these dimensions. When the expression of a quantity
is reduced to a number in a particular unit system, the
unit terms act as conversion factors. This is quite im-
portant: when units for length and time change, an ex-
pression like 𝐿𝑇
describes the scaling required for
a speed (the factor for speed is equal to the conversion
factor for the unit of length divided by the conversion
factor for the unit of time).
Starting with a small independent basis set of
quantities (mass, length, and time), and using (unit-
independent) equations of physics, Maxwell defined
other quantities of interest. This simultaneously es-
tablished relationships between the units chosen to ex-
press those quantities. The resulting structure is useful
when converting between unit systems, because con-
version factors can be derived from the base units. To
this end, derived unit names often encode a quantity’s
dependence on base quantities. For example, the name
of the SI unit for acceleration is “metre-per-second-
per-second” (m ⋅ s
), which is obtained by substitut-
ing ‘metre’ and ‘second’ into the dimensional expres-
sion 𝐿𝑇
Because unit names are derived from dimensional
expressions, they encode the scaling relationships but
the nature of the derived quantity is not necessarily
captured. The SI Brochure concedes that . .. several
different quantities may share the same SI unit (BIPM,
2019, §2.3.4). The most obvious examples are the
many different kinds of dimensionless quantities that
all have the SI unit one. This unit indicates that no
scaling is needed when base units change (e.g., an as-
pect ratio does not depend on units of length), but the
unit name gives no hint as to the nature of the quan-
tity itself. There are also dimensioned quantities in the
SI that are indistinguishable, such as torque and work
which have the dimension 𝑀 𝐿
. The SI includes
some special unit names to try to mitigate this prob-
lem. For instance, plane angle may be expressed in
rad or in m ⋅ m
, activity in Bq or in s
, etc. Nev-
ertheless, the composed names for these units are also
considered valid.
The construction of a system of quantities must
assume that the multiplication and division of terms
in defining equations is meaningful (like 𝒗 = 𝒍∕𝒕 and
𝒇 = 𝒎𝒂). However, that places limits on the type of
measurement scale that can be used to express terms:
only ratio scales (Stevens, 1946), which are charac-
terised by a scale-independent zero, are acceptable
(e.g., the foot, inch, furlong and metre are all ratio
scales for length; on each, zero corresponds to the
same length).
However, there are other types of scale in use,
which should be considered. Stevens identified four
categories of scale and Chrisman added several more
levels (Chrisman, 1995; Chrisman, 1998). The scales
identified by Stevens can be classified by the mathe-
matical transformations that leave a scale’s form in-
variant; the four scales are called: nominal, ordinal,
interval and ratio.
For instance, if 𝑥 and 𝑥
are values for the same
quantity expressed on different ratio scales, there will
be some conversion factor 𝐾 such that 𝑥
= 𝐾 𝑥, which
preserves the form of the scale. For interval scales,
an affine transformation of the form 𝑥
= 𝐾 𝑥 + 𝑂 is
needed (c.f., conversion between Fahrenheit and Cel-
sius); for ordinal scales, a monotonic increasing func-
tion 𝑥
= 𝑓 (𝑥) is required. We may think of these
different forms of transformation as generalisations of
the simple conversion factors that convert between ra-
tio scales for things like mass and length.
If different types of scale are an important classi-
fier, the term ‘quantity’ must be given some consid-
eration. In the most general sense, a quantity may
be thought of as an attribute of some phenomenon,
body or substance, that can be distinguished quali-
tatively and determined quantitatively (BIPM et al.,
1984, §1.01). Such a quantity might be expressed on
any of Stevens’s scales (e.g., a body can be determined
to have a temperature, that temperature can be mea-
sured on an ordinal scale by a thermochromic device,
or on an interval scale by a domestic thermometer, or
on a ratio scale by a radiation thermometer). How-
ever, this interpretation of the term quantity may be
too broad for our purposes and could lead to confu-
sion. As already noted, the terms in unit-independent
equations—which are often referred to as quantities—
are not quantities in this general sense.
To a physicist or applied mathematician, it is al-
most universally assumed, although rarely acknowl-
edged, that ‘quantity’ is used in the restricted sense
that applies to unit-independent expressions. The
terms appearing in equations such as Newton’s law
stand for a quantity that can be expressed on a ratio
scale. A great deal of published material on quanti-
ties, units, and dimensions is written from this point
of view. Because of this, we believe that ‘quantity’
must be used in this restricted sense, and be quali-
fied appropriately when a different notion is intended
(such as, ‘ordinal quantity’ or ‘interval quantity’; to
indicate the more general sense ‘general quantity’ or
‘kind of quantity’ may be used ). This means that all
quantities have an associated dimension, and perhaps
a dimensional expression related to the quantity def-
inition. Conversely, the notion of dimension is only
meaningful for quantities in the stricter sense; it does
not apply to any other types of measurement scale, be-
cause simple scaling does not leave those scales in-
variant. This limitation of dimensions is often misun-
MODELSWARD 2022 - 10th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development