cessity to keep up with demand otherwise there would
need to be a choice between delaying publication of
apps or publishing apps where their behaviour has not
been examined.
One exception is if the app is being executed from
within Google Bouncer; if it is possible for Google
Play services to detect that an app is being executed
on Bouncer then the service can be configured to send
confidence values that allow the apps behaviour to be
In this paper we conducted a study of the sensors
available from automated Android analysis platforms.
We started by developing an Android app that was
customised to each target to allow us to correctly at-
tribute the data received from each sandbox. Our first
observation was that very few sandboxes out of the
original survey responded directly. This is either be-
cause the platform did not support the app or the traf-
fic from the app was not allowed to transit the sand-
box’s network. We found that only three of the ini-
tially surveyed sandboxes responded in the correctly
formatted manner. However the server still received
responses from seventy-seven hosts.
Analysis of the sensor implementations on pub-
licly available sandboxes showed that the accelerom-
eter was the most ubiquitous of the available sensors
and thus formed the basis of the remaining research.
We found that all analysis platforms that returned sen-
sor lists to our server included a clear indication that
they were virtual and thus are trivial to detect. Other
indicators were the presence of just the accelerometer
or no sensors in the list at all.
On the platforms that returned accelerometer val-
ues in their X, Y, Z dimensional components, all re-
sponses were static and we modelled the threat of de-
tection by rating these responses. The worst being
all 0s returned which, in the presence of gravity and
noise from the device itself, is impossible. The best
current solution is to use a physical device to obtain
real time dynamic values.
As a future work we will aim to implement a sys-
tem to increase transparency of publicly accessible
malware analysis platforms by replacing the locally
sourced sensor values with ones produced by a model
of human activities.
We will also aim to look at implementing our own
model of activity recognition as the basis of a Reverse
Turing Test and compare it to Google Play.
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ICISSP 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy