for NMR data analysis and guidance for the selection
of additional experiments to establish an objectively
unique solution.
This paper presents a method of interpreting NMR
spectra data via the CS framework to generate molec-
ular multigraphs. Real-world chemical structures in-
stances demonstrate that obtaining constraints based
on NMR data is successfully predicts the correct
molecular multigraphs. While alternativeCS methods
exist, which can determine the correct structures for
the molecules based on several defined constraints,
the interpretation of spectra data in our approach has
the advantage of generating the structures based on
the minimum available information as the case of the
real practical NMR instances. Although we solve
the structures predicting problems, we did not con-
sider more complex natural compounds. For instance,
chemical structures containing ring compounds and
the existence of symmetry for some atoms of the
structures. The main challenge would be that it can
not easily differentiate between the atoms as two or
more atoms will be had the same values of chemical
shifts. Further measures are suggested to improve the
performance and to predict robust and confident struc-
tures. The actions should define the most appropriate
methods to handle any uncertainty of NMR data as
this is more likely to be encountered in real instances
of spectra data.
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