eSardine: A General Purpose Platform with Autonomous AI and
Explainable Outputs
es Rito Lima
1 a
, Nuno Leite
1 b
, Adriano Pinto
1 c
, Pedro Pires
2 d
, Carlos Martins
2 e
and Nuno V. Lopes
1 f
DTx Digital Transformation Colab, 4800-058, Guimar
aes, Portugal
Mobileum, 4705-319, Braga, Portugal
Automatic Machine Learning (AutoML), Explainable AI (XAI), General-purpose, Telecommunications,
Anomaly and Fraud Detection.
The combination of high computational power and data awareness triggered an increasing demand for business
applications from industrial players. However, harnessing the knowledge from data requires expertise, usually
being a time-consuming task. Additionally, the users’ trust in the results obtained is commonly compromised
due to the black box behavior of most Machine Learning models. This paper proposes a general-purpose
platform, eSardine, that leverages automatic machine learning and explainability to produce fast, reliable,
and interpretable results. The eSardine platform integrates forefront tools to enhance, and automate the data
science process, with minimal human interaction. For any tabular supervised classification and regression
problems, predicted outputs are given, as well as an explainability report of each prediction. The inclusion
of AutoML tools, i.e. , automatic model tuning and selection, presented a strong baseline whose capabilities
are amplified by built-in, yet customizable, autonomous processing mechanisms. The explainable reports
aim to increase users’ confidence in the models’ quality and robustness. Furthermore, in the industrial context,
understanding key factors unveiled in these reports is determinant to increase the business model’s profitability.
The platform was evaluated in two public datasets, where it outperformed state-of-the-art results.
In the past few years, the increase of computational
power associated with data awareness and database
access led to a growth of Machine Learning (ML)
methods and Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabili-
ties (Hutter et al., 2019; He et al., 2021; Do
et al., 2018). These have recently reached remark-
able performances, fulfilling the needs of different ar-
eas, from business to medicine, and all technological
fields in between. In this sense, this progress can be
seen, as well as have repercussions, in two main per-
The growth in algorithm complexity provides
both more accurate and complex results for hu-
man to understand and interpret;
Its application context is widening with an in-
crease in the number of non-ML experts needing
to pace up with these models.
In light of recent technological and computational
developments, both these items have isolated solu-
tions. The lack of interpretation of the results can
be addressed by Explainable Artificial Intelligence
(XAI). The need for facilitating and accelerating the
ML processes, for both non-experts and experts, can
be addressed by the automation of these processes,
commonly known as Automatic Machine Learning
Usually, using machine learning on any given sce-
nario follows the generic architecture of: i) input data;
ii) pre-process it, including data cleaning, feature en-
gineering and selection; iii) model selection and tune;
and iv) output results for either classification or re-
gression problems. This is an iterative process, trying
to optimize performance, supported on expert judg-
ment and knowledge in the area. Therefore, it is a
Lima, I., Leite, N., Pinto, A., Pires, P., Martins, C. and Lopes, N.
eSardine: A General Purpose Platform with Autonomous AI and Explainable Outputs.
DOI: 10.5220/0010970000003116
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2022) - Volume 2, pages 612-625
ISBN: 978-989-758-547-0; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
very time-consuming task (Hutter et al., 2019). In a
business oriented perspective of ML usage, AutoML
arises as a great solution to surpass the time and hu-
man resources invested in ML processes.
AutoML can automate both data processing and
model tuning and selection tasks, always envision-
ing the best learning performances. Overall, one of
the most challenging tasks of AutoML is the model
hyper-parameters optimization in the tuning phase.
This can be very computationally demanding and
time-consuming, according to the problem and data
inputted (Hutter et al., 2019; He et al., 2021).
However, as AutoML eases the need for human
intervention, to some extent widens the gap between
model operation and human understanding. Addi-
tionally, AutoML might return highly complex mod-
els, not tuned by human experimentation, which on
one hand represents less time consumed in building a
model, but on the other hand, less understanding of its
Embedded in this context emerged the concept of
XAI (Miller, 2019). As problems become more com-
plex, less intuitive are the algorithms solving them,
where most work as black boxes. Due to the low ex-
plainability, the lack of transparency on their operat-
ing mechanisms, and on the outputted results, these
ML methods are nowadays a liability. Trust is a
commonly raised problem, as users have increasingly
more difficulties understanding models, and therefore
resistance to rely on a black box (Do
c et al.,
2018; Miller, 2019). With AI spreading rapidly and
reaching so many areas of business, trust is crucial
for the success of using ML in that area of applica-
tion. In this context, trust has two different mean-
ings: the trust in the result given by the model and
the trust in the model itself (Ribeiro et al., 2016).
Consequently, having the capacity to understand the
model’s operation mechanism or results given, resort-
ing to XAI methods, leads to confidence in the pre-
diction obtained, trust in the model performance, or
to the identification of any model’s inconsistencies.
Regardless of which, is undeniable the safety and re-
liability promoted by Explainable AI (Gilpin et al.,
2018; Do
c et al., 2018).
Additionally, with recent misuse of data and more
restrictive processes for data collection and use, the
necessity of understanding the models and results has
been addressed by international organizations such as
the World Economic Forum and the European Union
(EU) as a matter of safety and risk. Performance,
security, control, economical, ethical and societal
risks are the main concerning fields when it comes to
AI (Combes et al., 2018). The European Union points
out the advantages and challenges associated with AI,
underlining the importance of digital trust obtained
from XAI. It also acknowledges the risk associated
with the increasing power on AI, having released the
European Union regulations on algorithmic decision-
making and a right to explanation’ (Goodman and
Flaxman, 2017). It is established by these organiza-
tions the need for further research on the topic, to sur-
pass bias and improve explainability (Combes et al.,
2018; Goodman and Flaxman, 2017).
Within this context, the present work explores the
development of the eSardine platform. A tool with
Explainable, Scalable and Adaptive Risk Discovery
in Networked Ecosystems capacities.
This work proposes an advanced artificial intelli-
gence platform able to automatically learn, detect and
predict new types of fraud, providing at the same time
explainable outputs. Considering its future deploy-
ment in industrial environments, this platform was
built for real-time detection with the capability of han-
dling continuously large amounts of data received via
streaming or batch. Also, it supports model version-
ing and updates. To widen the range of business ap-
plications the platform was developed with the capa-
bility of being General Purpose (GP), i.e. , applicable
to any type of supervised learning problems, charac-
terized by tabular data.
There is already work that has focused on develop-
ing novel AutoML frameworks (Erickson et al., 2020;
Wang et al., 2021; Wang et al., 2020) with the goal of
improving some of its operating modules. Nonethe-
less, evolving to a business analytics platform, that in-
tegrates with industrial solutions and services, is still
an open issue. Furthermore, there is still a gap re-
garding the seamless combination of AutoML with
Explaianble outputs in an end-to-end analytics plat-
form, which is an attractive and valuable functional-
ity in any business context. These open issues are the
main goals of this work.
In this sense, the main contributions, in line with
the platform’s requirements, are the following:
Integration of AutoML system with XAI capabil-
A general-purpose platform that is capable of han-
dling a variety of datasets without previous data or
business knowledge;
Update and versioning of both ML and XAI mod-
Distributed and parallel strategies for data pro-
cessing and model deployment in big data ori-
ented contexts.
Whereas the current section frames the conducted
work, its motivation and contributions, Section 2
eSardine: A General Purpose Platform with Autonomous AI and Explainable Outputs
presents the current state of the art of key method-
ologies encompassed in the platform and available li-
braries and packages that support its implementation.
Section 3 describes the key components of the eSar-
dine platform, detailing as well their configurations.
Section 4 presents the platform’s architecture and de-
scribes in detail its operation life cycle. To validate
eSardine’s capabilities in terms of model tuning and
selection, performance results on benchmark datasets,
in distinct approaches, are given in Section 5. Aligned
with eSardine’s explainable functionality, Section 6
delves on XAI output examples, highlighting its ad-
vantages. Section 7 provides an overview of the con-
ducted work and highlights future lines of research.
The development of the eSardine platform as an inte-
grated forefront solution for general-purpose AutoML
with explainable outputs relies on the awareness of
the current state of the art of such technologies and
how they operate.
2.1 AutoML
AutoML can be described as a Combined Algorithm
Selection and Hyperparameter optimization (CASH)
problem, which has two main difficulties: i) no sin-
gle machine learning method performs best on all
datasets; and ii) some machine learning methods
rely on hyperparameter optimization (Feurer et al.,
Considering that AutoML targets both pre-
processing stages and model tuning and selection, it
is important to highlight techniques that can be used
for each of these challenges.
Datasets usually have inherent problems, such as
sparsity, missing values, categorical variables, or ir-
relevant features (Guyon et al., 2019). These can
be partially tackled by pre-processing techniques that
might help increase the model’s performance. Some
considered techniques to overcome these data con-
straints include (Feurer et al., 2015a; Guyon et al.,
2019; Guyon et al., 2016; Feurer et al., 2015b): i)
Variable Encoding such as ordinal or one-hot encod-
ing, which convert categories to numbers; ii) Matrix
decomposition such as Principal Component Anal-
ysis (PCA) that decompose data into maximally de-
scriptive components, translating to a dimensionality
reduction; iii) Univariate feature selection – by select-
ing features based on univariate statistical tests; iv)
Classification based feature selection – leading to fea-
ture selection after an ML determining which are the
determinative features for the task; v) Feature cluster-
ing capable of merging highly correlated features;
vi) Kernel approximation without costly functions
of kernel approximation to all points; vii) Feature em-
bedding – projecting features on a feature space with
embedding methods (e.g. random forests); and viii)
Polynomial feature expansion that expands a set of
features by computing polynomial combinations. In
the eSardine platform some of these pre-processing
techniques will be implemented separately from the
AutoML tool, in order to tailor and achieve the GP
Regarding the problem of tuning an ML model,
which is at the core of AutoML capacities, there are
several strategies known to address the Hyperparam-
eters Optimization (HPO) problem, namely (Claesen
and Moor, 2015): i) grid search (Bergstra and Ben-
gio, 2012; Snoek et al., 2012); ii) random grid search;
iii) Bayesian optimization (Snoek et al., 2012); iv)
genetic programming (Olson and Moore, 2019); v)
particle swarm optimization; vi) coupled simulated
annealing; and vii) racing algorithms. Each algo-
rithm poses a replacement of intrusive manual search,
which relies on previous domain knowledge and ex-
Regardless of the HPO technique used, a
good complementary strategy is to conduct Cross-
Validation (CV) as it helps avoid over-fitting of the
hyperparameters to the training set (Bachoc, 2013).
Various open-source tools are already available
and implement the mentioned strategies. In particular,
during the research and implementation of the eSar-
dine, three were considered: Auto-SKlearn (Feurer
et al., 2015a), TPOT (Olson et al., 2016) and
H2O (LeDell and Poirier, 2020).
AutoSklearn is based on the scikit-learn pack-
age, applying Bayesian optimization to identify the
best pipeline from tested combinations. TPOT (Tree-
based Pipeline Optimization Tool) relies on genetic
programming to automatically design and optimized
ML pipelines. H2O’s AutoML is an open source tool
developed within the company. It can auto-
matically select the best-suited ML model, resorting
to a randomized grid search.
Other market options such as Auto-Weka or
TransmogrifAI were not considered due to its lower
performance (Gijsbers et al., 2019) and lack of inte-
gration with other programming languages.
2.2 XAI
Usually, more detailed and tailored models lead to
better performances. These are, however, more com-
plex and, therefore, less explainable. XAI aims at pro-
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
viding an explanation for either the overall model be-
havior, or the reason for a particular output (Guidotti
et al., 2018; Molnar, 2018; Lipton, 2018).
In this sense, the most characterizing classification
of XAI models falls in two major classes: local or
global interpreters, i.e. , if the XAI models provide
global insights into the model learning process, or if it
explains a single prediction obtained at some instance,
respectively (Guidotti et al., 2018; Molnar, 2018).
Additionally, interpretable methods can also be
categorized with regard to the type of machine learn-
ing method subdue to interpretation, as well as, its
XAI models classified according to ML models’
complexity can have (Molnar, 2018): i) an intrinsic
interpretation, if the ML algorithm is interpretable by
nature (e.g. linear models, tree based models); or ii)
post-hoc interpretation, if it will be applied to a black
box ML algorithm (e.g. : neural networks, ensem-
ble methods) to reverse engineer it. The core of the
explanation is also connected to the previous crite-
ria, as a: i) model-specific interpretation relies only
on features such as p-values or decision rules, ade-
quate for more interpretable ML models; whereas a ii)
model-agnostic interpretation is more useful for post-
hoc models, analyzing the input-output data interde-
Despite the distinction between types of XAI
models, all of them rely on interpretable explanators.
As described in (Guidotti et al., 2018), these can be
selected based on the problem faced or the type of ML
algorithm used, from a range of: i) decision trees; ii)
decision rules; iii) features importance; iv) saliency
masks; v) sensitivity analysis; vi) partial dependence
plots; vii) prototype selection; or viii) activation max-
From a wide range of current XAI solutions pre-
sented in (Guidotti et al., 2018; Molnar, 2018), two
open-source XAI tools were considered to integrate
the eSardine platform, based on their capability to
provide local explanations whilst being agnostic to
the ML model and data inputted: LIME (Ribeiro
et al., 2016)
and SHAP (Lundberg and Lee, 2017)
LIME (Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Ex-
planations) creates a new dataset with protuberances
in data, which is given to the black-box model, to
assess its new prediction. In this sense, it evaluates
the impact of each feature in determining the out-
put (Ribeiro et al., 2016).
SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations), based on
Shapley Values and Game Coalition Theory, assesses
for each feature the weight of all alliances that can
be made, i.e. , all combinations with and without the
feature, extracting its value. It gathers the marginal
contributions across all possible coalitions to indicate
the importance of that feature for the ML model out-
put (Lundberg and Lee, 2017).
2.3 Big Data Engine
Whereas the AutoML and Explainable require-
ments have each specific associated technologies, the
general-purpose and big data requirements both rely
on a single software engineering technology. As will
be further discussed, the general-purpose capability
is accomplished by the data handling and processing
strategies developed for the eSardine platform. These
methods were built resorting to a big data engine, to
achieve both data generalization and scalability.
Big data engines are usually characterized by
mechanisms that distribute tasks over various devices
within a cluster (Rao et al., 2019). Additionally, par-
allelization techniques are usually also applied in each
device to achieve higher computational performances.
Ultimately, the goal of providing big data analyt-
ical properties is to be capable of handling and pro-
cessing a variety of high volume data, at high compu-
tational speed (Rao et al., 2019).
Considering the industrial applicability desired for
the eSardine platform, technologies and mechanisms
beyond code optimization have to be applied in order
to make it scalable, both at data processing tasks and
at handling various heterogeneous workloads at the
same time.
Scaling the platform, in terms of its data process-
ing tasks, to the petabyte order can be done by using
frameworks and engines already designed for that
effect. While there has been a lot of developments
in this area, resulting in the existence of various big
data oriented frameworks, two standout: 1) Apache
Spark, defined as a ”unified analytics engine for
large-scale data processing” (Spa, 2020) is, arguably,
the most acknowledge framework for large-scale data
processing; 2) Dask, known to be a flexible library
for parallel and distributed computing in the Python
ecosystem (Das, 2020), has grown in active users due
to its simple integration with the enormous python
data science ecosystem.
The deep understanding of state-of-the-art key
technologies available and their functioning is
paramount for selecting compatible components,
whose combination foster the optimal performance
envisioned for the eSardine platform.
eSardine: A General Purpose Platform with Autonomous AI and Explainable Outputs
3 eSardine PLATFORM
As previously mentioned the eSardine platform aims
to provide AutoML capacities associated with ex-
plainable outputs, easing the processes of data-
science and ML in the context of tabular data, regard-
less of its size. The platform’s general-purpose goal is
achieved by the data processing pipeline, itself devel-
oped upon a distributed framework to enable big data
3.1 Design Goals
Combining and extending the design goals high-
lighted by (Erickson et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2020),
the eSardine platform was envisioned and developed
to fulfill the following design goals:
Interoperability – between each key component in
the platform, maximizing benefit from their joint
Integrability of the proposed platform within the
business solution and service provided;
Scalability to be able to handle in the petabyte
order a day, according to business requirements;
Versatility to adjust to a variety of struc-
tured datasets that may be provided, fulfilling the
general-purpose business requirement;
Reactivity – to provide near real-time predictions
when operating in the business context;
Simplicity in its usage, requiring few interven-
tions for both experts and non experts users;
Configurability enabling users to incorporate
business knowledge and maximizing performance
based on experience;
Flexibility to pluggable operations - enabling
users to develop custom processing transformers
and filters, if not within the available ones;
Versionability – complying with business require-
ments of retraining and improving models based
on previous ones, preserving previous knowledge
while integrating new data variability;
Robustness providing strong results regardless
of the input conditions or the dataset;
Timing predictability by being able to define and
limit training time and/or ML models’ family in
accordance with the experiments carried out by
the user.
