Personalised Learning Environments based on Knowledge Graphs and
the Zone of Proximal Development
Yoshi Malaise
and Beat Signer
Web & Information Systems Engineering Lab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
Personalised Learning, Knowledge Graph, Personalised Teaching Assistant Tool, e-Learning, Smart Learning.
The learning of new knowledge and skills often requires previous knowledge, which can lead to some frus-
tration if a teacher does not know a learner’s exact knowledge and skills and therefore confronts them with
exercises that are too difficult to solve. We present a solution to address this issue when teaching techniques
and skills in the domain of table tennis, based on the concrete needs of trainers that we have investigated in a
survey. We present a conceptual model for the representation of knowledge graphs as well as the level at which
individual players already master parts of this knowledge graph. Our fine-grained model enables the automatic
suggestion of optimal exercises in a player’s so-called zone of proximal development, and our domain-specific
application allows table tennis trainers to schedule their training sessions and exercises based on this infor-
mation. In an initial evaluation of the presented solution for personalised learning environments, we received
positive and promising feedback from trainers. We are currently investigating how our approach and concep-
tual model can be generalised to some more traditional educational settings and how the personalised learning
environment might be further improved based on the expressive concepts of the presented model.
Learning the ropes of a new activity can often be a
daunting task, in particular if the learning material re-
quires a lot of prior knowledge. Situations like these
often lead to frustration since the learner has no way
to figure out the exact skills and knowledge they are
missing in order to properly advance on their path.
Likewise, for educators and coaches it can be diffi-
cult to provide proper guidance if they do not know
their students’ past learning trajectory and their cur-
rent proficiency levels.
In previous research, the use of knowledge graphs
has been proposed as a way to provide a semantic
representation of all relevant topics and their rela-
tions for a given domain (Rizun, 2019). In such a
knowledge graph the topics are represented as nodes
of a directed acyclic graph with the edges represent-
ing specific associations. These associations typically
indicate that a certain topic should be explored first,
as the knowledge and skills learned in that topic are
necessary to master a more advanced topic. The for-
mal representation of topics can be used to provide
an overview of which topics a learner could study
next. Furthermore, by automatically navigating the
graph during diagnostic assessments, we can detect a
learner’s knowledge gaps. In more structured envi-
ronments with clear requirements to reach at interme-
diate milestones (e.g. the six year curriculum to obtain
a high school diploma is split into a different set of
learning objectives for each two-year interval), a pre-
defined walk through the knowledge graph in the form
of a so-called learning path can be defined. When stu-
dents move from one curriculum to another—for in-
stance after a relocation—the knowledge paths of the
two curricula can be compared to provide assistance
during the transition period (Ilkou and Signer, 2020).
We believe that there are great opportunities for
adaptive and personalised learning environments tak-
ing a user’s zone of proximal development into ac-
count. Our goal is to use knowledge graphs in com-
bination with a user’s acquired skills to automatically
detect and recommend the topics to be learned next in
the zone of proximal development. We present a tool
to assist Flemish table tennis trainers in teaching the
fundamental skills of their sport. It serves as a con-
crete personalised learning environment as well as a
proof of concept to explore how the approach could
be generalised to a broader learning context.
Malaise, Y. and Signer, B.
Personalised Lear ning Environments based on Knowledge Graphs and the Zone of Proximal Development.
DOI: 10.5220/0010998600003182
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2022) - Volume 1, pages 199-206
ISBN: 978-989-758-562-3; ISSN: 2184-5026
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
We start by highlighting some related work and
introducing the concept of proximal development.
Based on a literature study and a survey that we con-
ducted to find out more about the needs of train-
ers teaching fundamental table tennis skills, we de-
rive a number of requirements for a personal learn-
ing environment solution. After presenting a proto-
type of such a personal learning environment based on
knowledge graphs and the zone of proximal develop-
ment, we discuss its generalisation to other domains
and provide some general conclusions.
Knowledge graphs have, for instance, been used to
add some advanced navigation to the Moodle
ing management system (Scherl et al., 2012), result-
ing in an increase in participants’ overall knowledge
compared to Moodle’s classical interface.
A key construct of Vygotski’s theory of learning
is the identification of the zone of proximal develop-
ment (Vygotsky, 1978). The zone is defined as the
space between what a learner can do unaided and the
tasks that are too difficult to be performed even under
some guidance, as illustrated in Figure 1. Tasks in this
zone are optimal to improve a learner’s knowledge, as
they are challenging enough to push the learner, but
not impossible to master.
Tasks a
learner can
Figure 1: Zone of proximal development.
We believe that enriching educational content
such as explanations, exercises and multimedia con-
tent with knowledge graphs can form the core of a
smart, adaptive and personalised learning environ-
ment, always suggesting exercises in a user’s zone
of proximal development. Thereby, less time is
“wasted” in performing assignments covering already
known topics and we can reduce the risk of demotivat-
ing learners and lowering their confidence by present-
ing them too difficult exercises (Shabani et al., 2010).
Similar research has recently been conducted
based on data made available via the Learnta TAD
online platform (Zou et al., 2019; Baker et al., 2020).
As a result of their evaluation of k-12 students in the
fields of Mathematics and English, the authors con-
cluded that in both fields the students managed to
complete more tasks if the tasks were selected from
their zone of proximal development. A major differ-
ence to our proposed solution is that they used statisti-
cal methods to estimate the mastery of topics whereas
we aim for a teacher-in-the loop approach.
In order to properly define the requirements for a
personalised learning tool for the field of table tennis,
we relied on information provided to us by trainers in
a survey, as well as some literature research on the use
of knowledge graphs in education and models used
in sports education such as the three-stage model of
motor skill acquisition (Fitts and Posner, 1967) and
Kolb’s experiential learning cycle (Kolb, 2014).
Figure 2: Three-stage model of motor skill acquisition.
In the three-stage model of motor skill acquisition
shown in Figure 2, learners transition through three
distinct phases. In a first cognitive stage, the learner
is confronted with a new skill and it takes a lot of
cognitive effort to perform basic actions. Once a user
gets familiar with a technique, they enter the associa-
tive stage and acquire how to adapt a technique based
on evolving or more difficult situations. In the final
autonomous stage, a motor skill can be performed al-
most completely from muscle memory, allowing the
learner to focus on the surrounding context.
Figure 3: Kolb’s experiential learning cycle.
Kolb’s experiential learning cycle theory—with
its four-stage cycle of learning illustrated in Fig-
ure 3—emphasises the importance of a learner’s ex-
periences while acquiring a new skill (Kolb, 2014).
In the active experimentation stage, the learner tries to
perform an action and experiences the result of their
action (success or failure) in the concrete experience
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
stage. A learner then enters the reflective observation
stage where they reflect about their action and its re-
sult, potentially assisted by feedback from a supervi-
sor. The learner further moves to the abstract concep-
tualisation stage where they draw some conclusions
and plan how to adapt their action in a next iteration
through the cycle. In addition, Kolb also discusses
four learning styles, each of them related to different
stages of the cycle. This theory has later been ex-
tended by Honey and Mumford (Honey, 1992), stat-
ing that learners can be placed along the two axes
highlighted in Figure 4.
Perception Continuum
Processing Continuum
Pragmatists Theorists
Figure 4: Learning Styles by Honey and Mumford.
The perception continuum differentiates between
people who prefer thinking and reasoning about the
theory of new situations before partaking, and peo-
ple who prefer to gain an intuition about what to do
in a certain context. The processing continuum dis-
tinguishes between those who prefer to learn from
observing others first and those who prefer to figure
things out as they go. Based on these axes, four dis-
tinct learning styles are identified, each of them learn-
ing best during a different stage of the learning cycle.
By ensuring that we cycle through all four stages, we
guarantee that any of these four types of learners have
a chance to grow their knowledge.
In order to learn more about the needs of table tennis
trainers, we conducted a survey with trainers regis-
tered at the Vlaamse Tafeltennisliga (VTTL)
and the
table tennis division of Sporta
, the two largest Flem-
ish table tennis organisations. From the invited train-
ers, 82 participated and filled in the survey. A major
part of the responses (around 40%) came from train-
ers with more than ten years of experience, and we got
a healthy mix of both, experienced trainers leveraging
years of expertise as well as less experienced trainers
looking forward to introducing new ideas.
Our survey started with a short introduction about
the planned research. This was followed by a number
of questions divided into distinct sections, including
the trainers’ experience, the material they use during
training sessions, the way they analyse players, how
they communicate with players, their preparations of
training sessions as well as general feedback. The de-
tailed questions that were used in our survey as well
as the anonymised results are available online
. Based
on our literature study and the results of our survey,
we derived the following eleven core requirements
for a technology-enhanced personalised learning en-
vironment for the domain of table tennis:
R1: Trainers Should Be Able to Manage Exercises.
