Boosting Re-identification in the Ultra-running Scenario
Angel Medina
, Javier Lorenzo-Navarro
, David Freire-Obreg
Oliverio J. Santana
, Daniel Hern
and Modesto Castrill
on Santana
SIANI, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Computer Vision in Sports, Re-identification, Biometrics.
In the context of ultra-running (longer than a marathon distance), whole-body based re-identification (ReId)
state of the art approaches have reported moderated success due to the challenging unrestricted characteristics
of the long-term scenario, as very different illuminations, accessories (backpacks, caps, sunglasses), and/or
changes of clothes are present. In this paper, we explore the integration of two elements in the ReId process:
1) an additional biometric cue such as the face, and 2) the particular spatio-temporal context information
present in these competitions. Preliminary results confirm the limited relevance of the facial cue in the (not
high resolution) ReId scenario and the great benefits of the contextual information to reduce the gallery size
and consequently improve the overall ReId performance.
Since the early 1990s, with the appearance of Cham-
, massive running event organizers have
tools to control the presence of runners in specific lo-
cations along the course track. Timing systems pro-
vide an essential mechanism to automatically analyze
each competition collected time stamps in order to
verify whether a participant’s performance is suspi-
cious of course cutting. Those systems are nowa-
days an ever-present element of running competi-
tions. However, timing systems do not control the real
presence of runners but of the tag they are carrying.
They neither verify whether the person remains the
same throughout the course, nor if the runner iden-
tity matches the one of the registered person. Such
circumstances pose unpleasant situations to organiz-
ers, mainly related to insurance policies and incor-
rect classification results, producing a bad user expe-
Runners identification is starting to attract the at-
tention of the computer vision community. So far,
the literature has mainly focused on the Racing Bib
Number (RBN) recognition problem (Ben-Ami et al.,
2012). Indeed, this solution suffers from the identi-
cal drawback of tag-based systems because it does
not tackle the person identification problem. In this
sense, biometrics can aid in the runner identifica-
tion problem. However, as far as we know, biomet-
ric cues such as facial or body appearance and gait,
have rarely been applied in the participant recognition
process (Penate-Sanchez et al., 2020; Wro
nska et al.,
2017; Choi et al., 2021).
This paper explores the integration of different
cues to evaluate their feasibility to re-identify individ-
uals in a real ultra-running competition. Early work
considering the whole-body appearance (Penate-
Sanchez et al., 2020) has reported poorer ReId results
compared to the state-of-the-art (SOTA) in more ex-
tensive ReId benchmarks. In this regard, we evalu-
ate the integration of facial appearance, whenever the
face is detected, and the temporal coherence present
in ultra-trail competitions. The latter aims to re-
duce the gallery size, and therefore increase the final
ReId performance. For this purpose, the dataset and
proposal used in (Penate-Sanchez et al., 2020) are
adopted as the benchmark and baseline, respectively.
Medina, M., Lorenzo-Navarro, J., Freire-Obregón, D., Santana, O., Hernández-Sosa, D. and Santana, M.
Boosting Re-identification in the Ultra-running Scenario.
DOI: 10.5220/0010904600003122
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2022), pages 461-469
ISBN: 978-989-758-549-4; ISSN: 2184-4313
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Computer vision in sports is an active field as sug-
gested by recent surveys (Moeslund et al., 2014;
Thomas et al., 2017) and workshops such as the
CVPR’s CVsports and ACM’s MMSports. In those
venues, the community has mainly focused on analyz-
ing athlete movements and the study of team sports to
collect statistical data. In both cases, to evidence ways
of improvement (Li and Zhang, 2019; Thomas et al.,
2017). As we are interested in participants ReId in a
running event, our focus is diverse. We briefly sum-
marise those proposals of which we are aware:
RBN Recognition. This is the primary adopted ap-
proach for runners identification or ReId. Even when
these competitions are indeed organized nowadays al-
most everywhere, the number of publicly available
data is limited. The literature on RBN recognition is
not vast and mainly focuses on the Marathon context,
characterized by daylight conditions and big fonts.
