This paper presents a lane detection technique based
on deep learning models with the use of temporal in-
formation. We improve the convolutional methods for
the neural network architecture 3D ResNet50. The
main contribution of this work consists of two parts,
the first is incorporating the time axis with PINet and
PolyLaneNet, and the other is the improvement on the
3D ResNet50 network model. In the experiments, the
accuracy is greatly improved for the applications to a
variety of different complex scenes.
This work was financially/partially supported by the
Advanced Institute of Manufacturing with High-tech
Innovations (AIM-HI) from The Featured Areas Re-
search Center Program within the framework of the
Higher Education Sprout Project by the Ministry of
Education (MOE) in Taiwan, the Ministry of Science
and Technology of Taiwan under Grant MOST 106-
2221-E-194-004 and Create Electronic Optical Co.,
LTD, Taiwan.
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A Vision-based Lane Detection Technique using Deep Neural Networks and Temporal Information