From the open questions of our survey, it became
clear that trainers would like to the have the freedom
to experiment with their own exercises and content.
This indicates that trainers should be able to inspect as
well as add new exercises to a learning environment.
For every exercise it should be possible to manage its
name, a description and image, as well as the tech-
niques it teaches and any prerequisites in the form of
techniques a user already must know.
R2: Trainers Should Be Able to Manage the Evalu-
ation Criteria for a Technique. The evaluation cri-
terion forms the cornerstone in the feedback process
to players (one of the important aspects of Kolb’s ex-
periential learning cycle) and we should strive to im-
prove upon the criteria as well as offer trainers the
flexibility to emphasise certain points. In order to
achieve this goal, trainers should be able to inspect all
the techniques and the way they are related. Further,
it should be possible to inspect a technique’s evalua-
tion criteria as well as to add or delete an evaluation
R3: Trainers Should Be Able to Manage Assess-
ments. Assessments are used to validate whether a
player masters a certain technique; a necessary fea-
ture if we want our solution to be able to offer only
those exercises that are in the zone of proximal devel-
opment. To ensure that trainers do not feel forced into
one way of doing things—which was a major point of
feedback in our survey’s open question—assessments
should be manageable by trainers. They should be
able to add new assessments, declare the outcomes
of passing and assessment and select the correspond-
Personalised Learning Environments based on Knowledge Graphs and the Zone of Proximal Development
ing exercises (together with the minimal requirements
that a player should meet) for an assessment.
R4: Trainers Should Be Able to Supervise Assess-
ments. When a player is performing an assessment,
a trainer should be able to grade the player’s perfor-
mance. Based on this grading, the system should be
able to update a player’s profile. The reported per-
formance can be used in future communication with
a player and improve the communication process, a
demand that was indicated by half of the trainers in
our survey. Further, the updated user profile allows
the system to later filter out exercises that are either
too difficult or too easy.
R5: Trainers Should Be Able to Manage the Player
Knowledge Graph. It should be possible for a
trainer to inspect a player’s current knowledge, in-
cluding their proficiency level for individual tech-
niques. Further, a trainer should be able to manu-
ally update the data about a player’s knowledge. This
functional requirement enables trainers to fine tune
the model in case something went wrong, or to boot-
strap the process for newly joining experienced play-
R6: Trainers Should Be Able to Inspect a player’s
Past Performance. In order to provide proper long-
term supervision, trainers need to have a good men-
tal model of the strengths and weaknesses of their
players. However, 68% of the survey participants in-
dicated that they do not keep any notes about their
players and solely rely on their memory. To better
assist trainers, they should be able to inspect the re-
sults of a player’s past assessments and training ses-
sions, including the grading of specific evaluation cri-
teria. This is particularly useful in clubs where multi-
ple trainers are teaching the same players.
R7: Trainers Should Be Able to Prepare Train-
ing Sessions. It should be possible for a trainer to
prepare a session with minimal effort, given that in
our survey a lack of time was the most common
reason why trainers do not prepare sessions. This
preparation should include the selection of exercises
from the list of recommended exercises in a player’s
zone of proximal development (automatically gener-
ated based on their current proficiency level for dif-
ferent techniques). A trainer should further be able to
select certain exercises based on a specific technique.
R8: Trainers Should Be Able to Supervise Training
Sessions. While supervising sessions, a tool should
first show the exercises to players before they start
performing them. Once the specified time for an ex-
ercise has elapsed, this should be indicated to the
trainer. A trainer should then have the possibility to
grade the player’s performance for each of the evalu-
ation criteria of the techniques forming part of the ex-
ercise. This also provides an ideal opportunity for the
trainer to immediately provide some feedback (based
on the evaluation criteria questions) to the player who
can then reflect before starting a next cycle as pro-
posed in Kolb’s experiential learning cycle.
R9: The Application Should Adapt to Different
Screen Sizes. The use of large and heavy devices,
such as laptops, can be cumbersome during training
sessions. More than half of the survey participants
indicated to use their smartphone during a session,
while less than 10% use a tablet or laptop. Therefore,
an application should adapt to arbitrary screen sizes.
R10: The Application Should Allow the Sharing of
Data between Trainers of a Club. Currently, one
of the main challenges is that the sharing of informa-
tion between trainers is an ad-hoc process with less
than 20% of the survey participants having a system
to share information. An application should therefore
enable data sharing between trainers of the same club.
R11: Data of a Club Should Be Private to That
Club The training progress and contact details of
members is sensitive information. It should therefore
not be possible for members of a different club to gain
access to this information.
Our solution for a personalised learning environment
consists of two major parts. First, there is the general
conceptual model and framework to represent all the
data and metadata necessary for the general knowl-
edge graph as well as a player’s expertise about parts
of this graph (player knowledge graph). Second, we
have developed a custom progressive web application
tailored towards the needs of trainers (Malaise, 2021).
Selectors Resources
source target
Figure 5: Overview RSL hypermedia metamodel.
In order to model the complex domain-specific
knowledge, we opted to use the resource-selector-
link (RSL) hypermedia metamodel (Signer and Nor-
rie, 2007) shown in Figure 5. A Resource is repre-
senting any real or virtual object, such as an image, a
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 6: Conceptual model.
student, a specific skill level or an arbitrary document.
Often one does not want to refer to an entire resource,
but to address parts of it (e.g. a specific person in an
image) via the concept of a Selector. Finally, a Link
can be used to represent a bidirectional relationship
between two or more entities.
These three core types are all subtypes of the more
general Entity type and as such can have their own
properties. This further implies that a link can not
only be used to define relationships between resources
but also have selectors or even other links as source
or target. It is out of the scope of this paper to de-
scribe the full RSL metamodel but further details can
be found in (Signer and Norrie, 2007).
The conceptual model of our personalised learn-
ing environment for the domain of table tennis is
shown in Figure 6. The rectangles represent spe-
cific RSL Resources and the directed arrows repre-
sent RSL Links between Entities. Further, when a link
itself is used as the source of another link, this is indi-
cated via a black solid circle on the source link.
A Player represents a person who is a member of a
club for which a trainer is creating training schedules.
The goal of our solution is to assist trainers in improv-
ing the skills of players and therefore players form
a central component of our conceptual data model.
A Technique is a certain skill or a piece of knowl-
edge that the player needs to master in their path to
proficiency in a sport discipline. A technique might
require a certain level of proficiency of other tech-
niques before it can be acquired, which is represented
by the Requires link and the MinimalLevel link over
this Requires link. For example, a technique could be
the act of hitting the ball. Before a player can serve,
they should be able to hit the ball. This implies that if
a player is having trouble serving, it could be caused
by the fact that they have not yet sufficiently mastered
the skill of hitting the ball. The ProficiencyLevel is the
level at which a player has mastered a specific skill or
technique and is based on the three-stage model of
motor skill acquisition introduced in Section 2.
The EvaluationCriterion consists of a basic ques-
tion about parts of a technique (e.g. “Did the player
place their feet the correct way?”) and is associated
with the corresponding technique via the ValidatedBy
link. These questions can be used to evaluate a
player’s performance (score between 1 and 5) after
each exercise. Further, a trainer might discuss the
criteria with the player and provide immediate feed-
back, pushing the player to reflect and improve. An
EvaluationCriterionResult contains information how
well the player performed for a specific evaluation
criterion. The results for a given evaluation criterion
are linked to the exercise performed when the trainer
graded the criterion via the PerformedExercise link.
This contextual information is useful since when a
player meets certain requirements of some exercises
but others not, it might indicate underlying issues with
other techniques used in the exercises.
An Exercise describes a situation in which a
player can learn about or improve on one or multi-
ple techniques as indicated by the Teaches link. Via
the Requires link it is possible to indicate that an ex-
ercise depends on certain techniques. Before a player
Personalised Learning Environments based on Knowledge Graphs and the Zone of Proximal Development
is able to perform the exercise, they need to master
a technique at least on the proficiency level indicated
by the MinimalLevel link defined over the association
between an exercise and a technique. This is neces-
sary to filter out those exercises that are currently too
difficult for the learner, in order to stay within their
zone of proximal development.
An Assessment is a special set of exercises re-
ferred to via a HasExercise link and designed to
gauge the proficiency of a player in certain tech-
niques. The HasExercise link further forms the
source of the MinimallyRequires link that points to
an AssessmentRequirement stating the objective and
measurable requirements for a specific exercise in the
assessment. It consists of a certain condition that
needs to be fulfilled for an exercise in order to say
that the player mastered the technique at a sufficiently
high level. For example, in an assessment on the abil-
ity of players to perform the forehand stroke, there
could be an exercise stating that they would need to
hit a piece of paper placed on the table with the ball.
