algorithms. It can be observed that in these scenarios,
there are no difference between the number of colors
given by the Tabu Search and the Greedy algorithms,
which can be explained by the higher variances val-
ues relatively to its average values and also due to the
higher number of colors used. In the limit, when the
maximum number of colors is used both algorithms
must return the same number of colors.
In this work, the performance of a metaheuristic al-
gorithm, the Tabu Search algorithm, has been studied
as a graph coloring technique for WA in optical net-
works, as well as in randomly generated path graphs
and his performance has been compared with the one
of the Greedy algorithm.
The Tabu Search algorithm, when the path graph
is obtained randomly (with a uniform distribution) has
been shown to have a superior performance to the
Greedy algorithm. In particular, when n = 1000 and
p = 0.5, the Tabu Search algorithm returns only 89
colors, whereas the Greedy algorithm gives 124 col-
ors, which represents a decrease of 35 colors. How-
ever, when real networks are considered, both Greedy
and Tabu Search algorithms give the same number of
colors. We have found that as the variance node de-
gree of the path graph, G(W, P), increases the Greedy
and Tabu Search algorithms tend to return the same
number of colors, whereas when the variance gets
lower this number of colors becomes different. So,
we can conclude that in real network scenarios the
simplest and faster Greedy algorithm sorted with de-
scending order should be used, instead of the more
complex and slower Tabu Search algorithm, since real
networks have typically high variance node degree
values which causes the Tabu Search and Greedy al-
gorithms to have a similar performance.
This work was supported under the project of Instituto
de Telecomunicac
oes UIDB/50008/2020.
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PHOTOPTICS 2022 - 10th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology