To show the usefulness of CrossSiam, we com-
pared it with ParaSiam, a network that simply applied
k-fold cross validation to representation learning. We
conducted two experiments for evaluation. The first
involved linear evaluation, which measures the classi-
fication accuracy when embedding space is fixed and
only 1 fully connected layer is used for supervised
learning. The experimental results showed that the
proposed method achieved higher accuracy than the
baseline for 2-fold and 5-fold cross validation. In par-
ticular, the accuracy of 2-fold CrossSiam was much
higher than that of 2-fold ParaSiam. The second in-
volved Fr
echet distance (FD), the distribution differ-
ence between each dataset like training, validation
and test. The experimental results show that distance
between the embeddings of training data and vali-
dation data is smaller and distance between the em-
beddings of validation data and test data is larger for
CrossSiam than for ParaSiam. This means that, unde-
sirably, CrossSiam has the requirement of leaking ver-
ification data to the network compared to ParaSiam.
However, it is unclear whether leakage actually oc-
curs. In the future, we will conduct experiments to see
if each validation data can be used to suppress overfit-
ting. We also show that CrossSiam can be trained on
datasets with a high percentage of out-of-distribution.
We will experiment to show the suitability of this ap-
proach for autonomous control of multiple drones.
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SDMIS 2022 - Special Session on Super Distributed and Multi-agent Intelligent Systems