3.2 Global Architecture
In order to fulfil the presented design goals, Figure 1
illustrates the global architecture of the eSardine plat-
First, eSardine platform performs an analysis of
the input data, to extract the dimension of its feature
space and the different data types present. Then, the
Describer module computes a predefined set of infor-
mation retrieval functions to overall describe the input
data. At the same time, this module has the capability
to propose a set of transformations ought to be applied
to the input data, by the Transformer module. Based
on either the Describer recommendations or the user
predefined transformations, the eSardine platform in-
stantiates a set of pre-processing transformations in
the Pre-processor module. The Transformer module
then applies these transformations to the data. Dur-
ing the learning phase, the output of the Transformer
module, combined with the target labels, sets the clas-
sification task and validation schema. These modules
are further described in detail in Section 4.1. The final
stage of eSardine considers h2o.autoML, to learn and
obtain estimations for each input sample, followed by
an interpretability stage, detailing the motivation for
each outputted prediction. Section 3.3.1 and Section
3.3.2 detail the specifications of H2O AutoML and
LIME, respectively, being both components evaluated
on Section 5 and Section 6, respectively.
3.3 Key Components
The core of eSardine relies on the interoperability
among three key components: AutoML, XAI, and big
data components. The selection of these components
was based on their characteristics, compatibility and
capacity to fulfill the eSardine requirements.
In this work, we present a fully automatic data
processing and data modeling pipeline, built upon the
open-source key players H2O AutoML, LIME, and
Apache Spark tools, as shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Key functionalities considered in the eSardine plat-
form and respective selected packages (i.e. components).
Functionalities Pacakges
Automatic Machine Learning H2O AutoML
Explainable AI LIME
Big Data Engine Apache Spark
Among the tools considered for AutoML, dis-
cussed in Section 2, H2O AutoML stands out as the
most suitable package, given its capabilities of: i) be-
ing made available by an industry leader, which im-
plies reliable and stable versions, with a strong com-
munity, for both use and support; ii) independent and
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: Overview of the eSardine modules and its operation mode during the distinct phases of application.
automatic control over the life cycle of machine learn-
ing models, as opposed to pipelines, enabling the in-
tegration with the platform capability of tailoring the
dataset preparation steps; iii) model checkpointing
easing the versioning process; iv) distributed com-
puting, enabled by H2O Clusters, aligned with plat-
form’s big data oriented requirement. Additionally,
the easy integration, based on H2O’s light system re-
quirements, and the capacity of tailoring the mod-
els selection and parameters optimization were also
considered. The model selection being conducted on
cross-validation metrics also fosters its robustness and
increases trust in models’ performance.
AutoSklearn, in the context of big data applica-
tions, was discarded given that it was developed hav-
ing as target small to medium-sized datasets (Feurer
et al., 2015a). Also, its pipeline optimization strategy
explores a fixed set of pipelines, which only include
one data processor and model (Olson et al., 2016).
This interferes with GP capacities and may compro-
mise performance, integration, and tailoring of the
pre-processing steps in the eSardine platform. The
AutoSklearn is also less interoperable due to its sys-
tem requirements.
TPOT, despite based on scikit-learn package, al-
lows multiple operator combinations and distributed
training, which is essential for big data analysis.
Also, model selection is based on cross-validation
performances, and model saving is optional. These
would make TPOT the next best choice. However, its
pipeline-based approach, instead of model optimiza-
tion, the required computational time (Olson et al.,
2016), complex model retrain, and lower established
community favored the choice of the H2O AutoML
Additionally, a benchmark study, comparing Au-
toML tools, has identified the H2O AutoML tool as
H2O’s method that allows building a new model on top
of a previously trained one as new data is considered
the best performing across various datasets (Ferreira
et al., 2020), which highlight its generalization capac-
ities, useful for integration in the eSardine platform.
H2O AutoML is reported to be the most widely used
framework in the field, outperforming other available
solutions (Erickson et al., 2020).
Simultaneously, it was assessed and verified the
integration capacity of H2O AutoML with available
XAI tools. Comparing LIME and SHAP models, it
was considered the former to be more integrable with
H2O AutoML. However, the platform was built so
that future versions can easily integrate another XAI
Being the eSardine built to be a general-purpose
AutoML tool with explainable output for small and
big data analysis, despite requirements addressing
tabular data, components were selected based on their
agnostic relation to data. In this sense, the platform
can evolve and be scaled to other data characteristics,
without future versions being limited by its compo-
nents’ limitations.
3.3.1 H2O AutoML Specifications
H2O AutoML solution (LeDell and Poirier, 2020),
automatically trains, tunes, and selects the best per-
forming model, for a given dataset, from a leader-
board of trained and tuned models. It resorts to a ran-
domized grid search for the HPO problem, training
and cross-validating both classification and regression
models. The leader models are obtained from cross-
validation results, being the performance metrics ad-
justed to the problem considered, which increases re-
liability in the overall performance of the model to be
deployed. The number of models trained, the metrics
by which they are assessed, the time available to tune
them, and which models should be included/excluded
are all configurable parameters. This allows a more
problem-specific adjustment of the tool. The models
eSardine: A General Purpose Platform with Autonomous AI and Explainable Outputs
available include a default Random Forest (DRF), an
Extremely Randomized Forest (XRT), pre-specified
H2O Gradient Boosting Machines (GBMs), a random
grid of XGBoost GBMs and H2O GMBs, a random
grid of Deep Neural Nets, and a fixed grid of GLMs’.
H2O AutoML can also train two Stacked Ensemble
models, one with all models and another with the best
performing from each algorithm family. Considering
the architecture presented previously, the checkpoint-
ing capacity of the H2O models is crucial, responsible
for enabling model retrain based on new additional
data. Due to this necessity, H2O AutoML ensemble
algorithms are, by default, discarded, being a config-
urable number of models in the leaderboard saved for
retraining and posterior ensemble within the eSardine
platform. Stacked ensemble models are built inside
the eSardine platform but out of the H2O, allowing a
continuous update of the models and their versions.
3.3.2 LIME Specifications
Linked with each H2O leader model, there is a XAI
model, in this case, a LIME model. LIME (Ribeiro
et al., 2016) focuses on training local surrogate mod-
els to explain individual predictions of the black-box
model. These surrogate models are trained in order
to approximate the predictions of the associated ML
model that they try to explain (Molnar, 2018; Ribeiro
et al., 2016). To do so, LIME creates a new set by per-
turbing the original samples, from the training set pro-
vided to H2o AutoML, and assesses the correspond-
ing predictions using the leader model, in order to test
its behavior according to those data variations or per-
turbations. LIME uses feature importance as an inter-
pretable explanator, thus varying them and identifying
separately which features lead to which result.
