decision-maker pays in addition to the actual cost of
the resource, the price for good quality service.
Our simple yet effective model is one way to rep-
resent resource ratings and relate them to the opti-
mization objective. There are different ways this can
be done, for example, rather than paying the sum of
the rating costs for each subset serving a request, one
could pay the average rating cost of these subsets in-
Also, each request could be associated with an
amount of money one is willing to pay to get a higher
rated service for the request. In many real-world busi-
ness scenarios, customers are often given options to
choose from when it comes to quality of services.
Hence, the decision maker would take into account
the quality of service requested when assigning re-
sources to clients. For instance, a rating cost would
not have to be paid if the request is not made for a
high-rated service.
Furthermore, the ratings in our model are assumed
to be fixed throughout time, which is not the case in
actual rating systems. One may want to include dy-
namic pricing for these ratings. From an algorithmic
perspective, it could be that extensions of the existing
algorithm would solve the variants that arise from dy-
namic pricing - a similar study as the one in (Feldkord
et al., 2017) for leasing problems.
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