In this study, we focused on the scientific software
development domain, which is a sub-field of software
engineering, limited to the implementation of soft-
ware for research purposes. The goal of the study was
to identify which software engineering practices can
be used in scientific software development to prevent
the accumulation of technical debt. On the one hand,
the study of SE practices in this domain is important,
since usually scientific developers are not software
engineers; on the other hand, TD management is also
considered as highly relevant for the domain, since
maintenance of such applications is frequent, whereas
also possibly miss-execution (due to errors) is very
To achieve this goal, we have performed a ques-
tionnaire-based study with approximately 30 scien-
tific software developers, from 5 organizations spread
across Europe. The results of the study unveiled that
several SE practices, such as Reuse or Proper Testing,
can prevent the accumulation of TD. On the other
hand, other practices seem as either irrelevant to TD
prevention (e.g., Parallel Programming), or as non-
applicable to scientific software development (e.g.,
Refactorings). These findings can be quite useful in
practice, since the most fitting practices can: (a) be
promoted in the training plan of scientists; (b) be en-
couraged to be used in practice by technical manag-
ers. Finally, we believe that even the process of exe-
cuting such studies contributes towards the develop-
ment of an SE culture in scientific software develop-
ment, pushing the community to move towards more
systematic engineering processes.
This work has received funding from two European
Union’s H2020 research and innovation programmes,
under grant agreements: 871177 (SmartCLIDE) and
801015 (EXA2PRO). The work of Dr. Arvanitou was
financially supported by the action “Strengthening
Human Resources Research Potential via Doctorate
Research” of the Operational Program “Human Re-
sources Development Program, Education and Life-
long Learning, 2014-2020”, implemented from State
Scholarship Foundation (IKY) and co-financed by the
European Social Fund and the Greek public (National
Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) 2014–2020).
The work of Mr. Nikolaidis is funded by the Univer-
sity of Macedonia Research Committee as part of the
“Principal Research 2020” funding program.
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