Reference Architectures Facilitating a Retailer’s Dual Role on Digital
Marketplaces: A Literature Review
Tobias Wulfert
and Jan Busch
Institute for Computer Science and Business Information Systems, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany
Electronic Commerce, Digital Marketplace, Dual Role, Reference Architecture, Literature Review.
Electronic commerce and digital marketplaces (DMs) have proven to be successful business models compared
with traditional brick-and-mortar retailing. Online sales and the simultaneous orchestration of participants
from independent market sides on DMs (dual role) pose additional requirements for information systems.
Reference architectures (RAs) can be used as blueprints for the implementation of information systems for
DMs supporting a retailer’s dual role. However, RAs in retail were mostly developed for brick-and-mortar en-
vironments. The peculiarities of electronic commerce and DMs require adaptations and enhancements. Thus,
we conduct a literature review following vom Brocke et al. (2009) involving 1,357 research papers to identify
RAs supporting a retailer’s dual role on DMs. We identified seven DM-specific architecture requirements and
analyzed RAs identified according to Angelov et al. (2012). Our analysis revealed 13 RAs with only limited
support for a retailer’s dual role on DMs.
Platform-based business models are a successful way
of conducting business with up to four times higher
valuations than traditional companies and three times
higher revenues on ecosystem-level including partic-
ipating companies (Libert et al., 2014; Delteil et al.,
2020). Besides other industries such as accommoda-
tion (e.g. AirBnB, Couchsurfing), mobility (e.g. uber,
blablacar) or the music (e.g. Spotify, napster) (Evans
and Schmalensee, 2016), platform business models
have already conquered the retail sector with tremen-
dous success (e.g. Amazon, eBay) (Wulfert et al.,
2021). As the largest platform company in electronic
commerce (e-commerce), Amazon generated USD
340 billion in revenue from product and service sales
in 2020, with more than 60 percent of revenues result-
ing from commission fees for third-party sellers on its
digital marketplace (DM) (Amazon, 2021). DMs em-
ploy a multi-sided market business model and mone-
tize the orchestration of multiple market sides without
gaining ownership on traded products (Hagiu, 2007).
While electronic shops act as resellers in a single
market, DMs connect previously independent mar-
kets with independent participants and enable trans-
actions between them (Armstrong, 2006). DMs sig-
nificantly reduce transaction costs in e-commerce en-
vironments for involved participants such as suppli-
ers, logistic service providers, or market researchers
by reducing the number of connections through inter-
mediation (B
ottcher et al., 2021; Hagiu and Wright,
2015b). They focus on the monetization of the match-
ing between distinct participants instead of selling ar-
ticles with higher margins (Evans and Schmalensee,
2016). The orchestration of DM participants results
in indirect network effects that increase the attrac-
tiveness of a DM for participants (Shapiro and Var-
ian, 1998). As DMs often form the first touchpoint
for many customers and marketplace owners encap-
sulate manufacturers from customers, retailers need
to establish their own DMs (McKinsey, 2020). Al-
though the importance of platforms in retail seems
to grow, literature so far only focuses on the adap-
tion of business models and respective tools to model
them (Evans and Schmalensee, 2016; Reillier and
Reillier, 2017; Wulfert et al., 2021). Consequences
for underlying information systems (IS) as infrastruc-
ture for e-commerce supporting the specifics of e-
commerce and the intermediary business model of
DMs are rarely considered (Aulkemeier et al., 2016a;
Wulfert and Sch
utte, 2021). A retailer that trans-
formed to a marketplace owner while competing with
ecosystem participants selling own articles on the DM
has a dual role that results in additional IS require-
ments (Wulfert and Sch
utte, 2021).
Wulfert, T. and Busch, J.
Reference Architectures Facilitating a Retailer’s Dual Role on Digital Marketplaces: A Literature Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0010997900003179
In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2022) - Volume 2, pages 494-505
ISBN: 978-989-758-569-2; ISSN: 2184-4992
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
A reference architecture (RA) for DMs may help
to identify gaps in existing IS and capabilities of a
retailer required to be closed for a DM operation (Ko-
tusev and Kurnia, 2020). Moreover, a RA can de-
crease setup time for IS supporting DMs and help to
standardize processes and interfaces (Angelov et al.,
2012). RAs serve as architectural templates for the
design of company-specific architectures and have
a prescriptive character for future IS implementa-
tions (Recker et al., 2021; Bass et al., 2003). The
blueprints may also facilitate the introduction of new
processes and technologies in e-commerce and ease
the participation in a DM resulting in increased net-
works effects (Shapiro and Varian, 1998; Eaton et al.,
2015). Although RAs for e-commerce do exist (Eco-
mod, 2006; Aulkemeier et al., 2016a; Vetter and
Morasch, 2019), literature dealing with specific re-
quirements of a retailer’s dual role on DMs is sparse.
These requirements involve bridging functions for e-
commerce (Levy et al., 2019), a dedicated process
for matching participants from multiple market sides
(Reillier and Reillier, 2017), and additional innova-
tion platform services coping with an increasing hy-
bridization of products (Tiwana et al., 2010). Against
this backdrop, our research question is as follows:
What RAs in e-commerce support a retailer’s dual
role on DMs? To answer this research question, we
conduct a literature review for (reference) architec-
tures on an IS level in e-commerce (involving B2B
and B2C business models) (Vom Brocke et al., 2009).
As the architecture should have a reference charac-
teristic, it needs to be reusable in several companies,
technology- and vendor-independent, and cover (parts
of) the IS architecture (Angelov et al., 2012). Addi-
tionally, we will analyze identified RAs concerning
the fulfillment of additional requirements stemming
from a retailer’s dual role on DMs in a conceptual ma-
trix (Webster and Watson, 2002).
The remainder of this article proceeds as follows.
First, we derive characteristics of RAs and introduce
architectural requirements (ARs) for DMs and the
support of a retailer’s dual role. Second, we sketch
our research approach for the literature review. Third,
we analyze 13 domain-specific RAs towards the facil-
itation of a retailer’s dual role on DMs. We close with
a discussion of our results and a brief conclusion.
RAs are reference models that serve as architectural
templates for the design of company-specific archi-
tectures (Bass et al., 2003). An enterprise architecture
reflects the fundamental organization of a system and
its relationships to the environment (Keller, 2017).
RAs aim to serve as templates for several companies
that need to be instantiated by each company (Winter
and Gericke, 2006). RAs can be distinguished primar-
ily according to whether templates are provided for
the entire company or for sub-architectures such as IS.
Different architecture types such as business, appli-
cation, and infrastructure architecture are formed for
the individual components of the RA, that are devel-
oped using specific modeling languages. The struc-
ture of the architectures follows a layered approach,
that usually reflects the proximity or distance from
business problems to IS (business layer vs. infras-
tructure layer). As companies are increasingly per-
meated by technology, enterprise architecture man-
agement needs to consider IS at the application and
infrastructure layer and their alignment with the cor-
porate strategy and business model (Ahlemann, 2012;
Pereira and Sousa, 2004; Winter and Fischer, 2006).
IS research is mainly concerned with IS architectures,
that take into account the business architecture, or-
ganizational structure, and process organization of a
company. Furthermore, they comprise a “high-level
sketch” of the system and application architecture of
a company (Heinrich and Stelzer, 2009). In addition
to IS architectures, there are more specific architec-
tures for software, data, and the technical infrastruc-
ture that deal with the more technical details of IS.
These sub-architectures can also be included in IS
architectures (Heinrich and Stelzer, 2009). The dif-
ferent architecture types within an enterprise archi-
tecture can be structured thereby using architectural
meta-models (Bass et al., 2003). The purpose of RAs
for companies is to make the interaction of business
requirements and information technology (business-
IT alignment) transparent (Niemann, 2006). RAs are
mostly developed by an independent institution (e.g.,
research institution or standardization institute) such
as TOGAF (Angelov et al., 2012; Open Group, 2016).
Thus, RAs are blueprints that form proven templates
for companies to economically describe and design
the increasingly complex business and IT architec-
tures. RAs abstract from the peculiarities of a com-
pany and thus enable the reuse of the architecture.
To determine the reusability of RAs in e-
commerce in section 5, we applied six dimensions de-
scribing RAs (Angelov et al., 2012; Barbosa et al.,
2019; Giachetti, 2010). We describe RAs accord-
ing to their specificity, layers, coverage, level of de-
tail, degree of formalization, and purpose. Speci-
ficity determines the applicability and re-usability
of a RA and serves to distinguish architectures for
a particular context from more holistic ones (An-
gelov et al., 2012). The differentiation of RAs for
Reference Architectures Facilitating a Retailer’s Dual Role on Digital Marketplaces: A Literature Review
IS based on the characteristics of specificity serves
to distinguish architectures for a particular context
from more holistic ones. Industry-specific architec-
tures (e.g., Y-CIM-model, H-model) can be directly
applied in but are limited to only one industry such as
manufacturing or retail (Becker and Sch
utte, 2004).
Technology-specific RAs focus on a particular tech-
nology or technology area. Vendor-specific archi-
tectures focus on system components of a software
manufacturer and describe their architectural under-
standing (Giachetti, 2010). Unspecific architectures
can be used as domain-independent architectures in
different industries (Giachetti, 2010). They abstract
from the specifics of individual software manufac-
turers and are usually oriented towards the processes
within a company or industry. Unspecific architec-
tures represent templates that need to be further speci-
fied for concrete applications in companies. These ar-
chitectures include ARIS, the Zachmann framework,
and TOGAF (Heinrich and Stelzer, 2009). Accord-
ing to layered models of IS, the following archi-
tectural layers are usually distinguished, depending
on the proximity to information technology (Ahle-
mann, 2012; Winter and Fischer, 2006; Barbosa et al.,
2019; Heinrich and Stelzer, 2009): motivation, busi-
ness, application, and infrastructure layer. These lay-
ers are also considered in widely used architectural
modeling approaches (e.g., ArchiMate) (Open Group,
2019). Following Angelov et al. (Angelov et al.,
2009), the architecture coverage describes the content
of the architecture. Components represent concrete
software modules and interfaces describe the connec-
tions between the individual modules. Protocols de-
fine the communication formats between the compo-
nents. Guidelines are closely connected with proce-
dure models and contain recommendations for action
for the implementation of the RA. With regards to the
level of detail, a distinction is made between detailed,
semi-detailed and aggregated specifications (Angelov
et al., 2012; Greefhorst et al., 2006). The level of de-
tail is differentiated by the number of elements and
connections within the architecture and the number
of aggregation levels. According to Angelov et al.
(Angelov et al., 2012), architectures with many ele-
ments and more than two levels of aggregation have
a detailed specification, whereas architectures with an
aggregated specification are characterized by few ele-
ments and no levels of aggregation.
The degree of formalization describes the type
of representation of the RA (Barbosa et al., 2019). In-
formal architectures are represented in textual form.
Semi-formal architectures use non-standardized no-
tations to describe the architecture. Formal archi-
tectures are implemented in standardized notations
(e.g., UML, ArchiMate) (Angelov et al., 2012; Open
Group, 2019).
The purpose of a RA is either a subsequent ab-
straction of existing systems to standardize IS (stan-
dardization) or sets an ex-ante requirement facilitating
new IS (facilitation) (Greefhorst et al., 2006). While
standardization architectures are based on (parts of)
IS that have already been tested in practice, facili-
tation architectures are developed as templates (An-
gelov et al., 2012). Standardization architectures have
a descriptive character (Galster and Avgeriou, 2011).
Developing a facilitation architecture based on exist-
ing research has a prescriptive character and allows
for “a futuristic view of a class of systems” (Galster
and Avgeriou, 2011, p. 154). Facilitation architec-
tures integrate innovative architectural patterns and
aim to convince software and enterprise architectures
of the qualities and benefits of the new RA (Angelov
et al., 2008).
Retail transactions are executed using electronic
means and digital technologies in e-commerce
(Laudon and Traver, 2019). The degree, to which
the transaction of the physical or digital product is
executed digitally, is not further specified and can
vary from electronic information retrieval in a pre-
purchase phase to a completely digital transaction
involving a digital product (e.g., music download)
(Timmers, 1998; Laudon and Traver, 2019). In this
regard, DMs establish a virtual environment for buy-
ers and sellers to conduct transactions (Turban et al.,
2017), exploit network effects (Park et al., 2004), and
implement asymmetric pricing mechanisms (Chen,
2014; Rochet and Tirole, 2003). DMs apply the con-
cept of two-sided markets (Armstrong, 2006; Hagiu
and Wright, 2015a; Rochet and Tirole, 2003). They
match two or more previously distinct markets and
exploit direct and indirect network effects (Arm-
strong, 2006). These effects are exploited to further
propel the DM (e.g., subsidization of a particular par-
ticipant type) (Rochet and Tirole, 2003; Armstrong
and Wright, 2007). DMs offer a digital representa-
tion of the diverse assortment of products offered by
sellers (Teller and Elms, 2010). The DM can be rep-
resented as virtual location in an architecture model
(e.g., ArchiMate) (Wulfert and Sch
utte, 2021). From
a customer point-of-view, DMs “resemble retail ag-
glomerations” (H
anninen, 2018, p. 155) integrating
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the range of articles of participating suppliers, retail-
ers, and wholesalers through a single digital channel
(Teller and Elms, 2010). DMs also reduce the number
of intermediaries and provide uniform boundary re-
sources (Eaton et al., 2015). Besides taking a neutral
role by merely facilitating the matchmaking between
participants, the marketplace owner can also behave
competitively to supply-side participants offering its
own articles to demand-side participants (Wulfert and
utte, 2021; Wulfert et al., 2021). The focus of this
research paper is on the retailer’s dual role as simulta-
neous marketplace owner and reseller behaving com-
petitive to other supply-side participants as introduced
by Wulfert and Sch
utte (Wulfert and Sch
utte, 2021).
DMs can be established on the basis of an existing
offline business in brick-and-mortar stores or elec-
tronic shops as additional sales or procurement chan-
nel (Kawa and Wałe¸siak, 2019). Thus, a retailer’s IS
need to facilitate the intermediation and orchestration
of previously independent sides and traditional retail
functions with related tasks (Levy et al., 2019; Reil-
lier and Reillier, 2017). Establishing a DM and tak-
ing on a dual role poses additional requirements for IS
(Schmid, 1997; Smolander and Rossi, 2008; Wulfert
and Sch
utte, 2021). For the analysis of the identified
RAs in section 5 we refer to the criteria introduced
by Wulfert and Sch
utte (Wulfert and Sch
utte, 2021).
These criteria are augmented by an additional AR on
boundary resources (AR7).
Suppliers and customers as essential participants
in e-commerce and brick-and-mortar environments
are augmented by advertising partners, logistical ser-
vice providers, opinion research firms, and others as
additional market sides connected by DMs (B
et al., 2021). To support the innovation platform
perspective, we consider third-party developers and
infrastructure providers as potential participants of
DMs (Tiwana et al., 2010). Thus, a DM usually or-
chestrates multiple market sides (Hagiu, 2009). Re-
tailers and suppliers can either interact with a DM
as a supplier or demand products from other supply-
side participants (Wulfert et al., 2021). As a result,
the various DM participants must be effectively rep-
resented in terms of master data, and records must
be maintained to guarantee that interactions between
them can be traced in order to improve future match-
making (AR1).
According to Hagiu and Wright (Hagiu and
Wright, 2015b), participants in a DM must constantly
have some sort of affiliation to it. In the offline en-
vironment, brick-and-mortar retailers aim to establish
relationships with their customers by providing loy-
alty cards or shopping companion apps (Wulfert et al.,
2019). The manner in which DM participants affili-
ate is not clearly defined and can be interpreted in a
variety of ways (e.g. contract, membership, cookies)
(Wulfert et al., 2021). Because it requires information
on the participants, affiliation is necessary to increase
the likelihood and quality of the matching among par-
ticipants (AR2) (Evans and Schmalensee, 2016; Reil-
lier and Reillier, 2017).
The key value proposition of a DM is the orches-
tration of previously independent market sides (Arm-
strong, 2006; Evans and Schmalensee, 2016; Rochet
and Tirole, 2003). This entails matching single par-
ticipants from the various sides of the DM (Moazed
and Johnson, 2016). Reillier and Reillier (Reillier and
Reillier, 2017) describe matching as a process of at-
tracting, matching, and connecting DM participants
in order to facilitate (retail) transactions (AR3).
The type, extent, and coverage of services offered
by the DM owner varies depending on maturity and
business model specification (Wulfert et al., 2021).
The degree of additional services provided by a DM
ranges from passive matching (e.g., eBay classifieds)
to full-service offerings (e.g., Amazon) that include
sales processing, logistic services, and training (Wang
and Archer, 2007; Wulfert et al., 2021; Wulfert and
utte, 2021). Depending on the degree of central-
ization of the DM (Wang and Archer, 2007), a sig-
nificant portion of the bridging activities may be per-
formed by other DM participants or the marketplace
owner (Levy et al., 2019; Wulfert and Sch
utte, 2021).
Because DMs often mature by adding new offerings
for participants such as payment or logistics services
(Reillier and Reillier, 2017), a retailer’s IS should
be adaptable to accommodate the integration of new
services provided by the DM (AR4) (Wulfert and
utte, 2021). This requires a flexible and modular
architecture with the possibility to integrate new func-
tions and services (pluggability) (Aulkemeier et al.,
2016b; Wulfert et al., 2021).
Apart from retail-related services, DMs can pro-
vide DM participants with innovation platform ser-
vices like access to sales or smart product-related
data, as well as development services unrelated to the
core retail business (AR5) (Tiwana et al., 2010). In-
novation services are technical capabilities that enable
participating developers to create new solutions (ser-
vices or software extensions) and foster a DMs gen-
erativity (Asadullah et al., 2018; Wulfert and Sch
2021). The potential of innovation platforms to cat-
alyze reconfigurability of technical and organizational
components to accelerate generativity and value cre-
ation is based on their architectural modularity (Bald-
win and Clark, 2000; Tiwana et al., 2010).
DMs aggregate digital representations of suppli-
ers’ assortments (Wulfert and Sch
utte, 2021). E-
Reference Architectures Facilitating a Retailer’s Dual Role on Digital Marketplaces: A Literature Review
commerce in general, as well as the aggregation of
distinct supply-side participants’ individual assort-
ments, necessitates a digital representation of the arti-
cles (AR6) (Turban et al., 2017). Articles and services
can take many different forms, each with its own set
of attributes that must be reflected in the article master
data. The assortment supplied by external participants
can be described as the periphery of DM, whereas the
core is the DM itself, which provides (core) services
to its participants (Staykova and Damsgaard, 2015).
As a result, DMs lower transaction costs for partic-
ipants by allowing a variety of articles to be sold or
acquired through a single touchpoint with a consistent
user experience (Wulfert and Sch
utte, 2021).
The establishment of a DM involves the provision
of dedicated boundary resources so that participants
from different market sides can connect (AR7). De-
signing boundary resources requires considering a va-
riety of different applications. While supply-side par-
ticipants need an interface to upload their assortment
to the marketplace, service providers need interfaces
for offering additional (product-related) services. Ex-
ternal application developers use a development en-
vironment, standard system architecture, or interface
descriptions (Dal Bianco et al., 2014). Thus, the mar-
ketplace owner needs to open its IS for other partici-
pants (Eisenmann et al., 2009). Even though bound-
ary resources allow access to core modules of the DM,
they also act as a control mechanism allowing mar-
ketplace owners to manage the infrastructure based
on the strategy pursued, which increases the chances
of achieving market leadership (Eaton et al., 2015;
Ghazawneh and Henfridsson, 2013). Boundary re-
sources represent a dimension of governance, defin-
ing the boundaries between the marketplace owner
and the community of external participants, thus fa-
cilitating the realization of strategically relevant de-
cisions about ownership, entry into new markets or
community building (Dal Bianco et al., 2014; Hein
et al., 2020; Foerderer et al., 2019). Dal Bianco et
al. (Dal Bianco et al., 2014) differentiate application,
development, and social boundary resources. Social
boundary resources are used for knowledge transfer,
development boundary resources for supporting ap-
plication development, and application boundary re-
sources for enabling interaction with platforms. For
this research, we focus on technical boundary re-
sources (i.e., application and development boundary
resources) (Dal Bianco et al., 2014). While the former
(APIs, libraries, etc.) are defined as the minimum re-
quired for a platform ecosystem to be viable, the latter
increase the attractiveness of the ecosystem from the
developers’ perspective (Dal Bianco et al., 2014).
To adequately address our research question, exist-
ing RAs and conceptual models in e-commerce are
identified and analyzed for the support of DMs in a
scoping approach (Par
e et al., 2015). For this pur-
pose, we conducted a literature review following vom
Brocke et al. (Vom Brocke et al., 2009) in combina-
tion with Webster and Watson (Webster and Watson,
2002) to identify RAs that facilitate a retailer’s dual
role on DMs (Wulfert and Sch
utte, 2021). A litera-
ture review based on a clearly defined process and ad-
ditional quality criteria ensures traceability, system-
aticity, and reproducibility of the results (Cram et al.,
2020). As an initial narrow search for RAs on DMs
does not provide sufficient results, we broadened our
literature search to the context of e-commerce. Ac-
cording to Cooper (Cooper, 1988), our literature re-
view can be described as follows: we searched for
RAs in e-commerce as research outcomes. Our goal
was to synthesize the literature on RAs facilitating
a retailer’s dual role on DMs. We neutrally repre-
sented our findings from our exhaustive literature re-
view. The organization of our literature review is
conceptual. The foundation of our research is the
conceptualization of RAs as objects of consideration
in e-commerce in general and for DMs in particular.
The left-hand side of Figure 1 depicts the general-
ized search query, which was adapted to the syntax of
each search engine. A search across relevant journals
and conference papers was conducted using SCO-
PUS, Web of Science (WoS), IEEE Xplore (IEEE),
AIS electronic library (AISeL), and ACM as scien-
tific databases on 2021-09-28. As keywords, we used
RA and e-commerce with related synonyms result-
ing in a set of 1,357 preliminary articles. To ensure
an appropriate level of quality we focus on scientific
literature and added additional quality criteria to the
search (Randolph, 2009). We excluded non-English
and non-German articles, panels, and commentaries.
Identified papers have to comply with the context of
e-commerce. For the e-commerce focus, we excluded
architectures that do not cover the whole shopping
process in e-commerce, are vendor- or technology-
specific, and architectures only concerned with actors
on the business layer (Angelov et al., 2012). In line
with our search for RAs in IS consisting of informa-
tion on business, application, and infrastructure layer,
we also excluded articles that only focus on the in-
frastructure layer (i.e., articles that focus exclusively
on infrastructure and application aspects without ap-
plying them in an e-commerce context) and articles
with a focus on the business layer only (e.g., articles
that focus exclusively on e-commerce or sub-types
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
without the inclusion of additional technical layers).
Considering these quality criteria in the title, abstract,
and full-text subsequently, we identified 53 poten-
tially relevant publications, leaving 39 after the ex-
clusion of duplicates (Bandara et al., 2015). Then,
Literature screening and selection
("Reference Architecture" OR “IT-Architecture" OR
"Software Architecture" OR "Information System
Architecture") AND ("Electronic Commerce" OR
"Electronic Trade" OR "Online Shopping" OR
"Online Commerce" OR "E-Commerce" OR
“Ecommerce” OR “Electronic Marketplace” OR
“Transaction Platform”)
Reference architecture
Electronic commerce
Research areas and search string
393 215 81 668
Title check
121 79 41 11
46 27 28 4
-text check
23 16 12 2
Figure 1: Search String and Literature Review Results.
we applied the method for RA analysis by Angelov
et al. (Angelov et al., 2012). As analysis criteria we
considered the presented RA dimensions (section 2)
and ARs (section 3) subsequently. The application of
RA dimensions and ARs was conducted by two re-
searchers independently. Diverging criteria were dis-
cussed in online meetings after each phase. The anal-
ysis regarding RA dimensions (i.e., RA check) was
applied to assess the reusability of architectures in
different organizational contexts. Applying these cri-
teria to our initial set resulted in eight papers. After
the application of the RA dimensions, we conducted a
one-way back- and forward search and identified five
additional papers (Figure 1). We determined AR ful-
fillment based on a qualitative analysis of the final set
of papers and analyzed the textual descriptions and
graphical representations of the ARs. While fulfill-
ment means that they match our textual description,
partial fulfillment is indicated when not all aspects
are fulfilled (e.g., platform boundary but no develop-
ment boundary included). As the final set of 13 papers
needs to support the retailer’s role in brick-and-mortar
and e-commerce with its related bridging functions
(Levy et al., 2019), we applied the seven ARs. The or-
chestration of the formerly independent markets sides
(Rochet and Tirole, 2003) and additional innovation
services (Tiwana et al., 2010) pose additional require-
ments for a retailer’s IS that need to be reflected in
RAs for e-commerce (Wulfert and Sch
utte, 2021). We
further analyze them regarding the fulfillment of the
ARs posed by the marketplace operator role and the
provision of innovation services (i.e., dual role) (Arm-
strong, 2006; Tiwana et al., 2010). In the following
section we present the analysis of the 13 RAs identi-
fied in a conceptual matrix (Table 1).
The industry-specific RAs for IS in the context of
e-commerce offer a high-level view on architecture
components and business functions (Bass et al., 2003;
Becker and Sch
utte, 2004). The 13 RAs identified
cover a period from 2004 until 2019. The RA analy-
sis is summarized in Table 1 in chronological order of
the RA release in its latest version (AR fulfilled: X;
AR partially fulfilled: (X); AR not fulfilled: (-).
The Global Electronic Market Stands (GEMS)
is a RA for e-commerce that incorporates a manufac-
turer, retailer, and consumer perspective on the busi-
ness layer (Albers et al., 2004). It provides an aggre-
gated specification in textual form and was developed
to facilitate the interactions on DMs. The architecture
describes the affiliation of diverse actors with the DM
required for the entrance control module and defines
the matching as a core task. The authors describes
data records needed for a sufficient matching of sup-
ply and demand sides (Albers et al., 2004).
The H-model was developed for brick-and-mortar
retail and wholesale and consists of eleven main trad-
ing functions and detailed process models (Becker
and Sch
utte, 2004). The process models are formally
described with event-driven process chains and the
data models are depicted in entity-relationship mod-
els. Additionally, the architecture specifies compo-
nents, interfaces, protocols, and guidelines for archi-
tecture and system implementation. As it is derived
from several system implementations and the specifi-
cation of the industry solution for SAP’s enterprise re-
source planning system, it is an attempt to standardize
retail processes and supporting information technol-
ogy. The H-model focuses on the reseller mode, pur-
chasing articles from manufacturers and selling them
to customers (Hagiu and Wright, 2015a). The affilia-
tion of manufacturers and customers with the retailer
is partially modeled in business partner master data. It
covers retail-related services (e.g. logistics, procure-
ment). As it has a brick-and-mortar focus, it does not
consider innovative platform services.
ECOMOD was presented in 2006 and consists
of reference processes and strategies for e-commerce
subsumed under a structuring RA (Ecomod, 2006).
The reference processes mainly describe business
layer components and the descriptions are considered
semi-detailed. The authors developed an individual
notation for the depiction of the RA and related pro-
cesses. As the research project is based on the in-
put from various companies, the architecture is in-
troduced to standardize the processes and information
Reference Architectures Facilitating a Retailer’s Dual Role on Digital Marketplaces: A Literature Review
Table 1: Conceptual Matrix of Reference Architectures Supporting a Retailer’s Dual Role on Digital Marketplaces.
Reference Architecture (Reference) | Architectural Requirement 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
GEMS (Albers et al., 2004) - x x - - - -
H-Model (Becker and Sch
utte, 2004) - (x) - x - - -
ECOMOD (Ecomod, 2006) - (x) - (x) - - -
Platform Architecture (Lan et al., 2008) - (x) - (x) (x) - x
Model of e-Marketplaces (Matook and Vessey, 2008) - - x x - x (x)
e-ZOCO Architecture (Castro-Schez et al., 2010) - (x) (x) x - x (x)
EC-SCP(Chi et al., 2010) x x x - - - -
Shell model (Sch
utte, 2011) - x - x - - (x)
E-commerce Reference Architecture (Aulkemeier et al., 2016b) - (x) - x - - -
Pluggable Service Platform (Aulkemeier et al., 2016a) x (x) - x x - x
ARTS (OMG, 2019) - (x) - x - - -
Integrated Architecture (Vetter and Morasch, 2019) x (x) - x x x -
NGECP (Huang et al., 2019) x x (x) x - x -
technology in e-commerce. It focuses on purchasing
and selling activities with suppliers and customers un-
der consideration. Affiliations to the intermediary are
only considered for the consumer side. The orches-
tration of market sides is not reflected within this RA.
Retail-specific services are only integrated partially
(Frank, 2004). Articles are represented digitally and
enriched with unstructured data (e.g. photos, videos)
but the agglomeration of manufacturers’ and retailers’
assortments is not intended (Frank, 2001).
Lan et al. (Lan et al., 2008) present a platform
architecture with e-commerce patterns following the
service-oriented paradigm. Existing standards such
as service data objects or service component archi-
tecture are adapted for use in e-commerce. The ar-
chitecture formally presents components in UML and
XML notation. While the overall transactions are
modeled in an aggregated manner in use case dia-
grams, a purchase order is exemplary detailed using
XML. The RA is developed to facilitate transactions
in the e-commerce environment. The affiliation of
the actors with the platform is implicitly mentioned
in the authentication portal. The authors define sev-
eral documents and signals (e.g., order, acknowledge
signal) as boundary objects for information exchange
between actors. Besides transaction-related services,
the authors opt for integrating additional offerings by
adding additional (micro) services. They can be de-
veloped using development tools from the develop-
ment tool layer. However, the authors do not intend a
use by external developers.
The domain-specific Model of e-Marketplaces
covers the business, application, and infrastructure
layer with components and interfaces in an aggre-
gated manner (Matook and Vessey, 2008). It is devel-
oped to support different types of DMs and standard-
ize their information systems with semi-formal and
additional textual descriptions. Matook and Vessey
consider a retailer’s dual role as owner of a DM and
simultaneous seller of articles in their textual descrip-
tion (Matook and Vessey, 2008). However, the au-
thors only mention customers and sellers as potential
participants and do not describe affiliation vehicles.
The matching of participants is described as a value-
adding activity and marketplaces can also offer addi-
tional retail services such as contract, financial, or lo-
gistics services besides an aggregated representation
of the various assortments. The authors do not con-
sider any innovation platform service or related de-
velopment boundary resources. Application bound-
ary resources are described as part of the infrastruc-
ture layer.
The e-ZOCO architecture includes aggregated
specifications for components and guidelines for busi-
ness, application, and infrastructure layer (Castro-
Schez et al., 2010). The architecture is presented in
a semi-formal way by using non-standardized illus-
trations supplemented by describing texts. It is de-
veloped to facilitate DMs by overcoming “the limita-
tions of centralized architecture” (Castro-Schez et al.,
2010, p. 272). The architecture requires affiliation
to the DM for the authentication of participants. The
matching process is addressed by sophisticated rec-
ommendation and search engines that are described in
detail. e-ZOCO comprises a product catalog as a piv-
otal component for managing the aggregated assort-
ment of the manufacturers and retailers. Additional
services to facilitate the orchestration of the different
actors are considered such as messaging and forum
subsystems. The authors integrate a middleware for
the communications of the different (internal) subsys-
tems but do not mention any specific boundary objects
for the communication with other actors.
The Generic E-Commerce Service Composi-
tion Platform (EC-SCP) is introduced to facilitate
various business models in e-commerce (Chi et al.,
2010). It is concerned with components and inter-
faces on the business and application layer. The ag-
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
gregated specification is presented semi-formal with
non-standardized forms and supplementing textual
descriptions. The core of the architecture is formed by
a matchmaking component and an orchestration plan
generator. The authors introduced service providers
as additional participants besides manufacturers and
consumers. Affiliations are represented in the access
component managing participant identities and access
The shell model as proposed by Sch
utte is a task-
oriented redesign of the H-model (Sch
utte, 2011).
It consists of four architectures covering the whole
value chain across manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer,
and consumer and implicitly mentions data forward-
ing along the value chain. The retail architecture
consists of five shells for the main retail tasks (mas-
ter data, technical tasks, economic operative tasks,
administrative tasks, and decision-oriented tasks) of
each actor and the retailer in particular (Sch
2017). Each shell consists of a series of tasks that
form the components of the architecture. The ag-
gregated specification of the architecture is presented
semi-formal with non-standardized circles and rings
supplemented by textual descriptions. As it is based
on the H-model and integrating IS along a retail value
chain, it is a means for standardization. The affiliation
is highlighted by specific architectures for the partici-
pants. It considers the digital representation of the ar-
ticles, but not the aggregation of diverse assortments
on a single DM.
Aulkemeier et al. (Aulkemeier et al., 2016a) de-
velop a reference architecture for electronic com-
merce and offer an additional view on application and
technological architectural layers besides the business
processes. The architecture presents components, in-
terfaces, and guidelines for the business, application,
and infrastructure layers. The aggregated specifica-
tion is depicted formally using ArchiMate. It is de-
rived from a literature review and facilitates various
business models in e-commerce. However, the RA fo-
cuses on the reselling of articles in electronic shops.
Because of the reseller focus, the affiliation is only
integrated for customers. With the mentioned focus,
retail-specific services are considered but no addi-
tional innovation platform services.
Furthermore, Aulkemeier et al. (Aulkemeier et al.,
2016b) suggest an additional RA for a pluggable ser-
vice platform focusing on the development and in-
tegration of retail-related and external services. The
architecture provides an aggregated specification of
components, interfaces, and guidelines depicted for-
mally in ArchiMate. In contrast to their aforemen-
tioned architecture, the authors focus on the business
and application layer. The architecture should facili-
tate the integration of additional services and enables
the development of (innovative) services by third-
party developers. It introduces services providers,
that provide IT or business services to the retailer,
and a platform provider responsible for the inter-
mediation between the retailer and service providers
or developers as additional participants. The affilia-
tion of these participants is indicated by connecting
arrows. A retailer can integrate various external ser-
vices using defined boundary resources for files, ap-
plications, and web services.
The Association for Retail Technology Stan-
dards (ARTS) introduces a RA for its Business Pro-
cess Retail Models for the brick-and-mortar environ-
ment with a focus on the business layer components
(OMG, 2019). ARTS is updated by the Object Man-
agement Group that provides open standards for sev-
eral industries and ARTS is the RA for retail. The
components can be characterized as aggregated spec-
ification and the architecture is modeled with a non-
standardized notation. The components are detailed
in the Business Process Model and Notation lan-
guage. It only focuses on consumer and suppliers as
participants but partially integrates the affiliation with
the retailer. The orchestration of independent mar-
kets is not addressed i.e. by matching. Retail-specific
services are provided as a main focus. As it intro-
duces online ordering and pick-up in store, it needs
to include a digital representation of the assortment
with unstructured data but no aggregation of the as-
sortment of diverse actors.
Vetter and Morasch (Vetter and Morasch, 2019)
develop a RA involving the components of an in-
tegrated platform for the brick-and-mortar and e-
commerce environment. In addition, the authors pro-
vide a mapping for their architecture components to
specific SAP software modules that are not consid-
ered for further analysis. The RA includes compo-
nents on the business and application layer. The au-
thors use a non-standardized notation for depicting
their aggregated specification of the architecture. As
the RA rests on the SAP enterprise resource planning
system, it is an attempt to standardize the architec-
ture in retail. The authors implicitly mention further
participants such as employees. The affiliation is also
only monitored for the customer side and only retail-
specific services are included. Although the authors
do not mention external access to their application and
infrastructure layer, the components map to the intro-
duced innovative platform services.
Huang et al. (Huang et al., 2019) introduce an
architecture for a portal-based next-generation e-
commerce platform (NGECP). The NGECP pro-
vides an aggregated specification for the actor, busi-
Reference Architectures Facilitating a Retailer’s Dual Role on Digital Marketplaces: A Literature Review
ness, and application layer components and inter-
faces. It is described in a non-standardized nota-
tion supplemented by textual descriptions. The ar-
chitecture is developed to facilitate a portal-based
e-commerce solution. The authors represent sev-
eral additional participants such as logistics service
providers or reference raw material suppliers and rep-
resent their affiliation as matchmaking between the
participants is seen as the core value proposition.
Nevertheless, the authors do not further specify data
records required for a proper matching. Besides,
retail-specific services are offered and the dual role
is supported. However, innovation platform services
are not mentioned.
We have identified 13 architectures for e-commerce
that are characterized as RAs and have analyzed them
for the fulfillment of seven additional ARs stemming
from the marketplace operator role and the simulta-
neous sales on the DM in a reseller role (i.e., dual
role). Our analysis shows that none of the 13 RAs
fully supports the requirements resulting from a re-
tailer’s dual role on DMs. More specifically, archi-
tectures dealing with DMs in particular (Huang et al.,
2019; Albers et al., 2004; Castro-Schez et al., 2010),
neither mention the marketplace owner as an addi-
tional ecosystem participant providing own products
nor refer to additional innovation platform services
enabling integration of third-party developers. Not
explicitly mentioning a retailer’s dual role in a RA
may be caused by the reason that an actor can take
on several roles within a single ecosystem (Corallo,
2007). However, a dual role as a reseller on the
DM and marketplace owner involves information ad-
vantages such as the concentration on fast-moving
products and more profitable customers (Wulfert and
utte, 2021). These advantages have led to antitrust
law consideration in the past involving recommenda-
tion of own products to customers or adjusting prices
and commission fees accordingly (Euorp
aische Kom-
mission, 2020). The implementation of sophisticated
boundary resources and the attraction of third-party
developers can positively influence the attractiveness
of a DM for other ecosystem participants. Third-party
developers can implement additional modules for the
DM, such as shop themes, interfaces with other dig-
ital platforms, or feature add-ins. The best fit for the
the seven ARs is the RA presented by Huang et al.
(Huang et al., 2019) that focuses on the orchestra-
tion of different types of participants (Table 1). As
none of the analyzed RAs fulfills the requirements
resulting from a retailer’s dual role, future research
may develop a RA supporting a retailer’s dual role
on DMs. The reseller mode is already fully covered
by many brick-and-mortar (Becker and Sch
utte, 2004;
utte, 2011) and e-commerce (Ecomod, 2006; Chi
et al., 2010; Aulkemeier et al., 2016a) architectures
under consideration. Research on conceptual model-
ing from the past fifty years led to a focus on exist-
ing business models and creating domain-specific de-
scription languages (Recker et al., 2021). The brick-
and-mortar and e-commerce RAs as well as domain-
specific description languages may form the founda-
tion for an architecture supporting a retailer’s dual
role. The innovation platform services are also con-
sidered in some RAs (Aulkemeier et al., 2016b; Vet-
ter and Morasch, 2019; Lan et al., 2008). Seven
of the identified RAs were developed by researchers
and research institutes to facilitate the development
of new IS and the integration of new concepts and
technologies. Standardizing IS in e-commerce was
the focus of five RAs. In this regard, generic archi-
tectures (e.g., TOGAF, Zachman Framework) might
also be used for standardization in e-commerce. How-
ever, we do not include such architectures in our lit-
erature sample, as they are too generic and abstract
to be directly applied in e-commerce and hence will
not discuss or support a retailer’s dual role. Most of
the RAs applicable in e-commerce are inspired by a
brick-and-mortar background or are initially devel-
oped for an offline environment. Although the RAs
are vendor and technology independent and are de-
signed for longevity and as well as reusability, they
do not always represent state-of-the-art processes or
retail tasks developed 15 years ago. Despite IS re-
searchers having early on propagated reference mod-
els as crucial vehicles for IS development and im-
plementation, in an era of agile development, they
have not prevailed in many industries including re-
tail and their value for developers, companies, and
researchers has been questioned (Saghafi and Wand,
2014). Nevertheless, recent research claimed that ref-
erence models remain important (Recker et al., 2021).
Although we have focused within our literature re-
view on RAs for e-commerce, our back- and forward
search led to the integration of architectures originat-
ing from a brick-and-mortar context. These architec-
tures support a retailer’s bridging functions that are
also relevant in e-commerce (Sch
utte, 2017). How-
ever, they do not take into account the specifics of the
retailer’s dual role such as innovation platform ser-
vices (AR5), a digitally aggregated assortment (AR6),
or boundary resources for all types of ecosystem par-
ticipants (AR7) (Table 1). Additionally, our review
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
addressed scientific databases potentially excluding
company-specific RAs and those proposed by indus-
trial associations. While the former would be con-
sidered too specific during the analysis, the latter
can be reused and potentially facilitate a retailer’s
dual role. Thus, future research may also analyze
practice-based RAs for the fulfillment of the intro-
duced ARs. Moreover, our set of applied ARs was
limited to seven (Wulfert and Sch
utte, 2021). Al-
though this set is neither complete nor comprehen-
sive, it includes the main requirements resulting from
a retailer’s dual role on DMs. The ARs address the
retailer’s dual role with the marketplace owner as an
ecosystem participant behaving competitively to other
resellers (Kawa and Wałe¸siak, 2019) with the major
requirements matching process as core value propo-
sition (AR3) (Reillier and Reillier, 2017) and addi-
tional innovation platform services (AR5) (Tiwana
et al., 2010). Thus, future research can derive ad-
ditional ARs from practitioner interviews and com-
pany documentations. Another important avenue for
future research will be the enhancement of a RA to
support the specifics of a retailer’s dual role on DMs
(i.e., matching and innovation-related services). The
enhanced RA should especially support the neces-
sary activities for orchestrating participants (matching
functions) and integrate innovation-related services
to develop new services and modules (infrastructure
A retailer operating a DM while simultaneously sell-
ing products on this marketplace in a reseller role
takes on a dual role in this DM ecosystem. This
dual role involves the bridging functions from the re-
seller mode, the matching processes relevant for the
marketplace, and additional innovation platform ser-
vices for attracting third-party developers to the mar-
ketplace. Our analysis revealed 38 architectures in
the context of e-commerce that are described with
six RA-related dimensions and analyzed using seven
DM-specific ARs. We identified thirteen RAs that
address some of the ARs resulting from a retailer’s
dual role on DMs. However, none of them fully sup-
ports the requirements of DMs. The NGECP fulfills
five of the ARs resulting from a retailer’s dual role on
DMs (Huang et al., 2019). A retailer’s dual role was
not fully addressed by any of the analyzed RAs. The
matching process requirement (five architectures), the
innovation platform services requirement (three ar-
chitectures), and the aggregated assortment require-
ment (four architectures) were also underrepresented
in our literature sample. Hence, we call for initiatives
developing dedicated RAs supporting a retailer’s dual
role on DMs.
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