conduct more experiments throughout the country, in
order to ensure the result. Evenmore, this kind of
architecture was applied to other kinds of problems,
for instance sheet music recognition (Lozano-Mej
et al., 2020) or fruit ripeness (Rodr
ıguez et al., 2021).
We consider that the software architecture used,
SOA or Service Oriented Architecture, was the most
appropriate because it provides a scalable environ-
ment to the project, that is, it allows the project to
remain current with the continuous incorporation of
users, as opposed to other monolithic architectures
that do not, or others that being scalable are more
complex as micro services, which is more suitable for
much larger projects.
In next steps we would like to incorporate the pos-
sibility of feeding the model, but this time by other
users that through the continuous input of images
open new places of reference that the application can
detect allowing the application to evolve over time.
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ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems