19 pandemic. Changes are happening very quickly,
especially in terms of digital use, and more activities
are done at home, which requires new ways of
thinking, creativity, and appropriate innovations to
adapt to new situations. This is crucial for students
and educational institutions to maximize their
improvement and output.
Future areas of research that we recommend are:
1) Lecturers must be creative in terms of online
teaching and delivery so that students can
embrace the learning process and absorb
knowledge effectively. Although virtual, the
learning experience must still be enjoyable and
meaningful. The stresses related to learning
from home can be mitigated through coping
mechanisms as well as a user-friendly
environment. The evaluation of learning should
be adjusted to the conditions so that students
can still excel.
2) With the change from face-to-face learning to
remote learning, the quality of experience for
stakeholders, i.e., students, should not change
under any circumstances.
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