Issue Area Discovery from Legal Opinion Summaries using Neural Text
Avi Bleiweiss
BShalem Research, Sunnyvale, U.S.A.
Legal Domain, Issue Area Prediction, Transformers, Language Model, Deep Learning.
Applying existed methods of language technology for classifying judicial opinions into their respective issue
areas, often requires annotation voting made by human experts. A tedious task nonetheless, further exacer-
bated by legal descriptions consisting of long text sequences that not necessarily conform to plain English
linguistics or grammar patterns. In this paper, we propose instead a succinct representation of an opinion sum-
mary joined by case-centered meta-data to form a docket entry. We assembled over a thousand entries from
court cases to render our low-resourced target legal domain, and avoided optimistic performance estimates by
applying adversarial data split that ensures the most dissimilar train and test sets. Surprisingly, our experimen-
tal results show that fine-tuning a pretrained model on standard English recovers issue area prediction by 9 and
8 F1 percentage points over a pretrained model on the legal domain, for macro and weighted average scores,
Evidenced by the proliferation of legal-tech com-
panies, applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) to law
is slowly transforming the profession. Notably the
application of natural language processing (NLP)
to legal text attracted great interest in the commu-
nity. Chen (2019) proposes that machine-learned
predictive analytics of case outcomes can be used
to measure judge bias or fairness. Whereas Volokh
(2019) takes a leap forward and envisions that deep
learning-based text generation models will produce
well enough judicial opinions and soon allow for re-
placement of human judges by machines.
The reasoning behind particular legal opinions
and rulings are often cited in other legal cases. Bind-
ing precedent helps ensure court rulings remain con-
sistent among similar cases. In practice, precedent
entails the classification of case texts and decisions, a
highly time consuming and labor intensive task, when
curated by humans. Lame (2005), Evans et al. (2007),
and Ashley and Br
uninghaus (2009) were of the ear-
liest to propose automating the analysis of legal opin-
ions using language technology. Their work facili-
tated an essential tool to law practitioners for stream-
lining precedent.
Modern approaches to various NLP tasks utilize
BERT-derivative pretrained language models (Devlin
et al., 2019) that are based on the transformer network
(Vaswani et al., 2017). Fine-tuning BERT models on
domain-specific data displayed marked performance
gains (Xia et al., 2020). Our work explores the feasi-
bility of a distilled version of standard BERT to deliver
similar results on the legal domain, by applying trans-
fer learning from structured text to non-standard legal
In this paper, we adopted sustainable NLP for the
legal domain. Rather than using long spans of text,
our model is fed with judicial opinion summaries that
are considerably more concise. Our system contrasts
inference performance of DistilBERT (Sanh et al.,
2019) with LegalBERT (Chalkidis et al., 2020), when
fine-tuned for multi-class text classification on the
train split of our opinion summary dataset. Our con-
tribution is twofold: (1) a high-quality and sustain-
able opinion summary dataset scraped from FindLaw,
and paired with case-centered meta-data extracted
from the modern US Supreme Court Database (SCDB;
Spaeth et al., 2020), and (2) through qualitative eval-
uation of issue area prediction, we show that using a
synoptic outline of opinion content renders an effec-
tive adaptation of the legal domain to standard text,
and aids in perceiving law as a generalized NLP prob-
lem. To the extent of our knowledge, we are the first
to use DistilBERT on the legal domain. We made
Bleiweiss, A.
Issue Area Discovery from Legal Opinion Summaries using Neural Text Processing.
DOI: 10.5220/0010974300003116
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2022) - Volume 3, pages 938-944
ISBN: 978-989-758-547-0; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: Our legal-case object representation.
Docket Number 00-949
Term 2000
Issue Area Civil Rights
Direction Conservative
Decision Per Curiam Argued
Case ID 70
Opinion Summary
the absence of specific uniform standards for manual vote recounts, especially where
the evidence shows that vote counting standards varied or changed within counties,
violates the equal protection clause.
our opinion summary dataset available from a public
Although text classification is a widely researched
area motivated by great practical importance, NLP
methods applied to domain-specific problems have
been relatively understudied. In an early work, Nal-
lapati and Manning (2008) have explored binary clas-
sification in the domain of legal docket entries. They
showed that state-of-the-art (SotA) Machine Learning
(ML) classifiers perform poorly to capture the seman-
tics of the text. Katz et al. (2017) built an ML model
based on the random forest method for predicting de-
cisions of the Supreme Court of the United States
(SCOTUS). Relying mainly on SCDB (Spaeth et al.,
2020) meta-data as inputs, and less on legal opin-
ion text, they achieved prediction accuracy of 70.2%
at the case outcome and 71.9% at justice vote level.
Primarily supporting law professionals to efficiently
perform an exhaustive search of case related docu-
ments, Merchant and Pande (2018) proposed an auto-
mated text summarization system that captures con-
cepts from lengthy judgments by applying latent se-
mantic analysis (LSA). Their model achieved a mod-
erate unigram ROUGE-1 score of 0.58 on average.
Recently, Wan et al. (2019), Chalkidis et al.
(2019), and Soh et al. (2019) reviewed the classi-
fication of lengthy legal documents with the main
objective to ameliorate input constraint imposed by
BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) on token-length exceeding
512 terms. They chose an elemental BiLSTM or Bi-
GRU neural architectures with attention that were fed
by Doc2Vec or GloVe embeddings (Le and Mikolov,
2014). Wan et al. (2019) used a data splitting ap-
proach that improved performance by 1 F1 percentage
point, although at a prohibitively expensive storage-
complexity of the dataset they used. Surprisingly, Soh
et al. (2019) showed traditional ML baselines to out-
perform pretrained language models.
On the other hand, Chalkidis et al. (2020) applied
BERT models to downstream legal tasks and studied
the performance impact when trading off domain pre-
training and fine-tuning. In our work, we used their
LegalBERT model, fine-tuned on our opinion sum-
mary dataset for the task of issue area classification.
We constructed a new dataset for our experiments
that consists of opinion summaries we scraped from
the Opinion Summaries Repository made available
by FindLaw.
FindLaw provides public access to
summaries of published opinions that span about two
decades from 2000 till 2018, and pertain to U.S. and
selected state supreme and appeals courts. Our study
centers around the U.S. Supreme Court that has con-
sistently issued between 70–90 opinions per term over
the past twenty years (Figure 1a). We successfully
merged 1,358 opinion summaries with case centered
meta-data from SCDB (Spaeth et al., 2020),
a matching docket number. Our representation of a
case object includes the substantive issue area and de-
cision direction attributes, and the decision-type out-
come variable (Table 1).
In Figure 1b, we show the distribution of the four-
teen SCDB-defined issue areas across our entire dataset
objects. Overall, the spread depicted is fairly uneven,
as criminal procedure, economic activity, civil rights,
and judicial power dominate with about 83 percent-
age points of the total cases. The decision direction
allocation is nearly uniform with a majority of 698
Case centered data on:
Issue Area Discovery from Legal Opinion Summaries using Neural Text Processing
50 100 150 200 250
Figure 1: Distributions across our entire opinion summaries dataset of (a) term, (b) issue area (unbalanced), (c) decision (in
logarithmic scale), and span length in words of (d) opinion summaries.
and 644 conservative and liberal descriptions, respec-
tively, along with only 16 unspecifiable cases. Using
a logarithmic scale, we review in Figure 1c the distri-
bution of the six court decision types showing a sig-
nificant bias with 1,175 samples, or 86%, classified
as Opinion of the Court, and distant second 135 Per
Curiam cases.
Algorithm 1: Data Split Dissimilarity.
Input : S a list of opinion summaries
Output: w Wasserstein distance
1 emd(x,y,p=1)return kx yk
2 w 0;
3 // X/Y for Train/Test sets
4 X, Y ResampleRandomSplit(S);
5 X
, Y
ExtractEmbeddings(X, Y );
6 for y Y
7 for x X
8 w w + emd(x, y);
9 end for
10 end for
Distribution of span extent in words for the opin-
ion summaries are shown in Figure 1d. Opinion sum-
mary lengths range from 6 to 262 tokens with an av-
erage sequence length of 67 words. In contrast, the
entire opinion text typically extends from 10,000 to
50,000 words (Wan et al., 2019)— an expansion of
about two orders of magnitude. For example, the pub-
lished report of the BUSH v. GORE case reaches
across 61 pages of a PDF file with a total of 24,804
and is considerably reduced to a compact 28-
token summary paragraph as shown in Table 1. Sim-
ilarly, Soh et al. (2019) report 6,968 tokens on aver-
age for Singapore Supreme Court judgments, and Ko-
reeda and Manning (2021) has 2,254 for contractual
In this section, we provide details of dataset prepro-
cessing and fine-tuning methodology.
Corpus Preprocessing. Our scraped opinion sum-
maries underwent several cleanup steps to fit our task.
First, to perform plausible predictions of an issue
area, we required to alleviate the uneven presence of
issue labels (Figure 1b) by remapping the fourteen
SCDB categories into ve classes and produce a bal-
anced dataset, as shown in the distribution of Table
2. However, Superior Court decisions were severely
skewed in the dataset toward a signed opinion (Fig-
ure 1c), such that predicting an outcome deemed im-
practical and thus excluded from the scope of this pa-
per. In the course of matching SCDB meta-data with
FindLaw opinion summaries, we found about a dozen
of cases with repeated docket numbers that we re-
moved. Lastly, we pulled out numerical entities from
many opinion summaries that contain section refer-
ences, or else they may impact issue area prediction
We apportioned our target legal data into train and
test sets with an 80-20 split that amounts to 1,085 and
273 case-summary pairs, respectively. To avoid over-
estimating real performance (Søgaard et al., 2021),
we used adversarial data splits by maximizing the
Wasserstein distance w between the train and test par-
titions that were generated across randomly resam-
pling our data for ten times (argmax
). We
further outline our method in Algorithm 1, noting that
it is performed for each resampling iteration. After
reshuffling the data and generating splits that each re-
tain issue area balance, we extracted a single embed-
ding vector for every opinion summary. We then pair
test and train embeddings, calculate an Earth Mover’s
Distance (EMD; Rubner et al., 1998), and return the
sum of all distances. The time complexity of the al-
gorithm is O(mn), where m and n are the size of the
test and train sets, respectively.
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 2: Balanced data set after remapping issue area into five classes. Judicial Power examples merged with First Amend-
ment, while the Other case category includes samples from Due Process, Privacy, Attorneys, Unions, Federalism, Interstate
Relations, Federal Taxation, Private Action, and Miscellaneous.
Criminal Procedure Civil Rights Economic Activity Judicial Power Other
374 215 271 264 234
Table 3: F1 scores of multi-class opinion classification comparing distilbert-base with legal-bert-base models. The
support column indicates the number of ground-truth cases for an individual issue area.
distilbert-base legal-bert-base
Issue Area Precision Recall F1 Precision Recall F1 Support
Criminal Procedure 0.65 0.97 0.78 0.67 0.99 0.8 75
Civil Rights 0.71 0.12 0.20 0.8 0.09 0.17 43
Economic Activity 0.61 0.80 0.69 0.42 0.93 0.58 55
Judicial Power 0.42 0.51 0.46 0.49 0.34 0.4 53
Other 0.47 0.17 0.25 0 0 0 47
Accuracy 0.58 0.54 273
Macro Average 0.57 0.51 0.48 0.48 0.47 0.39 273
Weighted Average 0.58 0.58 0.52 0.49 0.54 0.44 273
Fine-Tuning. Our experimental framework consists
of DistilBERT (Sanh et al., 2019),
a generic
and simple language-model that leverages knowl-
edge distillation during pretraining, and LegalBERT
(Chalkidis et al., 2020),
a model pretrained on 12GB
of diverse English legal text from the fields of legis-
lation, court cases, and contracts. We used the un-
cased version of both models, after converting the
text of opinion summaries to lowercase. To perform
multi-class classification, we added a linear layer that
reduces the network output to our five issue areas
and followed with a softmax activation. We used the
Adam optimizer (Kingma and Ba, 2014) with a cross-
entropy loss function, a learning rate of 1e
, and ap-
plied a fixed 0.3 dropout.
1 50 100
(a) DistilBERT.
1 50 100
(b) LegalBERT.
Figure 2: Loss progression during fine-tuning on our train-
set in one out of four and ten epochs for (a) DistilBERT
and (b) LegalBERT, respectively.
In Figure 2, we show loss behavior in a sin-
gle epoch during fine-tuning DistilBERT (Figure 2a)
and LegalBERT (Figure 2b) on our opinion summary
train-split. The loss pattern in both models has a spiky
appearance, but nonetheless consistently descending
as the batch count increases. Overall, fine-tuning on
DistilBERT took four epochs and more than twice
long for ten epochs on LegalBERT. We used a batch
size of 8 and 32 opinion summaries in fine-tuning and
inference, respectively.
We ran inference on our opinion summary test set
using a checkpoint of both the fine-tuned language
model and the vocabulary augmented with tokens
contributed by our train set.
In Table 3, we provide classification F1 scores
comparing the base models of DistilBERT with
LegalBERT, each fine-tuned on our opinion summary
train-set. Performance results are presented for both
an individual issue category and cumulative macro
and weighted averages. F1 scores for the areas of
criminal procedure and civil rights came out rela-
tively close with a slight edge exchanging between the
language models. DistilBERT had a moderate 6%
F1 advantage for judicial power, on the other hand,
DistilBERT dominated with convincing F1 margins
of 11 and 25 percentage points for predicting eco-
nomic activity and the other issue group, respectively.
Issue Area Discovery from Legal Opinion Summaries using Neural Text Processing
Table 4: Comparing F1 scores against external baselines.
System Documents Tokens Labels Model F1
Soh et al. (2019) 623 6,968 31
bert-base 0.43
bert-large 0.45
ContractNLI 607 2,254 3
bert-base 0.53
legal-bert-base 0.51
Sarkar et al. (2021) 230 768 2
sentence-bert-base-zs 0.59
sentence-bert-base-fs 0.67
Ours 1,085 67 5
distilbert-base 0.48
legal-bert-base 0.39
Notably LegalBERT had no definite prediction for
cases that were part of the other collection. We con-
tend that the corpora used to pretrain LegalBERT
might be scope limited and thus challenged by un-
covered issue areas of the other group that possesses
relatively weak inter-area similarity.
73 19 2 14 4
0 5 0 1 1
2 1 44 7 18
0 15 7 27 16
0 3 2 4 8
(a) DistilBERT.
74 18 2 14 2
0 4 0 1 0
1 11 51 20 38
0 10 2 18 7
0 0 0 0 0
(b) LegalBERT.
Figure 3: Confusion matrix representation for multi issue-
area classification on (a) DistilBERT and (b) LegalBERT.
Overall, DistilBERT surpassed LegalBERT pre-
diction quality consistently for both macro and
weighted averages with an F1 score of 48% and 52%,
thus gaining 9 and 8 F1 percentage points, respec-
tively. Similarly, the balanced accuracy measure for
DistilBERT was 0.58 vs 0.54.
In Figure 3, we review the confusion matrix rep-
resentation for our task of multi issue-area classifica-
tion. While true positive counts along matrix diago-
nals are fairly consistent across our models, error rate
per class varies. For example, the Economic Activity
issue area has 28 false positives and 11 false negatives
for a total of 39 misclassifications on DistilBERT
(Figure 3a), whereas on LegalBERT (Figure 3b) there
is a much higher rate of 74 incorrect predictions.
Next, we contrast our performance against exter-
nal baselines that use derivatives of the BERT model.
Soh et al. (2019) used a fairly imbalanced dataset
of 51 labels in total that was limited to the 30 most
frequent issue areas, as the rest of the labels were
mapped to the others label. They trained each model
type using three classifiers on different training sub-
sets to mitigate remaining label imbalance. However,
their work avoids performing fine-tuning and for our
analysis we used their F1 scores for a ten percentage
point holdout of their train set.
ContractNLI (Koreeda and Manning, 2021) is a
document level natural language inference (NLI) tool
for reviewing contracts. A hypothesis might thus con-
tradict, entail, or be neutral to a contract. The three-
label classification task showed that performance of
contradicting labels are impacted far more adversely
compared to entailment labels, due to imbalanced la-
bel distribution in the dataset. Similar to our re-
sults, fine-tuning a model pretrained on legal corpora
proved mixed results and did benefit NLI marginally.
Exploring a predictive coding system for reg-
ulatory compliance, Sarkar et al. (2021) proposed
Few-shot (FS) learning to classify financial-domain
data using SentenceBERT (Reimers and Gurevych,
2019), and compared it against a Zero-shot (ZS) ap-
proach using a pretrained NLI BART model (Lewis
et al., 2020). Their manually labeled dataset is ex-
tremely small and composes sentence-level promis-
sory and non-promissory examples, of which a sen-
tence tagged promissory is considered the hypothesis.
SentenceBERT encodes each sentence into a fixed-
sized embedding vector.
In Table 4, we use macro-average F1 scores to
rate performance of multi-class classification, with
the intention to refrain from overly optimistic results.
F1 scores for ContractNLI are reported as the aver-
age of contradiction and entailment labels for each
model. Although the systems we considered are fairly
diverse in both their goals and data— train or fine-
tuning set size and average tokens per document or
sentence— scores are nonetheless comparatively con-
curring. Zero-shot and Few-shot binary text classifi-
cation were expected to be the highest scoring with F1
of 59% and 67%, respectively. ContractNLI is second
with a slight edge of 3 F1 percentage points over our
system when pretrained on legal corpora, mainly due
to a relatively simpler classification task.
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Our study motivates the use of opinion synopses
rather than long-length descriptions to predict issue
areas at scale. We analyzed qualitatively whether le-
gal is a domain-specific problem from an NLP tools
perspective, or a domain that could be generalized
based on representation and the task of interest. Fine-
tuned on our balanced dataset with the most dissim-
ilar splits, we showed that a sustainable generalized
language-model is more train-efficient and outper-
formed a model pretrained on a specialized legal do-
Our results carve several avenues of future re-
search such as improve performance by removing
name entities from summaries, apply text simplifica-
tion to auto-generate opinion abstractions from long
documents, and expand our work to a broad class of
prediction tasks in legal studies. As it becomes in-
creasingly important to develop simple, efficient, and
reproducible domain-agnostic systems for neural text
processing, we hope our approach will help the NLP
community to further expand prediction analysis to
other humanity disciplines.
We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for
their insightful suggestions and feedback.
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