The requirement could state that within 5 minutes a
player should place at least 20 strokes in the indi-
cated area. An AssessmentResult manages informa-
tion on how a player performed for a given assessment
by linking to the corresponding RequirementResults.
When an assessment has been passed successfully, it
will lead to the creation of new Masters links asso-
ciating a player with the techniques they now master
at a specific level. The level of mastery that has been
achieved is represented via the AtLevel link defined
over the Masters link. The LearningOutome that is re-
lated to an easement via the Awards link defines which
Masters and AtLevel links will be created. Based on
a player’s achieved proficiency levels, our application
is able to suggest or hide certain exercises.
A Training defines the training schedule for an
individual session on a specific day, including all
the exercises that need to be performed as indicated
via the IncludesExercise link (note that this link will
normally point to multiple targets representing the
exercises). Information about how the player per-
formed during a training is further managed in a
TrainingResult. A training is linked to its result via a
HasResult link and training results can provide valu-
able insights on how a player is evolving and hope-
fully improving over multiple training sessions.
Aside from general comments about a player’s
performance during a training, a TrainingResult nor-
mally consists of multiple EvaluationCriterionResults
as represented via the Includes link. Thereby, an
EvaluationCriterionResult holds the score given by the
trainer on how well the player scored on a certain
EvaluationCriterion (referred to via the BasedOn link)
while performing a specific Exercise (indicated by the
PerformedExercise link). This fine-grained model al-
lows us to look for specific patterns or underlying rea-
sons why players score well for an EvaluationCriterion
in one exercise while they might perform poorly for
the same criterion in another exercise.
While the conceptual data model forms the core of
our application, the manual manipulation of the graph
via queries would lead to a poor user experience and
be too technical for the average trainer. Therefore, we
developed a server based on the Spring Boot
work, providing endpoints to request all important de-
rived results as well as to register new information. To
interact with the server, a progressive web application
that can either be used as a desktop application or on a
mobile device has been realised. The web application
was developed using the angular framework
. The ap-
plication allows trainers to design personalised train-
ing schedules for players and supports the supervision
of assessments without requiring a user to know any-
thing about the underlying knowledge graph.
We discuss some of the most important aspects of the
user facing application as well as how a trainer is go-
ing to interact with them
. In order to make sure that
a trainer can utilise their own expertise and creativ-
ity, they have to be able to add their exercises to the
system (requirement R1). When doing so, they can
specify a name, a duration, an image, any number of
tags and a description. They can indicate which tech-
niques need to be mastered at which proficiency level
before a player can perform the exercise, and the skills
taught by the exercise. This metadata is going to be
used to suggest exercises to individual players.
The knowledge representation of a specific
player consists of a detailed representation of their
achieved proficiencies and knowledge (player knowl-
edge graph). The direct manipulation of this graph
would be too technical and we provide trainers the
possibility to create an assessment (requirement R3),
where they can specify which skills they would like to
assess as well as the proficiency level. The application
then suggests exercises that are a good fit for the as-
sessment. For every selected exercise, the trainer has
to provide a minimal requirement condition needed
for a player to pass that part of the assessment, which
is later used to modify the player knowledge graph.
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
When a trainer feels that a player is ready, they
can ask them to take part in an assessment (require-
ment R4). Each exercise is shown with a built-in
countdown timer and after time is up, a dialogue asks
the trainer whether the player passed the requirement
for the exercise. If a player has passed all the re-
quirements at the end of the assessment, they will
be awarded the configured proficiencies. In case they
failed some exercises, the system will check whether
the failed exercises contained some dependencies to
skills that did not show up in the dependency list of
the exercises the player passed. If such a skill ex-
ists, it might likely form a knowledge/skill gap and
the system will report this information to the player.
When planning a session for a specific player,
our solution will automatically filter out all exercises
that are either too difficult or too easy for the player
based on the proficiency data stored in their knowl-
edge model. This guarantees that all exercises se-
lected by the trainer will be situated in the player’s
zone of proximal development. Our application fur-
ther allows trainers to search for specific exercises
based on a name, tags or specific techniques that they
would like the player to work on (requirement R7).
When supervising a training session, the trainer is
shown a screen with the image, name and description
of the exercise as well as some controls to operate the
system. Once the time for an individual exercise has
elapsed, a list of evaluation criteria for the techniques
taught by the exercise, as well as the techniques di-
rectly required by these techniques, are shown to the
trainer for detecting errors in prior techniques as well
as knowledge and skill gaps. Further, the trainer
can immediately provide this detailed feedback to a
player, supporting the reflective observation and ab-
stract conceptualisation phase of Kolb’s experiential
learning cycle (requirement R8). Once the training
session is completed, a trainer can add more general
feedback for future analysis (requirement R6).
Our solution contains some dedicated views to
inspect the progress of individual players (require-
ment R6), including a spider chart of the most recent
average evaluation criteria scores of techniques they
have been working on, a graph showing the evolu-
tion of their scores for certain techniques over time, as
well as an enhanced knowledge graph view in which
a trainer can see and modify the achieved proficiency
of each technique (requirement R5) in the form of a
player knowledge graph as illustrated in Figure 7.
While our solution is well suited for one-to-one
sessions, various trainers asked us to also include
some functionality to support group sessions. In or-
der to address the needs of these trainers, we decided
to also add a group mode where an exercise will only
Figure 7: Player knowledge graph.
be available if each group member satisfies the nec-
essary requirements. Further, there is a single eval-
uation window, containing a table with all the tech-
niques used throughout the training on one axis and
all participating players on the other axis, where a
trainer can report a player’s performance for a spe-
cific technique (requirement R8).
The feedback from an experienced group of trainers is
essential to ensure that our application with its knowl-
edge graph-based approach will not only be useful in
real life, but that trainers would also like to use the ap-
plication. While various table tennis clubs indicated
to be available and willing to participate in trial runs,
it was unfortunately not yet possible to perform an in
situ evaluation due to the global pandemic after the
Covid-19 outbreak. The best alternative was the cre-
ation of a video clip with some voice-over describing
the application and illustrating how the tool could be
used by a trainer, both during the preparation and the
supervision of a training session. The video was then
emailed to all the trainers who indicated to being open
for further questions in our initial survey, and we re-
ceived a total of 15 responses from trainers filling in
the second survey. Everybody filling out the survey
was invited for a 30 minute video interview to discuss
our solution and provide further feedback, and four
trainers accepted to participate in an interview.
When asked whether they would like to use our
solution in their club, three out of the 15 participants
answered with a neutral score of 3 on a 5-point Lik-
ert scale, six trainers answered with a score of 4 and
another six participants answered with a score of 5.
These scores indicate that most trainers seem to be
excited about the idea of using the tool and the results
are quite promising. We noticed some recurring fea-
ture requests such as providing an offline first version
and improving the mobile user experience.
Personalised Learning Environments based on Knowledge Graphs and the Zone of Proximal Development
The trainers who took part in the interview all
showed enthusiasm and were excited to use the sys-
tem in a real environment. A main topic in most inter-
views was the question of who should be able to mod-
ify the general knowledge graph, as well as whether
we should push for exercises created in one club to
automatically be available to all clubs; an interesting
topic that will need some further investigation.
We presented a prototype of a personalised learning
environment helping table tennis trainers in preparing
tailor-made training sessions. Our conceptual model
is not limited to table tennis, but could already be used
as is in tools for most individual sports disciplines.
Further, our conceptual model might be generalised to
support more traditional educational settings as well
as hybrid classroom setups where on-site classes are
combined with partial self-study trough e-learning.
For instance, the three-stage model of motor skill
acquisition might be replaced with Bloom’s taxon-
omy (Bloom, 1956). Further, assessments and the
analysis of skill gaps should translate well to remote
e-learning environments and private tutoring sessions.
In addition to suggesting the right content for
learners, our model could also be used to efficiently
analyse the current knowledge levels of newcomers.
A student might be given a set of exercises about a
specific skill and if they fail to perform the exercise
adequately, we can suggest exercises based on the di-
rect requirements of that skill. If a student manages to
complete that exercise, it implies that the prerequisite
skill is not the issue; otherwise we need to analyse
where the knowledge gap causing the student to fail
that prerequisite is coming from.
Past research has shown that students perform bet-
ter when the material has been adapted to their pre-
ferred learning styles (Mustafa and Sharif, 2011). A
main advantage of our model being based on the
RSL hypermedia metamodel is that it allows us to take
personalisation even further. Instead of simply sug-
gesting different exercises based on a learner’s pro-
ficiency, we might adapt the exercises based on the
RSL model’s concept of structural links and their use
for adaptive document structures (Signer, 2010).
We have presented a prototype of a technology-
enhanced personalised learning environment for the
domain of table tennis, making use of knowledge
graphs in combination with the results of assessments
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CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education