Integration of FIWARE and IoT based Named Data Networking
Mohamed Ahmed Hail
, Ian P
and Stefan Fischer
Institute of Telematics, University of L
ubeck, Ratzeburger Allee 160, L
ubeck, Germany
Internet of Thnigs (IoT), Named Data Networking (NDN), FIWARE Platform.
IoT systems have taken on an essential role in our life. IoT devices are strongly integrated into several sec-
tors such as Smart Healthcare, Smart Cities, Smart Energy, Smart Industry, etc. and deliver important data.
Designing, building, and implementing IoT systems are significant challenges because of IoT requirements
such as mobility, energy consumption, and limited device memory. To mitigate such challenges, opportunities
to test and evaluate IoT systems early in the first development phases are important to reduce cost and effort.
Different systems have been proposed to aid such development, aiming at different key challenges. One of
these systems is FIWARE, an open source IoT middleware, designed to ease data transportation and big data
tasks. It has been established as an ecosystem technology used for optimizing the development of several
applications and services in IoT. Key feature is the standardized architecture for gathering context information
and managing these contexts in cloud based IoT and big data applications. In this paper, we discuss the inte-
gration of FIWARE software and IoT-NDN. IoT-NDN is an IoT system based on the Named Data Networking
(NDN) communication paradigm. NDN is a communication protocol developed for the Internet and uses hi-
erarchical names instead of IP addresses to deliver data on the Internet. IoT-NDN is an advanced architecture
of NDN, conceding the requirements and limitations of IoT devices. In this paper we present an approach
and architecture to integrate FIWARE and IoT-NDN. This integration eases implementation of IoT-NDN in
existing applications, since a transparent compatibility between both systems can be achieved.
IoT applications have become ubiquitous in our day
to day live. Today, more then 35 billion IoT devices
(Alam, 2018) are connected to the Internet in various
sectors and branches such as health, government, traf-
fic industry and more. These devices offer many ad-
vantages delivering important and critical information
and data about different situations. The connected
devices interact, sense and communicate with each
other and enable the collection of data in their envi-
ronments. For example, an IoT device may monitor a
patient with heart problems and deliver notifications
to the doctor in case of an emergency. Such informa-
tion could be essential for the patient’s life and should
be transmitted fast and safe to the doctor or monitor-
ing station.
In many cases, connected IoT devices use the in-
ternet to transfer data and information to customers,
clients and cloud applications. In other cases, clients
may request data from the devices, which only trans-
mit once requested for information. Oftentimes, those
applications pose a big challenge to commonly used
protocols, since devices and networks may hold lim-
ited resources. Especially in IoT applications, sensors
are often operated on battery power or energy harvest-
ing techniques. To accommodate those special re-
quirements, different protocols have been developed
during recent years. Especially in constrained envi-
ronments, 6LoWPAN and CoAP are often used (C,
2016)(Alhaj Ali, 2018). In most protocols, IoT de-
vices still need IP addresses to be connected and ac-
cessible to/from the internet.
Additionally, IoT devices have many limita-
tions regarding the memory, energy and computation
power. They are heterogeneous and transmit small
and transient data and information. Requesting, de-
livering and updating the data in IoT systems is a big
challenge because of the resource limitation and mo-
bility of IoT devices compared to the traditional Inter-
net protocol.
Hail, M., Pösse, I. and Fischer, S.
Integration of FIWARE and IoT based Named Data Networking (IoT-NDN).
DOI: 10.5220/0010936200003118
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS 2022), pages 184-190
ISBN: 978-989-758-551-7; ISSN: 2184-4380
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Recently, the research community has been work-
ing on developing a new protocol called Named Data
Networking (NDN) which matches and supports the
modern communication paradigm on the Internet on
one hand. On the other hand, NDN has been con-
sidered as a new and stable communication proto-
col for IoT and its constrained devices (Sheng et al.,
2013). NDN uses hierarchical and location indepen-
dent names to deliver the data within the Internet. IoT
systems benefit from the communication concept of
NDN using the hierarchically structured names to dis-
tribute the data efficiently in the network. Further-
more, NDN offer many advantages for IoT and its
applications and services based on the name based
routing and in-network caching. Section 2.1 intro-
duces the IoT-NDN architecture which is an extend-
able NDN protocol for IoT systems. Such issues and
others are discussed in (Hail, 2019) to show the ad-
vantages for moving current communication proto-
cols from host-to-host to name based paradigm.
An important task of IoT system is the percep-
tion, processing, monitoring and forwarding of data
produced form various sources. Evaluation and test-
ing of these systems is essential to improve the avail-
ability of data in the network, as well as preventing
costly or even harmful application errors and misbe-
haviours. But such evaluation and visualization of IoT
data is a big challenge for the software which man-
ages the IoT devices and their data. In most cases,
a centralized middleware is utilized to manage data
distribution across the network. This middleware as a
central spot of information may be utilized to imple-
ment an evaluation. Many different projects develop-
ing a unified middleware for IoT, Big Data or other
strongly distributed topics have been created during
recent years. In this paper we will consider one such
middleware called FIWARE which is designed and
developed for ease of development in IoT systems and
data economy. FIWARE is an open source platform
and consists of different components which are de-
scribed in detail in Section 2.2. Each module may
be selected and added based on personal needs. FI-
WARE’s community is continuously expanding and
optimizing this platform.
Since NDN protocol and IoT-NDN protocol
specifically offer significant advantages over tradi-
tional IP based protocols in those scenarios, inte-
gration into existing applications and technologies
should be an early target. This way, the technology
can easily be included and tested while still relying
on well-known and -received tools. For this reason,
we propose an architecture to integrate FIWARE plat-
form and IoT-NDN.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sec-
tion 2 introduces the IoT-NDN architecture and gives
a short description of FIWARE. The design, architec-
ture and definition of the API is presented in Section
3. Section 4 presents other research concerning FI-
WARE and NDN for IoT systems. Section 5 con-
cludes this paper.
In this section we will give short overview about
the architecture of IoT based Named Data Network-
ing (IoT-NDN). IoT-NDN will be presented and ex-
plained. Furthermore, the FIWARE Platform will be
presented in Section 2.2. Additionally, different com-
ponents of FIWARE are presented and explained.
2.1 IoT Based Named Data Networking
The core idea of Named Data Networking (NDN)
protocol is changing the concept of today’s Inter-
net protocol (IP) from host centric to a name centric
paradigm. NDN uses hierarchically structured names
for requesting the desired data and also for answering
such requests. The name concept of NDN is matching
the today’s communication concept using the Internet
between two devices, e.g. producer/server and cos-
The conventional NDN protocol (Zhang et al.,
2014) is designed for non-constrained devices with
memory and energy such as PC’s and laptops. (Hail,
2019) shows a protocol called IoT-NDN that is de-
signed for IoT systems and matches the requirements
of IoT devices. IoT-NDN is a simple but robust and
effective communication model, which is based on
location-independent content names. The IoT-NDN
also uses hierarchically structured names instead of
source/destination host addresses for data transmis-
sion. IoT-NDN can provide many benefits, such as
mobility support and low-cost configuration. Figure
1 illustrates the IoT-NDN architecture and its compo-
nents on each device.
The IoT device layer is illustrated at the bottom
of the IoT-NDN architecture which includes all het-
erogeneous IoT devices. The top of the IoT-NDN ar-
chitecture contains the IoT applications which are re-
questing the data. IoT-NDN operates as a networking
layer and serves to deliver the requested data from the
underlying layer to the overlying layer.
The IoT-NDN has three main components: Nam-
ing, Data Plane and the Management and Control
Plane. The naming component contains new nam-
ing schemes and structures which are suitable for the
Integration of FIWARE and IoT based Named Data Networking (IoT-NDN)
Management/Control Plane
IoT-NDN Compnents
Smart Home
Smart Grid
Smart CitiesSmart Health
IoT Applications
IoT Devices
- Tables
- Strategy
Data Plane
- Aggregation
- Controlled Flooding
- Name-Centric Service
Figure 1: IoT-NDN System architecture and its compo-
constrained wireless network devices. Management
and control plane contains once again sub compo-
nents which deal with aggregation algorithms, con-
trolled flooding and name-centric service. The data
plan contains the tables and strategy sub components
which deal with caching and forwarding strategies of
IoT-NDN data. IoT-NDN components are responsible
for handling the IoT-NDN packets and operate nam-
ing, caching strategies, etc. in IoT-NDN systems.
All devices which run IoT-NDN architecture oper-
ate three tables: Content Store (CS), Pending Interest
Table (PIT), and Forwarding Information Base (FIB).
IoT-NDN implements two kinds of packets, Inter-
est and Data Packets. The Interest packet is used to
request data and is roughly comparable to an HTTP
request. Data packet is the packet which contains the
requested data and is sent in response to an interest
packet. Both packets are using names for identifica-
tion as mentioned in (Zhang et al., 2014).
Interest and Data packets are received and sent
through faces which are comparable with interfaces.
