MLOps: Practices, Maturity Models, Roles, Tools, and Challenges
A Systematic Literature Review
Anderson Lima
, Luciano Monteiro
and Ana Paula Furtado
1,2 c
CESAR School – Centro de Estudos e Sistemas Avançados do Recife, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil
Departamento de Computação – Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil
Keywords: MLOps, Machine Learning, Continuous Delivery.
Abstract: Context: The development of machine learning solutions has increased significantly due to the advancement
of technology based on artificial intelligence. MLOps have emerged as an approach to minimizing efforts and
improving integration between those who are in the process of deploying the models in the production
environment. Objective: This paper undertakes a systematic literature review in order to identify practices,
standards, roles, maturity models, challenges, and tools related to MLOps. Method: The study is founded on
an automatic search method of selected digital libraries that applies selection and quality criteria to identify
suitable papers that underpin the research. Results: The search initially found 1,905 articles of which 30 papers
were selected for analysis. This analysis led to findings that made it possible to achieve the objectives of the
research. Conclusion: The results allowed us to conclude that MLOps is still in its initial stage, and to
recognize that there is an opportunity to undertake further academic studies that will prompt organizations to
adopt MLOps practices.
Artificial intelligence solutions are developed with a
view to deducing hypotheses from the knowledge
built in a learning process on a mass of historical data
submitted to a machine learning (ML) model. Large
volumes of high-quality data increase the accuracy of
the models developed (Kang et al., 2020).
The typical lifecycle of building a machine
learning solution involves separating historical data
into training data and testing data, for subsequent
submission of the model to the learning process with
the training data (López García et al., 2020). Test data
is then used to assess the accuracy of the model. This
process is repeated several times until a satisfactory
level of results is achieved.
Data scientists are often so concerned with the
steps of creating or updating, training, and evaluating
a model, they neglect the phase of publishing a paper
and sharing it with another team. However, this is a
critical step in the process because a machine learning
model can only be explored by other applications or
users after it has been published (López García et al.,
One of the main challenges found when adopting
artificial intelligence solutions is related to the
implementation process in the operational
environment of machine learning models built during
the development process (Treveil et al., 2020).
In this context, MLOps (Machine Learning
Operations) is considered to be a set of practices and
principles for operationalizing data science solutions
that is used to automate the implementation of
machine learning models in an operating environment
(Sweenor et al., 2020).
The objective of this paper is to identify studies
that address practices, patterns, roles, maturity
models, challenges, and tools for automating the
activities of operationalizing machine learning
models, and to present the state of the art with regard
to MLOps.
This article is organized as follows. In Section 2,
the theoretical framework is presented so as to
contextualize the research problem. In Section 3, the
Lima, A., Monteiro, L. and Furtado, A.
MLOps: Practices, Maturity Models, Roles, Tools, and Challenges A Systematic Literature Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0010997300003179
In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2022) - Volume 1, pages 308-320
ISBN: 978-989-758-569-2; ISSN: 2184-4992
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
method and procedures used to conduct the
systematic literature review (SLR) are presented, and
this includes a detailed look at the search terms and
the criteria for selecting relevant studies. In Section 4,
the result of applying the search and selection
protocol is presented. In Section 5, the results of
evaluating the quality criteria for the studies selected
and the answers to the research questions are given.
In Section 6, the conclusions of the study and a
summary of the work carried out are presented and
suggestions are made for future lines of research.
In this section, concepts related to the topic that will
be addressed in this SLR will be introduced. Initially,
the definition of machine learning will be presented
and how it has influenced the development of new
technological solutions in the most diverse fields of
Then, the concepts related to DevOps practices
and how they have contributed to improving the
software development and deployment process in
organizations will be discussed. Finally, the concepts
related to MLOps will be introduced, and a parallel
comparison will be made between applying the
context of machine learning models and the DevOps
practices used in traditional software development.
2.1 Machine Learning
Developing and adopting machine learning solutions
have been consistently expanded across different
business domains and research areas (Lwakatare,
Crnkovic, & Bosch, 2020). The large volume of data
generated by users and the advances obtained that
resulted from research on big data prompted an
increase in applying artificial intelligence in various
fields of activity, including face detection and voice
recognition. This led to better results than those
obtained from traditional software and surpassed
those by people who performed activities that require
human intelligence (Zhou et al., 2020).
Machine learning solutions are intended to solve
problems that are not part of the traditional software
development lifecycle (A. Chen et al., 2020).
Developing and implementing machine learning
applications become more difficult and complex than
traditional applications due to peculiarities inherent in
this type of solution (Zhou et al., 2020).
Traditional software development involves
implementing a well-defined set of requirements,
while the development of machine learning solutions
is based on an experimentation process, in which
developers constantly need to use new data sets,
models and libraries, and to make adjustments to.
software and parameters in order to improve the
accuracy of the model being developed and therefore
the quality of the artificial intelligence solution (A.
Chen et al., 2020).
The process of developing machine learning
solutions involves a set of activities, including data
collection, data preparation, defining the machine
learning model, and carrying out the training process
with a view to adjusting the parameters and thus to
obtaining the expected result (Lwakatare, Crnkovic,
& Bosch, 2020). Unlike traditional software
applications which by their nature are deterministic,
machine learning models are probabilistic, depending
on the learning achieved based on the data submitted
during the process of constructing the machine
learning solution (Akkiraju et al., 2020). Ensuring
that the results obtained are accurate also requires
monitoring the machine learning model after the
artificial intelligence software has been implemented.
This must take into account that degradation may
occur over time since the model continues to be
trained with the new data that are available to it (Zhou
et al., 2020).
2.2 DevOps
The term DevOps refers to a set of practices that help
establish collaboration between the software
development teams and the infrastructure
(operations) team, thereby seeking to reduce the
software development lifecycle and thus contributing
to the constant delivery of high-quality systems
(Munappy et al., 2020). This approach emphasizes
that a continuous delivery (CD) mechanism must be
defined to help create a reliable and repeatable
process of frequently delivering software increments
and modifications in a production environment. This
is a key factor in software quality assurance (Cano et
al., 2021).
One of the main benefits of implementing
DevOps is the flow of CI and CD. This helps to
deliver software functionality more frequently (Sen,
2021). CI and CD practices directly contribute to
agile software development by helping to put into
production more frequent changes in the software
under development; user feedback is anticipated; and
opportunities for constant improvement are more
easily identified (Munappy et al., 2020).
MLOps: Practices, Maturity Models, Roles, Tools, and Challenges A Systematic Literature Review
In addition, CI/CD practices also contribute
towards reducing risks, while the frequent
implementation of new versions of the software
enables users to have early contact with the
application and, thus, to identify their needs and what
improvements need to be incorporated into future
versions (Cano et al., 2021).
DevOps practices in the software deployment
flow involve automating the deployment process.
This includes the automatic provisioning of operating
environments, and results in the development and
operations teams reducing the manual process
hitherto needed to deploy a new software version
(Lwakatare, Crnkovic, & Bosch, 2020).
2.3 MLOps
The benefits provided by a CI and a CD solution can
also be applied to the development and iterative
deployment of machine learning applications (Zhou
et al., 2020).
In this context, based on DevOps practices, the
concept of Machine Learning Operations (MLOps)
arises. This aims to establish a set of practices that
put tools, deployment flows, and work processes for
developing machine learning models in a timely and
cost-effective manner (Liu et al., 2020). MLOps
advocates automating and monitoring all stages of the
process of developing and deploying machine
learning systems (Granlund et al., 2021).
In summary, MLOps practices encompass a
complex orchestration of a set of software
components put to work in an integrated way to
perform at least five functions (Tamburri, 2020): (1)
data collection; (2) data transformation; (3)
continuous training of the machine learning model;
(4) continuous implementation of the model; and (5)
presentation of results to the end-user.
Furthermore, since machine learning applications
depend on the data used in the training of the artificial
intelligence model and new data is constantly
submitted to the application, the performance of the
solution may suffer degradation over time (Zhou et
al., 2020).
For this reason, monitoring machine learning
solutions is one of the most relevant activities of
MLOps practices, which is to ensure the efficiency
and quality of the artificial intelligence solution over
a long period of time (Cardoso Silva et al., 2020).
Conducting an SLR has been frequently used in
Software Engineering to make a comprehensive
survey of available research on a particular research
topic (Kitchenham et al., 2015). The protocol adopted
to carry out this SLR is based on the procedures
proposed by Kitchenham et al. (2015).
This research method is used gather information
to summarize the evidence related to a particular topic
or, even, to identify any gaps and to suggest lines for
more in-depth research in the future (Kitchenham et
al., 2015).
The protocol adopted to conduct the SLR included
the following activities: (1) setting research
questions; (2) selecting relevant studies; (3)
evaluating the quality of these studies; (4) extracting
data; and (5) synthesizing the data collected.
3.1 Research Questions
To carry out this study, a search on the topic was
initially performed using Google Scholar, based on
the terms "MLOps" and "machine learning
operations" so as to obtain a preliminary set of
published studies. This first automated search helped
form an initial understanding of the topic and to
define terms and expressions that served as the basis
for the search undertaken for this SLR.
The information thus obtained, which is
associated with the general objective of the research
of identifying the studies that address practices,
patterns, roles, challenges, and tools for automating
the operationalization of machine learning models,
was used to aid formulate the research questions
(RQs) presented below:
RQ1 - How are machine learning models
deployed in production environments?
RQ2 - What maturity models are used to assess
the level of automation in deploying machine
learning models?
RQ3 - What roles and responsibilities are
identified in the activities of operationalization
of machine learning models?
RQ4 - What tools are used in the activities for
operationalizing machine learning models?
RQ5 - What challenges are encountered with
regard to deploying machine learning models
in production environments?
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Result by search expression.
Search String
“MLOps” 5 15 75 25 120
“machine learning lifecycle” 15 5 5 2 27
“machine learnin
erations” 37 22 63 50 172
“machine learnin
” AND “de
eline” 19 1 14 13 47
“machine learnin
” AND “continuous deliver
80 5 80 70 235
“machine learning” AND “continuous integration” 343 34 282 157 816
“machine learning” AND “DevOps practices” 17 2 11 9 39
“machine learning” AND “deployment tools” 19 2 78 37 136
“machine learnin
” AND “de
ment challen
es” 45 4 50 21 120
“machine learnin
” AND “maturit
model” AND “de
ment” 22 0 139 32 193
Total 602 90 797 416 1.905
3.2 Search Strategy
The search strategy adopted to conduct this SLR was
the automatic search in electronic research databases.
These were the ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore,
Science Direct, and Springer Link.
These databases were selected considering factors
that included their coverage of the topic, how
frequently they were updated, the availability of the
entire content of the studies, the quality of the
automatic search engine, the export feature of the
results, or the integration with extensions that allowed
this export and the ability to playback auto search.
There was no start date set for the search. Thus, the
SLR considered all articles available in these
electronic databases until July 31, 2021.
3.3 Search Terms
From the preliminary search carried out to
contextualize the research, key terms and expressions
were identified that were later used in the form of
search expressions. The selected terms were used to
form the search strings presented in Table 1.
Based on these terms, some pilot searches were
carried out to evaluate the most adequate combination
to define the search expressions to be adopted in this
systematic review.
After evaluation, it was defined that the best
strategy would be to carry out a set of isolated
searches and, subsequently, consolidate the articles
found, at the expense of using a more elaborate search
expression which could restrict the studies that
address the research theme. To enable a greater
number of articles to be selected, the search was
carried out in all fields, including the title, abstract,
key expressions, and content of the articles.
The search expressions defined were applied to
the electronic search bases and 1,905 articles were
returned by the search engines. The search
expressions used and the detailed result by electronic
search base are presented in Table 1.
3.4 Selection Criteria
Selection criteria are defined to assess the relevance
of the article found for the SLR (Kitchenham et al.,
2015). Considering the scope and objective of the
research, the inclusion criteria adopted to select the
studies to be analyzed in the systematic review are
listed in Table 2.
Table 2: Inclusion criteria.
IC Criteria
Studies that address Machine Learning
Operations (MLOps) in general
Studies that assess the lifecycle of machine
Studies dealing with machine learning process
Studies that analyze the roles and
responsibilities involved in the development
and implementation of machine learning
Studies that comprise tools for deploying
machine learnin
Studies that identify challenges for the
development and deployment of machine
The exclusion criteria are used to eliminate from
the analysis publications that do not contribute to
collecting information that allows the RQs to be
answered. Table 3 lists the exclusion criteria adopted
in this systematic review.
After defining the selection criteria, they were
applied to the studies found after performing the
searches in the electronic search databases. Initially,
250 duplicate articles were removed, these being
identified with the support of the tool used to assist in
MLOps: Practices, Maturity Models, Roles, Tools, and Challenges A Systematic Literature Review
Table 3: Exclusion criteria.
EC Criteria
1 The stud
was not
ublished in En
Studies that address the application of machine
learning models
3 Pa
ublished as a short
er or
The study was not related to machine learning
5 Studies that do not allow access to its content
Papers that do not address the research
conducting the systematic review. This left 1,655
articles to be evaluated.
Then, the title of the articles was verified
according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria
defined. At this stage, 40 articles were directly
selected; there were doubts about the relevance to the
research of another 284, and the remaining 1,331
were excluded. Next, after reading the abstract of the
papers that had not been selected in the previous
phase based on their title, another 17 articles were
selected, resulting in a total of 57 articles being
selected for a full reading and evaluation of their
After doing so, 27 studies were removed, three of
them because it was not possible to access their
content; another three because they were invalid
publication types; one study because it was
duplicated, and finally another 20 articles were
removed based on the exclusion criteria. Thus, 30
articles remained for data extraction, analysis, and
synthesis. Figure 1 details the process described in
this section for selecting the studies.
3.5 Quality Assessment
Considering that the selected studies come from the
most varied types of research, the quality of the
articles had to be assessed.
According to Kitchenham et al. (2015), the
reasons for carrying out this evaluation include: (1)
providing a means of evaluating the individual
importance of the article when the results are being
consolidated; (2) guiding the interpretation of the
findings and (3) determining the degree to which their
inferences corroborate; and (4) guiding future
research recommendations.
The criteria for quality assessment adopted in this
SLR are based on the parameters defined by
Kitchenham et al. (2015). The quality criteria
correspond to a set of factors to be analyzed in each
study, to identify possible biases in the results of these
studies. The criteria can be classified into three types:
(1) bias; (2) internal validity; and (3) external validity.
The criteria that were applied in this paper are
presented in Table 4.
The articles were evaluated under each criterion,
with the following scores being assigned: 1 point if
the article's answer to the criterion is “Yes” and 0
points if the answer is “No”. The total score that an
article can obtain, according to the quality assessment
criteria, is 5 points.
It should be noted, however, that the quality
criteria were not used to exclude studies selected in
the previous stages but were adopted exclusively to
assess the quality of the studies and their relevance
for this paper.
Table 4: Quality criteria.
QC Criteria
Does the study report unequivocal discoveries
ased on evidence and ar
Did the study present a research project and not
an expert opinion?
Did the study fully describe the context
4 Were the ob
ectives of the stud
Have the research results been properly
3.6 Data Extraction, Analysis, and
During the data extraction phase, three main activities
were undertaken: the studies were classified based on
their field of research, a thematic synthesis was
written (Cruzes & Dyba, 2011) and evidence of the
research questions being addressed was sought (RQ1
to RQ5).
After concluding the coding phase and
performing an initial analysis, the studies were sorted
into the following themes: (1) Machine Learning
Lifecycle; (2) Maturity Model; (3) Roles and
Responsibilities; (4) MLOps Tools; and (5) Machine
Learning Deployment Challenges.
3.7 Validity Threats
While conducting this evaluation, factors that could
negatively influence the results obtained from the
studies selected were identified. Initially, it should be
clarified that the search for the studies was carried out
in the selected electronic research databases. Thus,
relevant studies may not have been selected because
they were not selected because they were not included
in these electronic research databases.
The definition of search terms considered
preliminary tests to identify the best combinations to
identify studies that could contribute to the research
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Study selection protocol.
objective. Possibly, the search expressions used may
have ignored relevant studies due to their not being
identified by search engines in the electronic search
It should also be noted that this research was
conducted on peer-reviewed scientific papers, while
articles published in blogs, magazines, websites, and
other related articles, considered ‘grey’ literature,
were not included. Considering that the MLOps
theme has been heavily explored in the industry,
relevant information may not have been analyzed in
this research for this reason.
4.1 Overview of the Selected Literature
The protocol adopted in this SLR led to 30 studies
being selected which were then used to attempt to
answer the RQs proposed in this study. Therefore,
these studies were analyzed, subjected to content
synthesis procedures and data were extracted from
The protocol we used to select studies required us
to observe the current theme of the work, depending
on the year of publication of the studies. All selected
articles were published between 2019 and 2021, thus
highlighting the contemporaneity of the theme.
Figure 2 shows a graph detailing the number of papers
published per year and the research base.
The distribution of selected articles according to
their contribution to the RQs was determined. 18 were
about lifecycle, 4 about maturity models, 3 about
roles, 6 about tools, and 8 about challenges. Some
papers contributed to more than one of these themes.
The number of selected studies allows us to
calculate the accuracy of this SLR, obtaining a value
of 1.81%, considering the total of 1,655 articles
initially evaluated, with the selection of 57 (3.44%)
potentially relevant studies and 30 (1.81%) studies
effectively selected for analysis.
It is plausible to observe that the study selection
criteria were quite strict in filtering the articles
initially found in the electronic search bases. This is
justifiable considering that the terms used in the
search, when applied separately as defined in this
research, allowed the framing of a significant number
of studies that met the requirements.
Figure 2: Distribution of papers by the digital library.
However, when analyzing the articles found based
on the search string, it was found that most of them
did not directly or indirectly contribute to the research
questions, and therefore, they were considered to be
irrelevant to this study.
MLOps: Practices, Maturity Models, Roles, Tools, and Challenges A Systematic Literature Review
This section provides a detailed discussion on the
results of this SLR. The subsections synthesize the
evaluation of the quality of the selected studies, as
well as the answers to the research questions RQ1 to
5.1 Criteria for Quality
Quality criteria are presented as a mechanism to
assess how the study minimizes bias and maximizes
the internal and external validity of the study
performed (Kitchenham et al., 2015). Table 5 shows
the result of the evaluation of the selected articles
against the quality criteria defined in this SLR.
5.2 RQ1 - How Are Machine Learning
Models Deployed in Production
The objective of this RQ is to identify and understand
the activities carried out for the publication of
machine learning models in a production
environment, as well as to evaluate the life cycles
documented in scientific articles that record the steps
for the development and implementation of solutions
for machine learning.
In the selected studies, 18 papers were identified
that addressed how to identify the stages or activities
related to the life cycle of developing machine
learning solutions.
This question was the one that received the most
contributions from the selected articles in the protocol
of this SLR. However, in general, the articles
described different lifecycle proposals for developing
machine learning solutions but did not detail the
stages of implementing the models in a production
environment, which would enable activities related to
operationalizing machine learning models to be
Serban et al. (2020) mention a variety of machine
learning solution development lifecycles, noting that
none of them emerges as a consensus in the related
literature. In this context, they propose a taxonomy
for group machine learning model development
activities and relate the implementation activities.
One of the most established approaches to
formalizing MLOps is called Continuous Delivery for
Machine Learning - CD4ML (Dhanorkar et al.,
2021). Proposed by ThoughtWorks, it sets out to
automate the entire end-to-end machine learning
lifecycle. According to Granlund et al. (2021), the
Table 5: Result of the evaluation of quality criteria.
Study Ref
Quality Criteria
1 2 3 4 5
Serban et al., 2020 1 1 1 1 1 5
Amershi et al., 2019 1 1 1 0 0 3
et al., 2020 1 1 1 0 0 3
Karlaš et al., 2020 1 1 0 1 1 4
A. Chen et al., 2020 0 1 1 0 0 2
Zhang et al., 2020 1 0 1 0 0 2
Ismail et al., 2019 1 0 1 1 0 3
Z. Chen et al., 2020 1 1 1 1 1 5
Dhanorkar et al., 2021 1 1 1 0 0 3
Tamburri, 2020 0 0 1 0 0 1
Zhou et al., 2020 1 1 1 0 1 4
Cardoso Silva et al., 2020 1 0 1 1 1 4
Granlund et al., 2021 1 0 1 1 0 3
et al., 2019 1 0 1 0 0 2
Souza et al., 2019 1 1 1 1 1 5
Lwakatare, Crnkovic, &
Bosch, 2020
1 1 1 1 0 4
et al., 2019 0 0 1 0 0 1
Liu et al., 2020 1 1 1 1 1 5
Giray, 2021 1 1 1 1 1 5
Martín et al., 2021 1 1 1 1 1 5
Lwakatare, Raj et al.,
1 1 1 1 1 5
Janardhanan, 2020 0 0 1 1 0 2
van den Heuvel &
urri, 2020
1 0 1 0 1 3
Lwakatare, Crnkovic,
e, et al., 2020
1 1 1 1 1 5
Martínez-Fernández et
al., 2021
0 0 1 1 0 2
Figalist et al., 2020 1 1 1 1 1 5
u et al., 2020 1 0 1 1 0 3
Bachinger & Kronberger,
1 0 1 0 0 2
Ashmore et al., 2021 1 1 1 1 1 5
Lwakatare et al., 2019 1 1 1 1 1 5
approach produces three additional artifacts in
relation to DevOps practices for traditional software:
(1) different data sets used for training model and
their versioning; (2) a model and its versioning; and
(3) monitoring the output of the model to detect bias
and other problems.
For Maskey et al. (2019), it is not just about
finding the right algorithm and creating the model. It
is an integrated approach in an end-to-end lifecycle.
They present a simplified model and specifically
describe the activities for deploying machine learning
models, highlighting production performance
requirements that must be observed: (1) metrics and
baselines for an initial model, (ii) monitoring over
time, (iii) since model and production software will
change, we need to test model changes on historical
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
data and also run current production model against
the baseline performance, and (iv) in production there
will be new data, thus, we need to test the production
model on the latest data.
In their study, Lwakatare, Crnkovic, & Bosch
(2020) group the steps of a machine learning
workflow into three stages and describe a proposal for
integrating the ML workflow with DevOps organized
into four distinct processes: (1) DM - Data
management; (2) Mod - ML Modeling; (3) Dev -
Development; and (4) Ops - System operation.
van den Heuvel & Tamburri (2020) point out that,
like DevOps, MLOps adopts continuous integration
and continuous testing cycle to produce and deploy
new versions of smart enterprise applications.
The stages foreseen in the life cycle called CRISP-
DM have been used as a reference for defining a
workflow for developing machine learning solutions
(Bachinger & Kronberger. 2020).
Akkiraju et al. (2020) highlight the critical aspect
for deploying machine learning models in production,
due to the decisions to be taken by the Deployment
Lead in evaluating aspects involving infrastructure
The studies identified in this research do not go
into sufficient depth to indicate activities related to
the process of implementing machine learning
models in a production environment, but rather they
limit themselves to presenting life cycle models that
encompass the complete workflow of developing
solutions of machine learning. Only two papers
described the activities performed in the process of
deploying machine learning models.
5.3 RQ2 - What Maturity Models Are
Used to Assess the Level of
Automation in Deploying Machine
Learning Models?
This RQ was presented to get to know the models
registered in the scientific literature for assessing
maturity after MLOps practices are adopted.
However, studies that directly addressed the focus
of this question were not identified. Four articles were
found that presented maturity models for the machine
learning development process in a broader way. Some
of them addressed the implementation stage of ML
models, thus partially contributing to meeting the
objective of this RQ.
Amershi et al. (2019) propose a maturity model
organized into six dimensions inspired by the
assessment models found in the Capability Maturity
Model (CMM) and the Six Sigma methodology. The
maturity evaluation criteria foreseen in the model
verify if the activity: (1) has defined goals, (2) is
consistently implemented, (3) is documented, (4) is
automated, (5) is measured and tracked, and (6) is
continuously improved.
According to Dhanorkar et al. (2021), the
organizations can be classified according to the
degree of maturity in the development of machine
learning solutions, there being three levels:
(1) Data-Centric - the organization is figuring out
how to manage and use data; (2) Model-centric - the
organization is figuring out how to build their first
model and reach production; and (3) Pipeline-centric
– the organization has models in production, and they
are increasingly business-critical.
Lwakatare et al. (2020) describe five stages of
improvement in development practices: (1) a manual
data science-driven process, (2) a standardized
experimental-operational symmetry process, (3) an
automated ML workflow process, (4) Integrated
software development and ML workflow processes,
and (v) an automated and fully integrated CD and ML
workflow process.
Akkiraju et al. (2020) propose an adaptation of the
Capability Maturity Model (CMM) for the context of
machine learning. They define five maturity levels for
each capability they present, namely: (1) initial, (2)
repeatable, (3) defined, (4) managed, and (5)
optimizing. The study details the characteristics of
each maturity level according to the assessed
capacity. The authors enumerated as capabilities of
the development processes of the machine learning
model the following items: (a) AI Model Goal
Setting; (b) Data Pipeline Management; (c) Feature
Preparation Pipeline; (d) Train Pipeline Management;
(e) Model Quality, Performance and Model
Management; (f) Model Error Analysis; (g) Model
Fairness & Trust; (h) Model Transparency.
The maturity models identified in this SLR
indirectly allow the level of improvement in the
activities of developing machine learning models to
be assessed. However, it is observed that aspects
related to MLOps are not directly assessed.
Therefore, it appears that this finding is an
opportunity for improvement by developing research
for this purpose.
5.4 RQ3 – What Roles and
Responsibilities Are Identified in
the Activities of Operationalizing
Machine Learning Models?
This RQ was drawn up with the purpose of knowing
the roles involved in documented MLOps processes,
thus seeking to consolidate the professional profiles
MLOps: Practices, Maturity Models, Roles, Tools, and Challenges A Systematic Literature Review
responsible for carrying out the activities in the
context of developing and implementing machine
learning models, especially with a focus on
integration between these domains.
Among the articles evaluated, three studies were
identified that describe profiles and responsibilities
for the activities of developing and implementing
machine learning models. Specifically involving the
activities of operationalizing machine learning
models, only one of the studies described a profile
associated with the activity of implementing models
(Souza et al., 2019).
Karlaš et al. (2020) present a proposal for a
continuous integration service to be used in the
development of machine learning models. They
present a framework for testing machine learning
models based on strict theoretical limits and allowing
a principle-based way to avoid overfitting the test set.
In this context, they define three roles foreseen in the
definition of the framework: (1) a manager,
responsible for defining the test conditions,
considering that he/she has a broader view of the
solution architecture and all its components; (2) a data
curator, in charge of providing up-to-date test data for
the system, and who may perform a set of pre-
processing steps before providing the test data; (3) a
developer, responsible for building and improving
machine learning models, and also for submitting
new machine learning models for testing and further
implementation of the solution.
Souza et al. (2019) present three roles related to
developing machine learning models: (1) domain
scientists, who have deep knowledge of the domain
and play an important role in obtaining data and
validating the results; (2) computational scientists and
engineers, with great technical skills to prepare the
environment for the operation of machine learning
models; (3) ML scientists and engineers, in charge of
designing new machine learning models, have
advanced knowledge of ML statistics and algorithms.
Their study also describes an additional profile, called
provenance specialists, who are responsible for
managing the supply of data in the life cycle of
developing machine learning solutions, and who must
have skills in the business domain and machine
Liu et al. (2020) describe an open-source
standards-based platform that provides a
development tool and an operating environment for
developing, training, evaluating, approving,
delivering, and deploying models for hosting machine
learning solutions. Their study details the functioning
of the platform in activities performed by three
distinct profiles: (1) a data scientist, who is
responsible for creating and training the models; (2) a
manager, in charge of evaluating the models before
they are made available; (3) an end application
developer, who is responsible for developing
applications that the models produced will run.
Thus, it is possible to distinguish some common
profiles that can be used to identify the roles and
responsibilities addressed in the articles analyzed in
this study, namely: (1) a domain specialist; (2) a data
scientist; (3) a manager; (4) a data engineer; and (5) a
5.5 RQ4 - What Tools Are Used in the
Activities of Operationalizing
Machine Learning Models?
The purpose of this RQ is to provide information
about the tools and solutions registered in the
academy for application in the development and
operationalization of machine learning models.
For this purpose, four studies were identified that
presented solutions that are available on the market,
either under an open-source license or under a
commercial license. Furthermore, two other studies
proposed platforms to automate the implementation
of machine learning models.
The first of them, MLflow is an open-source
platform for the machine learning lifecycle
contemplating experimentation, reproducibility, and
deployment – and is designed to work with any
machine learning library and any programming
language, according to A. Chen et al. (2020) and
Janardhanan (2020). It consists of four components,
designed to overcome the fundamental challenges in
each phase of the machine learning lifecycle: (1)
MLflow Tracking: this allows the running of the
model to be recorded, including the code and
parameters used, data input, metrics, and results. This
enables the visualization, comparison and search of
these models on a historical basis; (2) MLflow
Models: These are in a generic model packaging
format that lets it be implemented in different
environments; (3) MLflow Projects: these set a
format for packaging code into reusable projects,
including its dependencies, code for execution and
parameters for programmatic execution; (4) the
MLflow Model Registry is a collaborative
environment for cataloging models and managing
their deployment lifecycles (A. Chen et al., 2020).
Two other open-source tools were identified in the
studies analyzed: Polyaxon and Kubeflow. Polyaxon
is an open-source machine learning model lifecycle
management tool, providing a platform for the
reproducibility and scalability of machine learning
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
and artificial intelligence applications (Janardhanan,
2020). Kubeflow is an end-to-end machine learning
model lifecycle management platform that enables a
workflow for deploying models in any production
environment, on-premises or in the cloud, using
clusters based on Kubernetes, which promotes,
therefore, the simplification and portability of models
in different infrastructures (Zhou et al., 2020).
Under the commercial licensing format, the platform presents itself as an automatic
versioning solution for machine learning models. It
tracks and organizes development efforts at all stages,
contemplating the provision of an automated
mechanism for optimizing hyper-parameters
(Janardhanan, 2020).
Finally, two studies proposed new tools based on
solutions available on the market. Martín et al. (2021)
present the Kafka-ML platform, which consists of an
open-source framework that allows the pipeline
management of machine learning and artificial
intelligence applications using the data flow
architecture. It is a platform developed based on the
Apache Kafka solution unified, high-capacity, and
low-latency for real-time data treatment with
support for the TensorFlow library for data flow
integration with machine learning models. In another
study, the open-source platform called MLModelCI
is presented as a solution for optimizing, managing,
and deploying machine learning models as a service
(MLaaS) (Zhang et al., 2020). This allows models to
be converted automatically into optimized formats,
and thus configures them for different scenarios and
classifies the models as cloud services using container
technology. According to the authors, the tool enables
the development cycle of machine learning solutions
to be reduced from weeks and days to hours and even
minutes (Zhang et al., 2020).
These solutions, however, despite being based on
tools that are widely used in the market, are presented
as innovations and tool proposals and, therefore, are
still observed in a restricted context of research.
5.6 RQ5 - What Challenges Are
Encountered for Deploying
Machine Learning Models in
Production Environments?
The purpose of this RQ is to raise the difficulties and
challenges reported in operationalizing machine
learning models. In all, eight articles that directly or
indirectly addressed this RQ were selected.
Most of the studies analyzed report challenges
related to constructing LM models in specific
contexts. For example, Lwakatare, Raj, et al. (2020)
present a review of challenges and solutions for the
development, maintenance, and implementation of
machine learning solutions in large-scale ML
systems, in which the main categories of Software
Engineering challenges were organized into four
themes: (1) adaptability; (2) scalability; (3) privacy;
and (4) safety. From this classification, the challenges
are associated and detailed in their study. In the same
sense, Amershi et al. (2019) describe the challenges
for building large-scale ML applications, based on
interviews and surveys among Microsoft project
participants. Martínez-Fernández et al. (2021)
address challenges related to the context of
autonomous systems that make use of ML, for which
they highlight the difficulty of deploying and
versioning AI models in context-dependent
autonomous systems.
