factor. Each of the studied classes were dependent on
the restart frequency.
The dependency has been utilized for automated
settings of MiniSat’s parameters using machine learn-
ing based on features extracted from graphs derived
from the input instance.
We evaluated how predicted parameters perform
on both training set and testing set.
Significant improvement of running time has been
achieved with predicted parameters for all types of in-
stances except the planning class. The most positive
achievement was tuning parameters for unsatisfiable
random SAT instances, where for significant number
of instances tested we achieved up to 3x speedup.
As a suggestion for a future work, we plan to focus
on computing features of VG and VCG and leave CG
out as it is very computationally expensive and often
causes feature extractor execution time to outweigh
actual solving time.
This research has been supported by GA
CR - the
Czech Science Foundation, grant registration number
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Parameter Setting in SAT Solver using Machine Learning Techniques