node and, respectively, 140 channels and 200 Gbps
between hub nodes. The total capacity per node pre-
sented corresponds to the capacity per A/D structure.
So, the capacity per tributary node is 2.8 Tbps and the
average total capacity per hub node is calculated con-
sidering that 2/5 of the transponders are working at
100 Gbps (to communicate with tributary nodes) and
the other 3/5 are at 200 Gbps (to communicate with
other hub nodes). Hence, the average total capacity
per hub node is 17.9 Tbps.
Table 1: Total cost, power consumption and capacity of the
hub and tributary nodes and per horseshoe network.
Cost/Consumption Node architecture
Normalized cost/node 1952.44
Power consumption/node [kW] 18.96
Total capacity/node [Tbps] 17.9
Trib. Amplified
Normalized cost/node 282.2
Power consumption/node [kW] 3.43
Total capacity/node [Tbps] 2.8
Total cost/horseshoe [k] 6.45
Total pow.cons./horseshoe [kW] 68.75
Trib. Unamplified
Normalized cost/node 280.95
Power consumption/node [kW] 3.36
Total capacity/node [Tbps] 2.8
Total cost/horseshoe [k] 6.43
Total pow.cons./horseshoe [kW] 68.15
The tributary node unamplified solution is cheaper
(less 1.25 of normalized cost) and spends less power
per node (around 20 W) than the tributary node ampli-
fied solution. The difference between these solutions
is only due to the existence or not of OAs. The com-
ponents that most contribute, around 99%, to the final
cost of the node are the transponders. The normalized
cost per tributary node is around 3.5 times higher than
in the C-band. This occurs because, in the L-band,
the number of transponders is almost the double. The
power consumption of the tributary node is 3.4 kW,
which is around 1.7 times higher than the consump-
tion of the FD&W for the C-band. Other components,
such as the S/Cs have a small contribution to the final
The hub node has a normalized cost around 3.5
times higher than the C-band node cost. The power
consumption is also around 3.2 times higher than the
corresponding C-band node power consumption.
So, the estimated total network cost using FD&W
with amplified and unamplified soutions is 2134 ke
and 2128.3 ke, respectively, when the components
are twice expensive, which means that the unampli-
fied solution is 0.3% cheaper than the amplified one.
In this section, the analysis of several PLIs, origi-
nated inside the nodes as well as in fiber transmission,
such as insertion losses, ASE noise, NLI noise and in-
band crosstalk is performed, considering quadrature
phase-shift keying (QPSK) signal transmission in the
L-band. The PLIs impact is quantified by the optical
signal-to-noise-ratio (OSNR) given by (Semrau et al.,
osnr =
+ p
where p
is the average signal power at the optical
receiver input, p
is the accumulated ASE noise
power and p
is the NLI power at the receiver in-
put. The following parameters are considered: the
amplifiers noise figure (F
) is 6.5 dB, at most 0.5 dB
higher than in C-band (Correia et al., 2021). The
fiber non-linear coefficient in the L-band, γ = 1.2
W/km, is slightly lower than in the C-band (Semrau
et al., 2018), and the attenuation coefficient is α=0.25
dB/km, slightly higher than in the C-band. The chan-
nel bandwidth of 26.75 GHz is equal to the symbol
rate, R
, and the WDM channel spacing is 100 GHz.
Fig. 6 represents the spectral occupancy of the
70 channels belonging to the L-band and of the
40 C-band channels, considering the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU)-T 100 GHz channel
grid (Telecommunication Standardization Sector of
ITU, 2020). The L-band central frequency is 188
THz, while, in the C-band, is 193.7 THz. A band gap
of 300 GHz between the C and L bands is considered,
which contains 3 unused channels.
Figure 6: WDM signal frequencies for the C+L-band with
100 GHz channel spacing following the ITU-T grid, consid-
ering 40 channels for C-band and 70 channels for L-band.
Regarding the optical filtering effect in the L-
band, only the WSSs in the hub nodes contribute to
this effect. Hence, the effect of the optical filtering is
neglected in the following analysis.
Impact of Physical Layer Impairments on C+L-band Metro Networks