In the context of adopting DevOps practices when
developing machine learning solutions, addressed by
MLOps, Lwakatare, Crnkovic, & Bosch (2020)
present the challenges in integrating these practices
with developing artificial intelligence applications.
Their study highlights that integrating software
development with the ML workflow is still not well
defined, and they describe the challenges inherent in
this integration. In a similar approach, Dang et al.
(2019) state that adopting AIOps (equivalent to
MLOps but in the broader aspect) is still at an early
stage, and is proving to be especially challenging in
organizations. Their study presents some challenges
and research proposals for innovations in this theme.
Giray (2021) seeks to present the state of the art
in software engineering for ML systems. He argues
that researchers and professionals in the areas of SE
and AI/ML have a holistic view of ML systems
engineering. Therefore, he presents a series of SE
challenges related to implementing ML models,
among which some were identified as pertinent to the
stage of implementing machine learning models.
In the framework proposed by Figalist et al.
(2020), activities are categorized into domains
identified from a literature review they carried out.
Regarding the implementation of machine learning
models, their study highlights that it is essential, for
the delivery of the desired benefits with ML models,
to go beyond the analysis of prototypes of the models
in controlled environments and to implement the
models in the environments in which they will be
Lwakatare et al. (2019) set out to identify and
classify challenges for developing and implementing
ML systems in a market context. They define five
stages of the evolution of using ML components in
software systems. The stages have activities that were
MLOps: Practices, Maturity Models, Roles, Tools, and Challenges A Systematic Literature Review
organized into four groups: (1) assemble dataset; (2)
create model; (3) train and evaluate model; (4) deploy
the model. As for the activities of implementing ML
models, the authors present the challenges according
to the stage of evolution they are in.
This study undertook a systematic review of the
literature to identify practices, standards, roles,
maturity models, challenges, and tools adopted to
automate the activities for operationalizing machine
learning models. The aim was to present the state of
the art of MLOps practices.
An automatic search was conducted in the
selected electronic databases, and initially this
resulted in finding 1,905 articles that satisfied the
search strings proposed. A protocol was then drawn
up and applied. This led to 30 articles being selected
from which data were extracted and used to
contribute to the answers to the research questions.
The analysis of the 30 articles enabled us to
conclude that there is not yet a lifecycle model of
machine learning solutions established as a standard
in the scientific literature. The activities related to the
development, training, testing, implementation, and
operation of machine learning models are defined and
organized in phases using various proposals for
approaches, but without a consensus having formed
among researchers and professionals who tackle the
development of ML solutions. Hence, there is a
significant gap in the detailing of activities related to
operationalizing machine learning models, which
characterize the MLOps practices.
This situation contributed to the difficulty in
consolidating a maturity model that can assess the
level of adoption and mastery of MLOps practices in
organizations. During the research, some studies were
found to have proposed maturity models based on the
Capability Maturity Model CMM. However, these
models sought a broader evaluation of the machine
learning solution development process, and do not
address in sufficient depth the practices related to
The roles and responsibilities mentioned in the
articles analyzed allow us to distinguish some
common profiles in the studies, namely: (1) a domain
specialist; (2) a data scientist; (3) a manager; (4) a
data engineer; and (5) a developer.
Analysis of the articles identified some tools used
for managing the lifecycle of machine learning
models that addressed the activities of deployment
and operationalization of ML models. Tools
mentioned in the articles include MLflow,
Kuberflow, Polyaxon, and Furthermore,
two other tools, according to the articles analyzed,
were proposed based on the use of open-source
solutions available on the market: Kafka-ML and
Regarding the challenges, the studies analyzed
presented a set of obstacles and aspects to be observed
in the process of developing and implementing
machine learning solutions under different contexts
and applications.
The results consolidated in this research could
contribute to the conduct of new studies to examine
in greater depth the areas addressed in this article. In
addition, it is hoped that this paper will be useful to
professionals who work on developing machine
learning solutions when conducting the process of
implementing MLOps in organizations.
As a proposal for future work, further research is
suggested into standardizing activities related to
MLOps practices, to include defining roles and
responsibilities, and into developing a maturity model
that assesses the level of adoption of MLOps
practices in an organization.
The conclusion can be drawn that research on
MLOps is still in its initial stage of development.
Therefore, it would be highly opportune for academic
work to be carried out to fill this gap and thus to
promote the adoption of MLOps practices in
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