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how much time is spent chasing incompatible quan-
tity assignments, dimension errors or incorrect unit
conversions. We do know that there are many rea-
sons for not adopting a quantity discipline based ap-
proach (Salah and McKeever, 2020). Different stake-
holders will have different robustness concerns and
willingness to compromise on the proportion of quan-
tity and unit annotations required. Addressing usabil-
ity concerns is an important aspect of our research.
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and dimension analysis for a simple imperative lan-
guage. It also searches for the least number of unit
conversions to reduce round-off errors in generated
code. Current work is looking at delaying conver-
sions when calling functions, along with quantity and
dimension variables that alleviate the annotation bur-
den, while increasing reusability, and allowing errors
to be discovered earlier in the code.
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Discerning Quantities from Units of Measurement