An Assessment of the Impact of OCR Noise on Language Models
Konstantin Todorov
and Giovanni Colavizza
Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC), University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Machine Learning, Language Models, Optical Character Recognition (OCR).
Neural language models are the backbone of modern-day natural language processing applications. Their use
on textual heritage collections which have undergone Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is therefore also
increasing. Nevertheless, our understanding of the impact OCR noise could have on language models is still
limited. We perform an assessment of the impact OCR noise has on a variety of language models, using
data in Dutch, English, French and German. We find that OCR noise poses a significant obstacle to language
modelling, with language models increasingly diverging from their noiseless targets as OCR quality lowers.
In the presence of small corpora, simpler models including PPMI and Word2Vec consistently outperform
transformer-based models in this respect.
Statistical neural language models have become the
backbone of modern-day natural language process-
ing (NLP) applications. They have proven high ca-
pabilities in learning complex linguistic features and
for transferable, multi-purpose adaptability Qiu et al.
(2020), in particular with the recent success of con-
textual models like BERT Devlin et al. (2019). Lan-
guage models’ main objective is to assign probabil-
ities to sequences of linguistic units, such as sen-
tences made of words, possibly benefiting from auxil-
iary tasks. The success of neural language models has
fostered a significant amount of work on understand-
ing how they work internally Rogers et al. (2020).
In Digital/Computational Humanities, language mod-
els are primarily used as components of NLP archi-
tectures and to perform well-posed tasks. Examples
include Handwritten/Optical Character Recognition
(H/OCR) Kahle et al. (2017), Named Entity Recogni-
tion (NER) and linkage Ehrmann et al. (2020), mod-
elling semantic change Shoemark et al. (2019), anno-
tating historical corpora Coll Ardanuy et al. (2020),
translating heritage metadata Banar et al. (2020), and
many more.
An open challenge for neural language models are
low-resource settings: languages or tasks where lan-
guage data is comparatively scarce, and where an-
notations are few Hedderich et al. (2021). This is a
known issue for many underrepresented languages,
including when a language is distinctively appropri-
ated for example via dialects and idiomatic expres-
sions Nguyen et al. (2016). Consequences include
the possible exclusion of speakers of low-resource
languages, cognitive and societal biases, the reduc-
tion of linguistic diversity and often poor general-
ization Ruder (2020). Historical language data are
also comparatively less abundant and sparser than
modern-day data Piotrowski (2012); Ehrmann et al.
What is more, historical language data often poses
two additional challenges: noise and variation. Noise
comes from errors which should be corrected and
their impact mitigated, variation instead is a charac-
teristic of language which may constitute a useful sig-
nal. Modern-day NLP methods, including language
models, ‘overcome’ noise by sheer data size yet
noise can still remain a problem and often flatten-
out linguistic variation. Therefore, when employed
on real-world applications in low-resource settings,
or when applied out-of-domain, these methods might
fall short and, crucially, they might fail to appropri-
ately deal with noise and variation.
In this work, we contribute to bridge this gap by
posing the following question: what is the impact on
language models of textual noise caused by OCR?
While recent work has focused on the impact of
OCR noise on downstream tasks Hill and Hengchen
(2019); van Strien et al. (2020); Todorov and Colav-
izza (2020), less is known about language mod-
Todorov, K. and Colavizza, G.
An Assessment of the Impact of OCR Noise on Language Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0010945100003116
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2022) - Volume 2, pages 674-683
ISBN: 978-989-758-547-0; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
els in this respect. We therefore proceed by con-
sidering a most basic empirical setting, expanding
from van Strien et al. (2020). First, we use data
in multiple languages available in two versions: as
ground truth, assumed correct and verified by hu-
mans, and as OCRed texts, containing varying de-
grees of noise from automated text extraction. The
data we use is small when compared to modern-
day language modelling standards, yet of realistic
size in a Digital/Computational Humanities setting.
Furthermore, we consider language models trained
from scratch and do not cover fine-tuning or lan-
guage model adaptation here. Lastly, for each lan-
guage model under consideration we compare the re-
sults of two identically-configured language models,
trained on these two versions of the same corpus, by
inspecting how similar their learned vector spaces are
upon convergence. In this way, we assume no uni-
versal baseline, but instead compare language models
While transfer learning on language models is of
extreme importance to model NLP applications Ruder
(2019), we do not consider it here. The reason is
the difficulty in establishing a consistent comparison.
While comparing the vector spaces of language mod-
els trained from scratch is possible upon convergence,
this is more problematic for fine tuning since it is
difficult to know when a fine tuned model has actu-
ally converged to an accurate model of the new do-
main. This issue is particularly severe when using
small datasets to fine tune. In fact, in the evalua-
tion setting described above, the best result would be
achieved by performing no fine tuning at all. Indeed,
in this case, both the ground truth and the OCR mod-
els would be perfectly identical. A way around is to
use extrinsic evaluation, and consider (the similarity
in performance on) downstream tasks instead. While
extrinsic evaluation has its merits, it does not allow
to perform a direct assessment of a language model,
but only one limited to its usefulness for downstream
tasks. We therefore consider extrinsic evaluation to
be complementary to the approach we pursue here.
Neural Language Models. Vector representations
of linguistic units, referred to as embeddings, have
been instrumental in the success of modern neural
NLP. On the one hand, as statistical models of lan-
guage when trained on unsupervised objectives and,
on the other hand, as components in larger NLP ar-
chitectures Xia et al. (2020); Qiu et al. (2020). Very
popular models include Word2Vec Mikolov et al.
(2013b,a) and BERT Devlin et al. (2019). A com-
mon theme of neural language modelling research
over time seems to be that increasing larger param-
eters and datasets lead to better results Brown et al.
(2020); Raffel et al. (2020). More recently, attention
is increasing for low-resource languages which do not
yet possess the amount of data or resources which are
readily available for, say, English Ruder (2020); Hed-
derich et al. (2021). As a consequence, promising
work is emerging on effective small language mod-
els Schick and Sch
utze (2021).
Language Models and Noise. A challenge in lan-
guage modelling which is often yet not necessar-
ily occurring in low-resource settings is noise. We
can consider noise as unwanted errors in the texts, in-
troduced by processing steps. Examples include er-
rors in audio to text recognition or in transcription.
Noise can be caused by humans, machines, commu-
nication channels; it can be systematic or not. Sub-
stantial work on noise and language models has so
far focused on robustness to adversarial attacks Pruthi
et al. (2019). Some approaches to language modelling
can indeed be more resilient to noise than others,
despite often having been introduced for other rea-
sons (primarily dealing with out-of-vocabulary words
and being language agnostic). BERT, for example,
has been proven sensitive to (non-adversarial) human
noise Sun et al. (2020); Kumar et al. (2020). Exam-
ples of models that can be more resilient to noise in-
clude typological language models Gerz et al. (2018);
Ponti et al. (2019), sub-word or character-level lan-
guage models Kim et al. (2016); Zhu et al. (2019);
Ma et al. (2020), byte-pair encoding Sennrich et al.
(2016), and their extension in recent tokenization-free
models (Heinzerling and Strube, 2018; Clark et al.,
2021; Xue et al., 2021), yet their use as noise-resilient
language models remains to be fully assessed.
Assessing the Impact of OCR Noise. A grow-
ing body of work is focused on assessing and mit-
igating the impact of OCR noise. An area of ac-
tive work is that of post-OCR correction, which at-
tempts to automatically improve on a noisy text after
ainen and Hengchen (2019); Boros et al.
(2020); Nguyen et al. (2020); Todorov and Colavizza
(2020). Several recent contributions have assessed the
impact of OCR noise using extrinsic evaluation and
considering a variety of downstream tasks, includ-
ing topic modelling, text classification, named en-
tity recognition and information retrieval, among oth-
ers Hamdi et al. (2019); Hill and Hengchen (2019);
van Strien et al. (2020); Boros et al. (2020). While
more systematic comparisons are needed, the general
An Assessment of the Impact of OCR Noise on Language Models
trend seems to indicate that OCR texts are often ‘good
enough’ to be used for downstream tasks.
It is our intent to contribute to this growing body
of work by assessing the impact of OCR noise on a
selection of mainstream language models, in view of
informing their use and future development.
