the lines of epidemic spread models, namely, SIR and
SIS models. They applied their models on the Code-
Red worm. The idea was to develop a cost-benefit
game-theoretic model to apply malware proliferation
strategies including “patching” of infected nodes in a
network, “removal” of infected nodes in the network,
and/or the combination of both. They used “FLIPIT”
game as the basis for the development of their model.
In our paper, we use game theory to analyze a ba-
sic form of ransomware attack through a sequential
game. We put forward two new parameters to help the
defender make an appropriate decision when faced
with an attack.
Cartwright et al. (Cartwright et al., 2019) came up
with a game-theoretic model to analyze generic ran-
somware attacks. They used the kidnapping game as
the basis for the model (Gintis, 2009) (Selten, 1977)
(Selten, 1988). The malware was modeled as the kid-
napper whereas the database of the victim was mod-
eled as the hostage. The goal of the paper is to help
the defender to make an informed decision regard-
ing the payment of the ransom, when attacked by a
ransomware. But the limitation is that the game is
applicable to ransomware attacks wherein the attack-
ers are bound by the same law of the land as the de-
fender. The authors assume that if the attackers are
apprehended, then ransom payment as well as the en-
crypted resources could be extracted from them. In
our research, we consider that the attackers could be
anywhere in the world while staging the attack. In this
scenario, it becomes really difficult to apprehend the
attackers both in terms of legal and logistical fronts.
But, this makes the ransomware more generic in na-
ture and takes care of a vast majority of the attacks
which are staged from foreign land. We use game
theory to analyze the attack and help the defender in
making an informed decision.
3.1 The Threat
A malware is a software program which is designed
with malicious intent to cause harm to the victim by
the attacker. When the intent of a malware is mon-
etary gain by hijacking victim’s resources for a ran-
som, it is called a ransomware. Depending upon the
nature and level of sophistication, a ransomware can
be of an APT type or of a basic nature. An APT type
ransomware is generally created by nation state ac-
tors. They are highly sophisticated attacks and are
mounted through multiple clandestine stages (Baksi
and Upadhyaya, 2018). For such attacks, even though
monetary gain is generally the primary goal, they may
have other concealed and/or disguised agenda. On
the other hand, in a basic ransomware attack, the at-
tacker encrypts the resources under risk and charges
a ransom. If the ransom is paid, the attacker releases
the encrypted resources, else the victim loses the re-
sources forever. Such attacks generally have only one
goal, i.e., to make the resources inaccessible to the
victim until the ransom is paid. Both the APT type
ransomware and the basic ransomware can be of three
types, namely, crypto, locker and hybrid as discussed
earlier. Attack and threat models for them exist in
the literature (Kolodenker et al., 2017) (Zimba and
Chishimba, 2019). In our paper, we restrict ourselves
to the research concerning defense against basic ran-
Parameterized attack graphs have been proposed
in the literature to model attacks that exploit vulner-
abilities. The attack graphs capture attacker’s pre-
conditions, system and network vulnerabilities, at-
tacker effects, and the impact of the attack on the
network (Sheyner et al., 2002). The attacker pre-
condition component include the attacker’s capabili-
ties and the knowledge needed to stage the attacks at
an atomic level. However, attack graphs were found
to be not very useful due to scalability concerns re-
garding both model specifications and eventual threat
analysis (Chinchani et al., 2005). Even with auto-
mated tools for attack graph generation (Sheyner and
Wing, 2003), such traditional approaches are not fea-
sible in the context of ransomware where the attacker
might use social engineering tactics and launch the at-
tack in multiple stages. Game theory can effectively
model this type of attacks and capture the interactions
between the attacker and the defender. In order to fa-
cilitate the development of the game model, we intro-
duce two parameters, that are specific to ransomware
type attacks, as described in the next section.
3.2 The Game
We now present a game to depict the ransomware at-
tack on a vulnerable and under-prepared system. We
assume that the attacker exploited some form of vul-
nerability, thereby not giving the defender any time
for preparedness. Once the attack has occurred, the
defender is left with one of two choices. The first
choice is to pay ransom and hope the decryption key
is released by the attacker, while, the other option in-
volves not paying ransom. The defender can make
these choices based on certain conditions. In this sec-
tion, we analyze two conditions which would help the
defender make an informed decision on the payment
of ransom and decryption of the encrypted resources
ICISSP 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy