and Camunda’s UI are beneficial tools when monitor-
ing a system. On the other hand, the ability to ac-
tivate tracing without additional implementation ef-
fort is only provided by Eventuate Tram and Micro-
Profile LRA. All four technologies offer some porta-
bility support. However, only Camunda and Micro-
Profile LRA (depending on the runtime) provide spe-
cific cloud provider support. Security–related features
are currently only available with Camunda. For Mi-
croProfile LRA, additional MicroProfile extensions
could be used to realize security aspects. All tech-
nologies consider fault tolerance, also with some con-
figuration options. Only MicroProfile LRA leaves
some aspects to the developer’s responsibility. Con-
cerning OSS characteristics, documentation and sup-
port exist for all technologies.
Because the importance of the considered criteria
differs depending on the context and the evaluated so-
lutions differ in how they support the criteria, it is not
possible to make a statement about whether one so-
lution is better than another. Nevertheless, our eval-
uation can be used to make an informed decision on
which solution fits which context. In future work, ad-
ditional solutions can be evaluated or the catalog can
be extended with quantitative measures, for example
considering performance or resource utilisation.
Because implementing the Saga pattern involves con-
siderable complexity, technologies supporting it have
emerged from which a suitable one can be chosen.
To make such a choice in an informed way, our work
presents a criteria catalog for evaluating Saga pattern
implementation technologies and applies it to four ex-
isting solutions. Based on our findings, the considered
technologies differ according to how they support the
criteria and no technology is superior to the others.
Our evaluation can therefore be used to select a suit-
able technology for a specific context in which the
Saga pattern should be implemented.
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