example, due to the structures of CP-nets are inter-
pretative, users can easily express their attitude to-
wards the effect of preference completion, then how
to make agents interact with users efficiently to im-
prove the accuracy of completion of preference is one
of the most important problems should be address in
the future.
The works described in this paper are supported by
the National Natural Science Foundation of China un-
der Grant Nos. 62006085, 61772210 and U1911201;
Guangdong Province Universities Pearl River Scholar
Funded Scheme (2018); Project of Science and Tech-
nology in Guangzhou in China under Grant Nos.
202007040006 and 202102020948; Natural Science
Foundation of Guangdong Province in China under
Grant No. 2018A030310529; Project of Department
of Education of Guangdong Province in China under
Grant No. 2017KQNCX048.
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ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence