Work-From-Anywhere Skills: Aligning Supply and Demand Starting
from High Schools
Ilenia Fronza
1 a
, Luis Corral
2 b
, Gennaro Iaccarino
, Lucia Bartoli
and Claus Pahl
1 c
Free University of Bozen/Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy
ITESM Campus Queretaro, Queretaro, Mexico
I.I.S.S. “Galileo Galilei’, Bolzano, Italy
Work from Anywhere, WFA, WFX, Skills, K-12, High Schools.
The world of work-from-home (WFH) and work-from-anywhere (abbreviated WFX or WFA) grew more than
ever during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many companies are now planning on permanently allowing WFX,
with subsequent demand for specific skills. It is crucial to foster these skills in high schools, as students may
enter the job market without attending University. Up-to-date analysis of the current situation is missing to
align supply and demand by enabling educators to set goals and strategies to train students so that they will
be able to mesh into a WFX setting. To address this issue, we collected complementary data using a case
study (23 students), a questionnaire (616 students), and interviews with professionals and practitioners of the
software development sector. Results suggest that information management, communication skills, autonomy,
and resourcefulness are key competencies that enable professionals to succeed in a WFX environment. How-
ever, students feel less prepared in terms of communication skills; moreover, they lack time management and
autonomy skills. Based on our results, we highlight recommendations for educational practice that educators
can use in curriculum building to fill the gaps that emerged in this study to assure the effective development of
the skillset demanded by current and future WFX conditions.
The adoption of Work-From-Home (WFH) policies
grew in the 2000s (Sako, 2021) and was followed by
Work-From-Anywhere (abbreviated WFX or WFA),
which provided employees with greater geographic
flexibility and autonomy in choosing spaces, times,
and tools (Choudhury et al., 2019; Sako, 2021). Dur-
ing pandemic conditions, several sectors leveraged
these policies for business continuity. These changes
occurred well beyond the working settings where
these policies were already in place and have involved
the educational context at every level.
After the most critical emergency conditions
passed surveys reveal workers’ desires to continue
with the new working setting, and some companies
are transitioning toward a permanent WFX model
(Drera, 2021). Based on these considerations, strong
demand for WFX skills (Paasivaara et al., 2013; Pros-
sack, 2020) is expected for the next future in the
job market. It is crucial to foster these skills in
high schools (Fronza et al., 2022), as students may
enter the job market without attending University.
The COVID-19 pandemic has provided the chance
to work in this direction. Indeed, school digitiza-
tion accelerated, and students needed to organize their
work autonomously by going beyond the concept of
“school hours” and focusing instead on the achieve-
ment of the objectives (in a WFX style). However,
up-to-date analysis of the current situation is missing
to align supply (from schools) and demand (of the job
market), which would enable educators to set goals
and strategies to train students so that they will be able
to mesh into a distributed, WFX setting.
This work aims at providing an overview of the
current state of WFX skills supply and demand. To
this end, we collected complementary (qualitative and
quantitative) data using a mixed-method triangula-
tion design in which we combined a case study (with
23 high school students), a questionnaire (with 616
high school students), and interviews with ten indus-
try practitioners of the software development sector.
Fronza, I., Corral, L., Iaccarino, G., Bartoli, L. and Pahl, C.
Work-From-Anywhere Skills: Aligning Supply and Demand Starting from High Schools.
DOI: 10.5220/0010984300003182
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2022) - Volume 2, pages 327-337
ISBN: 978-989-758-562-3; ISSN: 2184-5026
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Results suggest that a compound of soft and hard
skills (some of them already visualized and required
before the pandemic) are considered key enablers and
assumed “givens” for those professionals joining and
participating in global and WFX teams. Among these
skills, students feel less prepared in terms of com-
munication skills. Particular attention receives self-
motivation: WFX workers are expected to be au-
tonomous and self-driven, but our results evidence
lack of time management and autonomy skills among
The rest of this paper is structured as follows: Sec-
tion 2 introduces related work; Section 3 describes
our research method and our data collection strategy.
Results are shown in Section 4 and discussed in Sec-
tion 5. Section 6 draws conclusions and suggest areas
for future work.
Remote working involves working in a defined and
stable place (e.g., home) with an appropriate desk,
optimal Wi-Fi, and a fixed schedule. It arguably be-
gan with the Work-From-Home (WFH) policies in the
1970s to counteract rising gasoline prices (Choud-
hury, 2021); in 1983, M.H. Olson (Olson, 1983)
found that the individuals who worked at home suc-
cessfully were self-motivated and self-disciplined in-
dividuals who made the arrangement either because
of family requirements or because they preferred few
social contacts beyond family. In the 2000s, the adop-
tion of WFH increased in several sectors thanks to
digital technology (e.g., faster and cheaper comput-
ers, stable broadband Internet, video chat platforms,
and desktop virtualization) (Sako, 2021). Research
showed WFH performance benefits; for example, a
2015 study found increased productivity (by 13%)
for the employees who chose WFH (Bloom et al.,
2015). Consequently, some companies launched
Work-From-Anywhere (WFX) programs, i.e., they
moved toward greater geographic flexibility.
The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated these
changes already underway: many companies imple-
mented a working management philosophy based on
giving people flexibility and autonomy in choosing
spaces, times, and tools, which also means greater re-
sponsibility when talking about results. WFX does
not mean simply working from a distance, i.e., it can
include WFH, but it is more than that (Softtek, 2020):
workers can organize the day by combining a time
for private life and one for work-life, based on mu-
tual participation and trust (Stamenova, 2021; Soft-
tek, 2020) between the employer and the collabora-
tors. Even though availability needs to be granted
(e.g., to discuss the status of ongoing projects), what
matters is meeting the objectives (Softtek, 2020) at
the pre-established times. This encompasses a wider
vision of the whole picture: a new organization of the
working setting (goals, schedule, teamwork, collabo-
ration, accomplishment, and accountability) that mo-
tivates a true shift in the working paradigm towards
empowering employees to understand clearly the goal
at hand, analyzing resources (tools and time), collabo-
rating with others and delivering results (Smart Work-
ing Observatory, 2020).
In 2021, Barrero et al. developed systematic ev-
idence about whether remote work will stick after
the pandemic, why, and some of its economic and
societal implications: desires to continue with re-
mote work emerge across groups defined by age, ed-
ucation, gender, earnings, and family circumstances.
Moreover, most workers express a willingness to ac-
cept sizable pay cuts in return for the option to work
from home two or three days a week (Barrero et al.,
2021). In a 2021 survey (Buffer, 2021) with a total
of 2300 respondents, 94% percent of the respondents
who started working remotely as a result of the pan-
demic selected that they would like to work remotely,
at least some of the time, for the rest of their career;
that number increased to 99% for people who were
remote workers before COVID-19. Moreover, 46%
said that their company was planning on permanently
allowing remote work. M. Sako (Sako, 2021) foresees
a hybrid model combining remote and in-office work-
ing: workers will balance tasks that can be carried out
remotely (e.g., writing reports) and tasks that are bet-
ter carried out in social spaces (e.g., brainstorming).
In this regard, Smite et al. identified the future chal-
lenge of “identifying the must-happen in-the-office or
in-collocation practices, ceremonies, and events that
will help maintain the organizational culture” (Smite
et al., 2021). Offering employees customized work-
ing styles seems to be the winning strategy to attract
talents (Kelly, 2021). At the moment, the strategy
is not uniform among tech companies. For instance,
Facebook, Uber, and Microsoft are pushing for a pre-
pandemic model, at least in a short period. Others
(such as Twitter and Spotify) are transitioning toward
a permanent WFX model (Drera, 2021).
WFH determined changes and novelties of work-
ing routines and practices; for example, daily rhythm
is more flexible and self-imposed (Smite et al., 2021).
Moreover, WFH comes with a list of issues, such as
not being able to unplug, loneliness, difficulties with
collaboration and communication (Buffer, 2021). As
a consequence, specific skills are needed to succeed in
this working setting, as reported by the research liter-
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
ature in Global Software Engineering (i.e., a common
practice in software development teams) (Monasor
et al., 2010; Richardson et al., 2010; Swigger et al.,
2010). These skills include strong written communi-
cation, adaptability, time management, collaboration,
focus, working in culturally diverged teams, and using
collaborative technologies (Paasivaara et al., 2013;
Prossack, 2020). Notably, most of these are soft skills
(Paasivaara et al., 2013). Having an overview of the
current state of WFX skills supply and demand would
allow educators to set goals and strategies to train stu-
dents so that they will be able to mesh into a dis-
tributed, WFX setting.
In this study, we will answer the following questions:
RQ1. How ready are high school students for
RQ1.1. How do students perceive WFX?
RQ1.2. What WFX skills do students have?
RQ2. What skills do employers think are needed
for WFX?
RQ3. How aligned are the supply and demand of
WFX skills?
A mixed-method triangulation design has been
used in this study to obtain different but complemen-
tary data (Creswell and Creswell, 2017). As shown in
Figure 1, we collected and analyzed quantitative and
qualitative data separately and then merged the differ-
ent results. Concurrent, but separate, collection and
analysis of quantitative and qualitative data included
the following methods: 1) case study, involving 23
students of a CS high school (Section 3.1), 2) ques-
tionnaires, involving 616 students attending a range
of types of high schools (Section 3.2), and 3) inter-
view of ten professionals in industry/productive sec-
tors in the area of software development, holding roles
of recruitment, talent detection, talent acquisition, and
front-line people leadership (Section 3.3).
Figure 1: Triangulation design: convergence model
(adapted from Creswell and Cresswell, 2017).
3.1 Case Study
The study context is a business simulation project in
a fifth-year class of a CS high school in Bolzano,
Italy. A total of 23 students (21 M, 2 F; 18-19 years
old) was involved. The project simulated 15 profes-
sional working days to implement a web-based ap-
plication commissioned by a customer (i.e., the lab
technicians), who asked for a system with a dynamic
database to manage the material in the chemistry and
microbiology laboratories.
A simulation project has been chosen because of
its ability to enhance skills, including strategy devel-
opment, time management, team building, negotia-
tion skills, decision making, and team-working (Asiri
et al., 2017; Xu and Yang, 2010). To obtain a di-
dactic transposition (Hazzan et al., 2010) of a profes-
sional context, we adopted a pseudo-business struc-
ture, with reference figures (chosen by the students
upon teacher’s approval) and an organizational plan.
The activity was carried out partly remotely and partly
on-site; in both cases, the adoption of WFX working
practices (i.e., time management, sharing documenta-
tion, work organization with the other groups) was en-
couraged. All the project documentation is available
online (
As shown in Figure 2, students were divided into
the following two areas: the technical area (dedi-
cated to project development) and the communica-
tion area (focusing on documentation, communica-
tion, and graphic/web layout). Each area was coor-
dinated by a group leader chosen by the CS teacher
among the most motivated students in the group. Each
area was divided into smaller groups according to the
tasks assigned; for example, the technical area in-
cluded smaller groups that worked on security/testing,
human-machine interaction, and server implementa-
tion. Each student could choose the area and the
group membership according to their characteristics,
inclinations, and tasks in the area. We used self-
selected teams (i.e., students chose the team) because
this approach is more efficient for short-term projects
(Bacon et al., 1999). Each sub-group had a student
leader, who was chosen by the team and interacted
with the other groups and with the area leader.
Since it was a simulation project, we attempted
to promote knowledge and experiences that emu-
late, methodologically and practically, the common
environment of the software industry (Corral and
Fronza, 2018). Moreover, we aimed at facilitating the
achievement of the objectives. Based on these con-
siderations, the teacher proposed and agreed on a se-
ries of daily objectives for both groups and individual
participants. Then, the teacher and the leaders regu-
Work-From-Anywhere Skills: Aligning Supply and Demand Starting from High Schools
Figure 2: Organizational chart of the case study.
larly verified the progression of the work and the ac-
tual achievement of the objectives. Throughout the
process, we distributed the following daily question-
naire (using an online form) to track the progress of
the WFX experience in terms of work hours, achieve-
ment of goals, self-perception in the team, and issues
1. Indicate the time slots of the day in which you
worked best in the remote team.
2. Indicate the time slots of the day in which you
worked best individually.
3. In your opinion, did your team achieve the goals?
[yes; no]
4. Did you find it difficult to achieve the goals? [yes;
5. Did you feel being appreciated during the project?
[Likert scale 1-10]
6. How difficult were the following activities? [area
management; time management; group manage-
ment; identify critical issues/problems; solve crit-
ical issues/problems]
At the end of the activity, students wrote a final
report focusing on their opinion on the project. More-
over, they identified the Strengths, Weaknesses, Op-
portunities, and Threats of the activity (i.e., SWOT
analysis). These considerations were subsequently re-
ceived and discussed by the class teacher.
3.2 Questionnaire
We distributed a questionnaire among students of dif-
ferent high schools all over Italy to assess the acquisi-
tion level of digital skills after distance learning. The
questionnaire was developed following the approach
adopted by (Park and Han, 2019) and included five
questions. The first three demographic questions col-
lected information about the respondent’s characteris-
tics (i.e., city, grade, age range). Then, the following
main questions were asked:
1. Since resuming in-person (even partially) classes,
how much are you using the following tools for
studying reasons? [Never, A little (1-2 times a
month), Often (1-3 times a week), Always (at
least 4 times a week)]
Devices (PC, Notebook, Smartphone, Tablet)
Social Network (Instagram, Facebook,
LinkedIn, YouTube, Linknow, Google Plus,
Videoconferencing tools (Zoom, MS Teams,
Google Meet, Discord)
Storage/sharing tools (Google drive, One drive,
N-drive, Dropbox, Apple I-cloud, e-Register, e-
2. How do you assess your skills in the following
areas? [None, Poor, Good, Excellent]
Ability to find information (web, wiki,
YouTube, social networks)
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Ability to create documents (MS Word, Excel,
PowerPoint, keynote, Office 365, Google doc-
Ability to manage materials in a systematic
manner (digital notes, folders, papers)
The questionnaire was distributed using an online
form. We followed legal requirements and ethical
codes of conduct of child participation in research
(EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, 2014). For
example, we collected informed consent, asked for
voluntary participation, and informed the respondents
about the confidential treatment of data.
3.3 Interview
Research interviews were selected as a data collec-
tion method thanks to their possibility to engage in
deeper conversations with professionals and practi-
tioners. Besides discovering what skills are valuable
in the current remote working settings, interviews
allowed us to elaborate deeper on the obtained re-
sponses and relate them better to the current working
settings (Creswell and Creswell, 2017). This latter
idea is also paramount in this data collection strategy:
responses delivered by industry interviews do not re-
fer to a development outlook or a series of competen-
cies to grow: responses commonly reference back to
a current working context, situations that are happen-
ing now in a productive setting and that, as such, rep-
resent a series of skills that employers and companies
are already looking for or requiring.
Each semi-structured interview (Wohlin et al.,
2012) involved the same interviewer together with
one interviewee at a time and lasted between 40 and
50 minutes. In the first part of the interview, we
obtained consent from the interviewee and informed
them about the confidential treatment of collected
data. The interview was conducted remotely through
an online video-conferencing platform and included
the following two questions (excluding elaboration or
follow-up questions):
What are the skills or competencies you are look-
ing for in candidates or colleagues to engage bet-
ter in a WFX environment?
Which of those skills are new, that is, you pre-
viously did not consider them as core competen-
Ten industry representatives were available for an
interview; this number respects the suggested dimen-
sion of a qualitative sample to collect expert views,
i.e., an average of 5 with a range of 2 to 8 (Benzo
et al., 2017). The profiles of the interviewees vary
from roles of recruitment, talent acquisition, front-
line people leadership, and technical leadership. The
profiles of the companies involved are mostly tech-
nology, spanning from software development to arti-
ficial intelligence services, hardware, infrastructure,
and education. Companies interviewed are based out
in Austria, Poland, Mexico, the United States, and
Indonesia. The names of the companies were kept
anonymous to ensure transparency and confidential-
ity of the results.
In this section, we provide the answers to each re-
search question.
RQ1. How Ready Are High School Students for
Smart Working? RQ1.1. How do students perceive
WFX? During the case study, as requested by the cus-
tomer, the students designed and implemented a web-
based application to manage all the material in the
chemistry and microbiology laboratories. The appli-
cation is based on a LAMP architecture (i.e., Linux,
Apache, MySQL, PHP services). The application is
browser-based and accessible via HTML and CSS.
All the objectives proposed during the project have
been achieved; the application has been tested and
is correctly functioning. Figure 3 shows the SWOT
analysis completed by the students at the end of the
Figure 3: SWOT analysis completed by the students at the
end of the case study.
Focusing on the identified opportunities, the stu-
dents considered the initiative a good chance to
deepen topics treated only theoretically and briefly
during school lessons; moreover, they felt they could
improve their soft skills, which was considered im-
portant for their future. Among the strengths of
the activity, students appreciated team collaboration,
mentioned that they found short-term goals challeng-
ing, and found it very useful to obtain teacher feed-
back regularly. The analysis of the daily question-
Work-From-Anywhere Skills: Aligning Supply and Demand Starting from High Schools
Figure 4: Daily questionnaire: difficulty and achievement of the daily goals.
naires (Figure 4) shows that majority of the students
reported that they achieved the goals every day. How-
ever, achieving these results was difficult for most of
them. Furthermore, students felt being appreciated
during the activity (Figure 5).
Figure 5: Degree of perceived appreciation.
Students enjoyed autonomy in the decision-
making process (which requires being responsible)
and the possibility to learn digital skills and new tools
for collaborative work. However, weaknesses and
threats highlight several issues in the existing school
system. For example, school equipment is not always
up to the demands, there is a lack of time manage-
ment between different disciplines, and inadequate
communication between teachers, who do not always
manage to work together to achieve common goals.
Moreover, according to the participants, it was dif-
ficult to stop using the typical school work model,
where productivity is often condensed into the morn-
ing hours. In this regard, the analysis of the daily
questionnaires shows that students worked best in
the 8:00-12:00 time slot (Figure 6), both in groups
and independently. Therefore, students maintained
their regular school habits even though they could au-
tonomously organize their workday in a WFX style.
These considerations were subsequently received
and discussed by the class teacher, who strongly
agrees on the criticisms set out by the students and
the need for better planning of time and content as
a teaching model for the future. During the discus-
sion with students, another interesting area of reflec-
tion emerged: the approach used in the case study was
easier to accept and implement in families where par-
ents are used to WFH or WFX. Instead, the new work-
ing style was more difficult to implement where par-
ents have a fixed schedule and do not work remotely,
possibly indicating that the concept of flexibility and
WFH/WFX has yet to enter into common habits, with
all its pros and cons.
RQ1.2. What WFX skills do students have? As
shown in Table 1, the questionnaire received 616 an-
swers from students aged 14-19 (95.6%) and students
aged 20 or over (4.4%). Respondents had the fol-
lowing backgrounds: technical (63.5%), arts, classi-
cal, scientific, foreign language (20.3%), vocational
(14.8%), and others (1.4%).
Regarding the usage of digital tools (question 1),
Figure 7 shows that only 5-6% of students do not
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 6: Time slots of the day in which students worked best in the remote team and autonomously.
Table 1: Questionnaire: respondents’ age.
14-16 years 17-19 years >20 years
49.3% 46.3% 4.4%
know the indicated tools, and 10% rarely use them.
About 41-42% use the tools sometimes during the
week and 40% almost daily for school activities.
Most of the respondents use communication tools one
to three times a week, while 45.9% use social network
and communication tools at least four times a week.
Most students never/rarely use information manage-
ment tools. When asked to self-assess their skills
(question 2), even though information and manage-
ment tools are the least used, only a few respondents
have no or low information collection and manage-
ment skills (1-4% as shown in Figure 7). The infor-
mation sharing and communication skills are those in
which students feel least prepared (20-22%).
RQ2. What Skills Do Employers Think Are
Needed for WFX? The responses delivered by inter-
views converged on mentioning a collection of skills
that could be already identified even before the pan-
demic conditions. Due to the informal format of
the interview and the structure in open-ended ques-
tions, we grouped the answers in concepts, establish-
ing clusters for similar ideas or synonyms (for ex-
ample, self-motivation included other responses like
“self-determination” or “self-driven attitude”). The
following list displays the skills mentioned by respon-
dents sorted by frequency.
Self-motivation (6): Understood as the ability to
understand business goals and deliver to them.
Self-motivation implies overflowing that under-
standing into the day-to-day way to work, es-
tablishing clear personal goals and working to-
ward them without the need of being constantly
reminded about goals, or working in co-location
with other colleagues that share the same goals.
Communication (5): In a distributed work envi-
ronment, communication is of utmost importance
to maintain a continuous dialog with other team
members, promote teamwork and collaboration,
understand and convey goals and objectives, re-
port progress, explain designs, and, very interest-
ingly, maintain the morale of a team.
Autonomy (5): The ability to learn indepen-
dently, cover independently learning curves, un-
derstand goals and execute tasks with a minimum
guide. In particular, self-learning is required since
employees learn a lot while working hand in hand
with colleagues; now, they have to learn on their
Time Management (4): Work schedule inter-
preted as a time frame with a start time in the
morning and end time in the afternoon is no longer
in place. It was expressed a particular interest
in attracting talent that can manage time indepen-
dently and deliver to goals regardless of the num-
ber of hours invested and the schedule followed.
Work-From-Anywhere Skills: Aligning Supply and Demand Starting from High Schools
Figure 7: A synthesis of the questionnaire replies.
Curiosity (1): The capacity of employees to ini-
tiate action, having an exploring attitude towards
uncertain or ambiguous conditions.
Endurance (1): Also referred to as resilience, the
capacity of employees to overcome failure, deal
with ambiguity, manage frustration, be persistent
and establish the emotional temper that is required
to work in isolated conditions.
Position Fit (1): Alignment between personal
goals and company goals, that would bring as a
consequence a better understanding of goals and
better motivation to deliver.
Concerning the second question, we could ob-
serve an almost unanimous convergence towards ex-
pressing that the above-mentioned skills are not any-
more a desired characteristic or a professional plus.
Instead, respondents now consider these skills as ba-
sic qualifications, and without them, it would be diffi-
cult to succeed in current professional environments.
However, interviewees stressed that skills like time
management or autonomy, commonly required in in-
terviews, became particularly relevant in current busi-
ness conditions.
RQ3. How Aligned Are the Supply and Demand of
WFX Skills? To answer RQ3, we bring the separate
results together, comparing and contrasting (Creswell
and Creswell, 2017) the vision of three different set-
tings, i.e., the personal opinion of several students, the
perception of participants of a simulated working set-
ting, and the reflections of practitioners currently part
of the productive sector. Indeed, it is of particular in-
terest to identify elements that are relevant depending
on the environment, and also to discover convergent
According to the collected data, the educational
environment focuses on outlining elements of com-
puter and technological literacy by, for example, list-
ing tools that are important for seamless integration in
a WFX environment (hardware and software tools and
a good command of their use). Several of the men-
tioned tools are specifically designed and distributed
to facilitate communication (social media tools) or
collaboration (Google Documents, Wikis). Profes-
sional respondents take for granted technological lit-
eracy and focus their attention on other job-specific
competencies. However, information management
tools are never or rarely used by most students.
In contrast, the simulated work environment con-
verged in several traits to answers given in the produc-
tive working setting. For instance, teamwork and col-
laboration are highly valued by the two sources. Flex-
ibility in the schedule and time invested in the work is
highly valued in the educational setting and also men-
tioned by practitioners bound in the concept of time
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
management. Communication skills, autonomy, and
resourcefulness are elements mentioned both by the
student and professional setting as key competences
that enable professionals to succeed in a remote work
environment. However, students feel less prepared in
terms of communication skills; moreover, poor inter-
nal communication is listed among the weaknesses in
the SWOT analysis at the end of the case study. Par-
ticular attention receives self-motivation: WFX work-
ers are expected to be autonomous and self-driven so
that they can lead and deliver in an environment of
little personal interaction with other peers, or without
the need of being supervised closely by managers. In
this regard, the case study participants included the
possibility of flexible time-management among the
opportunities provided by the activity; however, stu-
dents continued to work in the morning (as if they
were at school) without taking full advantage of this
possibility. This result evidences a lack of time man-
agement or autonomy skills, which are considered
particularly relevant by the interviewed industry rep-
Our findings suggest a core of skills needed to adapt
and contribute in a WFX setting. There are relevant
coincidences between the experience reported by stu-
dents and the expectations outlined by industry prac-
titioners. Information management, communication
skills, autonomy, and resourcefulness are considered
key WFX enablers competencies. However, students
feel less prepared in terms of communication skills
and lack time management and autonomy skills.
Based on our results, we highlight a set of rec-
ommendations for educational practice that educators
can use in curriculum building to fill the gaps that
emerged in this study. First, current timetable man-
agement in the school does not seem to foster time
management and autonomy skills. Indeed, the school
timetable is generally strict: each subject has a spe-
cific number of time slots, not always functionally
distributed. Furthermore, the high number of subjects
and their alternation during the morning (or day) pro-
duce general fragmentation of knowledge and skills,
instead of favoring their connection. The same rigid-
ity applies to the clear separation between school time
and free time, which are in turn non-communicating
areas. This time management model is likely to reflect
on how these future workers will cope with working
time. Our suggestion is to involve students in activi-
ties in which the daily routine is interrupted for short
periods and completely disrupted. These activities
would represent a total subversion of time manage-
ment and foster productive autonomy through short-
term planning in a scenario where the teacher super-
vises, detects, and rewards the work of individuals
and groups.
Second, instructors should dedicate space to prac-
tical involvement through hybrid (i.e., partially on-
site, partially remote) or fully-remote projects. These
activities may start laying foundations on WFX criti-
cal skills before students integrate into the labor mar-
ket. Third, instructors need to carefully understand
how to incorporate these activities, either designing
a specific curriculum to teach enabler concepts or
adapting the practice on current subjects to incorpo-
rate practices. As students grow in age and matu-
rity, experiences that are closer to an industrial setting
should be incorporated, as exemplified by simulated
work environments. Finally, high schools should keep
up embracing the adoption of digital and collabora-
tive tools just like the professional and productive
sector. With the pandemic conditions, this adoption
has been promoted and accelerated; however, getting
back to “normal” may cause losing momentum on the
paradigm shift and pivotal changes that remote work
promoted in schools. With a positive adoption of the
best practices of remote work, and taking the best of
face-to-face interactions at school, students will be
both more experts in the use of digital tools that en-
able WFX, while exploiting better the social and per-
sonal competencies that the productive sector is and
will be looking for. Through the wise mix of the two
strategies, and through the promotion of simulated
WFX work environments, schools have now an un-
paralleled opportunity to prepare future WFX work-
In this paper, we described an initial outline of the
current needs expressed by educational and produc-
tive sectors concerning abilities that are expected and
desired in WFX workers. Based on this core, we fos-
ter the discussion on how to adapt strategy and cur-
riculum to educate students in the theory, practice,
and technology that foster the ability to have a seam-
less integration into a WFX setting. We acknowledge
that the works presented by this paper may have some
limitations. In the following, we discuss them and
elaborate on how these limitations do not threaten the
strength of our results:
The first two sources of information are the per-
sonal opinion and subjective views of school stu-
Work-From-Anywhere Skills: Aligning Supply and Demand Starting from High Schools
dents, concerning their regular interaction, or their
experience in a simulated work. Subjectivity may
be seen as a threat to the validity of the results;
nevertheless, we believe that in this case, the per-
sonal view and experience provided by partici-
pants is precisely the subject matter of discussion.
Acquiring information about the insight and ex-
ecuting the necessary analysis to extract the in-
sight is outlined as a high-level goal, so working
directly with subjects and understanding their ex-
perience is a critical foundation of this work.
The number of interviews with employers is
rather small with respect to the number of stu-
dents surveyed in the other two settings. We un-
derstand that qualitative research tends to have
smaller samples as the emphasis is placed on cap-
turing data in depth. A suggested dimension of
a qualitative sample to collect expert views is an
average of 5 with a range of 2 to 8 (Benzo et al.,
2017), and the viewpoint and insight obtained
from them, shed light on the practitioner’s per-
spective on the matter. Moreover, the voice of the
experts permits us to understand how these per-
spectives translate into job requirements, job de-
scriptions, or skills that are searched in the labor
Another limitation associated with interviews
with employers is a continuous request to keep
anonymous their names and the names of the com-
panies they are affiliated to. These requests come
from the fact that private industry is not always
willing to share practices, criteria, and informa-
tion that may represent a competitive advantage in
an aggressive labor market, and anonymity obfus-
cates information associated with a specific com-
pany. Although the interviews spanned global,
high technology companies, their request to re-
main anonymous does not permit to show evi-
dence on this claim.
Larger samples are needed to confirm and gener-
alize the results and limit the validity threats con-
nected with the reliability and validity of our in-
struments. Moreover, multiple iterations of pilot-
ing and testing will allow us to develop valid and
reliable instruments.
Another limitation is represented by the need for
teacher training, as teachers need to be trained to
apply the given recommendations effectively.
Educators can use our results as a baseline and
entry point to map out competencies, design curricu-
lum, and teach courses that assure the effective de-
velopment of the skill set demanded by current and
future remote working conditions. High education
time frames can be leveraged to enhance the educa-
tional experience to prepare professionals more capa-
ble to incorporate themselves into a WFX environ-
ment. Other elements of discussion remain open:
items like work safety, information security, stress
that can be associated with the fact of being con-
tinuously connected, fatigue associated with the use
of technological tools, privacy, and employee’s well-
being are ideas that need to be explored when dis-
cussing how to educate and prepare future WFX
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