure 3 shows that elements can
have different abstraction levels; this is the case, for
example, of the element entities and its sub-elements
physical and non-physical.
A systematic design (Q4) of the RM is enhanced
by an elements’ classification, making the latter easier
to apply. Because classifications highly depend on a
specific use case, they are not detailed further in this
paper, which addresses a broad BPS perspective.
3.2 Facing the Challenges of BPS
The RM definition provided in Section 3.1 comprises
the qualities identified in Section 2.1. Therefore, ap-
plying the approach to an RM in BPS supports facing
the challenges outlined in Section 1.
The RM qualities of being reusable (Q1) and flex-
ible (Q2) allow for overcoming the development ef-
forts related to time and cost. It leads, for example,
to avoid the development of a new simulation model
from scratch. Generally valid (Q3) ensures an easier
and wider transfer of the established practices in a cer-
tain BPS domain to another, e.g., district and urban or
residential and commercial building modeling.
By collecting and systematically presenting
methodologies in a conceptual architecture (Q5) and
by being reliable (Q4), an RM fosters standardiza-
tion, which leads to a quality increase of the result-
ing applications of BPS through the whole BES life-
cycle, as well as cross-study benchmarks (e.g., com-
pare modeling assumptions). Additionally, the ed-
ucative (Q9) and user-centered (Q7) characteristics,
thanks to disclosing the adopted methods and pro-
cedures, can be used not only to transfer knowledge
from experts to non-experts, but also as a teaching
instrument for students or inexperienced employees.
Q7 combined with comprehensive (Q8) lead to more
overall transparency of the simulation models, pro-
moting, in turn, their ease of sharing, understanding,
debugging, and conducting maintenance.
To enhance the understanding of the presented RM
benefits and clarify how an RM application in the field
of BPS would look like, in the following, the authors
present a preliminary example.
The performance of newly developed building
control systems can be assessed by the three comple-
mentary approaches (a) field-test, (b) emulation, and
(c) simulation. The latter relies on a simulation model
of the system to compute the Key Performance In-
dicators (KPIs) and verify as well as benchmark the
tested control’s quality.
This model-based concept is promising to over-
come disadvantages related to approaches (a) and (b),
when regarding test coverage as well as time and
cost efforts. Nevertheless, since such a simulation-
based approach relies on BPS, it faces the challenges
outlined in Section 1. Furthermore, there is the
need for a higher standardization and systematiza-
tion of approach (c) to ensure results generalization,
fair cross-study comparisons, and high test quality
(Stopps et al., 2021). Approaches (a) and (b) are es-
tablished in the industry, while the potential of (c)
tends to be not fully acknowledged.
As presented in Section 3.2, RMs are a viable an-
swer to the stated challenges. Therefore, an RM for
implementing virtual test environments to assess the
performance of building control systems is conceptu-
alized. To ensure the RM flexibility (Q2), the archi-
tecture is modular and consists of four categories and
nine classes (Figure 4). These identified elements (of
the architecture) result from grouping the procedures
and methods required to develop a virtual testing con-
cept. Moreover, to design the RM architecture, the
trade-off between the level of model abstraction and
granularity has been considered to ensure its reusabil-
ity (Q1) (Rabe et al., 2006). As depicted in Figure 4,
the categories are (1) what-if scenario identification,
(2) simulation model design, (3) performance assess-
ment, and (4) results benchmark.
Category (1) describes the methods to identify
the parameters and variables required to generate the
what-if scenarios to ensure a sufficient test cover-
age and quality (avoid the ”garbage-in, garbage-out”
MODELSWARD 2022 - 10th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
paradigm). In particular, this category contains the
classes test location, occupants, building, and HVAC
system, which identify the representative features of
the built environment. Category (2) guides the design
of the simulation model. Except for the class simula-
tion environment, all the contained classes are covered
also by category (1). The design of the simulation
model affects the input data that are required to char-
acterize the what-if scenarios. Consequently, the au-
thors recognize that categories (1) and (2) must over-
lap to ensure the RM comprehensiveness (Q8). Note-
worthy, the class simulation environment leads the
implementation of the virtual test on software. The
performance assessment methodologies are present in
category (3) that allows defining the reference con-
trol for the benchmark and the evaluation metrics
(KPI selection). Category (4) guides the result post-
processing and benchmark phases: Once the raw data
are available, effective result visualization and a test
report are to be ensured for attracting the stakehold-
ers’ interest and supporting the design phase of the
control under test.
Each class consists of a set of structured steps,
which the user should follow to implement a
simulation-based benchmark in a standardized and
systematic way. Based on the use case scenarios, flow
charts or activity diagrams offer the user a panorama
of choices (Q8) and problem solving know-how (Q9).
Figure 4: Conceptual architecture of the reference model.
BPS shows optimization potential in terms of mod-
eling effort and costs, practice reusability, and stan-
dardization as well as knowledge transfer; this can be
tackled by applying RMs. However, due to the di-
versely interpreted definitions, benefits, and attributes
of RMs in different established domains, the prereq-
uisite for transferring RMs to BPS is the creation of
terminological transparency.
For this reason, the state of the art regarding the
understanding of RMs is shown. Further, RMs’ at-
tributes are collected and clustered into nine qualities,
which characterize and distinguish them. The even-
tual transfer of RMs to BPS is achieved by providing
a unified definition of RMs, valid also for BPS, based
on the identified qualities and by matching the latter
with the challenges of BPS.
This study provides a first approach to RMs for
BPS, which offer the benefit of collecting both best
practices and innovative approaches with a user-
centered approach, in a structured and systematic
way. However, it shows the need for further scientific
work. A main research focus is the pursuit of tangi-
ble application of the introduced approach to BPS by
developing mature reference models, e.g., for the in-
troduced example and other promising BPS use cases,
such as data analytics in reliability prognosis.
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