The use of timelines in visual historigraphy has been
discussed in the introduction. From a research per-
spective, the importance of tools providing visual
contextualization of events is well-known (Shneider-
man, 1996). We focus here on software development
sharing similarities with our approach.
ChronoZoom is an open source data visualiza-
tion tool that supports zooming through time to ex-
plore timelines across the whole history of the uni-
verse down to present history of humanity (Walter
et al., 2013). It is fully web-based and has an ef-
ficient Cloud-based hosting providing efficient “infi-
nite” zooming capabilities. It allows the user to cre-
ate or customize timelines and to plot various time
series data next to each other for comparison. Our
approach is less ambitious as we only focus on spe-
cific thematic typically the domain of a museum. Al-
though we focused on a specific exhibition, our ap-
proach is general and inspired by major ontological
frameworks but also practical semantic web technolo-
gies, which opens the way to grab information from
Wikipedia contributions. As ChronoZoom, we target
both education and research but our current front-end
is more focused on education. At the technological
level, our solution can grab data from a locally em-
bedded database but possibly also from a web API
although not optimised for large scale use.
Different mobile applications have been devel-
oped more specifically for supporting computer his-
tory in general or in the context of a museum collec-
tion. They rely on the notion of timeline more or less
explicitly. The Nexon Computer Museum, the first
Korean Computer Museum with approximately 7,000
artifacts has a complete application to browse through
the 400 artefacts on display and relying on a chrono-
logical ordering (Nexon, 2013). It gives details but
few navigation operations. A computer history time-
line developed by a company specialised in guides is
also available for Android (Every Time Apps Studio,
2018). It is close to a poster timeline with however
a practical slider for quick access. Different websites
also publish computer timeline, including the famous
Computer History Museum (CHM, 2021). It recaps
the main events with a zoom by decades and years. It
also proposes classification in different themes as we
do, and additionally a search engine.
Gathering and qualifying data is a difficult task
and can benefit from the semantic web. Our current
approach relies on DBPedia (Bizer et al., 2009) but
other knowledge graphs could be used such as the
one provided by Google (Google, 2012), although
it is itself largely based on Wikipedia. A difficulty
is to achieve a mapping towards on our meta-model
given the diversity of fields which are not uniformly
used. Moreover the content is largely pure text, which
means many interesting information cannot be auto-
matically extracted with semantic search engines. A
solution to this is the use of a semantic extension
enabling to make semantic content explicit and thus
make it visible to DBPedia (Vrandecic and Krotzsch,
2005). Another/complementary approach is to rely
on natural language processing to extract such knowl-
edge provided some form of reliability can be en-
forced. In our approach, we introduced a basic form
of semantic processing by detecting synonyms in our
text description, e.g. ”First Macintosh” or ”Macintosh
128K” or ”Apple Macintosh” which can be extracted
from DBPedia and manually enriched as required.
Specialised work on the formulation and recognition
of temporal patterns of events in English could also
be considered (Saygi et al., 2018).
In this paper, we presented our current progress in
developing a framework for modelling and analysing
historical knowledge by relying on timeline extrac-
tion, navigation and visualisation techniques. Al-
though anchored in a specific case study of computer
heritage, we took care of setting solid foundations
based on a survey of relevant ontologies. We could
successfully implement a prototype application based
on a designed meta-model populated by a validated
dataset mixing in-house and DBPedia information.
The application, currently under validation in our mu-
seum, is quite appreciated.
Our framework is already available in Open
Source on Github (NAM-IP, 2021). In the future,
we plan to extend it in different directions: introduce
more pivot points in the user interface, support par-
allel visualisation of timelines, provide location fil-
tering and new categories for more cultural or politi-
cal context and references. We also plan to elaborate
a web-service API with a robust and scalable graph
database as backend. At longer term, a collaborative
web client with semantic editing capabilities will be
We thanks the volunteers and anonymous visitors of
the NAM-IP computer museum for their feedback on
our current prototype.
MODELSWARD 2022 - 10th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development