Survey and Guidelines about Learning Cyber Security Risk Assessment
Christophe Ponsard and Philippe Massonet
CETIC Research Centre, Charleroi, Belgium
Cyber Security, Risk Analysis, Education, Standard, Controlled Experiment.
Risk assessment is a key part of all cyber security frameworks, standards and related certification schemes. It
is a complex process involving both the business domain to assess impact and the technical domain to measure
feasibility. It requires to produce a realistic risk matrix based on qualitative information and then to decide
about measures aligned with relevant standards. Getting experienced in this area is a difficult learning process
with many possible pitfalls. In this paper, we report about our lessons learned based on a controlled experiment
of 26 risk analyses across different domains including some operators of essential services. We also provide
some methodological recommendations for efficient tool support, including model-based.
Nowadays, the ubiquity and tremendous capabilities
of connected computer-based systems enable a large
range of features and services, but also increase their
exposure to cyber security threats. The latest threat re-
ports confirm the importance of malware, web-based
attacks and phishing but also their evolution towards
more pervasive and targeted forms of attacks (ENISA,
2020). While the information technology (IT) sec-
tor has already developed dedicated frameworks such
as the NIST Cyber Security Framework (NIST, 2014)
and standards such as ISO 27000 series (ISO, 2013),
other domains are now increasingly proposing a spe-
cific response to integrate cyber security in their core
development and operation processes. Examples of
dedicated standards are the ISO 63422 for industrial
systems (including Operation Technology - OT) and
the upcoming ISO 21434 for automotive. A common
denominator of all those approaches is that they are all
risk-driven and thus require the ability to carry out a
risk analysis prior to implementing any kind of coun-
As defined by (ISO, 2009), risk management is
the process of identifying, assessing, and treating
risks. More specifically, risk management aims at
cancelling or at least minimising (mitigating) the ad-
verse impacts and losses that a deliberate attack, a
failure/error or an accidental “environmental” threat
may cause and, where possible, reduce the probabil-
ity of such events. To achieve these goals, it should
encompass all coordinated activities needed to direct
and control an organisation with regard to risk. This
definition covers both security and safety dimensions.
However, the nature, impacts, timing and risk cul-
ture are quite different in each domain. Even if there
are benefits in considering and engineering them to-
gether, the scope of this paper will only by cyber secu-
rity but it will consider both IT and OT systems since
both can have complex interactions in specific do-
mains and needs to be carefully analysed (BSI, 2020).
Learning risk management is a complex process,
especially for cyber security, because it requires to
combine many abilities such as:
domain analysis, in order to identify what are
the key assets and properties to ensure and what
would be the impact of failing in protecting them.
technical understanding and modelling of the rel-
evant aspects of the infrastructure in order to iden-
tify attack scenarios and assess likelihood.
thinking like an attacker to identify vulnerabilities
and attack paths
gaining domain specific knowledge about known
vulnerabilities and attacks by various means such
as interviews, seminars or vulnerability monitor-
qualitative reasoning based on partial information.
The learning process can vary depending on the
context such as university course or professional
training program. This paper considers a typical ap-
proach combining the following aspects:
in depth theoretical introduction to risk analysis
and its application to cyber security. A short sum-
mary is given in background Section 2.
technological background about security building
Ponsard, C. and Massonet, P.
Survey and Guidelines about Learning Cyber Security Risk Assessment.
DOI: 10.5220/0010900800003120
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2022), pages 536-543
ISBN: 978-989-758-553-1; ISSN: 2184-4356
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
bricks (e.g. cryptography) as well as threats and
measures at different design layers (communica-
tions, operating systems, application).
practice for producing a realistic risk analysis in a
given domain using a well-defined methodology.
This paper reports about our analysis of a learning
process in the above setting using a controlled exper-
iment. It involved people with IT background for at
least 5 years and enrolled in a training course to im-
prove their cyber security skills, with a focus on risk
analysis. Our aim here was to identify the main diffi-
culties to carry out a cyber security risk analysis in a
realistic context and to report about lessons learned in
order to improve the acquisition of that expertise.
This paper is structured as follows. Section 2 gives
background on the ISO 31000, ISO 27000 standards
and the EBIOS implementation used in our experi-
ment. Section 3 describes our validation experiment
including its methodology, results and some threats to
validity. Section 4 presents lessons learned also mak-
ing the connection with more specific standards and
tool support. Finally, Section 5 draws some conclu-
sion and identifies our future work.
2.1 ISO 31000
A generic risk analysis process is specified by the ISO
31000 (ISO, 2018). To follow up with the risk man-
agement definition given in the introduction, a basic
process of risk management is depicted in Figure 1.
Figure 1: ISO 31000 Reference for Risk Assessment.
The main objective of risk management lies in the
assessment of major corporate goals in regards to risk
policy strategies. Hence, risks affecting long lasting
business success need to be controlled. The global
process goes through the following steps:
risk identification: to find/understand/describe
risks; considering everything that could hinder,
prevent but also help to achieve business goals.
risk analysis aims at understanding the nature of
risk and its characteristics. It requires to inves-
tigate uncertainties, risk sources, consequences,
likelihood, events, scenarios, controls and their ef-
fectiveness w.r.t. the materialisation of risks.
risk evaluation is the final phase of the risk as-
sessment. It relies on the risk analysis which is
often summarised using a qualitative risk matrix
as depicted in Figure 4. At this point, a decision
made about refining the analysis, reconsidering
objectives or going into risk treatment phase.
risk treatment selects and implements actions
considering costs, effort and timing issues to
reach an acceptable residual risk. For each risk,
possible options are to: do nothing further (ac-
cept), consider additional actions (mitigation),
share the consequences (transfer), removing the
source (avoidance). An actionable plan is then
prepared and executed by the management.
risk monitoring: closes the loop by triggering
new assessments when the organisation or risk
landscape evolve. The monitoring is also inter-
nal, resulting in possible adaptation if outcomes
are not satisfactory, e.g. quality of risk analysis or
unacceptable residual risk.
2.2 ISO27005
The ISO 27000 is a family of standards for related to
the deployment of information security risk manage-
ment system (ISO, 2013). It defines the vocabulary
(27000), requirements on the management systems
(27001), controls (27002) and a risk-oriented man-
agement approach (27005).
The information security risk analysis process is a
specialisation of ISO 31000 as shown in Figure 2. The
ISO 27005 standard does not impose a methodology
but a set of requirements related to:
context establishment: must define scope,
boundaries, roles and responsibilities.
risk identification: must identify primary assets
to protect and relevant support assets (software,
hardware physical infrastructure, staff...). Various
source of threats (internal, external) must be iden-
tified as well as their impact and existing controls.
risk estimation: must provide an estimate of each
risk in terms of likelihood and consequence based
on impact on confidentiality, integrity or availabil-
ity dimensions of information.
risk evaluation: must produce a list of risks pri-
oritized w.r.t the security risk evaluation criteria.
Many implementations of ISO 27005 are avail-
Survey and Guidelines about Learning Cyber Security Risk Assessment
Figure 2: ISO 27005 Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment.
2010) or OCTAVE (SEI, 2007). Our experiment re-
lies on EBIOS which is detailed hereafter.
2.3 EBIOS (ISO 27005 Compliant)
EBIOS (”Expression des Besoins et Identification des
Objectifs de S
e”) is a French method supported
by ANSSI, the national cyber security authority of
France. It is compliant with the ISO27005. We con-
sider the 2010 version which is depicted in Figure 3.
Figure 3: EBIOS Activities.
The implementation mapping with ISO 27005 is
as follows:
context establishment requires to state organ-
isation goals and analysis perimeter, to define
scales to measure confidentiality, availability and
integrity in the organisation context. It also cov-
ers identification of primary (i.e. business) and
secondary (i.e. support) assets as well as their
relationships (i.e. how IT infrastructure supports
the business functions). Information flows are de-
picted through an infrastructure diagram.
dreaded event analysis: is a top-down approach
focusing on the business impact when the security
of primary assets is threatened by the considered
threat sources.
threat scenarios analysis is carried out in paral-
lel with dreaded event analysis. It works bottom-
up by considering the threat scenarios affecting
the support assets, e.g. phishing attempt, firewall
configuration problem allowing some external at-
tacker to reach internal resources, etc. The likeli-
hood is estimated on a qualitative scale defined in
the context. Estimates are done before and after
the application of existing measures.
risk analysis combines the output of the two pre-
vious steps to estimate each risk and produce a
risk matrix as depicted in Figure 4. The pro-
cess can combine multiple scenarios by consid-
ering the worst case. Prioritisation is done and ac-
tion decided among the options proposed in ISO
31000 (avoid, accept, mitigate, transfer).
Figure 4: Risk Matrix.
security control analysis selects security controls
for risk treatment in order to cover all risks requir-
ing additional measures. Those are organised in
different lines of defence, i.e. prevention, protec-
tion and recovery. Guidance is provided using a
knowledge base (ANSSI, 2010a) and a list of con-
trols like ISO27002. Residual risk analysis and
planning are done as prescribed by ISO 27005.
3.1 Methodology
Our experiment was conducted in 6 weeks between
October 15 and December 31, 2020. It gathered
35 people working in different organisations across
a wide range of application domains including pub-
lic administration, defence, education, game devel-
opment, healthcare, insurance, manufacturing and
telecommunications. All the participants were lo-
cated in the French speaking part of Belgium with
at least 5 years of experience in their domain and a
strong IT background. They were given a specific
ICISSP 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
training of about 12 hours in cyber security risk man-
agement prior to the experiment to ensure a common
background. The training effectiveness was assessed
by an examination covering both theoretical concepts
and two control points: first about their ability to rea-
son on business and technical assets, and second, to
carry our the risk analysis process.
The selected method is EBIOS which was intro-
duced in the previous section. This choice was delib-
erate for the following reasons:
it is a generic method with focus on the organisa-
tional risk level as well as on security.
it is easy to learn and provides a good documen-
tation/knowledge base.
it requires to clearly state domain specific con-
cepts which may be implicit in more advanced
methods. So it is easier to identify which and how
well they are covered.
Each risk analysis was conducted by the trained
people within their organisation with the authorisa-
tion and support of the management. Only limited
tool support was used, mainly a spreadsheet to man-
age the data in tabular form. It was then documented
in a report following the EBIOS structure. These
were approved through an internal review and par-
tially anonymized before we could analyse them. An
intermediary review was organised before the final
version in order to correct some common flaws and
ensure more homogeneity. The documents were then
audited by us using a procedure similar to an external
certification audit.
Not all risk analyses were kept in our study. Out of
the 35 initial candidates, only 26 were selected. The
reasons to discard some analyses are the following:
risk analysis was interrupted or postponed.
authorisation was not granted by the company
the audit revealed a major issue in conducting the
risk analysis process.
3.2 Main Results
Table 1 shows the results of our risk analysis. Each
case study is characterised using the following at-
anonymized topic giving an idea of the applica-
tion domain
domain classification in the major sectors stated
target either corporate or citizen which means a
potential GDPR issue.
NIS: means the case falls under the Network In-
formation System directive (Operator of Essential
Service or Digital Service Provider).
The next columns of the table assesses the quality
of each main section of the EBIOS analysis. They are
bound to each activity documented in a corresponding
chapter of the report. Ranking uses a scale from 0 to
10, based on the evaluation grid detailed hereafter:
context: relevance of primary assets and criteria
w.r.t. company goals, level of detail of support
assets and traceability to primary assets, identifi-
cation of existing measure and threat sources.
dreaded event: coverage of primary assets and
completeness with respect to security properties.
threat analysis: investigation of common vulner-
abilities and common attacks targeting each type
of support asset.
risk evaluation: correctness of inference and re-
duction related to existing measures. Relevance
of risk management strategy.
risk measures: coverage of selected risks. Rele-
vance of (single or multiple) actions on different
line of defence. Traceability towards reference
framework (e.g. ISO 27005, NIST CSF or IEC
62443). Practicability of associated implementa-
tion plan.
From Table 1, some interesting trends can be ob-
globally the quality level is quite satisfactory
(above 7) with few problematic audits. Those
could be linked either to immature businesses
(e.g. early game development) or research topics
(e.g. management of firmware updates)
the level of quality degrades as we progress
through the workflow. This can be due to the
accumulation of flaws hindering the correct man-
agement of next steps. There is also a switch in
complexity from more descriptive to more pre-
scriptive tasks in the last part of the analysis.
the cases involving citizen have a lower global
score. This could be related to a more open con-
text of such analysis, including privacy issues. A
specific privacy impact analysis could be advised
for such security requirements.
looking at specific domains: business (8), ed-
ucation (8), industry/logistics (8) seem to per-
form better than administrations (7), gaming (7)
and telecom (7). Other fields are not consid-
ered because of too few cases. While classical
IT domains are favoured, administration and gam-
ing seem less easy to capture. For administra-
tion, complex infrastructure result in large anal-
ysis. For gaming, deployment can be quite com-
plex and there is also less control and many as-
sumptions over the environment. Digital service
providers in telecom area are probably too spe-
cific to draw general conclusions.
Survey and Guidelines about Learning Cyber Security Risk Assessment
Table 1: Survey Results.
except for automotive, NIS cases resulted on as-
sessment scores above average (8), reflecting the
ongoing works to comply with the directive, i.e.
typically ISO 27000 or IEC 62443 certification.
3.3 Some Threats to Validity
Conclusion validity: globally the sample size is
enough to infer global trends but analyses on sub-
samples need to be treated with caution. For this
reason, domains with few cases were not analysed
at that level. The sampling can be justified using
Cochran’s formula (Cochran, 1977) with Z score
of 90%, a relatively raw precision of 15% and
our estimate that after training, the probability of
adoption is quite high and certainly above 75%.
We get size = (1.645
· 0.75 · 0.25)/0.15
= 23
which is about the size of our sample (26). Given
the small population of risk analysts, this number
is slightly overestimated but we will not apply ad-
ditional corrections here.
Internal validity: the selection of risk analysts was
done through a specialised complementary train-
ing program in computer security which required
to have experience in IT. There was no control on
the selection process but some cases were dropped
due to resignation or postponement.
Construct validity: the selected risk analyst pro-
files need to be representative for the role of an
analyst inside the organisation. The selection pro-
cess ensured this through requirements of experi-
ence in IT, the registration to the course and the
mentioned control points.
External validity: our experiment environment in-
cluding its timing is representative and can be
generalised as it was carried out inside real organ-
isations from different domains.
This section summarises key lessons learned from our
controlled experiment presented in Section 3.
4.1 Avoiding Uncontrolled Growth of
the Number of Risks
A frequent issue in our experiments also often pointed
out by other users of methods like EBIOS is the un-
controlled explosion of risks due to the need to ex-
plore many scenarios for the combination of assets
with the considered security properties. Some rec-
ICISSP 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
ommendations are to focus on major assets, to group
them or to hide the complexity at presentation level
(Club EBIOS, 2020). These are not satisfactory as
they result either in a coarser grained analysis or in-
crease the presentation work. A more interesting sug-
gestion is use richer domain knowledge or better pri-
oritization techniques. The following techniques can
be helpful:
making the assumption that specific assets of the
system are protected, possibly pushing the re-
sponsibility to prove this to another party or re-
lying on a strong protection, or low residual risk
(Club EBIOS, 2020).
taking into account domain knowledge about risk
dependencies will reduce the need to explore im-
possible scenarios. Such approach requires to rely
on more structured knowledge representation, i.e.
use modelling as discussed later in this section.
working by refinement levels, i.e. performing a
coarse-grained system level analysis and digging
further if required. This approach is adopted by
the IEC 62443 security risk analysis process for
industrial systems (IEC, 2020): the high-level risk
analysis (ZCR2) aims at identifying the worst-
case unmitigated cyber security risks related to
mission critical operations. If unacceptable risks
are identified, a detailed cyber security risk as-
sessment (ZCR5) is performed.
breaking the systems into subsystems is required
to support the previous approach and is also pro-
posed by IEC 62443 through segmentation in
zones connected by conduits. A particular atten-
tion is required on conduit interfaces.
having an early focus on major risks only. This
might seem a dangerous simplification but it will
ease and speed up the analysis. The idea is to
check the residual risks and to take a more iter-
ative approach. It might be more efficient than
a “waterfall” approach because it keeps the com-
plexity under control. Moreover the considered
measures may also mitigate less important risks.
defining security levels to capture which security
requirement should be covered in a staged ways.
This provides a safer path as the risk profiles can
be validated by experts. For example, in the scope
of IEC 62443, segmentation is mandatory from
the lowest (SL1) level but additional requirements
are placed at SL2 to reach physical level segmen-
tation, at SL3, to enforce independence from non-
control network, and at SL4, to have logical and
physical isolation of critical networks.
4.2 Need for Deeper Modelling
The ISO 27005 assessment process implemented
through EBIOS is globally quite flat. It relies on ba-
sic, coarse grained, and table-based traceability be-
tween relevant elements that need to be matched dur-
ing the analysis. It is mainly the coverage between
support and primary assets to ensure the sound cap-
ture of risk attributes and combine them consistently
although in a quite simple way, i.e. using the worst
case scenario for each kind of risks. In the risk treat-
ment phase, another coverage check is used to make
sure all risks are adequately mitigated. Although
some modelling is present to support identification,
e.g. through attack trees (Schneier, 1999) or infras-
tructure modelling, it remains limited and lack in-
tegration inside a wider form of modelling enabling
more precise, powerful and automated analysis. Some
emerging trends in this area are the following:
infrastructure modelling: the notion of zone and
conduit introduced in IEC 62443 is a way to struc-
ture the infrastructure model. It is also present to
some extend in IT modelling through the notion
of zone (e.g. DMZ). It used in some threat mod-
elling tools like Threat Dragon (OWASP, 2020) or
Microsoft Threat Modeller (Microsoft, 2017).
attack trees: can help drive the identification of
attacks starting either from high-level scenarios in
a top-down approach or from component vulner-
abilities in a bottom-up approach. They can also
integrate defence elements to integrate risk mea-
sures. This can result in a deeper analysis con-
sidering higher-order forms of attacks (Roy et al.,
2012). Based on this, more quantitative forms of
reasoning, including multi-objective optimisation
can be considered (Fila and Wideł, 2019)
goal-oriented modelling can provide a global
binding by supporting the capture of goals at var-
ious level of an organisation together with tech-
niques to reason on obstacles to their achieve-
ment which are compatible with both security and
safety analyses (van Lamsweerde, 2009). This
can help in the analysis of the many impacts of
cyber security risks in various kinds of systems,
including safety critical systems. We already in-
vestigated such an approach in the NIS area (Pon-
sard et al., 2021a) and in the automotive section,
considering the future ISO 21434 standard (Pon-
sard et al., 2021b).
Modelling could bring many other benefits in the
global risk analysis workflow:
leaving the inefficient document-oriented ap-
proach which is still quite widespread in cer-
tification. Beyond a certain complexity level,
Survey and Guidelines about Learning Cyber Security Risk Assessment
document-based approach becomes impractical
limiting either the ability to analyse large systems
or the precision level. Using and maintaining the
model as the core artefact would enable to gener-
ate always up-to-date documents.
maintaining the model, although at a cost, would
enable a more reactive analysis in case of system
evolution or new threads. It would also reduce the
cost of the new risk analysis and result in a more
responsive, agile and risk-proof organisation.
better collaboration by sharing risk-oriented mod-
els in the design phase (e.g. co-engineering safety
and security) and later in the certification phase
using model as central asset rather than document
flows, possibly including third parties, e.g. regu-
lation or controlling bodies.
4.3 Tool Support
Tooling was deliberately not the focus of our experi-
ment although some attack or threat modelling tools
were investigated. In relation with the previous top-
ics, it seems interesting to consider modelling tools
able to combine infrastructure, goal and threat mod-
els. Additionally, the tool should also be quite generic
with respect to the risk framework used, i.e. the
analysis process should itself be modelled inside the
tool. This would ensure the tooling can evolve with
the considered standard/certification scheme, or al-
low one to switch between different schemes, or even
to manage different schemes simultaneously, e.g. for
safety critical domains requiring also a safety certifi-
cation. With respect to this, the OpenCert platforms
developed by the AMASS project proposes an inte-
grated and holistic solution for assurance and certifi-
cation management of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)
spanning the largest safety and security-critical indus-
trial markets (Polarsys, 2018).
Another trend in tooling is to share the model
in a collaborative but controlled way across differ-
ent actors in a global process (here certification),
with proper views and rights (e.g. edit, review, ap-
prove). This is useful for regulated sectors involving
many interacting organisations sharing similar risks
that can propagate from one to another, e.g. for spe-
cific sectors of the NIS directive. A proposed ap-
proach is first to model the ecosystem, then to prop-
agate risk/perform systemic risk, and finally, to get a
top level evaluation by a national authority in the con-
sidered domain (Mayer. and Sottet., 2020).
4.4 Towards More Lightweight and
Incremental Certification
Risk analysis is an iterative process. In the scope of a
product certification, when the products evolves, the
certification needs to be reacquired. This process can
be very expensive when using an heavyweight pro-
cess. Hence, the emerging trend is to move to more
incremental forms of certification, especially in the
cyber security area requiring reactivity to face the
constantly evolving threat landscape. To support this,
DevSecOps techniques are very relevant as they have
the ability to integrate security tools across the whole
continuous integration DevOps lifecycle, from threat
modelling, security by design, penetration testing to
operation intrusion detection (IDS) and security in-
formation management system (SIEM). They can also
provide direct connection to Common Vulnerabilities
and Exposures (CVE) databases and alerting mecha-
nisms. A model-based approach is relevant to cap-
ture how the certification workflow is deployed on
the toolchain and how the impact of changes can be
tracked and trigger incremental updates of the risk
analysis (Dupont et al., 2021).
As many organisations, especially smaller ones,
are often reluctant to consider standards and certifica-
tions, it is useful to think about a path that will pro-
tect the companies by first raising awareness and en-
couraging self-assessment or basic protection through
labels like Cyber Essentials (UK) or Keep It Secure
(Belgium) (Ponsard and Grandclaudon, 2018). In a
second stage, as they mature, they can then evolve
towards certification schemes providing more confi-
dence but with a minimal gap and overhead from the
previous step (Ponsard et al., 2020).
In this work, after presenting existing standard-
ized risk analysis approaches, we conducted a con-
trolled experiment in risk analysis involving ade-
quately trained people from 26 different organisations
and across a variety of domains. From the collected
results, we could learn about recurring difficulties
such as structuring the analysis, reasoning on threats
and producing an useful risk estimation. We also pro-
posed recommendations at methodological and tool
levels, including in the context of certification.
As on-going and future work, we are considering
a second wave of cases relying on a similar introduc-
tory course but with the aim to dig into the following
ICISSP 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
directions identified in our lessons learned:
rely on more specialised methods than the generic
EBIOS method used here, especially investigat-
ing zone and conduit modelling as proposed in the
IEC 62443 or more detailed attack path analysis
as described in the ISO 21434.
implement our recommendations through more
advanced model-based tooling, assess their ben-
efits and try to minimize possible drawbacks.
The collected feedback will then be compared to the
baseline presented here to assess how effective or
enhancements are w.r.t. qualities such as precision,
relevance, completeness or readability. Additionally,
we also plan to investigate more DevSecOps and in-
cremental techniques through a car platooning case
This work was partly funded by the CYRUS (grant
nr. 8227) and SPARTA projects (grant nr. 830892).
We thank the survey participants for their contribution
to this study and the anonymous reviewers for their
precise comments.
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Survey and Guidelines about Learning Cyber Security Risk Assessment