In this section we introduce the language models
which we consider for this study and present the data
we used for our experiments. Lastly, we detail the
evaluation procedure to assess their resilience to OCR
3.1 Language Models
There are several popular techniques for language
modelling. Modern-day language models are typi-
cally vector-based: they map linguistic units (e.g., to-
kens) to vectors of a given size. How these vectors
are updated and learned during training depends on
the model at hand and the task(s) it focuses on. In
order to compare different and popular approaches,
in this study we consider Word2Vec, namely Skip-
Gram with Negative Sampling (SGNS) and Continu-
ous Bag-of-words (CBOW) Mikolov et al. (2013b,a),
and GloVe Pennington et al. (2014). Furthermore, we
consider attention-based models able to make use of
the context of an occurrence at inference time and
not just at training time, namely BERT Devlin et al.
(2019) and ALBERT Lan et al. (2020) (the latter a
very fast variant of the former). Finally, we also
include a language model based on co-occurrence
counts re-weighted using Positive Pointwise Mutual
Information (PPMI), as a baseline Church and Hanks
PMI. is a measure of association that quantifies the
likelihood of a co-occurrence of two words taking into
account the independent frequency of the two words
in the corpus. Positive PMI (PPMI) leaves out nega-
tive values, under the assumption that they might cap-
ture unreliable and therefore uninformative statistics
about the word pair. Formally, PMI and PPMI are
calculated as follows:
PMI(w, c) = log
P(w, c)
PPMI(w, c) = max (PMI(w, c), 0) (2)
Where P(w, c) is the probability of the word w oc-
curring together with word c, and the denominator
contains the individual probabilities of these words
occurring independently.
Skip-gram. positions each word in a vector space
such that similar words are closer to each other. This
is achieved by using the self-supervised task of pre-
dicting the context words given a specific target word.
To improve the speed of convergence and ease com-
putation, we use negative sampling. If we consider
the original target and context words as positive ex-
amples, we sample negative ones at random from the
corpus during training.
CBOW. uses the mirror task compared to Skip-
gram, by predicting the target word using context
words. For both models, the amount of context words
is configurable and called window size of the model.
GloVe. is similar to PPMI, in that training is
performed on the aggregated word-to-word co-
occurrence matrix from a corpus, following the intu-
ition that these encode a form of meaning.
BERT. stands for Bidirectional Encoder Represen-
tations for Transformers that, at the time of introduc-
tion, gave state-of-the-art results on a wide variety of
tasks. BERT is a multi-layered bi-directional trans-
former encoder. It uses self-supervised tasks such as
masked language modelling and next sentence predic-
tion. We apply the former to train our BERT model.
The original model uses sub-word tokenization and it
generates contextualised word representation at infer-
ence time.
ALBERT. uses most of BERT’s design choices.
However, this model differs by introducing two
parameter-reduction techniques that lower memory
consumption and drastically decrease training time.
We implement the overall pipeline for our exper-
iments and PPMI ourselves. For CBOW and SGNS
we use a popular Python library, Gensim Rehurek and
Sojka (2010), while for BERT and ALBERT we rely
on HuggingFace Wolf et al. (2020). We remark again
that we always do training from scratch, without us-
ing any pre-trained model.
For all models, we use standard default for
the used architecture tokenization. For Skip-gram,
CBOW and GloVe we use simple rules, such as clean-
ing digits, punctuation and multiple white-spaces. For
BERT and ALBERT we use Byte-level BPE tok-
enizer, as introduced by OpenAI and which works on
sub-word level (Wang et al., 2020). For these models,
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
we additionally split the data at 500 characters due
to the design limitations in the original implementa-
tion. Finally, we use default configurations for the
transformers, namely a vocabulary size of 30,522 for
BERT and of 30,000 for ALBERT, and an vector size
equal to 768. For ALBERT, we set the number of
hidden layers and attention heads to 12 and the inter-
mediate size to 3072 so that these are equal to their
counterparts in BERT.
3.2 Data
We make use of the datasets provided by the In-
ternational Conference on Document Analysis and
Recognition (ICDAR) 2017 Chiron et al. (2017) and
2019 Rigaud et al. (2019) competitions on Post-OCR
text correction. These two datasets combined include
ten European languages of which we consider four
in this study. The data is provided in three versions:
OCR, aligned OCR and ground-truth. We make use
of the aligned OCR and ground-truth versions for the
purpose of this study and combine the training and
evaluation sets together.
From Table 1 we show how different the four lan-
guages are in terms of corpus size. Dutch and En-
glish languages contain comparatively fewer docu-
ments but of longer average size, while French and
German have more, usually shorter documents. In or-
der to assess whether having more data for languages
with a smaller corpus would alter our results, we ex-
perimented with adding data from the National Li-
brary of Australia’s Trove newspaper archive
to the
English corpus, but discovered that it does not lead to
any differences in the outcomes of our experiments
when tested on several of our configurations. We
therefore leave this out and only report results using
ICDAR 2017+2019 data in what follows.
OCR error rates, per language and averaged over
documents are given in Table 2, alongside the dis-
tribution of character error rates in Figure 1a and of
word error rates in Figure 1b. The error rates on char-
acter level are calculated by comparing characters on
the same position in the OCR and aligned ground-
truth versions. Word error rates are calculated fol-
lowing the de facto standard approach of word errors
to processed words Morris et al. (2004). Documents
which are having misaligned OCR and ground-truth
versions are excluded from the error rates calculation.
It is worth noting that these represent a significant
proportion for the German language (Table 1).
Before using each corpus for training, we perform
the following pre-processing steps for all of our con-
figurations except for BERT and ALBERT. We remove
(a) Character-level
(b) Word-level
Figure 1: OCR error rates per language, as distribution of
document scores.
numbers and punctuation from the data, lowercase all
characters, substitute multiple white-spaces with one,
also removing leading and trailing white-spaces in the
process, and finally split the different words into to-
kens. We then build the vocabulary for each version
of each corpus – ending up with two versions per cor-
pus: OCR and ground truth and remove all tokens
that occur less than five times overall (per version).
We pick this number following previous research and
in order to reduce the computational requirements of
training our models. For transformer-based models
instead, we only split words into sub-word tokens and
replace multiple white-spaces with one. These are
typical pre-processing steps in view of presenting as
much contextual information as possible to the model.
3.3 Evaluation
Our goal is to compare two versions of the same
model configuration, each trained from scratch, on the
OCR and the ground-truth versions of the same cor-
pus. We remind the reader that our evaluation there-
fore does not provide any indication of the relative
An Assessment of the Impact of OCR Noise on Language Models
Table 1: Dataset statistics calculated on ground truth corpora versions. The column Aligned reports the number of documents
where OCR versions and ground truth are perfectly aligned. The column Split reports the number of documents after document
splitting for transformer-based models, which require equally-sized data points.
Documents Characters per doc. Total
Total Aligned (% of total) Split Avg Min Max characters
Dutch 150 149 (99.3%) 5346 4593 42 16,028 688,934
English 963 951 (98.8%) 51,689 6866 2 869,953 6,612,108
French 3993 3616 (90.6%) 84,676 2660 2 195,177 10,620,966
German 10,032 1738 (17.3%) 128,662 1581 126 16,187 15,856,445
Table 2: OCR error rates per language, averaged over doc-
Error rate level
Character Word
Dutch 0.286 0.536
English 0.075 0.146
French 0.064 0.193
German 0.240 0.813
benefit of using one language model versus another
in terms of their capacity to represent language or
perform on downstream tasks. Rather, we assess and
compare the resilience of each model to OCR noise.
Our evaluation procedure is composed of the fol-
lowing steps:
1. For each corpus/language, we start by taking the
intersection of the words that are part of all vo-
cabularies/models. For transformer-based mod-
els, which do not have word-level vocabularies,
we use the vocabulary intersection from the other
2. For transformer-based models, we output the hid-
den states for all words from the intersected vo-
cabulary. For words which are split into multiple
sub-word tokens due to BERT and ALBERT tok-
enization, we take the mean values. This approach
leaves out the contextual information from the in-
ferred embeddings, yet it ensures proper compar-
ison with different architectures.
3. For each corpus/language, model configuration,
and word in the vocabulary intersection, we com-
pute the cosine similarity with every other word
in the vocabulary intersection.
4. We then compare the amount of overlap in the
top N fraction of closest words (neighbors) in the
two versions of the same corpus (OCR and ground
truth). In this way, we are able to assess to what
extent the two models agree on what is the neigh-
borhood for each word in the vocabulary intersec-
5. Since different corpora/languages possess varying
vocabulary sizes, we use the percentage over the
total dataset-specific vocabulary intersection. N
is thus ranging from 0.01 (1%) to 1.0 (100% top
6. Following Gonen et al. (2020), we use neighbor
overlap as our main evaluation metric. That is
the proportion of overlapping neighbours for any
word in the vocabulary intersection, defined using
the following formula:
, r
) =
Where r
are the top-k neighbors of word r in
the OCR model, and r
in the ground truth
model respectively. k is taken to correspond to
the top N fraction of neighbors for each specific
vocabulary intersection.
7. For example, if we have a vocabulary intersection
of size 1000 and evaluate at N = 0.01, we would
take the k = 10 closest words for each word. If
on average 5 out of 10 words correspond in the
two versions/models, we would have an average
0.5 overlap score (Equation 3).
Further empirical settings are as follows. In agree-
ment and to ensure compatibility with previous work
on Word2Vec embeddings, we use embedding size
of 300 for English, German and French languages
and 320 for Dutch Tulkens et al. (2016). We use the
AdamW optimizer Loshchilov and Hutter (2018) for
transformer based models. We further assess models
using two learning rates which we label fast and
slow that are comparatively higher/lower in order
to verify the effect of learning speed on our evalua-
tion. Since BERT and ALBERT usually benefit from
lower learning rates compared to simpler models such
as CBOW and Skip-gram, we adjust accordingly. The
learning rates which correspond to fast and slow for
each model are shown in Table 3, they have been se-
lected following commonly used default values in the
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 2: Neighbourhood overlaps (Dutch). 95% boot-
strapped confidence intervals are provided at .01 intervals.
Figure 3: Neighbourhood overlaps (English). 95% boot-
strapped confidence intervals are provided at .01 intervals.
To control for the stochasticity of the training pro-
cess, we show all results by averaging three differ-
ent runs for each hyper-parameter configuration and
model type.
Table 3: Model parameter size comparison and default
learning rates.
Number of
Learning rates
Fast Slow
GloVe N/A
1e3 1e4
Skip-Gram 7.5M
1e4 1e5
Our results are shown in a series of mirrored plots,
one per language. The plots show the neighborhood
overlap (Eq. 3) on the y axis, at varying values of N
from 0.01 (1%) to 1.0 (100%), on the x axis. Nat-
Figure 4: Neighbourhood overlaps (French). 95% boot-
strapped confidence intervals are provided at .01 intervals.
Figure 5: Neighbourhood overlaps (German). 95% boot-
strapped confidence intervals are provided at .01 intervals.
urally, higher values of N are somewhat less interest-
ing and more trivial than lower values of N (overlap of
the most similar neighbors), therefore each plot also
shows a zoom-in inset for values on N between 0.01
(1%) and 0.2 (20%). Confidence intervals are added
and point to the significance of all results.
Starting with Dutch, in Figure 2, we can appre-
ciate how CBOW (slow learning rate) and PPMI ap-
pear to be most resilient to OCR noise, followed by
Skip-gram (fast learning rate) and GloVe. Every other
model configuration performs much worse at lower
values of N. Importantly, the Dutch corpus we use
is small in comparison to other corpora, and contains
poor quality OCR.
Next, we show results for English in Figure 3. The
English corpus has a good quality OCR and is of av-
erage size in our study. In this setting, PPMI followed
by Skip-gram models perform best, notwithstanding
a good performance of BERT (slow learning rate) at
very low values of N. All other models play catch-up.
The results are quite clear for French, in Figure 4,
which is a corpus of size and quality comparable to
those of English. For French, Skip-gram, CBOW and
PPMI models perform consistently better in resist-
ing the impact of OCR noise. Compared, contextual
An Assessment of the Impact of OCR Noise on Language Models
BERT and ALBERT are lagging behind, along with
Lastly, we report results for German in Figure 5.
The German corpus is the largest in size, but the worst
in terms of OCR quality. The low OCR quality clearly
shows in the comparatively lower overlap scores over-
all. Surprisingly, for German the best performing
models are BERT and ALBERT, in particular on a
slow learning rate. It is worth noting that a fast Skip-
gram configuration is also close.
Our results show clear trends. Firstly, the impact
of OCR quality is overall quite significant: all models
trained on OCR data diverge from ground truth. Lan-
guage models trained on lower OCR quality corpora
consistently reach lower overlap scores, as shown for
Dutch and German. For example, the best perform-
ing models for French, which has good OCR qual-
ity, reach over 80% overlap at low N (5%), while this
overlap score is only reached at very high values for
German (55%). The effect of the size of a corpus does
not seem to be significant, yet results for German, the
only language where transformer-based models out-
perform the competition, warrant further scrutiny in
this respect. In terms of language models, simpler
seems to be better. PPMI, Skip-gram and CBOW
models consistently perform above transformer-based
models (BERT, ALBERT) in terms of resilience to
OCR noise. The only exception in this respect is Ger-
man, which is plagued by OCR errors but is also the
largest corpus available. Furthermore, BERT consis-
tently outperforms ALBERT, hinting at the fact that
the gains in training speed come at a cost. GloVe does
not appear to be particularly resilient to OCR noise
either. Lastly, the variety and lack of consistency of
results when using fast and slow learning rates un-
derlines the importance of choosing the right hyper-
We end our results by highlighting a set of limita-
tions which constitute interesting directions for future
work. Firstly, our results hold within the remits of
the datasets and models we focused on: using more
aligned data – which is unfortunately costly to create
–, in more languages of comparable corpus sizes, and
with more varied contents and OCR quality would all
be useful future contributions. Furthermore, the qual-
ity of the ground truth itself, which we took here for
granted, might warrant further scrutiny. Future work
could also focus on hyper-parameter fine tuning in
order to reach the maximum performance with any
given model, as well as on assessing how many data
are necessary to reach a certain desired result with a
given language model. Next, as we discussed at the
beginning, our results would benefit from a comple-
mentary study focused on the extrinsic evaluation of
the impact of OCR on language models, in particular
when used as components for machine learning archi-
tectures focused on downstream tasks. Related to this
point, we decided not to consider pre-trained models:
approaching the same research question via extrinsic
evaluation would allow to overcome such limitation.
We have assessed the impact of OCR noise on a va-
riety of language models. Using data in Dutch, En-
glish, French and German, of different sizes and OCR
qualities, we considered two aligned versions of the
same corpus, one OCRed and one manually corrected
(ground truth). Two identical instances of each lan-
guage model were in turn trained from scratch over
these two versions of the same corpus, and the simi-
larity of the resulting vector spaces was assessed us-
ing word neighborhood overlap. This approach al-
lowed us to assess and compare the resilience of each
language model to OCR noise, independently.
We show that OCR noise significantly impacts
language models, with a steep degradation of re-
sults for corpora with lower OCR quality. Further-
more, we show that ‘simpler’ language models, in-
cluding PPMI and the Word2Vec family (Skip-gram
and CBOW) are often more resilient to OCR noise
than recent transformer-based models (BERT, AL-
BERT). We also show that the choice of key hyper-
parameters, such as the learning rate, significantly im-
pacts results as well. The size of a corpus might also
be an important factor, as suggested by transformer-
based models performing best with the largest corpus
available (German), yet more experiments are needed
to untangle its effects.
While several limitations and opportunities for fu-
ture work have been discussed, we believe the two
most important next steps to be the development of
multilingual evaluation corpora of similar size and
OCR quality in order to study the impact of OCR
noise more systematically, and the need to comple-
ment our study with an extrinsic assessment on down-
stream tasks making use of (possibly pre-trained) lan-
guage models. Nevertheless, we have shown that
OCR noise poses a significant obstacle to language
modelling. In the presence of small datasets, simpler
models including PPMI and Word2Vec are more re-
silient to OCR noise than transformer-based models
trained from scratch.
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
All data is openly provided by the International Con-
ference on Document Analysis and Recognition (IC-
DAR) 2017 Chiron et al. (2017) and 2019 Rigaud
et al. (2019) competitions on Post-OCR text correc-
Our code base is publicly available and described
at (Todorov
and Colavizza, 2021).
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An Assessment of the Impact of OCR Noise on Language Models