1. For Clear Weather: Lidar-ONLY
2. For Cloudy Weather: Lidar-ONLY
3. For Rainy Weather: Camera-Radar
4. For Snowy Weather: Camera-ONLY
However, given the fact that rain and snow pro-
duce similar types of noise, an assumption can be
made that camera-radar may be the best for snowy
conditions, as well as rain.
In this paper, various datasets containing various
weather conditions were used and tested on different
modalities for the goal of finding the best sensor con-
figuration for each weather condition. From the eval-
uations of the different sensor modalities, insight as
to which sensors should be used for which weather
conditions has been gained. Now, preparations can be
made for the next step which is to develop a frame-
work based on this knowledge, then an efficient and
safe system for computation on edge devices may be
Future work opportunities may include the addi-
tion of a model for classifying weather conditions, so
that the decisions can be made based on the model’s
output. A variety of configurations utilizing different
modalities was tested in this paper. However, there
may still be some novel sensors that can be tested
such as, thermal cameras and night-vision cameras.
Also, camera-radar fusion was only tested on clear
and rainy conditions. An opportunity would be to
test this fusion on other conditions. Moreover, this
work resorted to the evaluation of earlier fusion ap-
proaches between sensors(early and middle). Testing
of late-fusion architectures may add more insight as
to which sensor configuration is best-suited to each
weather condition. Finally, it may be beneficial to test
on a large amount of samples.
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