In IoT-NDN, the faces are used concerning the net-
work or to local applications and simplify the pro-
cessing and forwarding of messages in the IoT-NDN
system. Face implementation for the IoT-NDN is ex-
plained in detail in (Zhang et al., 2014). For more
information about IoT-NDN architecture, message
types, and data structures please see (Hail, 2019).
2.2 FIWARE Platform
FIWARE is an open source platform designed for
smart and digital future technologies. The goal of FI-
WARE is the acceleration of development for smart
solutions in various systems and environments such as
IoT. It combines different components that enable the
connection to e.g. IoT with context information man-
agement and big data services in the cloud. FIWARE
has been built in Europe with the goal that smart ap-
plications in multiple sectors can be developed faster
and more easily. All contributions to FIWARE in-
cluding building and developing the FIWARE plat-
form are made by an independent FIWARE commu-
nity comprised of companies, hubs, strategic partners
etc. (FIWARE Foundation, e.V. (2020c)).
FIWARE consists of different and configurable
components which can be assembled and operated to-
gether. These components can be used with other
third party components to build a platform that sup-
port the development of smart solutions in different
branches such as Smart Cities, Smart Industry, Smart
Energy etc. (FIWARE Foundation, e.V. (2020c)).
The core component of FIWARE is the Context
Broker Generic Enabler which is responsible for the
management of context information. The Context
Broker enables the system to perform updates and ac-
cess the current state of context. It handles context
state and forwards information based on requests or
subscriptions. Further components of FIWARE are
illustrated in Table 1. More information about FI-
WARE can be found in (FIWARE Foundation, e.V.
The goal of integrating a FIWARE instance into IoT-
NDNs is to enable FIWARE clients to access informa-
tion present in an IoT-NDN network using the inter-
faces of FIWARE. Additionally, NDN clients should
be able to access FIWARE context information us-
ing NDN requests. In both cases, compatibility to the
chosen API or protocol should be preserved as accu-
rately as possible while being mostly transparent to
the user. That way, existing applications will be able
to integrate IoT-NDNs without changing their struc-
ture, since the application is independent of whether
the information is present within FIWARE or the IoT-
NDN network. We propose the architecture of a FI-
WARE to IoT-NDN bridge that integrates FIWARE
and IoT-NDN and allows for this transparent two-way
3.1 Architecture and Design
To be compatible with FIWARE and its compo-
nents, the adapter has to at least partly implement the
NGSIv2-API. Ideally, an implementation of a con-
text provider in combination with request forwarding
SENSORNETS 2022 - 11th International Conference on Sensor Networks
Table 1: Some of the FIWARE Components. There are more components which could be seen in (FIWARE Foundation, e.V.
(2020c))(Fiware developers - componentas).
Components Description
NGSIv2 API exported by a FIWARE Context Broker, used for the integration of platform com-
ponents within a “Powered by FIWARE” platform and by applications to update or
consume context information
Context Broker manages context information, enables updates and brings access to context
Fiware Keyrock brings support to secure user, devices, user profile and personal data using OAut2
Quantumleap supports the storage of context data into a time series database
Cosmos enables simpler Big Data analysis over context
Draco alternative data persistence mechanism to to manage the history of context
Cygnus brings the means for managing the history of context that is created as a stream of data
which can be injected into multiple data sinks
STH Comet brings the means for storing a short-term history of context data (typically months) on
would be used. This would allow for implementing a
bridge, that translates FIWARE-requests to IoT-NDN-
requests and vice-versa. However, at the time of writ-
ing this API was not fully implemented
Orion, the commonly used context provider. For this
reason we decided on instead publishing the data of
IoT-NDN sensors to FIWARE, hence storing all data
within the context provider. This has the additional
benefit of enabling integration with FIWARE compo-
nents that rely on notifications of incoming data, for
example FIWARE quantumleap that allows for cul-
tivating a time-series database with context informa-
Since IoT-NDN devices also need to be able to re-
quest data from FIWARE context broker, the bridge
needs to implement an IoT-NDN interface. Incoming
NDN requests need to be mapped to a correspond-
ing FIWARE entity to retrieve and return the data.
To achieve this, a corresponding naming convention
needs to be created and implemented that is ideally
transparent to the clients. To meet these requirements,
we propose the structure illustrated in Figure 2.
Here we can see, that the proposed FIWARE NDN
adapter is part of the IoT-NDN network as well as
the FIWARE environment. To send and receive IoT-
NDN packets, the adapter has to implement an NDN
client and a connection to the IoT-NDN router has to
be present. Communication to FIWARE is less com-
plicated, since the NGSIv2 API via HTTP requests
can be utilized.
orion/issues/3078, requested 10/30/2021
Figure 2: An Architecture of IoT-NDN and FIWARE.
3.2 Naming Structure
Data within IoT-NDN networks is addressed using
names. Each name is composed of hierarchically
structured data, contained within a human readable
format. Furthermore, an IoT-NDN name can describe
a special task, an event or an application scenario. The
architecture of IoT-NDN allows the applications to re-
quest specific data from producers or any device in
the network using the naming mechanisms explained
in detail in (Hail, 2019).
Comparably, FIWARE uses different fields to
structure and organize data according to the applica-
tion logic. Within FIWARE, service-paths are used
to identify hierarchical scopes. Service-paths form
a tree-like structure and requesting clients can use
queries to combine entities within different sub-trees.
Additionally, an entity is identified using it’s ID or
When studied closely, naming within IoT-NDN
networks and the FIWARE environment shares some
similarities. Both use a tree-styled hierarchical struc-
ture that can be used to identify a specific device (IoT-
Integration of FIWARE and IoT based Named Data Networking (IoT-NDN)
NDN) or entity (FIWARE). A main task when con-
necting IoT-NDN to FIWARE is to identify which en-
tity represents which device and vice versa. Figure 3
illustrates our proposed mapping strategy.
Command Name
Command ID
Figure 3: Name Structure of the suggested Architecture.
Here we can see that a given IoT-NDN name is
comprised of different details that can be used to de-
termine the corresponding FIWARE-entity. The first
component is the domain name, a name that is used
to identify the current application. Commonly, this
domain name should be //ndn/. It is followed by the
service-path and entity-id. The entity-id is the last
element of the IoT-NDN path, only followed by an
optional set of command-Infos, that may be omit-
ted. Since the domain name is known to all appli-
cation participants, any given name can be automati-
cally translated to a FIWARE entity by stripping the
domain name, splitting the name at the last slash and
searching for optional command-Infos. The reverse
is also possible by appending the service-path and
entity-id to the domain-name using a slash sign as de-
The command-Infos part of the name can be used
to deliver any further information about an applica-
tion, service or device resource to the receiver. They
can flexibly represented by being appended to the
entity-id. An example could be a timestamp or a spe-
cific event that could be added to an interest packet.
Additionally, it could represent a versioning com-
ponent for all devices in the network. In our pro-
posed adapter strategy, we use the command-info
to implement a pushing strategy for sensor devices.
Each device present within the IoT-NDN should push
it’s information to the FIWARE adapter, which in
turn updates the corresponding FIWARE entity. Fur-
thermore, devices may request data from FIWARE-
entities - regardless whether these are IoT-NDN de-
vices themselves or not.
Lets consider an example for the proposed map-
ping structure. A device within the domain //ndn/
may be called uzl/itm/house64/room101/temperature,
while the FIWARE adapter may be called
uzl/itm/fiware. It may push data at a rate of
1hz to the FIWARE NDN adapter. It does
so by sending the following interest packet
//ndn/uzl/itm/fiware%Csetvalue=10.5. The FI-
WARE adapter then uses the data information present
within the interest packet and the name of the
requesting device to perform the update.
Considering the same example, requesting data of
a FIWARE entity may look like depicted in figure
4. Since the request’s prefix //ndn/uzl/itm/fiware is
the name of the FIWARE adapter, the request also
reaches it (Hail, 2019). The adapter then performs
the search within the FIWARE domain and responds
with the available data (if any). Using this approach,
a non-existing sub-branch of the IoT-NDN tree struc-
ture can be emulated, thus acting transparently like a
regular NDN device. The command-info portion of
the request may be used to filter or request specific
attributes, in this example the attribute value. Note
that it does not matter in this example whether the re-
quested entity is also present within the NDN or not.
3.3 Interface Definition
The proposed FIWARE NDN adapter basically acts
like a relay, that interprets NDN messages and trans-
lates them to the corresponding API of the FIWARE
context broker. Therefore, two main methods need to
be implemented to provide the intended transparent
functionality: pushing data from IoT NDN devices to
the context broker and requesting data stored by the
context broker within the IoT NDN network.
Once a data push is received, the name of the re-
questing device is translated to a FIWARE entity as
stated above. The data that needs to be updated is rep-
resented within the command-info block of the inter-
est packet, which is then identified and formatted as
JSON-String. The FIWARE NDN adapter then per-
forms an HTTP PATCH request against the NGSIv2-
API of the registered context broker. It uses the
route {{broker-host}}/v2/entities/{{entity-id}}/attrs,
while replacing {{broker-host}} and {{entity-id}}
with the corresponding values and sends the JSON
formatted attributes as request body. In case the entity
is not yet existent (signified by an HTTP error code of
404), the entity is created first using the HTTP POST
route {{broker-host}}/v2/entities, supplying the data
and entity-id in the body’s JSON payload. The de-
SENSORNETS 2022 - 11th International Conference on Sensor Networks
Domain-Name Service-Path Command-Name
Figure 4: An Example of Name-Structure of FIWARE and IoT-NDN.
coded service-path is sent as HTTP header to identify
the exact entity corresponding to the requesting de-
A different approach is executed once a data pull
packet is received. As described earlier, the proposed
approach utilizes the attribute of NDN’s to forward
requests to devices with matching prefixes. The re-
quested entity can be identified using the approach
detailed above. The adapter then forwards the request
to FIWARE using an HTTP GET request on the route
{{broker-host}}/v2/entities/{{entity-id}}. As before,
the service-path is sent as an HTTP header. Any data
fetched from that request is then forwarded to the re-
questing device.
FIWARE has been designed to aid the development of
smart and digital solutions for different systems and
environments such as IoT.
For instance, (Preventis et al., 2016) discussed the
IoT-A project in relation to FIWARE. The authors
propose an architecture based on IoT-A which com-
prises FIWARE. They try to identify the key features
of FIWARE to support IoT-A compliant system im-
The authors in (Fern
andez et al., 2016) present the
project SmartPort. SmartPort is a platform that offers
distributed architecture for the collection of port sen-
sor data. It allows the user to explore the geolocated
data with internet applications.
Further research discusses the FIWARE Cloud
platforms for e-health systems (Fazio et al., 2015)
(Celesti et al., 2019). The authors in (Fazio et al.,
2015) are exploring the FIWARE software for de-
veloping a remote patient monitoring system. The
contributions of this paper consist in providing soft-
ware architects experience regarding FIWARE adap-
tion for designing Cloud and IoT architecture. It was
shown that using FIWARE cloud platform can speed
up the design of real e-health Remote Patient Moni-
toring (RPM) architecture.
The work mentioned in (Celesti et al., 2019) de-
velops an IoT cloud e-health systems using FIWARE
software. They focus on how to compose new cutting-
edge IoT and cloud based Cyber Physical Health Sys-
tems (CPHS) services and applications. The system
uses FIWARE to be connected with remote medical
sensors and actuators.
Furthermore, adaption and integration of NDN
for IoT systems has already been discussed in (Hail,
2019). Conventional NDN (Zhang et al., 2014) has
been developed for devices without limitation of re-
sources such as energy and memory. However, re-
search exists which discusses the device requirements
of IoT devices. There are several research articles
such as (Amadeo et al., 2013)(Hail et al., 2015a)(Hail
et al., 2015b)(Teubler et al., ) which address the NDN
protocol as a suited protocol for IoT systems. The
authors in (Hail, 2019) have built and developed IoT-
NDN to match the specifications of IoT constrained
Recent research regarding FIWARE and IoT fo-
cus on conventional communication protocols, mostly
based on TCP/IP. To the best of our knowledge this is
the first research which deals with FIWARE and IoT
devices based on Named Data Networking protocol.
This paper shortly discussed the fundamentals of
the communication paradigm Named Data Networks
(NDN). Additionally, an outline of FIWARE platform
and it’s advantages in development of smart and dig-
ital technologies was presented. This paper proposes
an approach and architecture to integrate FIWARE
and IoT-NDN. The approach allows for mostly trans-
parent integration of IoT-NDN into existing applica-
tions using FIWARE. This eases the transition and im-
plementation of such devices, since existing applica-
tions don’t need to be changed.
To reach this goal, a mapping approach was dis-
cussed that utilities similarities in structure between
FIWARE and IoT-NDN. The architecture presented
in Section 3 shows an overview of the FIWARE IoT-
NDN adapter. This adapter is used as a relay to in-
terpret NDN messages and translates them to the cor-
responding API of the FIWARE context broker. Inte-
gration of IoT-NDN and FIWARE brings more advan-
Integration of FIWARE and IoT based Named Data Networking (IoT-NDN)
tages in monitoring data produced from the IoT-NDN
devices. Furthermore, FIWARE and IoT-NDN also
allow industry and government sectors to have a new
way of communication to access data using names.
Future research will focus on implementing, eval-
uating and optimizing the proposed approach. Since
full transparency of the two systems could not be
achieved, additional research may focus on an im-
plementation utilizing the not yet fully implemented
request forwarding API. Furthermore, an implemen-
tation of the FIWARE IoT-NDN adapter on small de-
vices such as ESP32 would allow resource-restricted
applications to make use of the proposed approach.
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SENSORNETS 2022 - 11th International Conference on Sensor Networks