While capable of providing explanations for any
ML model and any type of data (tabular, text and im-
ages) (Molnar, 2018; Ribeiro et al., 2016), the main
drawback of LIME is the fact that it relies on data per-
turbations, which might be unstable or prone to sam-
pling issues (Molnar, 2018).
Considering the possible retrain and versioning
of H2O leaders and leaderboards, every new update
to the leader model requires a newly trained LIME
model, which is equally versioned and coupled with
its associated ML model.
3.3.3 Platform’s Big Data Oriented
Selecting a big data oriented engine capable of han-
dling up to the petabyte order a day in near real-time
requires thorough assessment between the considered
frameworks: Apache Spark and Dask. Whereas Spark
is known to be a strong choice for scalable analyt-
ics, Dask enables easy integration with various python
packages. Therefore, a benchmark analysis was con-
ducted to identify the optimal big data engine to op-
erate at the core of the eSardine platform.
This analysis resorted to the New York City Yel-
low Taxi Trip (YTT-NYC) Record Data, years 2011,
2012 and 2013
, whose column’s type heterogene-
ity (including numeric, Boolean and categorical vari-
ables) and volume are representative of the challenges
that the eSardine platform might face. Each year’s
data is accountable for 32 GB, which were organized
into 4 distinct datasets: 1) YTT-NYC’11, compris-
ing the year 2011 of YTT-NYC; 2) YTT-NYC’11
and YTT-NYC’12; 3) YTT-NYC’11, YTT-NYC’12
and YTT-NYC’13; 4) In the union of the 2011, 2012
and 2013 datasets, followed by the union with itself
which, in terms of size, made this last dataset have
around 190 GB of size.
For each of these sets of data, the benchmark pro-
cess followed the following guidelines strictly:
Every execution was performed three times and
the value considered was the average of those
three executions. The goal was to rule out one-
hit wonders.
Any failure and recovery that happened was not
disregarded and was made part of the comparison,
providing information regarding the consistency
and availability of the engine.
The frameworks were test-stressed at 10%-20%,
i.e. , the underlying hardware in terms of RAM
(Random Access Memory) should only cover 10
to 20% of the size of the dataset in, at least, two
different end-to-end executions.
Every end-to-end execution should go through
and measure execution times of four main steps:
1. build the dataset (reading and appending) and
persisting it in the Dask or Spark cluster;
2. calculate the average trip distance grouped by
the passenger count;
3. calculate the average fare amount grouped by
the payment type; and
4. fit and transform the data with a pre-processing
pipeline. The pre-processing pipeline applies
10 operations: eight standard scaling normal-
ization operations and two ordinal encoding op-
The computational capability enabled by the hard-
ware used in both Dask and Spark runs was equivalent
Amazon S3 bucket:
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 2: Frameworks comparison as data volume in-
creases: A) when applying the pre-processing pipeline
(step 4); and B) when reading data and applying the pre-
processing pipeline (steps 1 and 4).
for comparison purposes. The first 3 datasets (with
31 GB, 63 GB and 95 GB) were executed (end-to-
end) on a cluster with two workers
, having these
resources been doubled for the last dataset (190 GB).
The stress test evaluated the frameworks’ robust-
ness by increasingly diminishing computational ca-
pacity as data volume increased
This big data oriented assessment compared both
frameworks’ performances, at each processing step,
as data volume increases (Figure 2).
It was found that, while Dask surpassed Spark
performances during step 1 (reading and appending),
Spark strongly outperformed Dask in both grouping
operations (steps 2 and 3). Please see the supplemen-
tary material for additional information.
. Consid-
ering the background of the eSardine platform and
the challenges it might face, grouping operations are
likely to be more recurrent and demanding than step 1
operations. The performance results obtained for step
4 are presented in Figure 2 A), showing that Spark
is consistently and increasingly faster than Dask in
applying a pre-processing pipeline. Figure 2 B) il-
lustrates the summed time required for reading and
applying the given pre-processing pipeline, to better
perceive how both frameworks would behave in a real
use case.
Although Dask handled the 2 lower-sized datasets
faster, mainly due to its higher efficiency in data in-
gestion tasks, Spark overthrown Dask as data volume
increased, establishing itself as the overall best frame-
Each worker included four cores and 8GB of RAM
Computational capacity determined by RAM/Size,
with 51.6%, 25.4%, 16.8% and 16.8% ratios for each
dataset respectively
Besides being less efficient, one of Dask’s workers ran
out of memory and was not able to automatically reboot,
requiring human interaction
work to include in the eSardine platform. Addition-
ally, apart from the high performance in applying a
pre-processing module, Spark’s efficiency when han-
dling grouping, aggregation, and filtering tasks make
it the optimal framework to implement customized
operations with.
The eSardine platform architecture was designed in
order to cohesively connect its key components in a
distributed strategy, to ensure that all requirements
are fulfilled. The platform architecture integrates four
main stages: preparation, operation, results and main-
tenance, as illustrate in Figure 3. These stages com-
prehend the entire cycle of data and models through
Figure 3: eSardine platform data flowchart.
4.1 Preparation
Preparation is a key stage of the eSardine platform,
built in accordance with the GP requirement, to al-
low full control over data pre-processing actions. This
stage is responsible for setting the platform ready for
operation on demand.
