Our study motivates the use of opinion synopses
rather than long-length descriptions to predict issue
areas at scale. We analyzed qualitatively whether le-
gal is a domain-specific problem from an NLP tools
perspective, or a domain that could be generalized
based on representation and the task of interest. Fine-
tuned on our balanced dataset with the most dissim-
ilar splits, we showed that a sustainable generalized
language-model is more train-efficient and outper-
formed a model pretrained on a specialized legal do-
Our results carve several avenues of future re-
search such as improve performance by removing
name entities from summaries, apply text simplifica-
tion to auto-generate opinion abstractions from long
documents, and expand our work to a broad class of
prediction tasks in legal studies. As it becomes in-
creasingly important to develop simple, efficient, and
reproducible domain-agnostic systems for neural text
processing, we hope our approach will help the NLP
community to further expand prediction analysis to
other humanity disciplines.
We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for
their insightful suggestions and feedback.
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Issue Area Discovery from Legal Opinion Summaries using Neural Text Processing