Table 4: Proposed Intelligent Saliency-Motion Driving risk
assessment system.
Intelligent Domain Adapted Risk
Assessment Performance
Low Risk
(Static Salient Objects)
High Risk
(Salient Moving Objects)
Proposed 96.78% 96.66%
Proposed w/o
91.87% 91.09%
Classic SS-FCN
With Attention
(Rundo et al., 2021)
91.65% 90.90%
Classic SS-FCN
89.30% 90.11%
Classic SS-FCN
(Min and Corso, 2019)
87.79% 90.01%
Future works aim on embedding such features of
deep LSTM with Attention to further improve the per-
formance of overall pipeline (Rundo, 2019).
The authors thank the physiologists belonging to the
Department of Biomedical and Biotechnological Sci-
ences (BIOMETEC) of the University of Catania,
who collaborated in this work in the context of the
clinical study Ethical Committee CT1 authorization
n.113 / 2018 / PO. This research was funded by
the National Funded Program 2014-2020 under grant
agreement n. 1733, (ADAS + Project). The reported
information is covered by the following registered
patents: IT Patent Nr. 102017000120714, 24 Octo-
ber 2017. IT Patent Nr. 102019000005868, 16 April
2018; IT Patent Nr. 102019000000133, 07 January
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Objects Motion Detection in Domain-adapted Assisted Driving