This stage comprehends actions ranging from the
inputted dataset to a trained ML and XAI models for
deployment. After loading the dataset that will ini-
tially be used to train and test the models, the first
provided output from the platform is a description
eSardine: A General Purpose Platform with Autonomous AI and Explainable Outputs
and analysis of the dataset. This description phase
allows the user to understand any characteristics and
highlight concerns regarding the dataset, such as the
type of features included, the nature of their corre-
lation, the occurrence of missing values, the features
relevance and their contribution to the dataset global
information, class imbalance, among others. From
this analysis, the describer module also suggests a
schema, which globally characterizes the type of data
of each feature, and recommends applicable filters
and transformations, to foster an increase of models’
performance. The criteria for inclusion/exclusion of
data is configurable, but default parameters are set
to ensure the flow in case of no intervention from
the user. Explanations on the actions to be taken are
given, to increase users’ awareness and foster inter-
vention and customization. This process occurs iter-
atively, since after checking which actions are sug-
gested, the user can customize this schema as many
times as necessary before training. If no user input
is given, the suggested schema is used, automating
the pipeline and flow of data in the eSardine plat-
form. The pre-processing pipeline established by this
schema is preserved, since new data must undertake
the same processing actions before being assessed by
the model or used for retraining.
Once data is pre-processed, the training module
resorts to AutoML to identify the best performing
model from a leaderboard of tuned models. The num-
ber of models, training time, metrics applied, among
other criteria, can be configured by the user. As dis-
cussed, the leader model selection is based on cross-
validation performance to increase model reliability
for deployment. Using a podium of configurable
number of models from the leaderboard, a stacked en-
semble is computed for each combination of the mod-
els from that podium. The ensembles’ performance
is also assessed in cross-validation and the best en-
semble is compared to the leader, in order to identify
which model should be deployed in the initial version
of this pipeline.
Once the ML model is selected, the XAI model
can be trained. In each deployed version are released
both an ML model and its own XAI model There-
fore, each ML model has its own XAI model, being
both deployed in each version. Along with the leader
and its associated XAI model, the configured podium
is saved, as it will be necessary for the maintenance
This stage ends with the deployment of a fully
trained and tuned H2O model and its respective LIME
4.2 Operation
With the deployment of a stable version of an ML
model and its respective LIME explanator, the eSar-
dine platform operates continuously in order to pre-
dict and explain each sample that arrives by stream-
ing or batch. This data has previously been processed
by the pre-processing pipeline approved during the
preparation stage.
The output of continuous risk discovery has two
parcels: the ML model deployed is responsible for
providing the prediction’s probability, and LIME for
the explanation of that prediction.
4.3 Results
The results correspond to the outputs of the operation
stage which are made available to the user. These can
be accessed in a report, that includes, for each sample,
both the probabilities given by the ML model, and the
explanation provided by LIME. The classification is
conducted at the user’s end, having control over the
best suited threshold for the task, which in turn al-
lows the possibility of defining a gray zone threshold,
i.e. , a range of probabilities that require additional at-
tention from the user. The samples in the gray zone
can be targeted for a new manual classification useful
for future models’ retrain.
4.4 Maintenance
Maintenance is the stage responsible for keeping the
models up to date and reactive to changing data
trends. The eSardine platform allows models ver-
sioning, i.e. , replacing the deployed models with new
ones trained on new or corrected data, guaranteeing
the best performance, adjusted to subtle differences
in data through time. New versions will be released
as a result of the maintenance stage, and this process
can be configured to occur automatically after a given
time or number of samples processed.
The new data, that is continuously assessed by the
currently deployed version, can be used for posterior
model retrain and version update, allowing this model
to absorb more information and update its previously
tuned parameters.
Also, as shown in Figure 3, the platform interacts
with the client through users, whose expert judgment
can be useful to increase models’ performance. The
user’s feedback to the obtained results grants model
validation and might unlock further performance lev-
els. Apart from the classifications given that do not
attract attention, the samples that have a grey area
probability, which by nature underline bias scenarios,
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
might be manually classified by an experienced user,
and fed for model retraining.
Model’s maintenance occurs not only on the
leader of the current version, but also to the podium
saved during preparation. In fact, new data may lead
one of these models to outperform the retrained past
leader, especially considering ML models that require
large amounts of data to adequately tune their param-
eters. Besides retraining the podium and assessing
its new performances on CV, the stacked ensemble of
each combination of these retrained models is com-
puted, and its performance analyzed. From this pro-
cess, a new leader and podium are saved. In case the
best performing algorithm is the one from the pre-
vious version, it shall remain the operating model.
However, the retrained podium is saved and used in
the next retrain iteration, as it contains the last overall
data information.
Once defined the leader, the LIME model is com-
puted, and that version is deployed for operation. In
this sense, for each version, it is preserved the leader,
the podium and the associated XAI model.
To assess the eSardine platform capabilities, two
datasets were considered: the CrowdAnalytix Churn
prediction dataset and the Wine Quality prediction
dataset. The selection of these datasets, which require
different processing techniques and are handled as
distinct ML tasks, aimed to demonstrate the general-
purpose capabilities of the platform. Having this plat-
form been built in partnership with a player in the
telecommunication industry, the Churn dataset exem-
plifies a use case for this sector, handled as a binary
classification problem. The Wine Quality dataset is
handled as a regression problem, with the particular-
ity of the model’s performance being evaluated as a
multi-class classification problem.
Also, addressing the open issue highlighted by
(Hanussek et al., 2020) stating the lack of compari-
son between expert human tuning and AutoML, this
work evaluates the performance of the eSardine plat-
form with the interaction of a human data scientist.
To emphasize the advantages of resorting to the
eSardine platform, model’s performances were ob-
tained for 3 independent analysis scenarios: i) us-
ing purely the H2O AutoML tool; ii) using the eSar-
dine platform set by its default parameters and with
the automatic schema; and iii) customizing parame-
ters in the eSardine platform, both in terms of pro-
cessing schema and training settings. The presented
performance metrics were obtained with CV, aver-
aged among 3 isolated training runs. Methodology
was defined to be equivalent to the previous work on
these datasets (Churn -(Umayaparvathi and Iyakutti,
2016) , Wine Quality - (Cortez et al., 2009)), having
the Churn dataset been evaluated on 10 fold cross-
validation metrics and the Wine Quality dataset as-
sessed resorting to 5 fold cross-validation metrics.
Churn Prediction
Churn is a major problem in the telecommunication
industry, which reflects the will of a customer to un-
subscribe a given service. Since the costs of obtaining
a new costumer are higher than retaining an existing
one (Umayaparvathi and Iyakutti, 2016), the task of
predicting churn costumers can represent significant
savings. The dataset considered has 3333 samples,
with 20 features to predict the binary target variable
of Churn, whose occurrence accounts for 14.5% of
all data. H2O AutoML evaluated the performance on
this dataset resorting to the accuracy as ranking score
to select the top classification model. In addition, it
also computed commonly used metrics for classifica-
tion tasks, namely the F1-Score, Precision and Recall.
Following the described methodology, Table 2
summarizes the performance results obtained for the
Churn dataset
The results obtained outperform current the State-
of-the-Art (SoA) (Umayaparvathi and Iyakutti, 2016),
with incremental performance between the three eval-
uated scenarios. The best results are obtained from
slight tweaking the automatically proposed process-
ing phase of the eSardine platform. As shown, H2O
tool provides a solid baseline in comparison with SoA
performance, whose results are only enhanced by the
processing architecture of the eSardine platform. This
automatic processing architecture emerges based on
the inherent characteristics of the dataset and its fea-
ture types. It included: the exclusion of 4 features
due to the high correlation value with other features,
the exclusion of another feature based on the percent-
age of the unique values, the encoding of 4 categori-
cal features (including the target) having one of these
been segmented into an others class due to its spar-
sity. Upon these strong processing steps suggested by
the platform, the customization added a standard scal-
ing of data, binning and encoding of features based on
business context. Additional class balancing (ratio of
Number of cross-validation folds and performance
Performance metrics focus the class Churn, i.e. , com-
puted using the occurrence of Churn as the positive class
The AutoML tunes as selects leader models, being the
most common models in the H2O methodology the GBM,
and in both eSardine methodologies the XGBoost
eSardine: A General Purpose Platform with Autonomous AI and Explainable Outputs
Table 2: Performance results obtained for the CrowdAnalytix Churn dataset.
H2O eSardine eSardine custom SoA
Accuracy 0.9492 ± 0.0148 0.9558 ± 0.0124 0.9601 ± 0.0123 0.9520
Precision 0.8561 ± 0.0603 0.8849 ± 0.0590 0.9166 ± 0.0656 0.9088
Recall 0.7872 ± 0.0376 0.8016 ± 0.0492 0.8029 ± 0.0387 0.7433
F1-Score 0.8195 ± 0.0405 0.8399 ± 0.0423 0.8544 ± 0.0362 0.8178
0.9 and 1.5 for the under and over-sampled classes, re-
spectively) was implemented without significant per-
formance increase.
Wine Quality Prediction
Considering the wine quality prediction task, the
dataset used was originally developed by (Cortez
et al., 2009), and it is split between white and red
wine. The analysis conducted resorted to the white
wine dataset, which includes 4898 samples of distinct
white wines and 11 characteristics to characterize the
quality. Conceptually, the quality can range from 0
(very bad) to 10 (excellent), yet the present dataset
only contains ranges between 3 and 9. Although there
are multiple quality classes, this dataset was handled
as a regression problem, evaluated with Mean Aver-
age Error (MAE) and then cross-validation predic-
tions accuracy computed within different tolerances,
promoting adequate comparison with the SoA results
from (Cortez et al., 2009). Tolerance of 0.25, 0.5, and
1 (T=0.25, T=0.5, T=1) were considered, meaning a
class is considered to be well predicted if within these
ranges (above and below). The results of these 3 dif-
ferent scenarios are shown in Table 3, averaged across
3 independent runs, each with 5 fold cross-validation
Overall, results show that every scenario con-
sidered outperformed current SoA results, either
in deviance from the original value, and in each
computed accuracy. As the White Wine dataset used
is already very clean, the automatic pre-processing
schema provided by the eSardine platform does not
add any step. Therefore, the results obtained between
H2O and automatic eSardine do not present signifi-
cant variance. For this type of dataset, since data do
not require processing for performance enhancement,
the pre-processing stage focused on fostering the
understanding of dataset’s characteristics. For the
customized runs of the eSardine platform, a standard
normalization of zero mean and unit deviation was
included. Due to the unbalanced nature of data
a class balancing with under and oversampling was
The AutoML tuning and selection elected as leaders
mostly XGBoost models across all three methodologies
Class relative frequency: 3: <1%; 4: 3%; 5: 30%; 6:
45%; 7: 18%; 8: 4%; 9: <1%
also considered
. The combination of these two
additional processing stages led to an increase of
performances across all metrics, achieving the top
rank in this analysis.
The obtained results on both datasets demon-
strate that eSardine has the capability to outperform
the current SoA. Furthermore, it has been already
evaluated in a real-life confidential business dataset
attaining robust classification performances. Thus, in
an era where the increasing use and demand of Au-
toML highlights the need for more robust solutions
(Wang et al., 2021), eSardine platform presents itself
as ready to fulfill the promise of increasing business
value in demanding industrial contexts.
As previously mentioned, explainable outputs im-
prove user experience with ML, since these promote
trust in both the quality and reliability of the models
and in the accuracy of the results. In business con-
texts, this is fundamental so that decisions are made
based on solid knowledge of What is happening and
Why is happening.
To exemplify LIME’s behavior within the eSar-
dine platform, a set of examples on the CrowdAna-
lytix Churn dataset is given. The explainer was built
on top of an ML model, in this case, a model obtained
during a customized eSardine platform run. There-
fore, the pre-processing stages considered in the pre-
vious section are built-in the model and expressed in
the explanations given.
In this analysis, three distinct scenarios are cov-
ered: i) an instance is correctly predicted as not churn;
ii) an instance is predicted as churn; iii) an instance is
incorrectly predicted as not churn. Figure 4 presents
the results obtained for these scenarios, respectively.
In this figure, the color blue is associated with
characteristics and probabilities of not incurring in
churn, whereas orange is linked to churn. To the
left are the probabilities computed by the ML model,
which in this case is an XGBoost classifier, follow-
ing the customized eSardine pre-processing, with 117
Sampling ratio per class, in ascendant order: 1.3; 1.2;
1; 0.8; 1; 1.2; 1.3
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 3: Performance results obtained for the White Wine Quality dataset. Bold values comprehend the highest scores per
each evaluated metric.
H2O eSardine eSardine custom SoA
MAE 0.3878 ± 0.0094 0.3872 ± 0.0090 0.3830 ± 0.0083 0.4500
T = 0.25
0.5284 ± 0.0109 0.5295 ± 0.0096 0.5317 ± 0.0149 0.5030 ± 0.0110
T = 0.50
0.6967 ± 0.0112 0.6969 ± 0.0113 0.6997 ± 0.0094 0.6460 ± 0.0040
T = 1.00
0.9034 ± 0.0079 0.9028 ± 0.0073 0.9048 ± 0.0057 0.8680 ± 0.0020
Figure 4: LIME Explanations: A) correctly predicted not churn; B) correctly predicted churn; and C) incorrectly predicted as
not churn.
trees, 10 fold cross-validation, and trained with 90%
of data. The remaining 10% were considered as test-
ing set so that new data could be impartially pre-
dicted and explained by both the model and its LIME
explanator, respectively. Due to the mentioned pro-
cessing, only 15 features are valuable for predicting
churn, being presented in the explanations only the
top-10 contributing ones. The tables on the right side
of this figure indicate in descending ranking the fea-
tures which contributed to the prediction/explanation
and their true value, shaded in the color of the bi-
nary class for which they have contributed. The center
column provides a visual explanation of the individ-
ual contribution of the key features towards a specific
class. These features, displayed against the central
black line of zero weight for the prediction, are as
long as their contribution, and in the color and side
of the class they promote. Analysing this information
increases reliability in the model, as features with the
same value are consistently placed towards the same
class. For example, the international plan: no targets
the no not Churn class or the number vmail messages
in the bin [-0.051, 10.2], i.e. , below 10 calls fosters
a Churn classification. These are criteria guidelines
towards each class, internally computed by the XAI,
which the user can validate if aligned with previous
business knowledge and limitations (it may be ac-
knowledged that a given state is more likely to churn,
or that the subscription of a specific plan encourages
the user to not churn).
By observing the features contributions and their
consistency across different instances, scenarios A)
and B) of Figure 4 are easily understood by their
adequate prediction of not churn and churn, respec-
tively. However, scenario C) where a churn case was
missed and predicted as non-churn demands a more
in depth analysis. While the classification confidence
(i.e. the output probability) is not as certain as in the
previous scenarios, the international plan: no has a
high contribution to this prediction. In fact, this fea-
ture contributes with 0.24 to the 0.72 certainty of not
churn, for which, without this specific characteristic,
eSardine: A General Purpose Platform with Autonomous AI and Explainable Outputs
this scenario would only be predicted to 0.48 as not
churn, and therefore accurately predicted. Although
misclassified, this instance also increases trust in the
robustness of this model, since this specific feature is
the one with the biggest weight on the intrinsic cri-
teria, and even though this costumer has churned, its
behavior was similar to a non-churn client.
Overall, the concept of AutoML increases the
lack of trust in models, since there is little control
over which model and tuned parameters are selected.
The inclusion of LIME explanations in the eSardine
platform is a step forward to help increase reliabil-
ity and intelligibility in the models obtained and to
help mitigate the concept of black boxes in ML. De-
spite extremely helpful, future work still needs to be
conducted to increase XAI results’ interpretability to
users not familiar with data analytics processes.
The eSardine is a general-purpose platform, big data
oriented, capable of providing new insights into data
and extract powerful models, while accessible and
understandable by a wide range of users in various
sectors. This platform provides a fully functional
and independent operating system, with adequate pre-
processing steps, visual feedback on the data distribu-
tion and its properties, AutoML capacities associated
with explainable outputs, and the possibility to retrain
and update. In this way, the models can be updated,
for a continuous life cycle of operation, which is a key
functionally in the business sector.
Although automatic and autonomous, the user can
tailor each step in the process to improve perfor-
mance, from how to handle missing values, to which
meta-learner is used in the ensemble, or when should
the model be retrained. For new users or new data,
the platform can provide, without intervention and
knowledge on the data, the best customization of its
GP processes based on the inherent characteristics of
the dataset.
Ultimately, this is both a versatile and highly effi-
cient platform, allowing an automatic functioning for
fast and reliable results, with the tailoring functionali-
ties that a user may require to enhance performance
for a given task. Nonetheless, there is still room
for improvement, where we envision the inclusion
of NLP and image recognition processing pipelines,
which will be unified with the AutoML and XAI mod-
ules, promoting a fully data-agnostic GP platform.
Being explainability a recent area of research, efforts
will also be conducted to ensure that reports built on
XAI outputs are understandable outside the data sci-
ence line of business.
The general-purpose function enabled by the inte-
gration of GP tools and the tailoring of each process-
ing pipeline and data description widens the range of
applications. The concern for the use of distributed
computing tools ensures top and fast performances
while handling big data. The integration of AutoML
and XAI models enables fast results without compro-
mising performance and ensuring user’s trust in both
the model and results given. The understanding is also
fundamental in business to understand weak spots and
liabilities and target them with preventive and correc-
tive actions. Retrain enables the use of this tool by
companies, where data is collected ceaselessly.
The unification of these functionalities in the eSar-
dine platform results in a powerful analytics tool that
can foster the growth of several businesses while un-
veiling the power of ML in an understandable manner.
This work has been supported by NORTE-06-3559-
FSE-000018, integrated in the invitation NORTE-59-
2018-41, aiming the Hiring of Highly Qualified Hu-
man Resources, co-financed by the Regional Opera-
tional Programme of the North 2020, thematic area of
Competitiveness and Employment, through the Euro-
pean Social Fund (ESF).
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eSardine: A General Purpose Platform with Autonomous AI and Explainable Outputs