The pioneering work by Ben Ami et al. (Ben-Ami
et al., 2012) encloses a public dataset for RBN detec-
tion and recognition. Firstly face detection is applied
to estimate the RBN Region of Interest (RoI), to later
perform Optical Character Recognition (OCR). The
initial face detection step is also adopted in (Boon-
sim, 2018; Shivakumara et al., 2017) to then apply
text detection and recognition. The work described
in (de Jes
us and Borges, 2018) skips the face or body
detection step, which may be fooled by the runner’s
poses, focusing on text detection.
More recently, deep learning has been adopted
for RBN recognition (Kamlesh et al., 2017;
Minghui Liao and Bai, 2018; Nag et al., 2019; Wong
et al., 2019). In most proposals, an initial convo-
lutional neural network (CNN) is used to detect the
RBN, including a convolutional recurrent neural net-
work (CRNN) for RBN recognition in a second stage.
Biometrics. Although body information has been
used to determine the likely RBN location; the face,
body, or clothing appearance has rarely been con-
sidered to identify participants in running competi-
tions. In the work described in (Wro
nska et al.,
2017), the authors combine facial appearance with
RBN recognition, improving the overall performance.
This multimodal strategy is well suited, as face and
RBN occlusions are frequently present, and the tar-
get pose may introduce difficulties to both face or
RBN detection. Indeed, with daylight conditions,
the marathon-like scenario reduces the wildness pres-
ence in the problem dataset. Bearing this in mind,
long-term ReId in the ultra-running scenario pro-
posed in (Penate-Sanchez et al., 2020) defines a new
benchmark for SOTA ReId approaches based on the
body/clothing appearance. The final evaluation of
top-ranked ReId approaches suggests the scenario dif-
ficulties. For this reason, we aim to assess the integra-
tion of facial information and temporal coherence in
the loop.
Compared to the whole-body (WB), the face
presents some advantages due to the trait permanence,
particularly in scenarios covering a significant time
lapse. For instance, participants may change their
clothes along the track in ultra-running competitions.
However, face ReId in low-resolution imagery shows
significantly worse results compared to face recogni-
tion (FR) techniques in other scenarios. As pointed
out in (Cheng et al., 2020), there are differences
present in the classical surveillance scenario com-
pared to the common FR context, further evidenced
by the reduced success obtained by present face-based
techniques in challenging benchmarks. This is also
shown in the recent work (Dietlmeier et al., 2020),
which suggests the reduced negative effect of blurring
faces in ReId benchmarks in terms of overall system
Even if those are not encouraging conclusions, we
explore face integration in the selected scenario. For
that purpose, a reliable face detector must be adopted.
In recent years, some face detectors have been widely
used by the community. The dlib (King, 2009) im-
plementation of the Kazemi and Sullivan face de-
tector (Kazemi and Sullivan, 2014) is one of them.
With the recent irruption of deep learning, the lat-
est face detectors have reduced appearance restric-
tions. A frequently used detector is the Multi-Task
Cascaded Convolutional Networks (MTCNN) (Zhang
et al., 2016). However, the problem is not com-
pletely solved given current challenges in face detec-
tion: 1) intra-class variation, 2) face occlusion, and
3) multi-scale face detection. Among the publicly
available top ranked detectors, we may mention: Tiny
face detector (Hu and Ramanan, 2017), SSH (Najibi
et al., 2017), FaceKit (Shi et al., 2018), Sˆ3FD (Zhang
et al., 2017) and RetinaFace (Deng et al., 2019). Reti-
naFace in particular claims to provide SOTA results in
FDDB (Jain and Learned-Miller., 2010) and Wider-
Face (Yang et al., 2016) datasets.
Previous proposals focus on photographs or ex-
tracted video frames but do not integrate temporal in-
formation. In this sense, we may mention the recent
CampusRun dataset (Napolean et al., 2019) of images
captured for each participant every kilometer by hand-
held cameras during a half marathon event, offering a
large number of samples per identity. Given the video
ICPRAM 2022 - 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
stream availability, the gait trait is adopted in the work
described in (Choi et al., 2021) focusing on the arm
swing features extracted from the silhouette. The au-
thors strategy is to remove the problems present in
RBN or face occlusion, or the similarity in clothing
appearance (same team).
3.1 Whole-body and Face ReId
In the ReId dataset proposed in (Penate-Sanchez
et al., 2020), runners’ WB bounding boxes are pro-
vided. That work evaluated two recent WB person
ReId approaches: AlignedReID++ (Luo et al., 2019)
and ABD (Chen et al., 2019), after their SOTA re-
sults in Market-1501 (Zheng et al., 2015). In light of
the conclusions of (Penate-Sanchez et al., 2020), WB
descriptors will be computed with AlignedReID++.
since it exhibited slightly better results.
For face processing, we have adopted a suitable
face detector for low-resolution images (RetinaFace)
since it performs better than other face detectors in the
comparison reported below (see Section 4.2). Once
the face is detected, since faces may be frequently
captured at too low resolution for robust FR, integrat-
ing a superresolution preprocess (SR) is evaluated.
In this regard, the cropped faces are represented at
higher resolution, making use of the Local Implicit
Image Function (LIIF) (Chen et al., 2021), exploring
the use of different representation resolutions to de-
fine the best one suited for the scenario.
Later, facial embeddings are obtained with VG-
GFace2 (Cao et al., 2018) that suggests being the
best choice according to our results, after mak-
ing an extensive analysis using the Deepface frame-
work (Serengil, 2021), which wraps a collection of
SOTA FR models.
When both cues, WB and face, are combined, in
the reported first experiments, a feature level fusion
is carried out with the WB mentioned above and face
descriptors, e.g., AlignedReID++ and VGGFace2, re-
3.2 Temporal Coherence
An ultra-running competition has a clear timeline, as
participants reach each aid station in order, not repeat-
ing any of them. Assuming that the proposed vision-
based system would be working in parallel with tradi-
tional timing systems, runners elapsed times at each
specific location are available. Moreover, runners are
also captured at these locations. For this reason, these
specific locations across the paper are known below
as Recording Points (RPs).
The classical experimental evaluation in ReId
aims to determine which person in a gallery matches
the probe’s identity. In this regard, we could consider
an individual detected in RP
as probe, and all the
samples from RP
as the gallery. Thus, for a particu-
lar RP
, where k = {1,... ,r} in the evaluated dataset,
there are a number of participants recorded, n
, corre-
sponding p
to the participant crossing in position ith
through RP
, b
his/her bib number, and t
elapsed time at RP
. Given the probe sample p
, its gallery in RP
is defined as:
gallery = {p
} for j = 1,... ,n
Including the whole set of identities captured in
as gallery is not smart. As illustrated in Fig-
ure 1 when first runners arrive to RP
some run-
ners have still not crossed through RP
. Therefore,
a simple gallery temporal coherence filtering would
be to remove for a given probe, captured at a particu-
lar timestamp, those gallery samples that have not yet
reached RP
. But indeed, given the spatial distances
between RPs, any runner would need some time to
reach RP
physically. Thus, we can apply more re-
strictive filtering with something like runners should
have passed RP
at least x minutes ago. To define x,
a possible approach could be to use the organization’s
expected time between RPs, which is estimated in ad-
vance based on the distance and accumulated positive
slope between both RPs. However, weather condi-
tions may also affect runners performance. For that
reason, we have adopted a strategy that uses the ac-
tual runners performance on the particular competi-
tion date. In this sense, we will take into account the
time difference between the first runner to cross both
RPs, p
and p
= t
This value would be the x mentioned above, and
it could be used to filter the gallery defined in Equa-
tion (1), assuming that any runner should need at least
that time to reach RP
gallery = {p
} such that t
< t
However, that value may be risky, as runners
could exchange positions. We illustrate this circum-
stance with an example. Consider that the first three
runners depicted in Figure 1 (red, blue and green
t-shirts) passed RP
at time 00:05:00, 00:05:20
and 00:06:30, respectively, The same three run-
ners leaded the race in RP
but exchanged posi-
tions (green, blue and red), passing RP
at time
Boosting Re-identification in the Ultra-running Scenario
Figure 1: Temporal coherence illustration. Top) Let’s assume that red, blue, and green runners cross RP
in that order. Bottom)
Red and green runners exchange positions in RP
when they arrive roughly one hour later. Using the temporal coherence,
for a runner arriving at RP
, we remove from the gallery those individuals who have not had enough time to reach RP
from RP
. The runner position estimates the time threshold and attenuates to consider the possibility of runners performance
01:15:32, 01:15:50 and 01:16:30, respectively. In
such case, t
= 01 : 10 : 32. If we are con-
sidering the gallery set for the first runner probe,
then according to the rule of Equation (3),
candidate runners in the gallery should verify t
) which fixes the temporal threshold
in RP
to 01:15:32 01:10:32 = 00:05:00 exclud-
ing runners blue and green from the gallery, i.e. the
desired runner will be excluded from his own gallery.
To overcome that circumstance, forced by the run-
ners performance variations along the track, the tem-
poral threshold is slightly weighted, introducing thr,
to avoid removing an excessive number of identities
from the gallery.
gallery = {p
} such that t
< t
where thr (0,1]. Defining its value to 1.0, it would
be equivalent to Equation (1) where it is likely that
some runners may be excluded from their gallery. As-
signing a lower value will define a margin to skip
those situations.
The previous idea explains the overall gallery fil-
tering procedure. However, we have also explored us-
ing a variable threshold due to the conservative nature
of a fixed threshold defined by the top runners’ perfor-
mance. Thus, we introduce additional restrictions in
the gallery building. Given that the fastest split time
is not reachable for most runners, we define an adap-
tive split time threshold that considers the different
runners’ performances. For any two previous consec-
utive RPs, RP
and RP
, where (l < k), for a partic-
ular runner in position i, the RPs split difference may
be computed similarly as:
= t
Given elapsed times in previous RPs (1,. ..,k
1), they serve to estimate the split time for runner in
position i between RP
and RP
= w
+ w
+ ·· · + w
Our proposal evaluated such estimation using a
linear regression (LR) model and a Random Forest
(RF) model. The latter reported better results in
the experiments presented below and therefore was
adopted to compute the adaptive threshold to filter
the gallery for a particular pi,k + 1. In summary, the
adaptive filtering is expressed as:
gallery = {p
} such that t
< t
In the experiments below, the margin thr intro-
duced to cope with the error in the estimated split
difference using Equation (6) is defined to 0.9, avoid-
ing the artifact of removing from the gallery the run-
ner that corresponds to the probe sample p
. This
value worked adequately in the dataset where RPs are
located at least ten kilometers away from each other,
with the fastest runners requiring almost one hour to
cover the distance.
Using Equation (7) to determine the gallery for a
probe, will have the effect of increasing the gallery
size according to runner position. Indeed, the gallery
corresponding to the last runners would comprise
all identities that passed RP
, as any runner passed
that point enough time ago. Therefore, given that the
existing timing systems provide information about
runners that have already passed a particular RP,
we imposed a second rule in the gallery filtering
procedure. This second rule removes from the gallery
those samples belonging to bib numbers who have
already left RP
. Therefore, for participant p
his/her gallery is defined as:
ICPRAM 2022 - 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
gallery = {p
} that
< t
/ b
for r = 1, ...,i 1
To summarize, we use the split time (elapsed time
difference between two consecutive RPs) to filter the
samples present in the ReId gallery. Two rules are
applied to remove samples corresponding to bib num-
bers: 1) who have physically not been able to reach
the current RP, and 2) who have already left the cur-
rent RP. The temporal coherence strategy combin-
ing both restrictions, adaptive threshold, and already
matched bibs removal are referred to in the experi-
ments below as TC.
Figure 2: Transgrancanaria 2020 track with RPs marked as
red circles (source image from Google Maps).
Figure 3: An RP setup.
4.1 Dataset Description
As mentioned above, this paper evaluates the combi-
nation of different cues to improve runner’s ReId in
footage captured during a running event. We make
use of the annotated dataset described in (Penate-
Sanchez et al., 2020), a challenging ReId bench-
mark with just 109 identities. The dataset was
collected during Transgrancanaria (TGC) Classic
128KM 2020, where runners departed on March 6,
2020, at 11 pm, closing the finish line 30 hours later.
TGC participants were recorded at different locations
along the race track, see Figure 2, using a set of Sony
Alpha ILCE 6400 (16-50mm lens) configured at 50
fps and 1920 × 1080 pixels resolution, see Figure 3.
TGC participants were later annotated in ve differ-
ent RPs (RP1-RP5). The capture conditions vary sig-
nificantly among the different RPs, as evidenced in
Figure 4.
The dataset annotation comprises body containers
at 1fps and RBN information extracted from the com-
petition’s official classification results. Table 1 sum-
marizes the dataset statistics. The reader may observe
that the closer to the finish line is the RP, the lower the
number of annotated participants, even if the number
of captured frames is larger. Indeed, not every runner
reaches the finish line, and the elapsed time between
leaders and the group tail increases significantly, e.g.,
leaders pass through RP5 approximately 13 hours be-
fore the last runners.
4.2 Face Detection Results
Even if different recent works (Cheng et al., 2020;
Dietlmeier et al., 2020) have reported the low rele-
vance of facial information in the surveillance/ReId
scenario, we evaluate FR feasibility in the dataset.
A necessary previous step is face detection. We
have evaluated three detectors: 1) The dlib (King,
2009) implementation of the Kazemi and Sullivan de-
tector (Kazemi and Sullivan, 2014) denoted below as
DLIBHOG, 2) MTCNN (Zhang et al., 2016), and 3)
RetinaFace (Deng et al., 2019). Face detection results
in Table 2 include the respective numbers of images
processed, participant’s bounding boxes, and recall.
The reported results clearly show the limited de-
tector’s performance in the scenario, evidencing its
difficulties, particularly under nightlight conditions.
DLIBHOG cannot manage the challenging low reso-
lutions and poses present in the dataset. MTCNN be-
haves better, with an evident problem in nightlight im-
ages. RetinaFace can provide valid positive detections
Boosting Re-identification in the Ultra-running Scenario
Race Start: Playa de Las Canteras RP1: Arucas RP2: Teror
RP3: Presa de Hornos RP4: Ayagaures RP5: Parque Sur
Figure 4: Leaders of the TGC 2020 Classic recorded at the different RPs. Images from (Penate-Sanchez et al., 2020).
Table 1: TGC20ReId dataset statistics (Penate-Sanchez et al., 2020). RP1-2 are captured with nightlight.
Location Km Start Rec. Time Original footage (frames) # ids annot.
RP1 16.5 00:06 140,616 419
RP2 27.9 01:08 432,624 586
RP3 84.2 07:50 667,872 203
RP4 110.5 10:20 1,001,208 139
RP5 124.5 11:20 1,462,056 114
Table 2: Face detection results in terms of true positive rate (TPR) for a number of annotated runners (BBs). The number of
true positives (TP) is also provided.
RP # imgs # BBs TPR TPR TPR
RP1 1172 1589 0.00 0.03 0.19
RP2 1234 1445 0.02 0.07 0.45
RP3 618 526 0.01 0.35 0.61
RP4 281 255 0.02 0.39 0.84
RP5 250 253 0.03 0.45 0.75
Total 3555 4068 0.01 0.13 0.41
Table 3: ReId results using samples captured in RP5 as probe and the gallery the corresponding captures in RP4 not integrating
rank-1 rank-5
WB (Penate-Sanchez et al., 2020) 43.15 75.51 48.37
Face 5.14 13.97 10.21
Face+SR 7.35 14.70 11.13
WB+Face 45.22 75.51 49.19
rate roughly 60-80% in daylight RPs, and even over
45% in RP2, while hardly 20% in RP1. The latter’s
performance might be justified due to the frequent
presence of headlamps in RP1, making face visibility
quite challenging. In any case, RetinaFace seems to
be good enough, with an overall detection rate of over
40% (note that almost 75% of the annotated partici-
pants were captured with nightlight). Daylight detec-
ICPRAM 2022 - 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 4: ReId results using samples captured in RP5 as
probe and the gallery the corresponding captures in RP4 in-
tegrating TC.
rank-1 rank-5
WB+TC 78.84 91.29 78.69
Face+SR 7.35 14.70 11.13
Face+SR+TC 18.68 50.50 29.11
WB+Face+TC 78.84 91.29 78.52
WB+Face+SR+TC 78.00 91.29 77.82
tions are the easiest ones for facial detectors, as being
the most similar ones present in the training sets of
the detection methods.
Using RetinaFace, the mean and standard devi-
ation of face containers in RP5 is (127.5 ± 76.2 ×
102.7 ± 85.2) with a minimum detected face of (8 ×
10) pixels. Therefore, some extracted faces are cer-
tainly low resolutions ones.
4.3 ReId Results
As mentioned above, the classical experimental sce-
nario in ReId aims to determine which person in a
gallery matches the probe’s identity. In this regard,
we could consider an individual detected in R
probe, and all the samples from R
as the gallery. For
the experiments, we will use standard metrics which
are well established in recent Re-ID papers (Luo et al.,
2019; Chen et al., 2019).
The cumulative matching characteristics curve
(CMC) ranks the gallery samples according to the dis-
tance to the probe. For the given probe, the CMC
top-k accuracy is 100% if the first k ranked gallery
samples contain the probe identity, and 0 otherwise.
The final CMC curve averages the respective ‘probe
curves. In summary, a CMC rank-1 of 80% indicates
that the correct identity is ranked first for 80% of the
probes. When multiple instances of the identity are
present in both query and gallery sets, the mean aver-
age precision scores (mAP) are better suited. For a p
number of probes, mAP is defined as mAP =
where AP
refers to the area under the precision-recall
curve of probe i.
The purpose is to make use of standard ReId met-
rics, being able to compare to the closed-set ReId
evaluation protocol presented for the same dataset
in (Penate-Sanchez et al., 2020). We firstly analyze
separately individual cues and their possible combi-
nations, focusing on the more favorable situations.
Consequently, the last RPs where daylight conditions
ease face detections and runners elapsed time allow
the system to take further advantage of TC to reduce
the gallery size.
Table 3 summarizes results achieved considering
RP5 samples as probe and RP4 as gallery. Both cosine
and euclidean distances have been evaluated, with
similar results, presenting just the former. The Deep-
face framework has been used for faces, including the
best results that correspond to VGGFace2. Specifi-
cally for faces, different SR resolutions have been ex-
plored, presenting results for 100 × 100 facial bound-
ing boxes. Observing the table in detail, on the one
side, it is evident that the use of the facial pattern does
not present a performance similar to the one exhibited
by the WB. Indeed, the results are pretty poor even if
SR preprocessing is applied. Those results suggest
that faces are not yet a valid cue for our purpose in
this scenario.
The results after integrating SR and/or TC are
summarized in Table 4. The comparison with Ta-
ble 3 suggests that applying TC improves the perfor-
mance, as it reduces the gallery size. For instance,
considering RP5 samples as the probe and RP4 as the
gallery, the closed-set ReId benchmark for 109 iden-
tities contains 208 samples without TC. With TC, the
resulting RP4 average gallery size is 28. TC signifi-
cantly improves both WB and facial ReId results due
to this gallery reduction. Nevertheless, the facial re-
sults are considerably worse than those achieved us-
ing just WB features. Finally, WB and face fusion do
not report an overall improvement.
In summary, the results reported in Table 4 evi-
dence that the combination WB+TC leads the charts.
Those results are achieved for two specific RPs,
mostly under daylight capture conditions and closer
to the finish line, i.e. with a large temporal difference
among participants. To provide a different view of the
TC influence, Table 5 summarizes for any two RPs
the results obtained with and without TC. Those re-
sults verify the TC approach robustness, with the ex-
pected more substantial influence for last RPs where
the elapsed time differences among runners are sig-
nificantly larger.
This paper has explored existing ReId proposals in
the ultra-running scenario. In addition to WB appear-
ance, which is insufficient for medium or long-term
ReId, we have evaluated the facial trait, with higher
permanence, and the integration of TC in a context
where clothes variations are possible.
The reported results suggest the following: 1) the
poor performance of applying FR techniques for this
surveillance/ReId scenario, and 2) the benefits of the
TC strategy that takes advantage of the presence of
Boosting Re-identification in the Ultra-running Scenario
Table 5: Top) Rank-5 and bottom) mAP results were computed densely between all RPs (WB/WB+TC). When the gallery
belongs to a previous RP, the second rule is not applied, and the sense of the eq. 5 is modified, and the estimated split time is
added instead of subtracting.
RP1 - 32.4/36.2 20.2/32.8 46.1/57.8 47.3/65.2
RP2 32.7/33.5 - 11.8/31.9 27.9/51.5 37.3/52.7
RP3 28.3/29.3 15.7/32.4 - 33.3/53.4 25.3/44.0
RP4 42.9/42.9 23.2/45.4 26.9/42.9 - 75.5/91.3
RP5 23.3/23.8 18.4/30.8 7.98/42.9 55.8/85.8 -
RP1 - 15.0/17.9 9.2/16.0 23.0/36.3 22.7/36.8
RP21 20.4/21.8 - 7.22/10.3 13.6/28.2 20.6/33.0
RP3 12.3/12.4 10.0/21.4 - 19.5/39.2 15.2/28.4
RP4 28.4/28.5 11.3/25.2 16.6/29.3 - 48.4/78.7
RP5 16.2/16.7 11.1/21.8 7.3/28.9 38.0/69.6 -
a tag-based time control system. The former has
already been pointed out in SOTA by different au-
thors (Cheng et al., 2020; Dietlmeier et al., 2020).
These authors stated that the benefits introduced by
the integration of the facial cue are reduced, even if
SR is adopted to increase the face sample resolution.
The latter opportunistically uses additional informa-
tion present in the process, significantly improving
ReId metrics for the challenging dataset.
In any case, the challenging scenario posed by the
dataset is evident, where rank-1 CMC does not even
reach 80%. There is plenty of room for improvement,
as there are multiple aspects to explore. The results
suggest the benefit of using WB, but in the long-term,
a scenario where clothes may change makes it unfea-
sible to use WB appearance as a single cue for ReId. It
will undoubtedly be fooled by clothes changes along
the track. Therefore, additional cues are necessary.
Our results indicate that current FR techniques do not
improve the overall performance, but other strategies,
such as TC, may help.
This work is partially funded by the ULPGC un-
der project ULPGC2018-08, the Spanish Ministry
of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) under
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