The DeCov loss significantly improves the embedding
capacity with respect to the baseline system relying
on DenseNet-161. It is also worth noting that using an
ICA transformation worsens the capacity achievable
with representations derived with both DenseNet-161
and ResNext-101. The KLD and SRIP loss functions
lead to similar results in terms of channel capacity,
with limited improvements with respect to a baseline
system only for ResNext-101.
In this paper we have proposed a framework to quan-
titatively evaluate the statistical independence of fea-
tures employed within biometric cryptosystems, and
used it to analyze the effectiveness of using cascade
networks including DCCAEs to produce discrimina-
tive and independent biometric representations. Since
each of the proposed metric has its own criticalities, it
is recommended to evaluate a given biometric repre-
sentation considering all of them, rather than drawing
conclusions based on only one. Further developments
could be studied in order to design other metrics with
more informative content. For instance, it would be
possible to define a new centrality measure, possibly
taking into account the difference between the statis-
tics and the thresholds computed by an HSIC test,
and associating greater relevance to pair of features
with greater differences. This way, evaluations could
be performed taking into account the significance of
each test, and not only its binary output. Such met-
ric could be also employed to define effective feature
selection strategies based on statistical independence.
Furthermore, it would be highly desirable to design
novel approaches to automatically learn how to gen-
erate biometric representations with both discrimina-
tive and independence characteristics. To this aim, the
proposed metrics could be integrated within the loss
functions employed during the learning process.
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On the Statistical Independence of Parametric Representations in Biometric Cryptosystems: Evaluation and Improvement