After data acquisition, the forensic examiner can
calculate hash and load the data in a forensic tool for
analysis and report. For use with Cellebrite UFED
Physical Analyser, a specific plugin was developed
that is capable to load all extracted data and load all
data using the vendor API.
As the presented technique is based on JavaScript to
be executed in the Web Browsers console, it is
necessary that the code be built in a portable way. For
the present time, it has been adopting code compatible
with ECMAScript version 6, compatible with the
most popular Web Browsers.
Textual data is exported in JSON format and
media data is decoded in the same formats used by
WhatsApp Web (jpg, mp4, ogg, pdf, docx, vcard,
webm), therefore, to analyze this data, a tool capable
of decoding these data is needed.
Since the code was built for technique, changes
have been detected in the code of the WhatsApp Web
Webpack modules that required changes to the built
code in order for it to remain operational. Thus, it is
necessary to keep a constant review of the WhatsApp
Web code to keep the constructed code working.
This paper presents a forensic technique for acquiring
WhatsApp Web data from browser and making it
ready to analysis phase. The work includes the study
of concepts and structures of the most used browsers
and architecture of single-page web applications. The
proposed technique is performed using JavaScript
code developed for the direct use in browser’s
JavaScript console and packing all extracted files into
a single file.
The proposed technique contribution comes from
its ability to extract and prepare the obtained data as
JSON files to be useful in most of the forensic
analysis tools, as Cellebrite Physical Analyser, thus
overcoming earlier works and other traditional
techniques based on post-mortem analysis or RAM
dumps. An additional contribution concerns the
console browser use as a forensic technique that can
also be useful to other chat web applications.
As future work, the author intend to carry out of
the technique with data retrieved from other web chat
client applications, as Telegram Web (Telegram,
2021), that in preliminary analysis shows uses a
similar architecture based in Webpack as WhatsApp
The author is thankful to Police Agents and Forensic
Experts members of SPI/SPCAT (IT and Advanced
Computer Forensics sections) from Criminalistics
Institute of the Civil Police in Federal District of
Brazil (IC/PCDF) for their support in accomplishing
this research.
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