This project presents a smart energy optimizing
platform architecture that tackles different players'
economic and social needs in the energy market value
chain. The energy consumers could benefit from the
platform's optimized device management based on
their energy flexibility. This feature helps lower
electricity prices according to each user preference
and even provides financial compensations through
the fulfilment of DR. If approved by legislation, TSO
can use an intelligent module ready to receive and
handle DR at the REC level, aiming to minimize the
energy imbalance problem and, consequently, the
costs of introducing RES in the grid.
Furthermore, the solution proposed in this paper
encourages the use of RES, since it helps producers
reduce the investment pay-out time by not only
maximizing the use of self-produced energy but also
by selling the energy surplus to other community
members at a profitable price.
Ultimately, society itself could benefit from the
solutions provided, as it reduces electricity prices to
end-users while promoting the widespread adoption
of RES. The objectives tackled in this project are very
complex and didn’t include a significant size pilot
that proves the scalability of the architecture proposed
in this paper and the fairness of the scheduling
algorithms. We also need to extend the testbed with
several RECs and include other kinds of devices, such
as cars.
This work was supported by project FLEXIGY, nº
034067 (AAC nº 03/SI/2017) POCI-01-0247-
FEDER-034067, financed through National Funds
through FCT/MCTES (Fundação para a Ciência e
Tecnologia) and co-financed by Programa
Operacional Regional do Norte (NORTE2020),
through Portugal2020 and the European Fund for
Reginal Development (FEDER).
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