Table 4: Performance of MIRP on CIFAR-10 dataset with
varying decaying factor.
Decaying factor PGD / Time
0.1 50.59 / 47 min
0.6 49.19 / 50.8 min
Here, Non-zero refers that the values are retained
between batches and Zero refers to that the values are
initialized to zero between batches.
Our findings show that MIRP adversarial training,
when used with random initialization, can in fact be
more effective as the more costly PGD adversarial
training. As a result, we are able to learn adversarially
robust classifiers for CIFAR10/100 in minutes. We
believe that leveraging these significant reductions in
time to train robust models will allow future work to
iterate even faster, and accelerate research in learning
models which are resistant to adversarial attacks.
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