cent approach to the learnability of relational proper-
ties using model counting, proposed in (Usman et al.,
2020). This is a topic of our ongoing research.
One of the limitations of the presented study is
that the only one model of ML has been used. We
have tested quickly all implemented in WEKA classi-
fiers in default settings on the instances of the realiz-
ability problem above and the preliminary results sug-
gest that only Random Forest (RF)(Breiman, 2001)
has comparable with MLP precision of learned mod-
els. Interestingly, in the observed cases RF also strug-
gles to recognise special diagrams.
Table 4: The accuracy of Random Forest model when tested
on random (R) and on special (S) sets of diagrams. The
numbers of diagrams misclassified in the latter case are
shown in Misclassified column.
Dataset R testing S testing Misclassified
IG-12-2000x2 0.84 0.03 227 out of 235
Systematic exploration of the experiments with al-
ternative ML models will be presented in the extended
version of this paper.
In this paper we have presented our initial experi-
ments with machine learning applied to the classical
problem of computational topology, that is a recog-
nition of realizable Gauss diagrams. We have ex-
perimented with four various encodings and iden-
tified the encodings enabling the highest precision
of learned models. We have discovered an inter-
esting phenomenon where trained ML models drop
their performance dramatically when tested on spe-
cial recently discovered sets of diagrams, which are
counterexamples to the published relaiziability crite-
ria. We proposed some speculative explanations and
outlined further research directions to get more rigor-
ous account of the observed phenomena.
This work was supported by the Leverhulme Trust
Research Project Grant RPG-2019-313.
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