habilitation planning of sewer pipes. The DRL agent
learns an improved policy in terms of lower cost and
higher reliability and uses GCN to leverage the rela-
tional information encoded in the graph structure of
the sewer network. Our framework is successfully
evaluated on a real dataset to show its potential for
applications in infrastructure maintenance planning.
The proposed approach is network and environment
agnostic, is not intended to solve the specific case
study described in this paper but to serve as a feasi-
bility study for applying the combination of deep rein-
forcement learning with graph neural networks for as-
set management problems. Different neural network
architectures can be plugged in, and the environment
can be easily modified with specific problem settings.
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resembles reality remains an open problem for the fu-
ture. This includes a more sophisticated way of ex-
tracting/predicting fail rates and the use of additional
data sources to include geographic and demographic
data of the surrounding area, such as traffic load, tree
density, and soil information of assets network. An-
other future problem is a reward function that better
accounts for different costs (e.g., replacement cost,
failure cost, unavailability costs) and asset-specific
aspects (e.g., material, length, impact on surrounding
This research has been partially funded by NWO un-
der the grant PrimaVera NWA.1160.18.238.
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ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence