a target OWL ontology and a mapping from the
relational database to the ontology (Sequeda, 2017).
Thus, OBDA presents a conceptual representation
of a domain and achieves data virtualization which
integrates data without moving and transforming
them (Xiao et al., 2019). As data virtualization
enables a centralized point of access, it brings
security requirements such as privacy, access control,
authentication, authorization, data integrity, and
effective mechanisms to ensure the security and
the privacy of the data. Ontology Based Access
Control (OBAC) aims to provide an access control
mechanism for the security requirements in Semantic
Web. OBAC allows to create, modify and query
semantically-rich policies (Can et al., 2010; Can,
2009; Can and Unalir, 2010). Therefore, ontology
based policies are specified over domain knowledge
and access to information is achieved by authorized
In this work, the OBAC model is enhanced with
OBDA. The aim is ensuring security and preserving
privacy while providing an efficient processing of data
that exists in different heterogeneous sources. For this
purpose, the OBAC model is revisited with the OBDA
approach. In the proposed revised model: (i) OBDA
provides the abstraction of how data sources are
maintained in the data layer of the system itself (Poggi
and et al., 2008), and (ii) OBAC provides the security
and privacy of data by preventing unauthorized access
requests. Therefore, data virtualization will be
provided by achieving access control.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows: in Section 2, the recent studies in the field
of ontology-based data access and ontology-based
access control are presented, the proposed conceptual
model is detailed in Section 3. Finally, Section
4 concludes the paper and summarizes the future
directions of the presented study.
The relation between database and Semantic Web
is a frequently studied impressive topic in the
literature. In order to access the existing data sources
flexibly and efficiently, databases are mapped to
ontology representations. In (Haw et al., 2017),
steps to transform relational databases to ontology
representation are outlined and a review of some
of the mapping tools is presented by highlighting
their requirements. A method is proposed in
(Dadjoo and Kheirkhah, 2015) for automatic ontology
construction based on a relational database. The
presented method generates an ontology data model
from the relational database schema. The relationship
between relational databases and the Semantic Web
is investigated in (Sequeda, 2017). In this study, the
specific research question that is tried to be answered
is “How and to what extent can Relational Databases
be integrated with the Semantic Web?”. A survey is
presented in (Spanos et al., 2012) to review methods
and tools that bring relational databases into Semantic
Web. Moreover, the survey study also explores the
future perspectives of the field. Ontology Based Data
Access (OBDA) is a prominent approach to establish
a mapping between a database and an ontology.
Thus, it simplifies the process of data access and
enhances the quality of query results. In (Kharlamov
et al., 2017), data access challenges in the petroleum
company Statoil are presented, and an OBDA based
solution is developed. Similar to this study, OBDA
is applied to the energy technology database within
the technology forecasting information system in
(Mikheev, 2018). In (Hoehndorf et al., 2015), a
framework named Aber-OWL is developed to provide
reasoning services for bio-ontologies by enabling
ontology-based semantic access to biological data.
The developed reasoning infrastructure uses OBDA
to access information. In an EU FP7-funded project
named Optique (Kharlamov et al., 2013; Giese et al.,
2013), an end-to-end OBDA system is developed to
provide scalable end-user access to industrial Big
Data stores. The project focuses on two use cases: the
first use case is provided by Siemens and the second
use case is provided by Statoil. In the Semantic Web,
access control is a challenging problem and access to
resources should be controlled to secure the Semantic
Web. An access control mechanism allows to define,
manage and enforce access conditions for resources.
In (He et al., 2010), the Role-Based Access Control
(RBAC) model is extended to implement an access
control mechanism for Semantic Web services. A
Semantic Based Access Control model (SBAC) is
presented in (Javanmardi et al., 2006) to authenticate
users based on their credentials when requesting
an access right. In (Kagal et al., 2003), a policy
language and a security framework based on this
language to address security issues in Semantic Web
are presented. An Ontology Based Access Control
(OBAC) model is proposed in (Can et al., 2010; Can,
2009; Can and Unalir, 2010) to define and enforce
semantically rich access control policies. The OBAC
models both the requestor and the requested by using
the Rei policy language (Kagal et al., 2003).
In this work, the goal is to revisit the OBAC model
with the concepts of OBDA to improve security and to
preserve privacy while providing data virtualization.
To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first
ICISSP 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy