Agent training and data generation is slow, but the
steady learning shown in Figure 1 rate and the high
entropy in Figure 6 created a broad and valid dataset
for this problem domain. This consistent improve-
ment of the learning agent’s skill rating avoids class
imbalance during both training and testing of the
95% of the sample maps from the testing data split
model achieves the 10%+- win rate probability that is
currently considered acceptable in multiplayer games
for matchmaking. This is acceptable, however, the
variance of the model is too high for production use.
As shown in Figure 5 the graph generation in
Unity is relatively straight forward with the graph up-
dating in almost real time when an artist changes the
level’s tile-map. The UI shown in Figure 3 showcases
how the tool looks when the graph is clicked it shows
Figure 5. Each graph is made up of 10 data points,
each 0.1 increment on the graphs X-axis is the equiva-
lent of 40 Elo skill points. The Y-axis is the probabil-
ity of Team 1 winning the game which is in the range
of 0-1.
Automated tools are becoming an increasingly com-
mon place in games. Companies have moved from
automated build systems that can create daily builds
using Jenkins or Team City to procedural art tools for
creating large open world games such as Houdini and
more recently to automated QA testing using learn-
ing agents, as games expand in scope the development
and testing process for them becomes more arduous,
Red Dead Redemption 2 is an excellent example of
this. Other areas of expansion for the games industry
are wider worlds and procedural art tools, a common
term is a 4k world which stands for 4 kilometres by 4
kilometres. Automation allows easier creation and it-
eration of content and is a key focus for game compa-
nies to prevent burn out that has been a massive issue
within the industry.
There is a broad range of future applications for
this tool kit, ranging from designing content to testing
exploits within the game’s mechanics. One suitable
use case within Player Vs. Enemy (PvE) games is
to evaluate how powerful different combinations are
either made by hand or using (PCG) techniques for
players of different skill levels. Another use case is
for testing new gameplay elements and rulesets, this
tool can evaluate key gameplay metrics such as the
session length and key weapon statistics such as aver-
age damage and max damage.
The authors think due to the broad applicability
of game design tools built using supervised learning
should hopefully see unique and new usecases within
the games development process. One key considera-
tion is the difficulty of integrating similar tools into
game engines other than Unity. Unreal Engine and
other proprietary game engines such as Lumberyard
don’t have easy to use inference tools at this cur-
rent time preventing this approach from being used
in a wide variety of games especially when we con-
sider Unity’s poor multiplayer support. While Unity
is moving towards a more scalable consistent multi-
player architecture, Unreal Engine is moving towards
integration of more AI within the game engine with
projects such as InteractML and Airsim getting key
support from Epic Games (Developer of Unreal En-
We would like to thank Lero: The Irish Software Re-
search Centre for their continued help and support.
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ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence