ing PP’s. This may happen because in this process the
acoustic characteristics of a voice are more influential.
Therefore, the Known Speaker approach obtains bet-
ter results because the model trains with all the voices
available in the dataset learning their acoustic charac-
As can be seen in the Table 4c, the voice con-
version method improves the performance of models
when detecting mispronunciation. When we trained
the model with only 554 synthetic audios the accuracy
metric increased 2.8%. However, when using the full
set of synthetic audios as in the Table 4, the perfor-
mance increased by 26.4%.
Thanks to the usage of a transfer-learnt AlexNet, we
were able to develop a method to detect mispronunci-
ation in Spanish as well as identify phonological pro-
cesses with 93.4% and 99.1% respectively.
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Babbel also employ classification methods to deter-
mine whether a word is partially or fully mispro-
nounced (de la Cal Rioja, 2016). We carry out a sec-
ond classification to determine the type of phonologi-
cal process present in the misspronunciation.
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tasks (e.g., query by humming (Alfaro-Paredes et al.,
2021)), that could lead us to improvements in our ap-
proach. Additionally, text formalization (de Rivero
et al., 2021) could be applied for educational purposes
in compliment with our proposal.
For future works, we would like to have the sup-
port of a speech and language therapist who will help
us with the construction of a data set that includes
as many possible mispronunciation scenarios. In this
way, we reduce the probability that the models do not
know how to classify a new audio instance.
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CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education