(a) MCE.
(b) WAKLD.
(c) JSD. (d) SEMD.
Figure 7: Comparison of the multimodal uncertainty met-
rics. Blue curves show computed values on the unimodal
data, while red curves show values of the multimodal data.
All values are averages of 10 evaluation runs.
In this work, we presented a first approach for tack-
ling the challenge of detecting multimodality in world
models. As model based reinforcement learning in-
creasingly gains practical relevance, not least through
the development of methods like world models, ap-
proaches and metrics like the ones evaluated in this
work, become of high relevance for the development
of reliable and safe RL systems. Our evaluation re-
sults showed that it is possible to detect multimodal
state-transitions and differentiate them from unimodal
ones, by applying multimodality metrics on the MDN
network of a world model architecture. The metrics
we newly introduced in this work, MCE and WAKLD
both performed well, allowing for a reliable differen-
tiation when using a mixture component count k > 6.
Using the symmetric divergence measure JSD turned
out to produce the most consistent differentiation be-
tween unimodal and multimodal data for any num-
ber of components used. On the other hand, the ap-
plication of SEMD, which is based on the Wasser-
stein metric, needs extra care, as in cases where a low
amount of mixture components is used, the reported
values fluctuated strongly. As a consequence, no reli-
able multimodality detection would be possible here.
As a next step, we plan to use the developed ap-
proach and metrics to construct a complete multi-
modal state-transition one-class classificator. It would
also be interesting to further develop variants of the
Wasserstein based SEMD as well as the WAKLD
metric, with the goal of improving the metrics for
MDNs with low component count.
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ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence