
grammar, thus no validation steps is needed once can-
didates are generated.
In this paper, we introduced a new approach called
SHORE. It is composed of a set of artifacts that al-
low the reconfiguration of Smart Home services set-
tings. SHORE enhances Smart Home automation by
combining the fine grain expressiveness of ontologies
together with feature models allowing to determine at
design-time different variants of a Smart Home be-
haviour by sharing and prioritising goals. At runtime,
when conflicting goals appear in candidate configu-
rations, genetic programming allows to automate fur-
ther the decision process. Our contributions include
extensions of the SAREF ontology and FMs, the for-
mulation of a genetic programming technique that ex-
ploits these formalisms, and their implementation for
a case study using a set of open-source tools.
We are currently working on complementing the
SHORE approach to determine at runtime deviations
from Smart Home goals as early as possible. and
also to translate a calculated configuration to the tar-
get configuration of the involved appliance. Further-
more, empirical evaluations are part of our next steps
to validate the performance and usability of SHORE.
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SHORE: A Model-driven Approach That Combines Goal, Semantic and Variability Models for Smart HOme self-REconfiguration